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So, is new media only reinforcing old stereotypes?

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They didn't mention his cast!
Incomplete information.
Extremely weird way of protesting........
It may help to understand the background of action and anticipate re-action from chief of indian army.

I really love it when wannabe experts on India try to disect situations to prove a "discrimination" angle to everything....

It really gets old and boring after a while....
He didn't get his due as the line says. Protests aren't always for religion and "purity" you know.

It is said that he was ill treated. I still wonder why he was ill treated?
Funny, a quick google search of "Indian soldier walking naked in New Delhi" yields only Pakistani sources, led by articles from AhmedQuraishi.com. We all know how reliable those sources are.

No other credible sources?
The reason I can get from the article is that he was dismissed due to a medical reason. That medical reason has not been stated. Hence he undressed to probably show that the reason he was terminated does not exist. Or so it seems. People asking for ludicrous reasons to find out why this is not religiously motivated need to take a deep breath and see that there are other unfair reasons in the world that people do stupid things.
Funny, a quick google search of "Indian soldier walking naked in New Delhi" yields only Pakistani sources, led by articles from AhmedQuraishi.com. We all know how reliable those sources are.

No other credible sources?

Picture is enough i think ?:hitwall:
Picture is enough i think ?:hitwall:

NO. The media sources you are so accustomed to have put up pictures of MQM rallies in Karachi and labelled them as protests in Kashmir flying Pakistani flag. Those pictures have been debunked by respected members on this very forum.

So pictures here mean squat, unless they come from reliable sources.
What really amazes me is why all these articles quote the 30 billion $ purchase figure when it is MUCH less than what EVERY other powerful nation (INCLUDING PAKISTAN) is spending as % of GDP ! A nation that grows at 8-9% pa can definitely allocate 2-3% for defence !

Last year, a female-only unit raised from poor villages of the northwest and the northeast sparked a controversy when reports indicated it would be posted in Indian-occupied Kashmir to help reduce the high rate of suicide incidents in Indian Army units posted there for long tours of duty. Some Indian media reports suggested the unit was raised to provide sexual incentive to army units serving in difficult regions for extended periods of time.

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