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So, is new media only reinforcing old stereotypes?

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samay will have some indian tilt ofcourse but I would focusson the quoted parts only that is from the BNF chariman and a member of the GBDA. This is ofcourse only his view but most of these people actually welcomed the GB package unlike the people from mirpur and muzaffarabad who opposed it and said that GB should be united under a common govt. So if these very people are raising voices that welcomed the GB package with reservations then its something different.

There are more reports now but not on mainstream pakistani news sources yet but mainly on kashmiri news sources about the detentions and even boycott call from the GBDA.
[Breaking News] GBDA announces boycott of elections in 4 constituencies

The full press release from BNF chariman that samay and kashmir watch based their report on is here
Gilgit Baltistan Democratic Alliance (GBDA) Leaders Detained before Election in Gilgit Indus Asia Online Journal (iaoj)
It was rediculous to think that after world war europe will unite again and EU will evolve with open borders..single currency and world higheest GDP...

It was rediculous to think that berlin wall will fall and east germany and west germany will unite

It was rediculous to think during cold war that US and Russia can live together and can improve relations...

All this happened brother...Who knows India Pak can also learn to live amicably...What say??

Simple answer of your statement is:

NO ONE BACK BEHIND (intructions) Russia US
East or West Germany
US and Canada

We have different Situation

Behind India (Israel and US) behind Pakistan (America for just DO MORE)

different situation simple example for you is forget politics even in Cricket you did enough propoganda in ICC after 26/11. So Russia USA Canada Germany thy are resposible countries (for thr own goals) on the other hand we both work for US and YES U AND US work for only US and thr objects (we work for US objectives) and you work for (Pro Israel objective).

Never happen!
Pakistan has not done any thing wrong to India and that ids the truth and we the Pakistani are on high moral grounds.

India on the other hand.

Babri mosque.
Juna Garh.
Hyder abad
East Pakistan
Stealing water.
Mass killing of Muslims in Gujrat

Too bad.. Let me give a proper reply for you post..
Babri Mosque - Strictly internal affairs.. Hold your nose out of it.. After all it happened in the land of toiletless people
Kashmir - Under Dispute.. I agree..
Junagarh - Hello brother. the year is 2009. Junagarh people are as Indian as would be the people in Baltistan and northern Areas are Pakistanie
Hyderabad - Mention this in Hyderabad near Gachhi bowli Cricket stadium and let me know what happens..
or if you meant the Hyderabad in Pakistan, I am all for it.
East Pakistan - So its done and dusted now.. As is the case with Baltistan, Northern Areas and Kashmir under the Pakistani side.. If you have any issues now, go speak with the Banglas.. Let see how much of your arguments stand
Stealing water - too bad, you wanted the down stream regions ;) cant help it
Mass killings of Muslims in Gujarat - What has it got to do with Indo-pak. Gujarat is on this side of the Border.. Remember? this is not Gujrat.. this is Gujarat. Strictly internal affairs. Then we will have to rake up every issue that has been faced By Pakistani hindu's

and I forgot...

What about Kashmir lands which you ceded to China.. You were the one who brought in a 3rd person in the whole equation
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If this soft border is on the cost of Kashmir then NO SIR! Keep this "Open" thing within your closed mouth.

Then come and get it from us....Can you??? If the sincere answer to that is no then open you closed mouth and think about the millions deprived masses on both sides including Kashmiri's and ask yourself what we did in last 62 years is worth that we shall keep on doing or shall we change our way of thinking???

If by any chance your answer is yes then with all due respect you have lost your mind because of sheer hatred and ego...

Pakistan has not done any thing wrong to India and that ids the truth and we the Pakistani are on high moral grounds.

India on the other hand.

Babri mosque.
Juna Garh.
Hyder abad
East Pakistan
Stealing water.
Mass killing of Muslims in Gujrat

I dont blame you for this kind of rant...You know its bull **** like this which unfortunately comes from mouth of people on both sides and make us blind to see all our claims are nothing but piece of crap...Anyways as per the jargon of tis forum i have one word for you "TROLL"
Simple answer of your statement is:

NO ONE BACK BEHIND (intructions) Russia US
East or West Germany
US and Canada

With all due respect you being a moderator i have lot of expectations from people like you... Never mind you missed my point..POint was simple those things no-onje could have imagined but they happened..can they happen in our case??? I believe it can but its a long difficult path...

We have different Situation

Agreed we have a different situation...
Behind India (Israel and US) behind Pakistan (America for just DO MORE)

Sorry what you mean here??? Are you saying its Israel and US that are responsible for animosity between us???

different situation simple example for you is forget politics even in Cricket you did enough propoganda in ICC after 26/11. So Russia USA Canada Germany thy are resposible countries (for thr own goals) on the other hand we both work for US and YES U AND US work for only US and thr objects (we work for US objectives) and you work for (Pro Israel objective).

Well not going into if we did propaganda or not but thats what i am saying we have hatred for each other but so was between the countries that i listed in previous post...Thus looking at today we can't just predict tomorrow...Sane people on both sides know that only way forward is peace..Do you agree??? Once you achieve peace you would see what i am saying is not totally insane...

Never happen!
It may but you got to look beyond the obvious...
Pakistan is Up for negotiations all the time. It was India who, without any concrete evidence, started railroading Pakistan when Mumbai carnage happened last year. India should stop blaming Pakistan for any catastrophe happens inside their nation. There are a number of separatist moments in India along with small terror outfits. India needs to control it instead of pointing fingers at Pakistan. Pakistan is all up for negotiations. But how long this fake negotiation packages will keep on coming? India should stop this political matinee. Kashmir issue along with the Indus Basin Treaty should be resolved before long.
Actually I would go 2-3 steps further.

GoP and GoI should not only open the border but also greet all citizens going back and forth with super welcome treatment; just to negate the adverse propaganda both governments generally force feed their populations use to avoid such visits. Case and point, Manmohan Singhs recent 'caution' to the Sikh Yatri's to not to go to Pakistan as they will be attacked. But most of the Yatri's refused and have received excellent treatment on arrival by GoP and even the elders have met with the Pakistan PM. So when these Sikhs go back; they will have more than hearsay to negate any adverse propaganda the government gives them about Pakistan.

We had a few years ago a few Indian Students visit Islamabad for a trip sponsored by a Rotary Club in Pakistan. Those student were literally bum-rushed to see Islamabad a most modern city and they also visited Lahore and Karachi where they were given excellent receptions. One of these students who were from South of India made a comment that their perception of Pakistan & its people had totally changed to what they were exposed to by their media.

Enough Said!
Jawed Naqvi in a column in the Dawn argued that the Indian Government should start issuing Person of Indian Origin(PIO) cards to people from the countries in the neighbourhood.

Can petty minds create a South Asian confederation?

I think that it is a pretty interesting idea. Providing PIO cards to people who have lived in India before partition and their descendants will go a long way in healing the wounds opened up by partition. Maybe some day all travel between South Asian countries could be visa free.

By having strict background checks, I believe unsavoury elements who may have bad intentions can be kept out.

I would like to hear your opinions on this idea.
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First we need to resolve issues of terrorism and only then can we trust each other with something like "open-borders". Don't want to make this open-season for terrorists.
Actually I would go 2-3 steps further.

GoP and GoI should not only open the border but also greet all citizens going back and forth with super welcome treatment; just to negate the adverse propaganda both governments generally force feed their populations use to avoid such visits. Case and point, Manmohan Singhs recent 'caution' to the Sikh Yatri's to not to go to Pakistan as they will be attacked. But most of the Yatri's refused and have received excellent treatment on arrival by GoP and even the elders have met with the Pakistan PM. So when these Sikhs go back; they will have more than hearsay to negate any adverse propaganda the government gives them about Pakistan.

We had a few years ago a few Indian Students visit Islamabad for a trip sponsored by a Rotary Club in Pakistan. Those student were literally bum-rushed to see Islamabad a most modern city and they also visited Lahore and Karachi where they were given excellent receptions. One of these students who were from South of India made a comment that their perception of Pakistan & its people had totally changed to what they were exposed to by their media.

Enough Said!

Couldn't care less what these students think at the end of the day. Because their opinion doesn't really matter. The border need not be opened at least until india stops its terrorist activities and then further years until there is trust between both countries.
I think there shouldn't be open pak-india border untill atleast 2 generations of peaceful indo-pak relations. As of now ,rather than solving the problem , it will serve as an excellent and consistent mechanism for terrorist activities on both sides &military flare ups.
open borders hmmm what was MM Singh eating, drinking then when he made this statement seriously i was not expecting this from any Indian official so surprising.

rest well oh hmmm ehhh why not ;)
Open borders sounds more like akhand bharath to me.
what do you say 'zaid hamid fans'(if any)?:devil::devil::devil:
Sheesh.... Why the heck is everyone taking his words at face value?

He's not making a proposal to Pakistan as the PM of India. If tomorrow he were presented with such a plan he'd immediately nix it.

Its just a pleasant thought that he's voicing. The 'we must make the earth greener' and 'we must reach for the stars' kind.

BTW in the present world it isn't possible but in the future .. why not. If you think India-Pakistan relations are bad, read about the history of Europe. Britain, France, Germany, Austria etc have been at each others throats for centuries. Our troubles are pretty minor compared to their legacy. If they can do it....
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Sheesh.... Why the heck is everyone taking his words at face value?

He's not making a proposal to Pakistan as the PM of India. If tomorrow he were presented with such a plan he'd immediately nix it.

:lol::lol: ahh the great MM Singh is here disowned lolzzz oh come on Indians you guys are funny when it comes to taking his silliest statement against Pakistan as seriouse you are so happy when he has said something mild ummmm you are now even disrobing him of his rank as PM. buri baat ha

Oye Nomad welcome back :)


BTW in the present world it isn't possible but in the future .. why not. If you think India-Pakistan relations are bad, read about the history of Europe. Britain, France, Germany, Austria etc have been at each others throats for centuries. Our troubles are pretty minor compared to their legacy. If they can do it....

Well solve Kashmir then we have no problem with you nor minor neither big.

Kashmir occupation by India is the only and biggest problem we have with India.

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