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So, is new media only reinforcing old stereotypes?

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huh..watever...Anything that makes the freedom fighters(terrorists) go up is good enough for me...:whistle:

Huh and it is also good enough for me when ever I heard about a soldier from your so called army gets annihilated in IOK.

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no problemo...but good things seem to happen way more often to me than to u...:whistle:

Yeah no problem when someone dies like a jerk in uniform in IOK.Those poor guys don't have any worth.

Yeah no problem when someone dies like a jerk in uniform in IOK.Those poor guys don't have any worth.


jerk in uniform..?? :lol: u ll just piss in ur pants wen u hear bullets...

as i said..watever floats ur boat....for all i care those "jerks" seem to be doing a very fine job of sending some gentlemen on a one-way ticket.:whistle:
jerk in uniform..?? :lol: u ll just piss in ur pants wen u hear bullets...

as i said..watever floats ur boat....for all i care those "jerks" seem to be doing a very fine job of sending some gentlemen on a one-way ticket.:whistle:

This is what you believe in your delusional world. Ask those jerks and they will tell you how many times they have to wash their pants after every encounter. What happens to their pants when they face the mob chanting for freedom.

No matter how many they kill, those poor guys in army uniform also know the fact it is futile. They also know sooner or later their as* has been created to be teared apart by those so called terrorists.
This is what you believe in your delusional world. Ask those jerks and they will tell you how many times they have to wash their pants after every encounter. What happens to their pants when they face the mob chanting for freedom.

No matter how many they kill, those poor guys in army uniform also know the fact it is futile. They also know sooner or later their as* has been created to be teared apart by those so called terrorists.

hahaha good propaganda and the best part is ur telling im living in a delusional world.

can only laugh while some more terrorists are being hunted down like ---- in the forests of J&K. :whistle:

and as for washing their pants part - lol they have to after sucessfully spilling the blood of the terrorists. :lol:
hahaha good propaganda and the best part is ur telling im living in a delusional world.

can only laugh while some more terrorists are being hunted down like ---- in the forests of J&K. :whistle:

What propaganda. We all know this is just futile and a waste of time. Those jerks in uniform also know this. What propaganda dear? :what:

Wake up time it is for you and many other kids like you.

Kashmir Images :: Kashmir story – tragic, pathetic and sad

Manzoor Anjum

It is almost one month, life in Valley is frozen. Tourists have abandoned Kashmir; hotels are deserted; shops and other business establishment are shut and schools are closed. Most of the people are confined to the four walls of their homes; play grounds are missing the jolly kicks of local footballers and ebullient hits of young cricketers. And little kids, confined to their homes, are wondering why they are not allowed to go to the schools. This is happening so because the Hurriyat Conference led by senior separatist leader Syed Ali Geelani {and thus known as Hurriyat (G)} is issuing weekly strike and protest programmes. People are asked to observe strikes and take to streets in protest and they do so. Government retaliates by imposing curfew and restrictions; people defy curfew; clashes take place; bullets are fired and people die.

People adhere to Hurriyat (G) calendar and therefore the conglomerate is genuinely happy that its writ runs and that it has made the state government a failure. The leadership of the amalgam would be proud that it has succeeded in making things difficult for the government. This success demands that the pot is kept boiling and that is what Hurriyat (G) is doing right now.

The government, both state as well as central, agencies have failed to find any trace of Massarat Alam and Asiya Andrabi, who are busy issuing fresh progammes of agitation. Government claims that there are just a few stone pelters disturbing the peace but fact of the matter is that “these few” are strong enough to keep thousands of police and CRPF personnel on tenterhooks.

So it is Hurriyat (G) that runs the show and is in full command of the situation. And the way the conglomerate’s programmes are success, one can conclude safely that people of Kashmir are with no one but Hurriyat (G) and this separatist amalgam is proving a success story. However, this is only one side of the story.

When indefinite strikes started telling upon peoples’ nerves; when their stomachs started churning for food; shops of essential commodities started opening by fives and tens in different markets. People, desperate to get eatables, rushed to these shops; some public transport including auto-rickshaws started plying on roads. And that was it!
Groups of youth emerged on streets and forced the shopkeepers to pull the shutters of their shops down. They attacked vehicles and thrashed auto drivers. Private schools were warned not to open and Srinagar Municipal Corporation (SMC) trucks, that dared to venture into old city to clean it of thousands of MT of garbage that has piled their during protest and curfew days, were attacked and one truck set ablaze.

So much so, in a shameful act, stone pelters thrashed some women with nettle near Handwara who were on way to some wedding and had thus defied the Hurriyat (G) protest orgramme. In interior localities of Srinagar, young boys attacked shops raising slogans “Deen Ke Aage Duniya Kya” (How does world matter when it comes to religion). And thus Hurriyat (G) programme becomes a grand success. This is another side of the story.

In one month, 17 precious lives have been lost; the academic career of children is devastated; Valley has suffered loses of nearly Rs. 8000 crores and what has been achieved? When protests in Kashmir were at the peak, foreign ministers of India and Pakistan met in Islamabad. Given the situation in Kashmir, one would have expected Kashmir on the top of the agenda. But Pakistan foreign minister himself admitted that Indian side showed no interest to talk about this issue.

Despite the troubled situation here, Kashmir has hardly found any mention in international media and even Indian and Pakistani media doesn’t give a hoot to whatever is happening here. Neither UN has taken any note, nor European Union, OIC or any other world body. Yes, if anything has been achieved that is a statement from Amnesty International seeking release of arrested lawyers and establishment of juvenile homes for younger prisoners. And tragic side of the story is that innocent people are made to believe that this agitation will get them freedom.

As the chaos and confusion lingers on, voices from the very separatist camp are being raised against the frequent strikes. United Jehad Council (UJC) chief, Syed Sallahudin counseled the Hurriyat (G) not to go for indefinite strikes and while agitating, remain mindful of economy and education. Though the counsel was not taken well by stone pelters who even resented it but the question is why Sallahudin take one month to come out with such a sensible statement.

Jamaat-e-Islami, that happens to be a constituent of Hurriyat (G) too has come out with identical statement asking ‘leaders’ to issue programmes in such a way that people are not stretched beyond their capacity. Jamaat and Sallahudin could have issued the same statements a few weeks back. Why did they not do so? Is it that they too were in the illusion that the agitational calendar of Hurriyat (G) will fetch Azadi? If yes, it could be termed as the saddest side of the whole story.

And the dangerous side of the story is that following Syed Sallahudin’s statements, newspapers received emails from anonymous people using derogatory language against him. In some parts of Valley, his effigies were burnt and a group of stone pelters addressed a press conference saying those who oppose the present strike and agitation are traitors.

It indicates that there is a strong voice within separatist camp that is interested in continuation of strike. Earlier, the separatists would be seen in two camps – hardliners and moderates. But now it is clear that there are groups within groups. There are hardliners and ultra hardliners; there are moderates and pseudo-moderates. The divisions within separatist ranks have already resulted into deaths and destruction. One wonders whether a new phase of infighting is in the making.

History tells us that when oppression and suppression reaches its all notorious heights, nations revolt. People ready themselves to do anything and everything to break the chains of slavery. They burry the apprehensions of death, destruction and defeat and revolt with full force. And at such a stage, the nations need leadership of wisdom and foresight. Such a leadership channelizes the peoples’ sentiments and emotions; polishes their anger and directs them in the right direction.

And when such leadership is not insight, the anger turns into madness and people inflict more wounds to themselves. They enter a self-destructive mode and do everything that makes suffer none but the revolting people. History has so many such instances to teach us but unfortunately we are reluctant to learn. Freedom is a consensual ideal of a people. Without having a consensus and by imposing dictates, only disastrous results are to be expected.

Na Kissi Pe Zakham Ayaan Koi, Na Kissi Ko Fikr Rafoo Ki Hai;
Na Karam Hai Hum Pe Habeeb Ka, Na Nigah Hum Pe Adoo Ki Hai.
(Neither anyone looks at our wounds, nor anyone tries to heal them; we are bereft of the love of our beloved and even the scorn of our foe).
The author is the editor of Urdu daily Uqab and the article is translated from Urdu.
What propaganda. We all know this is just futile and a waste of time. Those jerks in uniform also know this. What propaganda dear? :what:

Do i need to tell u wat was the propaganda...?;)

as i said watever floats ur boat......if we both are alive for aanother 60 years and if im not banned b4 that...still we ll be discussing from the same ground....:lol:

Wake up time it is for you and many other kids like you.


its better to be asleep than be half-awake and start night walking on the key board
Do i need to tell u wat was the propaganda...?;)

as i said watever floats ur boat......if we both are alive for aanother 60 years and if im not banned b4 that...still we ll be discussing from the same ground....:lol:

its better to be asleep than be half-awake and start night walking on the key board

You just testified me dear. It is all futile. Even after 60 years those jerks in pathetic uniform would be killing the supposed terrorists and some kids like you would jumping on their seats with the delusion that they have killed "terrorists".

its better to be asleep than be half-awake and start night walking on the key board

I was just about to say the same to you, it is good that you are realizing it yourself. Keep it up. You looked very sleepy in your posts too.

:tup: :rolleyes:
You just testified me dear. It is all futile. Even after 60 years those jerks in pathetic uniform would be killing the supposed terrorists and some kids like you would jumping on their seats with the delusion that they have killed "terrorists".

And similarly some bachoos like u will be parroting "support Kashmir from Indian occupation" on the other side.

And as usual IA will spanking the rear end of anyone doing any mischief..:lol:

Ohhh I just love this status quo....:smitten:
And similarly some bachoos like u will be parroting "support Kashmir from Indian occupation" on the other side.

And as usual IA will spanking the rear end of anyone doing any mischief..:lol:

Ohhh I just love this status quo....:smitten:

Well if that will help you to sleep than ok you can have that. Till then we will support Kashmiris even we have to support them for 600 years let alone 60 years.

Anyways IOK won't be IOK in those 60 years so I won't be quarreling with you after 60 years. You would be satisfied with what you would have been left with you.

Well if that will help you to sleep than ok you can have that. Till then we will support Kashmiris even we have to support them for 600 years let alone 60 years.

Take all ur time for 6000 years...still not an inch will be conceded to anyone.

Anyways IOK won't be IOK in those 60 years so I won't be quarreling with you after 60 years. You would be satisfied with what you would have been left with you.

One rare place i agree with u...it ll be not be IOK..it ll be J&K - a normal state in the Indian Union with Article 370 removed and mayb demography changed ;)
Take all ur time for 6000 years...still not an inch will be conceded to anyone.

One rare place i agree with u...it ll be not be IOK..it ll be J&K - a normal state in the Indian Union with Article 370 removed and mayb demography changed ;)

Take all ur time for 6000 years...still not an inch will be conceded to anyone.

Who wants an inch. We talk about whole IOK not an inch. And it will be conceded whether you like it or not.

One rare place i agree with u...it ll be not be IOK..it ll be J&K - a normal state in the Indian Union with Article 370 removed and mayb demography changed ;)

Obviously it would be J&K. Who says we have to change the name. Just kick the 600000+ basta*ds out of IOK and the rest would be same. If Indian union would survive it would have to live with what it would have been left with. Article 370 issue would be resolve simultaneously. No terrorism no jihadis everything would settle down with Indian as* removed from Kashmir.

Who wants an inch. We talk about whole IOK not an inch. And it will be conceded whether you like it or not.

the prime minister of India has spoken....UN please offcially change the map of South Asia in the next General body meeting (hey but we wwill veto it with the help of Russia is another matter)..:lol:

Obviously it would be J&K. Who says we have to change the name. Just kick the 600000+ basta*ds out of IOK and the rest would be same. If Indian union would survive it would have to live with what it would have been left with. Article 370 issue would be resolve simultaneously. No terrorism no jihadis everything would settle down with Indian as* removed from Kashmir.

hahaha if wat ur saying abt 600000 heroes is true then the population of Valley is less than the total number of soldiers..

So how u plan to kick them being in smaller number..?

And speak only of Valley (or rather Sopore and SriNagar) to satisfy ur mind...Hindu Jammu and Buddhist Ladakh wants nothing from u...:lol:
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