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So, is new media only reinforcing old stereotypes?

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Well, actually this 'unfinished business' is a Pakistani POV. Pakistan has always insisted that Kashmir is the core of Indo-Pak conflict....but surprisingly in the Shimla agreement Pakistan didn't bring up the Kashmir issue at all. If Kashmir was the core issue then how come you ended the war even without bringing it up?!!!
Well, actually this 'unfinished business' is a Pakistani POV. Pakistan has always insisted that Kashmir is the core of Indo-Pak conflict....but surprisingly in the Shimla agreement Pakistan didn't bring up the Kashmir issue at all. If Kashmir was the core issue then how come you ended the war even without bringing it up?!!!

Simla was undertaken with the blackmail of India holding onto 90,000 POW's ( I could be wrong, but POW's are supposed to be released when hostilities end).

Even so, the Simla agreement calls for adherence to the UN charter (UNSC resolutions) and an end to the conflict and resolution of differences between the two sides. Kashmir therefore quite clearly falls in the ambit of Simla.
AM you are missing my point, their is my POV and their is GOI's POV you are mixing the two. I favor settlement, but in reality people will not allow to change border.

Thanks for clarifying.

I don't think that either country really thinks a winner takes all solution should apply - Gilgit-Baltistan, Jammu and Laddakh would likely remain with Pakistan and India respectively, and even on the remaining Kashmir part of the territory various formats for solutions have been suggested, from joint administration of Kashmir valley to district by district referendums etc.

Indians need to conduct this discourse and come to the realization that such a solution, that caters to the Muslim and non-Muslim sentiments of people in the disputed territory is in the interest of all the involved parties.
I always favour an independent Kashmir but stubborn Indian and Pakistani nationalism would not let our Kashmiri kin live in peace. Unite Kashmir and throw out the Pakistanis and Indians ** Kashmiri flag** :tup:Peace in our time :tup:
I want the issue to be resolved either converting the current LOC into international border or get the whole of Kashmir and just like US/Mexico case, pay some 10b$ to Pakistan to settle the issue.

Yes for the short term, Pakistan might the use the money and try to build up its military. But India can sustain the spending while Pakistan can't. Morever, if Kashmir issue is solved, I think Pak-India friction will be over to a large extent.
Well, actually this 'unfinished business' is a Pakistani POV. Pakistan has always insisted that Kashmir is the core of Indo-Pak conflict....but surprisingly in the Shimla agreement Pakistan didn't bring up the Kashmir issue at all. If Kashmir was the core issue then how come you ended the war even without bringing it up?!!!

No my friend this POV is from BBC written by a Brit. It is not only Pakistan but India have also accepted that Kashmir is the core issue.
I want the issue to be resolved either converting the current LOC into international border or get the whole of Kashmir and just like US/Mexico case, pay some 10b$ to Pakistan to settle the issue.

Yes for the short term, Pakistan might the use the money and try to build up its military. But India can sustain the spending while Pakistan can't. Morever, if Kashmir issue is solved, I think Pak-India friction will be over to a large extent.

Rajeev, we are talking about humans and not only land. Kashmiris are people of great honour and they are not for sale.

You can wish to have the entire Kashmir but I am sure most Indians realize that it is not going to happen.

The second part of the realization for Indian masses is to understand that majority of the Kashmiris (either side of the LOC) don't want to do anything with India and it is in INDIA'S BENEFIT TO RESOLVE THE KASHMIR ISSUE.

I hope that you do have some sincere politicians in India who are actually working to propogate this fact.
Rajeev, we are talking about humans and not only land. Kashmiris are people of great honour and they are not for sale.

You can wish to have the entire Kashmir but I am sure most Indians realize that it is not going to happen.

The second part of the realization for Indian masses is to understand that majority of the Kashmiris (either side of the LOC) don't want to do anything with India and it is in INDIA'S BENEFIT TO RESOLVE THE KASHMIR ISSUE.

I hope that you do have some sincere politicians in India who are actually working to propogate this fact.

1. I dont believe in propogonda. Kashmir belongs to India. Those who are not interested to live in India can leave India, India is not holding any one hostage.

2. Just like there are Pakistani jihadis fighting the cause does not mean Kashmiris are not interested to be with India. Remember, even Hurriyat is negotiating with India accepting the soverignity of India.

3. Geo-politics decide the matter. India's hand has more cards than Pakistani's. This vunerable moment for Pakistanis gives India huge advantage.

4. India has grown way powerful than Pakistan and it is highly unlikely that Pakistan can match India in either technology advancement or in raw quantity.

5. Even Musharaff was saying that he was willing to make current LOC permanent.

6. Unfortunately for Pakistanis, all the suicide bombers have tarnished the image of Pakistan so much that even China is not supporting Pakistani cause in any international arena.
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Protests mark rights day in India-controlled Kashmir - People's Daily Online

December 11, 2009

Separatists and rights activists in India-controlled Kashmir staged protests and rallies Thursday to mark the World Human Rights Day.

Authorities had placed the top separatist leaders under house arrest to prevent the mass rallies.

However, small groups managed to reach Srinagar city center, the summer capital of India-controlled Kashmir, shouting slogans, carrying banners and placards to protest the alleged human rights violations in the region. The activists were arrested by police soon after they tried to assemble.

"We had to place some separatist leaders under house arrest to prevent law and order problems in the city," said a police official, not authorized to speak to media.

Separatists had planned to stage a rally in Srinagar city to highlight the rights violations in the region.

"Separatist leaders including Mirwaiz Umar Farooq, Shabir Shah,Nayeem Khan and others have been placed under house arrest. The ones who managed to reach here were arrested. Now we are not even allowed to protest peacefully," said an activist.

Meanwhile, a pro-Indian politician and an independent legislator in the region, Sheikh Abdul Rashid, Thursday filed 24 complaints of rights abuses with the region's Human Rights Commission.

Rashid's complaints include probe into the killings, forced labor, torture, enforced disappearance that took place in his constituency.

Pressing for the justice to the victims, Rashid also sought compensation and punishment to the guilty in lieu of the excesses meted out to the people of his constituency.

"We demand compensation for the forced labor, punishment to the accused and seek an apology from the government of India," Rashid told media after filing the complaints.

In the evening the pro-independence separatist and chairman of Jammu and Kashmir Liberation Front, Mohammed Yasin Malik held a torch rally in the city.

Malik questioned the heavy presence of Indian troopers in the region and alleged that New Delhi was using the special powers act to control the people in the region.

"What is the fun of keeping such a huge number of troopers here when local police officials and army higher-ups maintain that number of militants is less than 500 militants in the region," Malik said.

The Shopian Township, 50 km south of Srinagar, observed a complete shutdown Thursday to coincide their protest with the world rights day. The residents are seeking identification of culprits in the May 30 alleged rape and murder of two women of the town.

The entire region particularly Muslim dominated areas witnessed massive protests over the issue.

The International Human Rights Day marks the anniversary of the UN General Assembly's adoption of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights in 1948 and pledge of its signatories, including India, to protect human rights.

The Indian army and paramilitary troopers stationed in the region are engaged in a guerrilla war with the militants since 1989.

Officials say more than 47,000 people have been killed in the region during the past two decades. However, the rights groups and non-governmental organizations put the death toll at more than twice the official figure.

Your not comparing china and india here stop trying to flame and degrade. Stay on topic or don't post at all.

This topic was posted already and discussed 8 hours before. So before posting one should just check - I think that helps!
This topic was posted already and discussed 8 hours before. So before posting one should just check - I think that helps!

Still dosen't explain the posting links that have nothing to do with the thread.
Why shoot the messenger ? do you think if i don't post it, no one will

know about it ? The reality is, its news all over the world.

But I won't blame you, since 69% of you guys suffering nightmare

from childhood, this probably result from the long term damage being

done, Goodluck pal.:smitten::pakistan::china:
Kashmir’s Desperate GASP For Peace
Tehelka - India's Independent Weekly News Magazine

If Delhi doesn’t act fast, none will be left at the negotiation table

Senior Journalist

FAZAL QURESHI is the latest of a long list of Kashmiri leaders who have been ruthlessly gunned down because they have dared to aspire to a peace with honour for the Kashmiris. He is also among the noblest of them. As he battles for his life in hospital the names and faces of some of his predecessors flit through my mind: Mirwaiz Maulvi Mohammad Farouq, gunned down on May 21, 1990; HN Wanchoo, the dauntless campaigner for human rights killed on December 5, 1992; Dr Abdul Ahad Guru, the eminent cardiologist, killed on March 31, 1993; Qazi Nissar assassinated on June 20, 1994; Abdul Ghani Lone on May 21 2002: Abdul Majid Dar shot dead on March 23, 2003; Mirwaiz Umar Farouq’s uncle Maulvi Mushtaq on May 29, 2004; the brother of Professor Abdul Ghani Butt, and now the dastardly attempt to kill Fazal Qureshi. Others, such as Butt himself and Shahid-ul-Islam, spokesman of Mirwaiz’s Awami Action Front, have narrowly escaped assassins’ grenades and bullets.

Future tense? (Right to left) Umar Farooq, Moulvi Abbas Ansari and Fazal Qureshi during a meeting in Srinagar in 2005

While some doubts still linger over the motives for the earlier killings, there are absolutely none about what has triggered the recent spate of assassinations. Each and every one has been designed to prevent Kashmiri nationalists from arriving at a peace settlement with New Delhi. Lone was killed because he had the courage, while still in Islamabad attending the marriage of his son Sajjad, to welcome Prime Minister Atal Behari Vajpayee’s ceasefire offer of December 2000, and later urged the Hurriyat to fight the 2002 elections. The controllers who planned his assassination chose the 12th anniversary of Mirwaiz Maulvi Farouq’s death as a double-barreled warning to the Hurriyat to stay away from the 2002 elections.

The killing of Abdul Ghani Butt’s brother was intended to send him a similar message when he was the chairman of the Hurriyat council. Mirwaiz Umar Farouq lost his uncle because he ignored frenzied warnings from Muzaffarabad not to meet Deputy Prime Minister Advani for a second round of talks in 2004. He was rewarded for his temerity with the death of his uncle, the torching of his more than a century old school – the first for Muslim children in the valley — and a grenade attack on his home.

Fazal Qureshi, one of the gentlest of men, is battling for his life even as I write because he, too, had the temerity to come out unambiguously in favour of peace. At a conference in Srinagar on October 11, he laid out a blueprint for a resolution of the Kashmir dispute that endorsed the Manmohan– Musharraf framework for settlement. Qureshi pointed out that there were only minor differences between the rival proposals for autonomy, self-rule and azadi that were being put forward by the various political parties in the state, and that, collectively, these reflected the will of the people of Kashmir. The main difference between Hurriyat and the mainstream parties was that the former wanted Delhi to hold ‘trilateral’ talks with both Kashmiri leaders and Islamabad as it did not believe that there could be lasting peace in Kashmir without Pakistan’s acquiescence. He made it clear that while he was speaking on behalf of the Hurriyat conference, these were also his personal views. It now seems that by doing so, he turned himself into a target.

Who planned this dastardly attack? If the past is a yardstick, then the ISI has to be the prime suspect. For, with possibly one exception, all of the assassinations listed above were carried out by organisations that enjoyed its patronage. What is more, these have been only the visible tip of the empire of fear that it has created in Kashmir. To cite a few examples of which I have personal knowledge, days before Musharraf’s foreign minister, Mian Mahmud Kasuri visited New Delhi in August 2004, one senior member of Geelani’s branch of the Hurriyat told a Pakistan High Commission official that ‘you can relay what I am going to tell you to the ISI and sign my death warrant, but I would urge you not to do so and to convey to the foreign minister that the Kashmiris want both your countries to arrive at a compromise solution that will allow them to live in peace’.

When Kasuri was followed by Pakistan’s Prime Minister Shaukat Aziz in January 2005, the Hurriyat leadership came down to Delhi to meet him but made no attempt to meet Dr Manmohan Singh. When they were warned that not requesting an appointment would be an insult to the Indian state and that Dr Singh, who had already met them three years earlier when he was the leader of the opposition in the Rajya Sabha, had set aside time for them, they confessed that they did not dare to do so because they had received explicit death threats from the other side.

However, so much has changed in Pakistan in the past year that conclusions drawn from its past behaviour could be entirely wrong. Since March, the Pakistan army has been in an all-out battle against the Taliban in the tribal agencies. The death toll in this war, of civilians and combatants, has climbed to nearly four hundred a week and the frequency of terrorist bombings is approaching Iraq at its worst. Pakistan has so far committed 2,50,000 soldiers to the war so far and is likely to commit another 80 to 1,00,000 in the coming months. This would constitute almost half of its total active and reserve strength. The last thing it wants or needs is renewed tension with India. The Pakistan foreign minister, Shah Mahmud Qureishi said as much in London on December 4: “We are facing a challenge but we cannot face it alone. We need a regional approach. India is an important regional player and it has to act responsibly.” This may be why there has not been a single terrorist attack in India after 26/11, making the past 13 months the longest terror-free period that India has known since 2002.

What is beyond doubt is that there are hundreds of militants of every persuasion who have a compelling need to keep the insurgency alive because it has become their livelihoods as well as their lives. The ones who will be most affected are the jihadis gathered in Muzaffarabad under the aegis of the United Jihad Council. Indeed, the attack on Fazal Qureshi has their stamp all over it. Whether they have been helped or encouraged by elements within Pakistan’s ISI is anyone’s guess.

In the end, it does not really matter who was responsible for the attack on Qureshi. The real reason why every Kashmiri leader who has had the courage to discuss peace with New Delhi has been cut down is the chronic indecision of India’s leaders and their inordinate fear of an imagined ‘Hindu’ and nationalist backlash if they make any concession to the separatists. It should have been obvious to the Home Ministry that the Kashmiri separatists could be persuaded to accept a settlement within the four corners of the constitution the moment they turned away from violence in 1995, for there can be no negotiated settlement of a dispute without a compromise. But government after government in Delhi has held talks with militant leaders and then done nothing. By doing this, they have discredited these leaders and exposed them to the charge of having sold out to ‘India’.

Over years of fruitless talks, a chronically disaffected Kashmiri urban intelligentsia has turned the manufacture of accusations of betrayal into a cottage industry. Lone was killed after months of incessant propaganda — that he was a turncoat who had sold out to the Indians — by Ali Shah Geelani from every mosque in the Valley. Geelani has been spearheading the same kind of attack on the Mirwaiz’s Hurriyat ever since it became known that it was engaged in ‘quiet negotiations’ with the Home Ministry. And Srinagar had hosted no fewer than five seminars denouncing Hurrriyat and the peace talks in the weeks before Fazal was shot.

It is time for New Delhi to acknowledge that its hands are not clean, and to bring negotiations to a conclusion before there is no one left to negotiate with.


From Tehelka Magazine, Vol 6, Issue 50, Dated December 19, 2009
It is time for New Delhi to acknowledge that its hands are not clean, and to bring negotiations to a conclusion before there is no one left to negotiate with.

I think this sum's it all...I really don't care what the role of Pakistan is in all this mess...We are adversaries and they will try whatever they can...However when we say Kashmir is our integral part then what the heck is GOI waiting for in solving the issue??? If i am not wrong i have never heard Kashmir as an election issue all these years...which implies there are no vote banks that GOI will loose...secondly i don't think Indians would mind if GOI shows a more soft stature with Hurriyat(i can understand people reaction if they show more softness with PAK) about Kashmir which is currently under GOI control...Once that is solved we can talk to the PAK about P-O-K
I think this sum's it all...I really don't care what the role of Pakistan is in all this mess...We are adversaries and they will try whatever they can...However when we say Kashmir is our integral part then what the heck is GOI waiting for in solving the issue??? If i am not wrong i have never heard Kashmir as an election issue all these years...which implies there are no vote banks that GOI will loose...secondly i don't think Indians would mind if GOI shows a more soft stature with Hurriyat(i can understand people reaction if they show more softness with PAK) about Kashmir which is currently under GOI control...Once that is solved we can talk to the PAK about P-O-K

There is no proof regarding how much support the Hurriyat. IMHO they can get maybe 30% of the votes in the Valley (and the % will be lower if you consider the state as a whole). They should contest elections and establish their credibility.

If GoI gives in to blackmail from an entity whose credibility is not established then that can become an election issue.

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