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So, is new media only reinforcing old stereotypes?

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That banner was there from 1948 and will be there till the world ends :D..dont worry you can have the banner and we will have Kashmir :angel:

History is witness that no freedom movement has been put down with sheer brute power, a little spark when ignites, it can burn the house down. Kashmir sooner than later will be handed on a platter and the weekend warriors too embarrassed to eat their words will disappear into oblivion.
History is witness that no freedom movement has been put down with sheer brute power, a little spark when ignites, it can burn the house down. Kashmir sooner than later will be handed on a platter and the weekend warriors too embarrassed to eat their words will disappear into oblivion.

And the wet dream continues ..
Gin ka Pakistan,

I liked your avatar picture before this one better, you looked cuter in that one... :D
There is nothing fun about it. You're just coming off as a rude obnoxious person who looks for cheap scores. Seriously are our problems with India as petty as dark skins? Don't be rude, talk about real issues and serve Pakistan in ways that matter.

About beauty. You'd do well to remember that Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. I mean would you go up to people in real life and tell them "Gosh you're so ugly?" Then why do it here? Why reduce the quality of our forum for a few laughs? Cut this out, its the last I'll have around here.

Ok Sorry Asim Aquil.. :D I will try to be a sober girl from now on... ;)
Anywayz, going back to topic...

I am coming back from a party at one of my Kashmiri friend's house.. and I showed her this forum.. :rofl:

She was saying it is a pity how Indians and Pakistanis are fighting for Kashmir without even involving poor Kashmiris in this discussion. Most Kashmiris want independent Kashmir and they dont want to be either with India and Pakistan...

I wish someone would respect their opinion and let Kashmiris live in peace and let them determine their own future... ;)
take her lightly yaar. She does not indulge herself into serious debates. She is a kind of girl who likes talking about Actors/Actresses, Casts, Languages, cultures etc. She never involved herself into Indo-Pak flaming threads

Have some mercy on her :rofl: her past record suggests she did not intend to make racist post :smitten: every human being makes mistakes

Thank you for your support... some things remain subjective and some things are facts... and I can post facts on this forum.. right?

Fact - Bollywood have been always dominated by Punjabis and they are overly represented in Bollywood considering their 3% population...
He certainly is not Punjabi. I will leave it for some other interested members here to post pictures of good looking people who are not Punjabis. :)

BTW, he is Milind Soman - Indian model and actor.

Ok anywayz, I have to say sorry to you too... I was pretty harsh with South Indians... but not even once you lost your temper... Thats really commendable... :coffee::partay:
This is how I look, well almost. :D


He is good looking but Akshay Kumar and Hrithik Roshan are more handsome and cuter .. (in my opinion) :agree: :D


History is witness that no freedom movement has been put down with sheer brute power, a little spark when ignites, it can burn the house down. Kashmir sooner than later will be handed on a platter and the weekend warriors too embarrassed to eat their words will disappear into oblivion.

Yeah .. Yeah .. Yeah.. Lets talk when that happens.. Till then lets deal in the reality.. Shall we??
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