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So, is new media only reinforcing old stereotypes?

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You assume that GoP will willingly cede azad kashmir and the newly named Gilgit-Baltistan province when evidence is to the contrary. From the beginning it was Pakistan that denied the independence option in the UN council resolution, not India. And when the JKLF which was leading the secular pro-Independence struggle was dominant in the 90s, it was Pakistani based pseudo-Islamic militant groups that assassinated most of their leaders along with pro-Indian Kashmiris.

India also shares much of the blame by its brutal policies in IOK.

In any case, even assuming all of what you say is correct, and I am not conceding anything, I want to look forward to the future.

If there is the possibility of resolving Kashmir according to a fair, trilaterally (Pak,India,UN) monitored Kashmiri plebiscite, then both India and Pakistan should honor it. It would finally solve the major hurdle in Pakistan/India relations and both countries will benefit from the resulting detente.

Of course, if they chose independence, it is quite likely that Kashmir will immediately become a proxy battleground like Afghanistan, but at least they will be nominally free. True freedom can also come in time.
Leh, October 18

The Ladakh Union Territory Front (LUTF), a regional formation and ruling party of Ladakh Autonomous Hill Development Council (LAHDC), Leh, welcoming the recent statement of the Union Home Minister P Chidambaram during his visit to the Kashmir valley on October 14, has reiterated its demand “UT for Ladakh”.

Chidambaram during his visit to the state had said the Union government is working on the solution of Kashmir, which would be acceptable to the people in the state. In a press statement, LUTF general-secretary T Wangdus stated that people of Ladakh have been demanding “UT status for Ladakh” ever since the India’s Independence and would not accept any other plan of ceding with the Kashmir valley.


UT status for Ladakh sought
How hypocracitcal can one get, when people say they want plebiscite in kashmir, and at the same time support armed terrorism in kashmir and changed the demography of kashmir held by pakistan.
How hypocracitcal can one get, when people say they want plebiscite in kashmir, and at the same time support armed terrorism in kashmir and changed the demography of kashmir held by pakistan.

India and her Western minders call it 'armed terrorism'. Pakistan, and China it seems, consider it a freedom struggle against a brutal occupation regime.
India and her Western minders call it 'armed terrorism'. Pakistan, and China it seems, consider it a freedom struggle against a brutal occupation regime.

In whatever terms you put it, providing support to the so called freedom strugglers and advocating a free and fare plebiscite is hypocractical. Do you think india can bow to that? Infact no country can.
Uh huh...'I said it, therefore I am right' gambit.

Pathetic attempt to twist words to salvage your untenable position.
Self-projection. Also please show me where I have 'twisted' words.
There has never been any conflict within Azad Kashmir. Pakistan doesn't need to position 600,000 troops to brutally suppress the local population. To even begin to compare Azad Kashmir with Indian Occupied Kashmir is laughable.

Which document of UN says that 'lack of conflict' in Kashmir is to be considered as acquiescence by Kashmiris and hence no plebiscite would be required for that region of 'lack of conflict'?
If the people of Azad Kashmir demand a plebiscite and an option to secede from Pakistan, then Pakistan should honor that request.

If a plebiscite is to happen in Kashmir, it will be as per UN mandate, which means the whole of Kashmir, including so called 'Azad' Kashmir, Northern areas and the China occupied Kashmir, would have to go for it. And that too, only after Kashmir has been returned to the pre-'47 intrusion situation.
Until then, your attempt at sophistry won't work.
Self projection.
Not much of a case. Only an evasive reply to duck the real issue of India's denial to Kashmiris of their right to self-determination.
Goal post shifting. My query and my subsequent replies revolved around Pakistan's position on 'Azad' Kashmir, unrelated to India's stand on Kashmir.
My meaning is crytal clear. It is you who seems to have trouble sticking with the issue and create diversions when unable to respond to the matter at hand.
Yeah right. Your self serving arguments are what they are - self serving.
Goal post shifting. My query and my subsequent replies revolved around Pakistan's position on 'Azad' Kashmir, unrelated to India's stand on Kashmir.


The subject of the thread is China's visa rules on Indian occupied Kashmir. Hence the subject is very squarely focussed on Indian occupied Kashmir.

Your pathetic attempt to derail the thread as usual with irrelevancies didn't work this time. You can dance around the issue and reply to everything with 'you too' :-)rofl:) but you aren't fooling anybody with your evasiveness.

Bottom line, China recognizes the disputed status of Kashmir and the fact that India is holding it down by brutal occupation.
India upset: Correct maps of Pakistan & China from Beijing The Dawn

Nov. 18 – Chinese computer maker Lenovo has fallen into a row over maps displaying China and surrounding regions installed as wallpaper on laptops given to the Indian government.

On the computers, Aksai Chin, which India claims, is shown as part of China while part of Kashmir is depicted as being in Pakistan. The computers were distributed to India’s Income Tax Department :-)rofl:) after Lenovo won a bid for supplying them. Around 10,000 laptops were supplied by Lenovo to offices across the country early this year with the entire process being routed through the office of the director of income tax in Delhi.

Lenovo said that the laptops were made in its Indian Pondicherry unit and that the software came from the United States. Lenovo have stated that the map depicts global time zones and not geographical or political boundaries. It also said that they were in the process of removing the wall papers considering the sensitivity involved. The Police have been called in as depicting certain parts of Kashmir as being in Pakistan is a criminal offense in India.

Lenovo said that time zones in the wallpaper adhere to conventionally accepted and commonly found time zone borders and they correspond to the time zone markings at the bottom of the map. However, according to India’s investigating Police, “India falls under a single time zone and so this explanation is not plausible”

According to the company, it held a service camp in April at various income tax offices where time zone wallpapers were replaced with other conventional wallpapers. The company said it would replace the wall papers if there are more in circulation. A senior income tax official contested the claims and said, “We are not aware of such camps. In Mumbai at least the company has not approached us.”

While the disputes between India and China over the territories concerned go back some time, this incident seems more laughable than others. It does demonstrate both an embarrassing lack of due diligence on behalf of the Indian purchasing department and an alarming, if mischievous demonstration of political interference in a globally traded business by the Chinese. Lenovo Laptops Show Indian-Claimed Territory as Chinese
ROFL :rofl:

Anyways we will try to help Kashmir people as much we can. Whereas Pakistan gifted 12000+ sq. km of the Kashmiri territory to China without asking permission from Kashmiries. So much for love of Kashmir one should appreciate. :tdown: . Vajpayee asked Musharraf: “By whose authority did Pakistan gift a part of Kashmir to China ?”

We are not ashamed but proud of it. We Indians never compromised with integrity of J&K and gifted it like a piece of cake. :cheers:
ROFL :rofl:

Anyways we will try to help Kashmir people as much we can. Whereas Pakistan gifted 12000+ sq. km of the Kashmiri territory to China without asking permission from Kashmiries. So much for love of Kashmir one should appreciate. :tdown: . Vajpayee asked Musharraf: “By whose authority did Pakistan gift a part of Kashmir to China ?”

We are not ashamed but proud of it. We Indians never compromised with integrity of J&K and gifted it like a piece of cake. :cheers:
Stop whining...

The subject of the thread is China's visa rules on Indian occupied Kashmir. Hence the subject is very squarely focussed on Indian occupied Kashmir.

Your pathetic attempt to derail the thread as usual with irrelevancies didn't work this time. You can dance around the issue and reply to everything with 'you too' :-)rofl:) but you aren't fooling anybody with your evasiveness.

Bottom line, China recognizes the disputed status of Kashmir and the fact that India is holding it down by brutal occupation.
I see, you can't explain why 'Azad' Kashmir 'belongs' to Pakistan, as per your claim, when there has never been a plebiscite, which, as the cheerleaders for plebiscite would have us believe, is the 'only' solution.

Since, you are a smarty pant, you don't realize that Pakistan doesn't actually claim to own 'Azad' Kashmir, in the same way as it claims Northern areas. Which also exposes the hypocrisy of your 'taller than mountains deeper than ocean' friend, and the willful ignorance that you prefer to bask in. Its catch 22 for you.

You do know, don't you, what they call the chaps who are the only ones laughing at their own jokes.

Bottom line, you couldn't substantiate your claim. As usual.
who cares india shows kashmir as part of india and china its and tis trend will continue. Nothing new in this tats wy its called disputed region ,isnt it?
I see, you can't explain why 'Azad' Kashmir 'belongs' to Pakistan, as per your claim, when there has never been a plebiscite, which, as the cheerleaders for plebiscite would have us believe, is the 'only' solution.

The people of Azad Kashmir are not clamoring for a plebiscite. The people held hostage in IOK are.

You do know, don't you, what they call the chaps who are the only ones laughing at their own jokes.

One billion Chinese are laughing with me.

Guess who they are laughing at!
The people of Azad Kashmir are not clamoring for a plebiscite. The people held hostage in IOK are.
To repeat myself


If a plebiscite is to happen in Kashmir, it will be as per UN mandate, which means the whole of Kashmir, including so called 'Azad' Kashmir, Northern areas and the China occupied Kashmir, would have to go for it. And that too, only after Kashmir has been returned to the pre-'47 intrusion situation.'
One billion Chinese are laughing with me.

Guess who they are laughing at!
Not really. Its called, scratch my back, I'll scratch yours, the kind you see among a specific species of mammals.
If a plebiscite is to happen in Kashmir, it will be as per UN mandate, which means the whole of Kashmir, including so called 'Azad' Kashmir, Northern areas and the China occupied Kashmir, would have to go for it. And that too, only after Kashmir has been returned to the pre-'47 intrusion situation.'

Except that India is adamantly opposed to the very idea of plebiscite and has been delaying it for all these decades. It is yet another exercise in sophistry by you guys. Pakistan has always welcomed UN oversight of a full plebiscite. If India was serious about holding a plebiscite it would have withdrawn its forces and cooperated with Pakistan (and China) about organizing said plebiscite in Kashmir, all of it, no problem...

In any case, like all Kashmir discussion, this one is not going anywhere. This will be my final post on this matter in this thread. I'll let you have the last word.

Not really. Its called, scratch my back, I'll scratch yours, the kind you see among a specific species of mammals.

Still smarting, eh? :rofl:
Ooooh. I didn't realize it would sting you that badly...
No worries.
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