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So, is new media only reinforcing old stereotypes?

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As far as the report is concerned, it is clear that it isn't the ommission of Kashmir as a dispute from the UN agenda but ommission of Kashmir from a statement or report by UK envoy to UN. Whether it was inadvertent or planned is another issue.

It isnt an omission perse. But just a harbinger of bigger things to come.

If it was inadvertent, then it will be rectified. If it was planned, even then it should not come as a surprise given the current geo-politics.

I dont believe in this inadvertent BS. As one member said this is not a district leverl office where 60 year olds pound furiously on the keyboard.
There are many levels of cross-verification and going over before it is presented.

The fact remains that it is a dispute, acknowledged very recently by Mr Manmohan Singh, which needs to be resolved and that too between Pakistan and India. The western world will take sides as it sees fit and beneficial. And will continue to do so as long as we remain at loggerheads with each other.

It rests with the two governments to move forward on the issue and on the people to press for it.

It is a dispute. But the Indian meaning for the word is different from the Pakistani meaning of the word.

In Indian context it is used to denote strictly the Disputed areas of "Azad " Kashmir and the Northern Areas which India considers to be under the "illegal" ocupation of Pakistan ,NOT J&K.
Just heard on Geo, that the UN has apologized for the mistake and will be correcting it shortly :P

"We understand this was an inadvertent omission, as Jammu and Kashmir is one of the oldest disputes on agenda of the Security Council," he said.

"HE" as in the Pakistani Ambassador to UN...so what weight does it carry..:lol:

Anyway good job in saving your own face after the nose-cut.:D
First read all of my posts. Than after that read guuner posts. Than read Asim Aqil posts. Than drink a glass of water and than try to understand what is going on in here. :lol:

By the way in response to my post about Bharati sites you also quoted one Pakistani and one Bharati site. Anyways try to understand what is going in here nad than celebrate. :D

News is that Jammu and Kashmir is out to U. N. list of disputes

It doesn't matter to any other country cause no one consider J&K dispute (except you) so

Even UN news site quoted Indian News in their own site

United Nations News

Do you think they gonna quote wrong news ????? :lol:
doesn't matter if it is out of UN council as the UN resolution had no value for Indian in the past so i am not surprised that it out of list of disputed regions....

The only thing that matter is We claimed Kashmir as our Part We are claiming it as our part and we will claim it as our part till dooms day....
Yes,we are in no position as you(Indian) are but time never remains same and hope never dies
Not in 10 years not in 15 not in 20 not in 50 years Lets consider not in next 100 years but one day for sure we will let it free Thats what i believe
If, hypothetically Kashmir actually is removed from the list of open disputes by te UN, I think the only difference will be on Defence.pk. That too only to the extent of Pakistani members having one less excuse in justifying the Pakistan sponsored insurgency/militancy/freedom fight ;) in Kasmir.

Because even without this action, for all intents and purposes, the UN resolution on Kashmir is dead as a door nail at this time..
doesn't matter if it is out of UN council as the UN resolution had no value for Indian in the past so i am not surprised that it out of list of disputed regions....

The only thing that matter is We claimed Kashmir as our Part We are claiming it as our part and we will claim it as our part till dooms day....
Yes,we are in no position as you(Indian) are but time never remains same and hope never dies
Not in 10 years not in 15 not in 20 not in 50 years Lets consider not in next 100 years but one day for sure we will let it free Thats what i believe


Have you heard of 1972 simla agreement?????

Hail Pakistan for it
doesn't matter if it is out of UN council as the UN resolution had no value for Indian in the past so i am not surprised that it out of list of disputed regions....

The only thing that matter is We claimed Kashmir as our Part We are claiming it as our part and we will claim it as our part till dooms day....
Yes,we are in no position as you(Indian) are but time never remains same and hope never dies
Not in 10 years not in 15 not in 20 not in 50 years Lets consider not in next 100 years but one day for sure we will let it free Thats what i believe

It should be like this

Not in 10 years not in 15 not in 20 not in 50 years Lets consider not in next 100 years but one day for sure we will let it free from pakistani control Thats what i believe :cheers:
Hi ..

Sorry for interupting .. guys..

Any update on "clerical" error of UN yet??
doesn't matter if it is out of UN council as the UN resolution had no value for Indian in the past so i am not surprised that it out of list of disputed regions....

The only thing that matter is We claimed Kashmir as our Part We are claiming it as our part and we will claim it as our part till dooms day....
Yes,we are in no position as you(Indian) are but time never remains same and hope never dies
Not in 10 years not in 15 not in 20 not in 50 years Lets consider not in next 100 years but one day for sure we will let it free Thats what i believe

Yes you are right it doesn't matter to us Kashmir is always our internal part

But now that news matter in this forum cause no one can quote Kashmir as dispute ... And those who causing problem their treated as terrorist
I think it comes from their being kicked by everyone for so long, I mean indian's are always the weakest and nerdiest kind of people, even abroad they never stick up for themselves. :)

Dude, your entire nation is being kicked left and right by the whole world, and you have the gall to say this!?
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