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So, is new media only reinforcing old stereotypes?

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thanks for your post; as it seems to be a new rule i didn't see before, i will from now on abide by it --regardless of whatever personal views i have and will continue to have

Kingkong --seeds were long ago planted. 1989, 1994, etc. of course saw huge rise in anti-indian seperatism which still exists today.

best advice is to do the most 'democratic' thing and hold referendum

Since you are a military professional , i expect you to know that majority people in jammu and ladakh don't want freedom and are happy being with India, so why should their will be ignored only for people living in the kashmir valley who happen to be more in number ? Even the minorities in the valley are pro india . This is a complex problem and the solution will also have to complex . An easy solution like referendum is neither feasible nor possible in such a situation.I hope you take a deep look inside the Kashmir problem and take into consideration the will of jammuites , ladakhis and valley minorities as well .

P.S- Even if you don't it doesn't change anything.
it very funny the people who actually don't know what is "the freedom of speech" OR the country where people hanged only due to their "freedom of speech" are opposing the country where is true democracy. i don't know why they are questing even indian govt. did not sue any case against stupid arundhati roy. arundhati roy is very lucky that she born in india otherwise she must be killed by govt. if she born in any other country.

PLEASE i am requesting you "LOOK AT YOURSELF"
ahan....democracy where most convenient i suppose

oh tosh!
OSJK: Raja Habib urged Muslim world to act on Kashmir


Srinagar, November 05, 2010: The Chairman of Jammu & Kashmir Human Rights Council International wing, Raja Habib Jalib today, sent a letter to twenty Head of States of Muslim world asking them to raise the human rights violation in Occupied State of Jammu & Kashmir (OSJK) with American Governments.

He said that US Government must realize that peace in South Asia is very important for the future of World economy as well as peace in the area, and peaceful solution to the Jammu & Kashmir issue could bring great business to the World. He said that until the issue of Jammu & Kashmir is not solved according to the wishes of people of Jammu & Kashmir, south Asia will have continues tensions.

In a letter to the President of Turky, King of Saudi Arabia & President & Prime Minister of Pakistan Raja Habib Jalib requested the leaders to raise the issue with President Barrak Oboma to discuss these issues while touring India. Measnwhile, Raja Hbaib Jalib also requested the leadership of Jammu & Kashmir to unite in one voice, and raise the issue of Jammu & Kashmir according to UN resolutions.

He said that India cannot force the people of Kashmir to accept illegal accupation of Kashmir by its forces. Time has come that India must start serious negotiation to resolve the issue of Jammu & Kashmir according to the aspiration of people of OSJK.

He said that India must stop killing innocent civilians and calling Jammu & Kashmir its integral part, which is total nonesense, because every one knows that issue of Jammu & Kashmir has to be resolved according to the wishes of people of Kashmir as mentioned in the resolution of UNO Security Council. Raja Habib Jalib also sent a letter to Europeon Union Human Rights commission requesting the commission for raising the issue of human rights violation in OSJK.

Raja Habib Jalib requested the political leaders of Pakistan to raise the issue of safty of political leadership of OSJK, he said that Hurriat leaders are always under the threat of Indian military & para military forces. He urged to provide leadership of Kashmir travel facilities so that three party dialogue could be started.

OSJK: Raja Habib urged Muslim world to act on Kashmir
I don't expect a response from the arabs, we all know they're more interested in their own oil profits than the people of Kashmir. Lets see what Turkey / EU says on the matter.
toss the brass knuckles and the torn garden gloves, agree with your neighbours to hold a free and fair plebicite whereby Kashmiris have the (existential) right to determine their fate.

Lets get one thing straight.....

You ask us to adhere to Kashmiri demands....but when in history has Pakistan taken any actions in compliance with Kashmiri demands?

NOT in 1947....when you sent in Lashkars along with your army to "free" Kashmir.....Please show us PROOF where Kashmiris petitioned the Pakistanis to do so....a notorized copy ratified by the majority of Kashmiris would be acceptable...something similar to the instrument of ascesion maybe?

NOT in 1965....When operation Gibraltar failed due to the efforts of those very Kashmiris whom you claim to represent....else why would they inform the IA of Pakistani intrusion?

NOT when Pakistan sheepishly gave away parts of Kashmir to China.....certainly your idea of free and fair plebiscite proves to be a sham when you decide to whore away their land to be in China's good books....what happened to your favorite "Kashmiri right of self determination" bogey Maiser? or does that only apply to India?

Or lets say when your country decided to derail the peace process initiated by Vajpayee by sending in army regulars pretending to be Mujahideen? Did the Kashmiris send Pakistan a petition to do so?CERTAINLY NOT!
The golden opportunity of making good with us and a chance for Kashmiris to escape the quagmire was unilaterally shattered by Pakistan....without taking Kashmiri demands and sentiments about the same into consideration....what a shame!

If you think otherwise, please produce PROOF!

So moral of the story is....
When you claim that IA is suppressing the masses in Kashmir.....its presence is due to the Pakistani threat....NOT a move to crush a revolt in any way.....
The revolt has been a reaction to the army presence....something that began due to Pakistans beligerrance....

And whats even funnier is that when you try to spread the shpeel of "let the Kashmiris" decide....when ALL actions Pakistan has taken to date has been to benefit only itself WITHOUT the tacit approval of Kashmiris....

So please....spare us the sob story and lessons in morality....

If one wants to learn duplicity.....one should take lessons from our neighbor...LOL!
Karthic, you make no sense. Geelani called off protests in respect to the Sikh/Hindu community; there is no "permission". If the protests went ahead, I'm sure a good number of Kashmiri kids would be killed be the "security" forces to allow the Sikh/Hindu's celebrate divali.
Karthic, you make no sense. Geelani called off protests in respect to the Sikh/Hindu community; there is no "permission". If the protests went ahead, I'm sure a good number of Kashmiri kids would be killed be the "security" forces to allow the Sikh/Hindu's celebrate divali.

Ofcourse he makes sense . Why did gilani even plan in the first place to hold a protest on diwali if he respects the feelings of hindus and sikhs so much ?

For the simple reason that he wanted people to come and request him/ beg him to call it off so that he could get the sadistic pleasure out of it of letting the world know who the boss is in Kashmir .

That is exactly what happened , isn't it ? He got that sick satisfaction in the end. He is a sick religious bigot. You can't convince us to believe otherwise. There is enough proof.
Kashmiris demanding only right to self-determination: Gilani

Srinagar, November 02 (KMS): In occupied Kashmir, veteran Kashmiri Hurriyet leader, Syed Ali Gilani has said that the Kashmiris are only demanding their right to self-determination promised to them by India.

Syed Ali Gilani in a statement issued in Srinagar said that the ongoing liberation movement had started to receive support from the Indian civil society. He said that even Indian Home Minister, P Chidambaram, and puppet Chief Minister of occupied Kashmir, Omar Abdullah, intentionally or unintentionally, had accepted some facts regarding the Kashmir dispute.

To mark the anniversary of massacre of Muslims in 1947 in Jammu, the veteran leader announced that the upcoming week would be commemorated as Martyrdom Week and urged the people to make the civil curfew call from November 6 successful. He said that through emails, Kashmiris should impress upon the US President, Barack Obama that peace would continue to elude South Asia and the threat of the war between nuclear powers, India and Pakistan, will linger on till the resolution of the Kashmir dispute,” he said.

Syed Ali Gilani has called off Friday strike in view of Diwali. He said, “Islam teaches us to respect sentiments of other communities. The Hindus and Sikhs are part and parcel of our society and we, from the core of our heart, respect their sentiments.”

Kashmiris demanding only right to self-determination: Gilani | Kashmir Media Service

India will never give right of self determination by strikes , Kashmiris should follow the strategy of Iqbal and Jinnah.

Pakistan ka matlab kiya
La kar Rahain gai Pakistan.

Same salogan and sacrifice required for Kashmir Independence:pakistan:
Karthic, you make no sense. Geelani called off protests in respect to the Sikh/Hindu community; there is no "permission". If the protests went ahead, I'm sure a good number of Kashmiri kids would be killed be the "security" forces to allow the Sikh/Hindu's celebrate divali.

Did you get the answer ??

Ofcourse he makes sense . Why did gilani even plan in the first place to hold a protest on diwali if he respects the feelings of hindus and sikhs so much ?

For the simple reason that he wanted people to come and request him/ beg him to call it off so that he could get the sadistic pleasure out of it of letting the world know who the boss is in Kashmir .

That is exactly what happened , isn't it ? He got that sick satisfaction in the end. He is a sick religious bigot. You can't convince us to believe otherwise. There is enough proof.
Did you get the answer ??
They till date have no answer to what happened in 89, Karthic. All this bollocks of self-determination is just that--- lies, deceit and propaganda. A few hundred thousand is "entire Kashmir" for Pakistanis whereas that's not even 20% of the valley's population (not counting the exiled community in different parts of India).
India will never give right of self determination by strikes , Kashmiris should follow the strategy of Iqbal and Jinnah.

You think they've been peaceful butchering more than 1 lakh "kafirs" and sending another 5 lakh packing? That's a weird definition you have for peaceful. There's no self-determination because Kashmir belongs to India straight. According to you entire India is disputed as if we care what you've to say.

Pakistan ka matlab kiya
La kar Rahain gai Pakistan.

Mil to gaya Pakistan. Ab kya chahiye? Jinko Kashmir mein nahi rehna hai woh Pakistan khushi se jaa sakte hain. Humein koi aapatti nahi.

Same salogan and sacrifice required for Kashmir Independence

Cry all they want and if they cross the threshold, they will get their reward as well.
Mil to gaya Pakistan. Ab kya chahiye? Jinko Kashmir mein nahi rehna hai woh Pakistan khushi se jaa sakte hain. Humein koi aapatti nahi.

Just curious, is aapatti a sikkimise/nepali word as well? It's a bengali word and proper hindi/urdu would be yethraj.

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