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So, is new media only reinforcing old stereotypes?

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AK-47s and grenades and communal ethnic cleansing is peaceful for you... not by our standards.

coming from someone whose local occupation forces (sissies) are creating said conditions in the region on daily basis!

bizarre i must say :what:
toss the brass knuckles and the torn garden gloves, agree with your neighbours to hold a free and fair plebicite whereby Kashmiris have the (existential) right to determine their fate.

it's really not so complicated, provided you don't convolute things and make issues out of non-issues

when you reply, you will talk about pandits; my pre-designated response will be to encourage them to go back to the disputed territory if they so desire; non-Muslim groups are existing there as well and they aren't having any harassment by those ''ISI sponsored'' ''trouble-makers'' (AKA the indigenous Kashmiri Muslims)

Thats just over simplification of the problem. From rose tinted glasses, it does look very simple. But I am sure that diplomatic nuances over a period of time have complicated the issue far too much for involved parties to get out of the entangled web that is the Kashmir issue.
There are a lot of insecurities between both the countries to address the issue amicably. Not to mention the strategic location of the piece of land from a nation's security pov and the very important water resources of Kashmir, which feed both Pakistan and India - the former to a larger extent.
As for the standard of living and being spoilt rotten, I do believe that Kashmiris from India are having a ball of a time, except for the protests part.
coming from someone whose local occupation forces (sissies) are creating said conditions in the region on daily basis!

Its not a chicken or egg scenario. Violence in Kashmir started by the militants resulted in Indian security forces being deployed to kashmir. Kashmiris are not an innocent bunch, so spare us the moral highhandedness.
My interaction with kashmiries online tells me that the youth there has become religiously intolerant . They kept saying that Hindus will only be welcomed if they support the muslim's separatist movement otherwise they will be thrown out again . Kashmiri muslims are certainly not innocent . A man like Gilani who was to quite an extent responsible for murder and ethnic cleansing of Hindus and Sikhs is held in high esteem in the valley , it only tells you the mindset of the people there.

Anyways back on topic , She is doing this to get publicity and she is getting it , we are all being so foolish here. Start ignoring her and then i can bet you ll see her change her line faster than a chameleon changes its colour. Her comments dont change anything .
i don't subscribe to that; i'm sorry, that is nonsense

show me proof that Gilani is responsible for ''ethnic cleansing''
Its not a chicken or egg scenario. Violence in Kashmir started by the militants resulted in Indian security forces being deployed to kashmir. Kashmiris are not an innocent bunch, so spare us the moral highhandedness.

spare us your pompous indifference and generalizations

why did the Kashmiri militancy rise in the first place?
coming from someone whose local occupation forces (sissies) are creating said conditions in the region on daily basis!

bizarre i must say :what:

I can go toe to toe in terms of insulting Pakistani army here in return considering that 90000 of PA soldiers surrendered to the same sissies you talk about here. But dont you think its better to respect the forum rules

To move the debates forward, we're enforcing the use of the term "Kashmiri separatists" and enforcing ALL uniformed armies be given their due respect as soldiers
thanks for your post; as it seems to be a new rule i didn't see before, i will from now on abide by it --regardless of whatever personal views i have and will continue to have

Kingkong --seeds were long ago planted. 1989, 1994, etc. of course saw huge rise in anti-indian seperatism which still exists today.

best advice is to do the most 'democratic' thing and hold referendum
spare us your pompous indifference and generalizations

why did the Kashmiri militancy rise in the first place?

Kashmiri militancy started in 1989. I am talking about the violence perpetrated by armed militants and not the political problem. It would have remained a political problem if not for the extremist elements in Kashmir who started the armed 'revolt'.

1989 was also the year that the erstwhile Soviet Union withdrew forces from Afghanistan, leaving the Mujaheedin literally jobless! Pakistan saw an opportunity and there was some shuffling by Pakistani authorities which resulted in innumerable loss of lives in Kashmir.

Anywho, we are discussing your beloved and our loathed Ms Roy here. Lets stick to that.

absolutely correct, you read what i said, now provide proof

Gilani and Farooq publicly condemned some of the militancy and appealed for calm, despite constant house arrest by the occupational forces
Kingkong --seeds were long ago planted. 1989, 1994, etc. of course saw huge rise in anti-indian seperatism which still exists today.

I did not ask 'when', i asked 'why' and BTW even your 'when' is misplaced as it does not answer my question.

best advice is to do the most 'democratic' thing and hold referendum

Please spare us the homilies on 'democracy'.
why did the Kashmiri militancy rise in the first place?

Why don't you ask that question to Pakistani Army generals?

Pakistan has repeatedly used armed militias to wage a proxy war against India in Kashmir. Whether it be Operation Gulmarg in 1947, or Operation Gibraltar in 1965 or the intensification of militancy in Kashmir in 1988.

Regardless of what Pakistan does, India's withdrawal from Kashmir will remain a Pakistani wet dream.

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