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So, is new media only reinforcing old stereotypes?

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No wonder you've chosen a freaking clown as your display image on PDF.. your point is not better than they way you dressed yourself up.

Regarding Kashmir, death of a "freedom fight by a lady" and death of "two freedom fighters" gave you enough cheeks to come and talk of freedom fighters loosing. Just go and visit some resource (even if that is Indian) to get enlightened how many hounds in uniform killed how many people who were sleeping in their homes in the same territory of Jammu and Kashmir!

:what: My "display image" or icon is by no means a reflection of my views on this forum for starters. You should take a chill pill and realise that you and your views do certainly NOT reflect the lion's roar of Pakistan. Continue deluding yourself if you believe so otherwise.

I never discussed the issue of "freedom fighters loosing". I may have condemned violence in Kashmir but that condemnation is across the board and includes allegations of Indian military violence whether it be against the people or the captured militants. By the same token it has always been my view that when any soldier crosses the line and acts unlawfully then he must be punished accordingly. I am tempted to state that at least our hounds remain in uniform whilst yours disguise themselves as civilians but I shall refrain from petty posturing unlike you. :coffee:
Soft borders are technically feasible but politically impossible.
Indian style is to confuse with opposing views and make it possible.
it is your concoction son. truth is far from it and not probable.
killing, cursing, blaming does not construe it as feasible.
show some decency, new will travel and peace will be imaginable.
if you believe in a bear story, and take it as good news.
than son you have strange sense of humor and have distorted views.
Without proof you jump to conclusions and believe it as gospel.
no names, no faces, no evidence, yet you go for spins and for rumermill.
Media is, as we know works only for selfishness and for exaggeration.
So son do not believe every thing, it may not be as per your expectations

Except for the occasional typos and misspells, this kind of effort should be appreciated. :tup:
Pakistan swoops down on separatists before Gilgit-Baltistan polls :: Samay Live

Srinagar: Hundreds of separatist leaders in Gilgit-Baltistan, part of Pakistan-administered Kashmir, have been arrested and sent off to Islamabad ahead of the Nov 12 assembly elections in the strategic border region, says a prominent leader of the region that has recently been given the powers of a federal province.

"Top leaders of the Gilgit-Baltistan Democratic Alliance (GBDA) have been detained by the Pakistan occupying regime," Abdul Hamid Khan, the chairperson of the Balawaristan National Front (BNF), wrote to IANS in an email.

"The GBDA had fielded its candidates for the elections. However, in order to prevent them from campaigning, they have been detained and expelled to Islamabad," Khan said.

"The detention of hundreds of GBDA leaders and workers exposed the fraud elections of Pakistan."

The GBDA, of which the BNF is a constituent, is an alliance of the separatist political parties in the Northern Areas - officially renamed Gilgit-Baltistan after the Pakistan cabinet approved the Gilgit-Baltistan Empowerment and Self Governance Order, 2009, in August.

The self-governance order empowers the local assembly to elect its chief minister. The Pakistan president will appoint a governor for the region that was earlier under Islamabad's direct control.

Like other provinces, the assembly will have no control over defence and the treasury.

The resource-rich territory, part of the erstwhile undivided Jammu and Kashmir, has seen a separatist movement gaining momentum over the past few years.

Alarmingly low literacy levels, the absence of industry, deplorable road and communication links, poor energy sources and and the lack of job opportunities have fuelled the rebellion in the region, which was part of Jammu and Kashmir before Pakistan militarily occupied some parts in 1948.

Many separatists have rejected the Nov 12 elections as "illegal" and called for a boycott. Others, including the GBDA, decided to challenge the process by participating in "whatever democratic space was there".

Islamabad, Khan said, had given "all the facilities and huge funds to pro-Pakistan parties".

"The two million indigenous people are not allowed to raise their voices and they don't have access to justice, education and huge natural resources," he added.

According to him, "Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI) has also threatened student groups with dire consequences and warned that the nationalist candidates won't be allowed in the elections".

Also known as the Karakoram region, Gilgit-Baltistan extends from Shinaki Kohistan to Chitral (in Pakistan) up to Tashkurgan (under Chinese occupation) and from Ladakh to Kargil in India.

When British rule ended in 1947, the region was conquered by Pakistan in tribal raids. Pakistan later "gifted" a part of the territory towards the extreme north to China. Stringent laws make the region inaccessible to foreigners and there are few media reports from the region.
Pathetic if true... This government has learned nothing from the "relics of the past" it often invokes.
ok this is an indian site so i dont know how accurate this really is. i have been searching pakistani newspapers and i have found nothing. so lets take this with a grain of salt
Its only very recent news so it may take time to filter out. Here is an alternative Kashmiri and Pro-Pakistani website with no relation to the IANS news agency that first reported the story. It also have names of leaders as well
A third government within Jammu & Kashmir state
Top leadership of Gilgit Baltistan Democratic Alliance (GBDA) and Jammu Kashmir All Parties National Alliance (APNA) along with all three GBDA candidates for Gilgit constituencies for Legislative Assembly elections to be held on 12th November were detained prior to the election rally here in Gilgit. According to the latest news from Gilgit through sources that ca not be disclosed, the leaders of APNA including its chair and ex member of Gilgit Baltistan Council, Mr Wajahat Hassan, Secretary Gen. Arif Shahid, Col (rtd) Nadir Hassan and Engineer Amanullah Khan (not the JKLF supremo) were later forcibly expelled to Islamabad, the Pakistani capital. Three detained candidates are named as Shahid Hussain for LA Gilgit 1, Advocate Mohammed Farooq LA Gilgit 2 and Afsar Jan LA Gilgit 3. Other detainees include Avocate Ehsan Ali former President of GB Bar Council, Mohammed Javed former member of District Council and several others whose names have not been confirmed as yet.
Pakistan swoops down on separatists before Gilgit-Baltistan polls :: Samay Live

Srinagar: Hundreds of separatist leaders in Gilgit-Baltistan, part of Pakistan-administered Kashmir, have been arrested and sent off to Islamabad ahead of the Nov 12 assembly elections in the strategic border region, says a prominent leader of the region that has recently been given the powers of a federal province.

"Top leaders of the Gilgit-Baltistan Democratic Alliance (GBDA) have been detained by the Pakistan occupying regime," Abdul Hamid Khan, the chairperson of the Balawaristan National Front (BNF), wrote to IANS in an email.

"The GBDA had fielded its candidates for the elections. However, in order to prevent them from campaigning, they have been detained and expelled to Islamabad," Khan said.

"The detention of hundreds of GBDA leaders and workers exposed the fraud elections of Pakistan."

The GBDA, of which the BNF is a constituent, is an alliance of the separatist political parties in the Northern Areas - officially renamed Gilgit-Baltistan after the Pakistan cabinet approved the Gilgit-Baltistan Empowerment and Self Governance Order, 2009, in August.

The self-governance order empowers the local assembly to elect its chief minister. The Pakistan president will appoint a governor for the region that was earlier under Islamabad's direct control.

Like other provinces, the assembly will have no control over defence and the treasury.

The resource-rich territory, part of the erstwhile undivided Jammu and Kashmir, has seen a separatist movement gaining momentum over the past few years.

Alarmingly low literacy levels, the absence of industry, deplorable road and communication links, poor energy sources and and the lack of job opportunities have fuelled the rebellion in the region, which was part of Jammu and Kashmir before Pakistan militarily occupied some parts in 1948.

Many separatists have rejected the Nov 12 elections as "illegal" and called for a boycott. Others, including the GBDA, decided to challenge the process by participating in "whatever democratic space was there".

Islamabad, Khan said, had given "all the facilities and huge funds to pro-Pakistan parties".

"The two million indigenous people are not allowed to raise their voices and they don't have access to justice, education and huge natural resources," he added.

According to him, "Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI) has also threatened student groups with dire consequences and warned that the nationalist candidates won't be allowed in the elections".

Also known as the Karakoram region, Gilgit-Baltistan extends from Shinaki Kohistan to Chitral (in Pakistan) up to Tashkurgan (under Chinese occupation) and from Ladakh to Kargil in India.

When British rule ended in 1947, the region was conquered by Pakistan in tribal raids. Pakistan later "gifted" a part of the territory towards the extreme north to China. Stringent laws make the region inaccessible to foreigners and there are few media reports from the region.

This i call the height of yellow journalism, yellow journalism at its best. :rofl::rofl:

If the Pakistani media can show the interviews of baloch nationalist-indian paid goons on our free media news channels speaking against Pakistan and accepting outside help and talking of independence, then who is stopping these so called freedom & rights lovers to come on the Pakistani media?? ISI controlling them and arresting them, that's news for me, if ISI is so effective why don't we use them in Balochistan too for their such high efficiency. :rofl::rofl:

And the 2.m Million people of this area asking for freedom, well it really astonishes me that if the people of this area are so much fed up of Pakistan, then why are there some 20,000+ troops in the Pakistan Army, the majority of the troops taking part in Kargil were the very own NLI units composed of people from this area and they whooped the arses of Indians, not only in Kargil but before that also and would do that in future too. Who is asking them to whoop the arses of Indians if they are so much India loving, or even join PA ?? Pathetic Indian journalism.

And as for the last highlighted part, Stringent laws make the region inaccessible to foreigners and there are few media reports from the region., whoever wrote this article seriously needs to leave journalism and do something better for his/her country. This area is the hub of the international tourists, Pakistan's most favorite and popular festival is held there each year, where hundreds of international tourists, many times international political figures have been invited and came to see it, all the international climbers go to this area to go to K-2, Nanga Parbat or other mountain peaks and the Indian dude has to write this ***** up. If there is another word then Pathetic for such journalism, it should be used as it deserves that.
Though I agree with Ejaz that the news may take time to filter out, it is surprising that there has been no mention of this in the Pakistani media, given how they have, especially of late, not pulled punches when it comes to highlighting seperatist sentiment and the detentions (often described as illegal and counterporductive) of nationalist and seperatist leaders in Baluchistan.

We have seen tons of commentary on the pros and cons of the G-B autonomy package, some very critical, so I would expect to see something on this as well.

The numbers of 'expelled' leaders might be much smaller than claimed (or non-existent) which is why it may not be a big story yet, but again, we should give it some more time before dismissing it completely.
These groups make me laugh.....every person has a title and nobody can be just a supporter unless he has a title......chairman-president-secretary-vice chairman-regional secretary-treasurer and on and on.
Theres more titles then members.
To have open borders you must first develop trust and friendship. Pakistan doesn't even have open borders with China, even though China is Pakistan's best friend. Also in this day and age of "War on Terror" its best to secure all borders, best for Pakistan and best for India because we dont want to be blamed for anything that happens in India.

And its ridiculous to compare US-Canada to Pakistan and India. US and Canada never fought any wars against each other over a territory, instead Canada sold parts of its territory to the US.
And its ridiculous to compare US-Canada to Pakistan and India. US and Canada never fought any wars against each other over a territory, instead Canada sold parts of its territory to the US.

It was rediculous to think that after world war europe will unite again and EU will evolve with open borders..single currency and world higheest GDP...

It was rediculous to think that berlin wall will fall and east germany and west germany will unite

It was rediculous to think during cold war that US and Russia can live together and can improve relations...

All this happened brother...Who knows India Pak can also learn to live amicably...What say??
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