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So, is new media only reinforcing old stereotypes?

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All this illmannered unreasonable talk is about Kashmir, insults being thrown, inhuman statmets are made, a shamefull behaviour for what.

Kashmir, U indians pay attention either continue to kll what ever your reason or do the right thing and hold plebecite and be done with it.

But stuborn people with strange agendas rather kill than do a small thing and get over it but no it is the agenda of India to keep killing may those be infltrators or freeom fighters.

Man o man stop klling and do the right thing.

Or keep killing for next 60 years, choice is yours.

but than it may not be sixty years, the war could come again and this time lots of people will get killed because both countries have WMD and those will be used if the existance of either country is at peril.

so be smart and work to preseve life not work to become the source of human deaths.

So think about it Indians.
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Shaivism has roots in Kashmir history going back thousands of years, Kashmir has many ancient temples & shrines some of which have been left derelict when the Kashmiri pandits fled the Valley in Kashmir in the 90's.

and what about million of Kashmiris who left when India forcibaly took Kashmir, when we answered India ran to U.N. and than refuse to honor U.N.

What strange Democracy. only in the dreams, in reality a brutal country for Muslims, nexalites, christians and maoists.

Continuel of killings one day will come back to pay you, it is nature law as to what you do to others will one be done to you.

Before it is too late i sugest to India to see the facts for what they are and the do the right thing.
Shaivism has roots in Kashmir history going back thousands of years, Kashmir has many ancient temples & shrines some of which have been left derelict when the Kashmiri pandits fled the Valley in Kashmir in the 90's.

and what about million of Kashmiris who left when India forcibaly took Kashmir, when we answered India ran to U.N. and than refuse to honor U.N.

What strange Democracy. only in the dreams, in reality a brutal country for Muslims, nexalites, christians and maoists.

Continued killings one day will come back to pay you, it is nature's law as to what you do to others will one be done to you.

Before it is too late i suggest to India to see the facts for what they are and the do the right thing.
Yes we should first ask any person who crosses the border whether he was trained properly or not or atleast if he had a crash course in handling his AK47 and then shoot him.

As for your remark of Pakistani Army supporting terrorists... Ohh Sorry Pro Freedom Insurgents... The world knows and see the current status of Pakistanis in the worlds view:hang2:

Itis a disputed territory and Kashmiris have the right to fight for its freedom, Hafiz syed is Kashmiri, so next time if he sends his Kashmiri bretherns to fight you than donot come crying to us.

it is old news about you deductions as to how world views Pakistan, new bullitin for you.

Hamid Karzai has agreed to send his Army officer for training to Pakistan.

Cupish Dude.
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I will tell you clearly. I do not want to hide behind diplomacy.
The maximum amount of fight around the world happens over land, girl and wealth.
So land is important, no matter who considers what we are not giving Kashmir, plain and simple. If it is right or wrong I do not care. India was also invaded so many times in past which was not right either.

India was invaded so many times and i am sure u will start the history when Muslim came and not when Aryans that is you who came.

And to boot you made real Indians lower class citizens and till today you discriminate, abuse and kill them.

you neede people like Muslims to come to help those down troden poor people and they converted to Islam willingly and are good Muslims.

even today there are people like A.R. Rahman converting due to the value of Life he sees in Islam.
All your explanation defy the logic, the truth on the ground and the excuse for the killing are a mere try to continue killing with these lame excuses.

Care to explain how and why???Which arguments did u find to be lame and why????

As i said before will say it again India is no Democray and it is using world siding with it due to totally wrong assumptions about Pakistan.

Yeah..right ...India is not a democracy and the country with 4 military coup in its 60 years of history is the ideal form of democracy....
Assumptions usualy do not last long and long and time is near when the truth shall come out glaring at you.

About U.N and its resolution will be implemented against all those who refuse it, be u or Israel, time is on the side of oppressed and occupied.

Now i have read the resolution and it say all forces to be withdrawn and just for your info Liaqat ali Khan the first Prime minster of Pakistn did with draw foeces from srinangar airport to the point where LOC is waiting for India to respond in kind for implementation of the resolution further.

Wow..right again..and the place that u call Azad Kashmir exists on Mars....
But India is what it is it defies all notices just like Israel, it defies all freedom fighter calling it this or that and does not want to see the ground realities.

Yeah...right again..Heres an idea..why dont u listen to those Baluch rebel have to say..Make an example out of it..We might follow...

Well one day India will have to face it, a good country will face sooner and stop killing innocnt, on the other hand overconfidant country will continue to use it brutal force and its short imunity to kill. I believe that truth has its way of comming back and next time it might come back with a vangenace.

I dont know about India,but Pakistan is already facing a creation by its own agencies.

Is this what u call getting a dosage of ur own medicine????

Watch out u over confidant, sitting in ivory tower: pidram sultan bood, dudes.

So,now u resort to name calling???That is widely recognized as way pathetic way to vent out frustration...
and what about million of Kashmiris who left when India forcibaly took Kashmir, when we answered India ran to U.N. and than refuse to honor U.N.

What strange Democracy. only in the dreams, in reality a brutal country for Muslims, nexalites, christians and maoists.

Continuel of killings one day will come back to pay you, it is nature law as to what you do to others will one be done to you.

Before it is too late i sugest to India to see the facts for what they are and the do the right thing.

you could have just mentioned terrorists :))
Kashmir Valley calm, but curfew in place

Jammu: A day after Prime Minister Manmohan Singh held a meeting on Kashmir to assess the situation, there's tenuous calm across the Kashmir Valley with thousands of CRPF men and police personnel deployed in all major towns across 10 districts.

Curfew and restrictions are being strictly enforced. On Wednesday too, large parts of the state remained under curfew. The day passed off without any more casualties, though sporadic clashes were reported from some areas.

From north to south Kashmir, the valley is literally being managed by the police and security forces to deal with the crisis. The government hopes that curfew and security restrictions will help to douse the flames and calm tempers.

After the PM's held the high-level meeting on Wednesday, the Centre accused the Lashkar-e-Toiba (LeT) of stoking the fire in Kashmir.

Home Minister P Chidambaram, Defence Minister A K Antony and top officials were present at the crucial meet in New Delhi.

The Centre conceded the need for political steps and asked Omar Abdullah to visit some disturbed areas.

"We will support the state government in restoring the law and order situation. I hope the situation will come under control in the next few days," Chidambaram said.

Meanwhile, amid tension in the valley, the first batch of pilgrims arrived in south Kashmir on Tuesday for the Amarnath yatra. The yatris take the route through Anantnag, a town that saw violent clashes between protesters and security forces on Tuesday.

Read more at: Kashmir Valley calm, but curfew in place
India should follow Israel model. RAW should selectively kill top terrorist leadership. This should send spine in their nerves.

And also India should send delegation immediately to learn new torture technique like Water boarding etc.
By Ramesh Balan

An inconvenient truth has bubbled over in Indian-held Kashmir, blowing the lid off a method that suggests madness in the Indian army’s fight against militancy in the troubled region. The method has made murderers of soldiers, and there’s no saying how much of the fall of militancy to an all-time low in the troubled region in recent times is owed to terrified submission by the local population.
But now that the truth is out, pro-independence Kashmiris are back again rampaging through the streets. As of Wednesday morning, 11 civilians have died in the worst flare-up of street violence in the Kashmir Valley in a year.Curfew has been clamped in the northern, central and southern parts of the valley, but as of late Tuesday, pro-independence Kashmiris were still coming out in their hundreds, attacking troops with rocks and sticks in the face of gunfire, teargas bombardment and baton charge.
The ongoing uprising has its roots in a shocking finding by the state police earlier this month that confirmed long-held suspicions by Kashmiris and human rights activists of brutality by sections of the nearly 500,000 Central Reserve Police Force (CRPF) soldiers deployed in the region.
The report revealed that the paramilitary soldiers had staged a gunbattle in the town of Anantnag, 55 km south of the capital city of Srinagar, in order to kill three civilians and claim that they were militants. The army was forced to suspend two officers and order a court martial inquiry following the expose..
Police and human rights activists say several other recent incidents were similarly staged. These include the killing of three laborers this month who police investigators found were lured to their deaths by locals bribed by an army officer. In another suspicious incident, the army claimed that a 70-year-old beggar they had shot dead was a militant.
And as recently as last week, police opened an investigation into the deaths of two porters who, according to the army, were hit by gunfire from Pakistani troops across the Line of Control. Doctors who carried out a postmortem, however, found that the two were shot at close range.

The killing of civilians is evidently because the CRPF’s method to notch up the headcount of militants is incentivized by a bonus for soldiers bringing in each kill.
The method, while helping inspire bounty hunters among the troops, can be seriously flawed because, in a region wracked by militant violence for the past 30 years, it’s not impossible to pin the charge of militancy on anyone.
Kashmiri outrage over the stage-managed killing of civilians erupted on June 11 after a 11-year-old schoolboy was shot dead by CRPF soldiers deployed to quell a street protest staged by pro-indepence Kashmiris. On Tuesday, the death toll rose to 11 after three more Kashmiris were killed by the troops.
Eyewitnesses said the soldiers barged into houses and shot people dead. “My nephews were killed in our compound. There was no provocation,” one report quoted a Kashmiri man as saying.
Chief Minister Omar Abdullah, who had challenged the Saudi Gazette a year ago to cite any recent instance of a civilian death in Kashmir, is now fast losing ground and goodwill as the new generation leader who has what it takes to turn Kashmir around.
“The Omar Abdullah government has succeeded in turning the state into a land of licensed murder,” says Membooba Mufti, his fiercest political opponent and a former chief minister. She blames the troubles on Abdullah’s “poor administration” and inability to speak the local language and thereby vibe with the people.
For the right-wingers in India’s arch-enemy Pakistan, the uprising could not have been better timed. Last week, the Indian and Pakistan governments resumed talks for paving the way toward lasting peace and succeeded in arriving at a two-track procees whereby discussions on developing commercial relations would be delinked from the political dialogue.
India had broken off all talks with Pakistan following the Dec. 2008 Mumbai terrorist attacks which it blamed on extrremists operating freely from Pakistani soil. Extremists in Pakistan are against any dialogue with India, and the elected civilain government in Islamabad is taking a grave political risk by pursuing the peace process with New Delhi.
Political analysts in India argue that the current uprising is staged by Pakistan-implanted extermists operating in Kashmir and that it is not quite a groundswell of popular sentiment. They point to video clips of policemen being brutally assaulted by protestes to make their point. But that’s no argument against the madness in the army’s method and fire that has been lit.
The situation is escalating out of control. SMS text-messaging services have been blocked throughout the Kashmir valley to stop more residents from massing. In north Kashmir, cell-phone services have been completely suspended.
Opposition politicians and protest groups plan to mount a general strike and organize an extended march this weekend.
And worse, tens of thousands of Hindus started pouring into the Valley Wednesday for their annual pilgrimage to the Amarnath cave shrine in south Kashmir.
A public demand by hardline separatist leader Syed Ali Shah Geelani that the Amarnath pilgrimage be curtailed to 15 days instead of the present two months has been countered by Leela Karan Sharma, former convener of Shri Amarnath Sangharsh Samiti (SASS).
“If anybody tries to disrupt or create impediments in the (Amarnath) yatra, he will be given befitting reply,” Sharma has warned.
The battle lines are drawn. New Delhi is rushing more troops to the Valley.
And the discredited army remains central figure in it all, having more than one battle to fight.

Feedback: balanramesh@gmail.com

License to kill in Kashmir
007 .. its a fair thing to do if people want to secede from a country. we are not killing enough , look what china did to tibetans and pak did to baluchis

Good. Kill more and more and more.

Keep it up biggest democracy in the world.
And as recently as last week, police opened an investigation into the deaths of two porters who, according to the army, were hit by gunfire from Pakistani troops across the Line of Control. Doctors who carried out a postmortem, however, found that the two were shot at close range.

Humm. :disagree:
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