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So, is new media only reinforcing old stereotypes?

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I went around and found the One man Justice Jan Commision report that was accepted by all parties.

Here are some key findings that were contrary to newspaper reports

1. Although we have good number of matured and reasonable journalists representing various leading news papers, but at times unconfirmed and incorrect information is fed to print and electronic media to flare up the sentiments of the public.

2. The print and electronic media gave wide publicity to the last mobile call of Neelofar to her husband, alleging that she was being chased by CRPF persons around 7.00 PM on 29th May, 2009 near Rambi Ara River.

3. Shakeel Ahmad (husband of Neelofar), Syed Zeerak Shah (brother of Neelofar) and Posha (cousin sister of Neelofar) in one voice have stated in their statement before the Commission, on oath that Neelofar did not have any mobile phone, and never called, alleging chase by CRPF persons. The investigating team of the Commission, scrutinized 32686 calls and found that Neelofar did not have a mobile phone on 29-05-2009.

4. It was also reported in the press that Neelofar was pregnant, but on post mortem examination of Dr. Bilal he found that Neelofar was not pregnant.

5. The area of orchard in the press was shown in hundreds of kanals, with thousands of fruit trees, but on inspection of the orchard, the orchard initially a migrant property was found measuring 1 kanal and 16 marlas under khasra No. 158, Khewat No. 630 is in a dilapidated, neglected condition, full of weeds, wild grass with nearly 35 fruit trees in a bad shape. As the incorrect reporting directed against the administration, causes law and order problems, it would be expedient if firm guidelines are enacted and circulated to ensure that, before publication of any news, the authenticity of the news be verified.

6. It was reported in the press that the garments of the dead bodies were torn. During enquiry it was found that the Ferak and Shalwar of both the dead bodies were not torn as reported in the press.

7. It was reported in the press that Asiya had a “Sindoor mark” on her forehead. During enquiry it was found that there were a grave injury of 3 inches long and 2 inches wide 1 cm deep on the forehead of Asiya, which was bleeding even at the time of post mortem. The flow of blood on the forehead was shamefully distorted and projected as mark of “Sindoor”.

8. It was projected in the press that Constable Mohammad Yaseen made number of calls while conducting the search of death bodies on 29th/ 30th of May 2009. On call analysis of the Mobile No. 9419927653 of Constable Mohammad Yaseen, it was found that he had made only four calls during the day and no calls were made by the constable from 10.00 P.M on 29th of May
to 6.00 A.M on 30th of May, 2009.

9. It was reported that there were multiple injuries on the dead body of Neelofer, both the team of doctors have given consistent statement that there were no visible external injuries on the dead body of Neelofar.

10. It was widely publicized in the press that one Jamal-uddin Gujjar has disappeared. During enquiry Jamal-ud-din Gujjar with real name as Jamal-ud-din Wani (Gujjar) S/o Yaseen Wani R/o Tatapani, Kalakote is a migrant Gujjar and was actually found living in a tent, at Dehgam along with his family and is employed as Chowkidar on Islamia Darsgah, Dehgam.

11. Although wide publicity was given that the girls have been gang raped, but during the enquiry no evidence of gang rape was found by the team of medical experts.

As the incorrect reporting directed against the administration, cause law and order problems, it would be expedient if firm guidelines are made to ensure that, before publication of any news, the authenticity of the news be verified and after proper satisfaction of the genuineness of the news, it must be published in the newspapers.

The entire report can be found on
u forgot the 5 trucks caught in waziristan and 5 or 6 trucks with ammo from pak afghan border torkham an explosives RDX caught by police in punjab which were packed by some explosive factory in pune or somewhere indian terrorist SCUMS in our jails like sarbajet singh who was booked in bombing case which killed many? ARSE HOLES like kashmir singh etc WHILE OUR PEOPLE OR PRISONERS OF WARS LIKE SEPOY MAQBOOL HUSSAIN AND I HOPE U SAW NEWS RELATED TO 18 PAKISTANI SOLDIERS THAT WERE IN AN DRAMATIC INCIDENT FOUND OUT WERE IN INDIAN JAILS NOT TO FORGET OTHER POWS FROM 1965 IN INDIAN JAILS,,,,,,,in the end ill say INDIA should mend its ways and its proxys plus its saffron terrorist war mongoring jealosy that her LEADERS CARRY.....
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i know where srinagar is for god's sake i live here. all u indians need is get ur ***** kicked every time indian army tries to win over our hearts.. my advice... check the cost-benifit ration of ur occupation here>> u'll soon realize it and pack ur bags & leave before u r kicked out.

You can leave to Pakistan.
u forgot the 5 trucks caught in waziristan and 5 or 6 trucks with ammo from pak afghan border torkham an explosives RDX caught by police in punjab which were packed by some explosive factory in pune or somewhere indian scums or terrorist bastards in our jails like sarbajet singh who was booked in bombing case which killed many? ARSE HOLES like kashmir singh etc WHILE OPUR PEOPLE OR PRISONERS OF WARS LIKE SEPOY MAQBOOL HUSSAIN AND I HOPE U SAW NEWS RELATED TO 18 PAKISTANI SOLDIERS THAT WERE IN AN DRAMATIC INCIDENT FOUND OUT WERE IN INDIAN JAILS NOT TO FORGET OTHER POWS FROM 1965 IN INDIAN JAILS,,,,,,,in the end ill say INDIA should mend its ways and its proxys plus its saffron terrorist war mongoring jealosy that her LEADERS CARRY.....

Sorry my bad !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:cheers:
But do watch the language, you could get banned.............
At that time Atal Bihari Vajpayee declared that the Kashmir issue could be discussed and solved according to the UN Resolution.
We took his word............nothing yet though.........

Now that is news. Pakistan frightened India to such extent with its handful of soldiers. Well, there is no point talking, meet in the battlefield.
This must be your lucky day since your wait is now over:
India | Amnesty International Report 2009

Did you read the section on J&K? it talks about the Amarnath shrine controversy which happened in 2008. This report was released in Jan of this year. You will have to wait till 2010 for the 2009 Amnesty report and UNHCR report

Btw, do check out the Pakistan report as well.
Now that is news. Pakistan frightened India to such extent with its handful of soldiers. Well, there is no point talking, meet in the battlefield.

Battlefield, if you sit in England, you will never encounter anyone in the Battlefield, and for your information I was there in Chakothi, during the stand-off, we blew two of your ammo dumps into kingdom cum and over that year a damage assessment reported that India had lost soldiers somewhere in the 300s IN CHAKOTHI SECTOR ALONE.
That my friend is the power of our handful of soldiers...........:pakistan:
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Did you read the section on J&K? it talks about the Amarnath shrine controversy which happened in 2008. This report was released in Jan of this year. You will have to wait till 2010 for the 2009 Amnesty report and UNHCR report

Btw, do check out the Pakistan report as well.

Already checked the Pakistan report out, did you ?
Battlefield, if you sit in England, you will never encounter anyone in the Battlefield, and for your information I was there in Chakothi, during the stand-off, we blew two of your ammo dumps into kingdom cum and over that year a damage assessment relieved that India had lost soldiers somewhere in the 300s IN CHAKOTHI SECTOR ALONE.
That my friend is the power of our handful of soldiers...........:pakistan:

Well then you should hurry up. Kashmiris are being oppressed, your brave and mighty army should waste no time to come to their rescue. Don't you agree?
Well then you should hurry up. Kashmiris are being oppressed, your brave and mighty army should waste no time to come to their rescue. Don't you agree?

Indeed, but first we need to clean house of your little agents, the Taliban.
I hope you will wait, we will be with you soon.
Come on guys, there is no military solution for Kashmir nor proxy nor any other way and if it's there it will favor India being the bigger of the two

The only hope for Pakistan was that the jihadis make life hell for India and bring India on the negotiating table which they tried their level best but again India is too big for this and after 9/11 the whole equation and outlook has changed

The only solution is making the LOC a permanent border with some exceptions here and there, mind you it won't be a very easy idea to sell in India too but it's the most logical one and I can't see any other solution as such

Also I always wanted to ask this, If Pakistan is for Kashmir’s independence then why don't they make azad Kashmir in to an independent country knowing India won't budge?
This must be your lucky day since your wait is now over:
India | Amnesty International Report 2009

Sorry man that is not what I asked for, this is quit genral and no data specific to 2009. Oops.

This what it has, nothing major really.

Between June and August, central security forces shot and killed at least 40 people who defied curfew restrictions. The curfew had been imposed during demonstrations and counter-demonstrations over a proposal to transfer forest land to the Amarnath Shrine Board.

If you break curfew prepare to die, most of these were in Hindu dominate Jammu.

Impunity continued for past offences including enforced disappearances of thousands of people during the armed conflict in Kashmir since 1989.

Since 1989 to long period.
Battlefield, if you sit in England, you will never encounter anyone in the Battlefield, and for your information I was there in Chakothi, during the stand-off, we blew two of your ammo dumps into kingdom cum and over that year a damage assessment reported that India had lost soldiers somewhere in the 300s IN CHAKOTHI SECTOR ALONE.
That my friend is the power of our handful of soldiers...........:pakistan:

Kakgeta - you must be joking!!
If such a thing happened it would be big news - where are the links to such an incident? If you are an eyewitness - details please ? And where do you get the figure of 300?
A handful of soldiers can't hold ground and carry out sustained attacks - that's why we have such large number of soldiers in our armies! I doubt if you are in the army. Or maybe just a sepoy feeding on propoganda?
Seperatist does not get paid to protest against Militants as simple as that. They do not care about people of Kashmir, they only care about opposing GOI.
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