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So, is new media only reinforcing old stereotypes?

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That then is destined to always be in future tense and never in present tense.. So you will never be able to see what kind of mood i will be in when (never) that will happen...

Think of the thought as thinking the thought is in itself is a thought.
Those who don't think the thought, in my opinion are not worth a thought. :azn:
well beware pakistani people dont advertise to much kashmir....keep what u have with u and be peaceful..........let indians enjoy their pie.....free advise
some pics of indian kashmir







Kashmir and Palestine similarities...hindus/Jews similarities..
those days are not far when those indigenous indian movements gears-up and fires perhaps 20 year-30 years..
Hitler was a good person too, but was little arrogant to non-germans.

Hitler was an evil genius :devil:

I hate him as much as i hate Bush :angry::angry:

Killing innocents (no matter who he is) is like killing the whole of humanity.
@Valiant_Soul :don't mess with her she is a raciest.don't create your opinion about pakistan by just reading her raciest view (Unfortunately these bread still exists on earth and so shamelessly.)

I have read her comments in another threads and already warned her.even AM deleted her most of the comment while she was discussing with one pastun guy.Mods have already given lot's of warnings too .some of her views was disgusting like this.

1. most of the pakistani can only bear some part of north indian but how can they bear south indian.

2.When one pashtun guy shut her mouth with the same medicin she is using right now then she had started bad words about afgan and pastuns.her comment was showing her real standard and also that how beutifull she is like this

"i have 5 afgan pashtun servent in my house and they are very obedient and fallow my every order without any questin."

She just have Punjabi superiority complex and she is very arogent and rude .most of the pakistani is not like her so my request to all indian just ignore her comment and don't think that pakistanis are like that.(Why should we insult other nice pakistani guys/Girls by comparing her. )

She does't have to talk any thing positive ir-respective of thread topic her comment will be full of.
1.religious superiority
2.ethinic superiority.
3.punjabi superiority
4.she is more beutifull than others...(Beautifull my foot
First let her to be a humun then we should discuss any think with her.

1. Are you suffering from dyslexia or your keyboard is broken ? :undecided:

2. How come talking about thick Indian accents is racism ? Can you define racism ?

@Valiant_Soul :don't mess with her she is a raciest.don't create your opinion about pakistan by just reading her raciest view (Unfortunately these bread still exists on earth and so shamelessly.)

None of the Indian members on this forum are that stupid, idiotic, and retarded that they will use my personal views as a sole criteria to judge 160 million pakistanis! Right Indians ? ;)

1. most of the pakistani can only bear some part of north indian but how can they bear south indian.

You posted that part out of context... It was relevant to that discussion.

2.When one pashtun guy shut her mouth with the same medicin she is using right now then she had started bad words about afgan and pastuns.her comment was showing her real standard and also that how beutifull she is like this

Pakhtunz was an Afghan nationalist and he was saying bad things about Pakistan and Punjabis.. so I had to defend my country and ethnicity.. Whats wrong with that? You are very much allowed to defend your country too. He got banned from this forum and I am still alive and kicking... ;)

"i have 5 afgan pashtun servent in my house and they are very obedient and fallow my every order without any questin."

So ? When did having 5 Afghan servants has anything to do with racism? Most upper middle classes and upper classes of Pakistan have several servants. ;) Instead of selling terrorism and opium in Pakistan, Afghans should put their a$$es to work.

my request to all indian just ignore her

and yet they don't ignore me and continue replying back to me... and in yours case they are obsessed with me.. that you are saving all my posts... even deleted posts and the ones which I made weeks ago.. combining them and posting it here... You have lots of time in your hands... I didn't know I had such effect on Indians and I was leaving such lasting impressions! :flame::flame:

She does't have to talk any thing positive ir-respective of thread topic her comment will be full of.
1.religious superiority

I am NOT religous... Therre is an Urdu saying "Bad sai Badnaam bura"... Not even in one post I have shown religious superiority and yet you blamed that on me too..

2.ethinic superiority.

That is called ethnic pride ;)

3.punjabi superiority

refer to my statement above

Lastly, why did you dig all my previous posts and started another flame war... when the matter was settled and things started to calm down ?
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. Bollywood is a big industry that does not ends at Hindi speaking cinemas.

Zaki I thought we were only talking about BOLLYWOOD (Hindi Film Industry) and not about regional Cinemas of India? :undecided::undecided:

I am quoting this from the Book - Bollywood - a guidebook to popular Hindi Cinema (page 2- 3) :-

"Bollywood" - a tongue-in-cheek term created by the English language press in India in the late 1970s - has now become the dominant global term to refer to the prolific and box-office oriented Hindi language film industry located in Bombay (renamed Mumbai in 1995).

The most frequent factual error perpetuated by the international and Indian press is that the Bombay film industry produces 800-1200 films a year. The Bombay industry (Bollywood or Hindi Film Industry) actually produces about 150-200 films a year

and I was not talking about the total output of INDIAN film Industry, but I was only concerned with Bollywood (Hindi Film Industry)... :undecided::undecided:

If still in doubt check Encyclopedia of Indian Cinema and see the output of various regional Cinemas across India.. :undecided::undecided:
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yeah absolutely agree ,,
bollywood is biggest film industry of the world ....beating hollywod in both no. of film & no. of viewers

Bollywood is NOT the biggest Industry of the world... but Indian Cinema as a whole is the biggest film Industry of the World... Check my previous reply to Zaki on this issue... Thanks.
1.You are contradicting your own statement.....if no.of actors and actress from particular region means they are good looking.....

then why not miss world crown..india is no.1 in getting those....

2. ((Though i myself is a punjabi)) i am strongly agaistst the claim that only punjabi south asian are good looking...
Every community watches its people good looking & thats is a good thing till the point it do not think other community bad looking...

3.i have visited many parts of india ....& the girl which i found attractive were Gujarati girls , Bengali girls , kashmiri girls , himachali girls and also our punjabi girls are not far behind...

Kashmiri girlz are very pretty... I have several Kashmiri friends... But Bengali and Gujarati girlz... :undecided::undecided: Nevermind... ;) I will keep my mouth shut this time... :D
Zaki I thought we were only talking about BOLLYWOOD (Hindi Film Industry) and not about regional Cinemas of India? :undecided::undecided:

I am quoting this from the Book - Bollywood - a guidebook to popular Hindi Cinema (page 2- 3) :-

"Bollywood" - a tongue-in-cheek term created by the English language press in India in the late 1970s - has now become the dominant global term to refer to the prolific and box-office oriented Hindi language film industry located in Bombay (renamed Mumbai in 1995).

The most frequent factual error perpetuated by the international and Indian press is that the Bombay film industry produces 800-1200 films a year. The Bombay industry (Bollywood or Hindi Film Industry) actually produces about 150-200 films a year

and I was not talking about the total output of INDIAN film Industry, but I was only concerned with Bollywood (Hindi Film Industry)... :undecided::undecided:

If still in doubt check Encyclopedia of Indian Cinema and see the output of various regional Cinema across India..

Ok ma'am my knowledge about films is very poor :rofl:

You rule the world. I prefer watching Hollywood movies only

Bollywood only when i have extra free time :rofl::rofl::rofl: or when i hear if a new movie is very unique.

I always considered All Indian movies as bollywood movies (except Tamils) didn't know if this word Bollywood is specifically used for Hindi movies only
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