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So, is new media only reinforcing old stereotypes?

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@Taimikhan: Why was my post deleted? Wasn't that the bitter truth? I understand that you don't particularly like me, but..here is my simple point.

Many here support the militants calling them freedom fighters and variants thereof. One mod even changed the title to suit the 'sentiments' of some other members. Many here pray for those who come across borders and get killed in their attempt to wreck havoc in the Kashmir valley.

But none among them have come forth to celebrate the achievements of the Kashmiri doctor who topped the IAS exam or other achievements by the Kashmiris.

You all support Kashmiri freedom, so why don't you all celebrate their achievements? No prayers for the Kashmiri's welfare? Hypocrisy is not lost upon intelligent observers.

Instead of labeling it as a useless rant, please do provide evidence of Pakistani members support for Kashmiris' achievements instead of their support for the terrorist scumbags!

My point still stands! Unless you post evidence of support for Kashmiris' welfare, many shall presume that all that Pakistan wants is only the territory in question as a balm, sorry to say, for a collective fractured ego and failed state policies based on a pseudo-superiority complex of past governments, without as much as a scant thought about the Kashmiris!

Liking, disliking is not my duty, nor do i have time for such type of characters. Plus, i have no personal experience with you on this forum. Had i disliked you, well you would not had been posting this one, but as we like to have open discussion taking out personal emotions, we are having this conversation.

Why should we celebrate their achievements when they top Indian civil service ?? It means they or he or she wants to be an Indian and play a part in its bureaucratic establishment and doesn't support freedom of Kashmir from the occupiers, they become traitors, don't they ??

As said, from your POV, these are terrorist/militant scumbags, but for us, the IA, paramilitary forces, police and the Indian establishment making sure their occupation works, are what you just called the freedom fighters. Plain and simple.

Plus, whatever you want to think, keep thinking, it doesn't changes the reality that Kashmir is a disputed area and Pro-Pakistani slogans and flags are raised, not by dozens or few hundreds, but by hundred thousands and the IA and other security forces have been instrumental in having killed thousands, raped thousands.

And yea, we are totally against killing of any civilians, be it a Kashmiri or a Indian citizen, as they are innocent, and innocents blood shed is a great barbarity.
What a self serving though flawed logic..You are willing to believe the part of what Indian Army says because it suites your convinience and reject the part that doesnt ?

Then give me a source, that these were not freedom fighters, rather someone else, i will change the heading right away.
Can BLA be termed as freedom fighters?

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thanks for the suggestion.

Always a pleasure my friend :) ..

let me ask you ,are the same LeT and JeM are created for the freedom of Kashmir are now conducting terrorist activities??then whats the difference between a guy killing in Mumbai and he kills in Kashmir..either way he is killing innocents and doing the exact crime..
I offer my condolences to the families for 6 Kashmiries who had been killed and named as Pakistani militants.

Pakistan is not sending anyone as the policy of GOP is changed now.

Don't make me laugh !!!!!!
"jo 60 sal se sudhre nahin, kehte hain ab sudhar gaye":rofl::rofl::rofl:
In which case, how did the mods assert that instead of LeT, they were pro freedom insurgents and changed the thread title to that? They could have been drug smugglers or simple thieves or as a lot of you like to believe, innocent civilians?? Where is the proof of them being pro freedom. Did they leave a letter for Pakistani Army ??

Because these are encounters in Disputed Kashmir, and most encounters there are between insurgents (local or other) and Indian security forces, whereas incidents elsewhere, such as Punjab, are more likely to be smugglers or possibly other locals..

However what cannot be said with certainty is which group these insurgents belonged to, which is why the LeT reference was taken out.

No they cannot because they have themselves taken responsibility for killing civilians - school teachers, principals, non-Baluch ethnicity laborers and residents etc.

They have also openly called for the killing of non-Baluch residents (civilians and non-civilians). I fail to see how any group that so openly calls for the murder of innocents, and acts in that manner, in pursuit of a political objective can be considered anything but a 'terrorist' group.
No they cannot because they have themselves taken responsibility for killing civilians - school teachers, principals, non-Baluch ethnicity laborers and residents etc.

They have also openly called for the killing of non-Baluch residents (civilians and non-civilians). I fail to see how any group that so openly calls for the murder of innocents, and acts in that manner, in pursuit of a political objective can be considered anything but a 'terrorist' group.

Can the same logic be applied to Kashmiri groups in case of Mumbai attacks and other terror attacks in India?
No they cannot because they have themselves taken responsibility for killing civilians - school teachers, principals, non-Baluch ethnicity laborers and residents etc.

They have also openly called for the killing of non-Baluch residents (civilians and non-civilians). I fail to see how any group that so openly calls for the murder of innocents, and acts in that manner, in pursuit of a political objective can be considered anything but a 'terrorist' group.
In fact, were the BLA allowed to carry out its stated goals, it would be tantamount to a genocide of non-Baluch in the province.
Can the same logic be applied to Kashmiri groups in case of Mumbai attacks and other terror attacks in India?

Terrorist attacks, yes, - attacks on security forces, no.

And, whether true or not, the LeT, JuD and other insurgent groups have stated that they were not responsible for the Mumbai attacks or other terrorist attacks in India. That is a rather different position from that of the TTP/AQ/BLA, who proudly claim responsibility for terror attacks, and call for more of the same.
As I said.. It began with a news headline and I really dont see every single thread starting with a news headline reviewed for provisions of proof to justify the headline.. But anyway.. Your forum... your call...
It started of with a headline from one incident, but the thread then changed to one in which all encounters occurring in J&L were being posted. Since the thread was being used as a single thread for all insurgent/Indian SF encounters, the current title reflects its content more accurately.
Terrorist attacks, yes, - attacks on security forces, no.

And, whether true or not, the LeT, JuD and other insurgent groups have stated that they were not responsible for the Mumbai attacks or other terrorist attacks in India. That is a rather different position from that of the TTP/AQ/BLA, who proudly claim responsibility for terror attacks, and call for more of the same.

So, if BLA targets Pakistani army - then would you recognize it as freedom struggle.
Then give me a source, that these were not freedom fighters, rather someone else, i will change the heading right away.

No sir.. Here is the sequence

1. I quoted a news headline which called them LeT people. The news did not give any proof
2. The mod team questions the proof and hence does not want to call them LeT people. I can live with that.
3. The mod team then goes ahead and calls them Pro freedom insurgents.
4. Now it is upto the mod team to walk the talk and either give proof that they were pro freedom insurgents or it should not call them that applying the same logic that I am supposed to follow..

btw will we apply the same logic when PA kills so called TTP terrorists in NWFP and the news is reported in this forum? Or is that exempt?
Then give me a source, that these were not freedom fighters, rather someone else, i will change the heading right away.

If you have proof that these men are freedom fighters,then why don't you disclose this matter to the whole world that Indian army killed 6 innocent civilians.

It's another fact that hardly any country believes Pakistan...

you may call them freedom fighter in Pakistan,but here we called them terrorist in India, & Indian army don't care what ever you said about them...
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