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So, is new media only reinforcing old stereotypes?

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Open your eyes,the valley people are Anti -Indian. Pakistan need not give them money to protest against India. They hate India like other Pakistanis. In fact they are Pakistanis.

:) Pagan they want their land back. They hate India because anyone will hate every other force which is invader or which had invaded their country.
:) Pagan they want their land back.

Nobody has taken away their land. Aren't Kashmirs the majority in Kashmir ? Don't they still cultivate their land ? Do any other Indian outside Kashmir has owned even one cent of land in Kashmir ? NO . Then why are you saying that they want the land 'back'. We cannot give their land back because it is already with them !!!!!
They hate India because anyone will hate every other force which is invader or which had invaded their country.
How can India invade India ?!!!
Kashmir is India ,just like Kerala is India.
Pagans, people of J&K participate in the elections that Hurriyat boycotts. That shows that they will shout for "Azadi" to save themselves from a bullet or social ostracism, but will routinely participate in the democratic processes still in place on the eastern side of the LoC, unlike on the western side. Hurriyat is so sure of its own debacle in polls, that it has consistently avoided participating in elections.

Unfortunately the spineless approach the central government takes ensures that no one opposing the Pakistan funded pro-pakistan political for-hires is safe, hence this mess.

Let there be someone like Jagmohan, who was getting things back on track, or KPS Gill/Julio Ribeiro type IGs with a free hand, and then let us see, how much of this facade of separatism remains. Khalistan was also fueled from Pakistani soil, and it took a heavy toll on Punjab. But things change. They will change in J&K too.
Bwahhhhhhhhhhh Kashmir was never Part of India.
Even Kerala was never a part of India.

Compared with it Kashmir was always a part of Ashoka's Kaniska's,Ranjit Singh,Dogra, Shahi , Mughal ,British, Modern India.......all subcontinental India based empires.

Kashmir was never ever not a part of India.
And thousands of Kashmiris who support him are also funded by Pakistan dahhhhhhhhhhh

And oh Mirwaiz Omar also wants Kashmiri land back, Yasin Malik also wants Kashmir land back which is occupied by India.

The millions of Kashmiris also want their land back so who are funding them???

Are you so naive? if all the followers have to be funded then what is point of funding leader. His job is to create anti Indian followers. To clarify I am not saying that there are no Kashmiri who want to be part of Pakistan or Independent. I am saying this man is funded, these are 2 seperate thing.
The Central Government is too lenient with the Kashmiris. They are privileged from the rest of the states with lots of goodies.
The government should change its plans and have a mass settlement into Kashmir by millions of Indians. Millions of people from all kinds of ethnic groups should begin the settlement in Kashmir. If the kashmiris cannot appreciate then the best solution is to change its demographics.
If at all GoI has to do something on compassionate grounds, it should hang Geelani, as it will make a lot many people safe from this guy's menacing machinations, targeted assassinations and general intimidation on behalf of Pakistan.
hahhahhaa. ..nice stories. han, U mean pakistan is funding kashmir, kashmir wanted to be with Pakistan when Pakistan was just an imagination now say that Pakistani government was funding kashmiri's before even our own independence.
This is not a story of a week or a month, it goes back to 62 the time before the independance of Pakistan, u have 700,000 soldiers there, for what ?? dancing !! are they entertaining kashmiri's they raped around 9000 women and killed hundereds of thousands, u say this is what u do to people u consider as of ur own country, or u mean that Pakistan has got money to fund millions !!

whatever the story u guys cook, the fact is that all of them want to get rid of Indian occupation and when its about the whole population then no matter if u call them funded, it simply means that THEY want you to move out of their lands. And btw Kashmiri's asked for freedom and showed their will to merge with Pakistan when by the law of British government there was a question placed in front of Indians, who wants merge with Pakistan will go to Pakistan and those who want India will be part of India, and majority muslim areas will go to Pakistan automatically and hindu majority areas will go to India without any question.

INDIANS ARE NOT ALLOWED TO MIGRATE INTO KASHMIR, i need not to tell you about ur government shifting thousands and thousands of hindu families from decades to change the demography of the area.
INDIANS ARE NOT ALLOWED TO MIGRATE INTO KASHMIR, i need not to tell you about ur government shifting thousands and thousands of hindu families from decades to change the demography of the area.
Nothing like that has happened. But the reverse has happened. Hindus fleeing out of Kashmir.
This post proves 2 things.
1) Geelani wants to be with Pakistan because his son is in Pakistan.
2) While he shouts that he is Pakistani, he carries Indian passport. (Unlike some of freedom fighters who never change their stand come what may)
hahhahhaa. ..nice stories. han, U mean pakistan is funding kashmir, kashmir wanted to be with Pakistan when Pakistan was just an imagination now say that Pakistani government was funding kashmiri's before even our own independence.
This is not a story of a week or a month, it goes back to 62 the time before the independance of Pakistan, u have 700,000 soldiers there, for what ?? dancing !! are they entertaining kashmiri's they raped around 9000 women and killed hundereds of thousands, u say this is what u do to people u consider as of ur own country, or u mean that Pakistan has got money to fund millions !!

whatever the story u guys cook, the fact is that all of them want to get rid of Indian occupation and when its about the whole population then no matter if u call them funded, it simply means that THEY want you to move out of their lands. And btw Kashmiri's asked for freedom and showed their will to merge with Pakistan when by the law of British government there was a question placed in front of Indians, who wants merge with Pakistan will go to Pakistan and those who want India will be part of India, and majority muslim areas will go to Pakistan automatically and hindu majority areas will go to India without any question.

INDIANS ARE NOT ALLOWED TO MIGRATE INTO KASHMIR, i need not to tell you about ur government shifting thousands and thousands of hindu families from decades to change the demography of the area.

Dude whatever you cook up has no relevance today. History remains History. Kashmir is now INDIA and it will always be. period.

I suggest you concentrate on Pakistan or else the Taliban will occupy and settle in your whole country. We dont want Taliban tomorrow saying that Pakistan is a part of theirs do we?
Saying Kashmir is not a part of India is similar to saying NWFP/Balochistan are not parts of Pakistan, just on the basis of relative isolation and demographics. Digest that?
indian govt gave back geelani his passport to go to pakistan. now we must hope he stays in pakistan since he so much wants to be a pakistani. maybe indian govt can give all his supporters their passport to pakistan and send them there so problem can be solved once and for all
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