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So, is new media only reinforcing old stereotypes?

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Funny, a quick google search of "Indian soldier walking naked in New Delhi" yields only Pakistani sources, led by articles from AhmedQuraishi.com. We all know how reliable those sources are.

No other credible sources?

indian source?

Andhra Headlines: Andhra pradesh telugu and english news and entertainment portal
Well wats bad in it ? If he protest by this way ? ? In west people protest by body poster ...? Do u want me to post xpresident Bush body poster here lol ? ?
I asked for credible sources. Not Indian or Pakistani.

ps: BTW, if true, the soldier belongs to the Jat community (Sirohi) so all those spewing BS about casteism, reign in those horses.

you can search that on your own time; i'm just reporting what has been reported by however many sources there are that did report it.

naked protest is not an alien thing in india; and i'm not saying that to annoy or be a troll. I've heard of such cases in past, though not with current or ex-jawans
It may help to understand the background of action and anticipate re-action from chief of indian army.

The Indian Army Chief has no say in matters of the BSF which comes under the Home ministry like all other central police forces and not under the defense ministry. Also caste has no bearing on reasons for invalidating out of an employee. The medical board in its opinion recommends discharge on medical grounds if the nature of disability does not permit continued employment under the service rules. If the medical board is wrong in its assessment, the man can appeal to the Court of law and get relief. Walking around naked is not a recognized mode of seeking redressal. He stands to be arrested for public nudity and indecent behaviour.
you can search that on your own time; i'm just reporting what has been reported by however many sources there are that did report it.

naked protest is not an alien thing in india; and i'm not saying that to annoy or be a troll. I've heard of such cases in past, though not with current or ex-jawans

AZ. I did do an extensive google search, which I mentioned in my previous post. I am not accusing anyone of trolling, maybe except for the OP.
Yes, naked protests do make heads turn. Happens in India.
The Government of India and the Government of Pakistan are resolved that the two countries put an end to the conflict and confrontation that have hitherto marred their relations and work for the promotion of a friendly and harmonious relationship and the establishment of durable peace in the subcontinent so that both countries may henceforth devote their resources and energies to the pressing task of advancing the welfare of their people.

In order to achieve this objective, the Government of India and the Government of Pakistan have agreed as follows:

(i) That the principles and purposes of the Charter of the United Nations shall govern the relations between the two countries.

(ii) That the two countries are resolved to settle their differences by peaceful means through bilateral (hence UN res. become null and void and so does any chance of third party mediation) negotiations or by any other peaceful means mutually agreed upon between them. Pending the final settlement of any of the problems between the two countries, neither side shall unilaterally alter the situation and both shall prevent the organisation, assistance or encouragement of any acts detrimental to the maintenance of peace and harmonious relations.

(iii) That the prerequisite for reconciliation, good neighbourliness and durable peace between them is a commitment by both the countries to peaceful coexistence respect for each other's territorial integrity and sovereignty and noninterference in each other's internal affairs, on the basis of equality and mutual benefit.

(iv) That the basic issues and causes of conflict which have bedeviled the relations between the two countries for the last 25 years shall be resolved by peaceful means.

(v) That they shall always respect each other's national unity, territorial integrity, political independence and sovereign equality.

(vi) That in accordance with the Charter of the United Nations, they will refrain from the threat or use of force against the territorial integrity or political independence of each other.

Both governments will take all steps within their power to prevent hostile propaganda directed against each other. Both countries will encourage the dissemination of such information as would promote the development of friendly relations between them.

In order progressively to restore and normalise relations between the two countries step by step, it was agreed that:

(i) Steps shall be taken to resume communications, postal, telegraphic, sea, land, including border posts, and air links, including over flights.

(ii) Appropriate steps shall be taken to promote travel facilities for the nationals of the other country.

(iii) Trade and cooperation in economic and other agreed fields will be resumed as far as possible.

(iv) Exchange in the fields of science and culture will be promoted.

In this connection delegations from the two countries will meet from time to time to work out the necessary details.

In order to initiate the process of the establishment of durable peace, both the governments agree that:

(i) Indian and Pakistani forces shall be withdrawn to their side of the international border.

(ii) In Jammu and Kashmir, the line of control resulting from the ceasefire of December 17, 1971, shall be respected by both sides without prejudice to the recognised position of either side. Neither side shall seek to alter it unilaterally, irrespective of mutual differences and legal interpretations. Both sides further undertake to refrain from the threat or the use of force in violation of this line. (Pakistan violated this in Kargil war)

(iii) The withdrawals shall commence upon entry into force of this agreement and shall be completed within a period of 30 days thereof.

This agreement will be subject to ratification by both countries in accordance with their respective constitutional procedures, and will come into force with effect from the date on which the instruments of ratification are exchanged.

Both governments agree that their respective heads will meet again at a mutually convenient time in the future and that in the meanwhile the representatives of the two sides will meet to discuss further the modalities and arrangements for the establishment of durable peace and normalisation of relations, including the questions of repatriation of prisoners of war and civilian internees, a final settlement of Jammu and Kashmir and the resumption of diplomatic relations.

Quaid-e-Awam President Islamic Republic of Pakistan
– Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto,

Indira Gandhi Prime Minister Republic of India
– Indira Gandhi.

Simla, the 2 July 1972.

Simla Agreement - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


Does this not make UN res. null and void and also rule out the possibility and legality of any third party mediation in future?:what:
Kashmir Black Day observed in Malaysia

Thursday, 28 October 2010

ISLAMABAD, Oct 27 (APP): The Kashmir Black Day was observed in Malaysia as a mark of protest against the occupation of Kashmir valley by the Indian troops for 63 years. A seminar was held under the auspices of two non-governmental organizations of Malaysia - Global Peace Mission and Angkatan Belia Islam Malaysia (ABIM) in Kuala Lumpur on Wednesday which was attended Secretary General of ABIM and Chief Executive of Global Peace Mission Mohammad Asri Abdul and a large number of Pakistani community.

Malaysian academicians Dr. Chandra Muzaffar, President of the International Movement for a Just World (JUST), an international NGO and Dr Arif Zakaullah, Professor at International Islamic University highlighted the plight of people of Jammu and Kashmir who continue to remain deprived of their fundamental rights.

Dr Ruhanas Harun, a renowned linguist said that Kashmiris are peace-loving people and the current phase of the youth’s uprising is a peaceful political movement.

He termed it as a renewed call to the international community to compel India to stop killings of the Kashmiri people through gruesome human rights violations.

The speakers were of the view that the present uprising was indigenous and outburst of simmering resentment among the Kashmiri people who have been under Indian subjugation for decades.

Two students, Salwa Musani and Ramla Ariff in their speeches said that since 1947, Kashmir remained at the core of South Asia’s issues of peace and security, and is a sombre reminder to the world that the people of Kashmir remained deprived of fundamental values and freedoms.

Associated Press of Pakistan - Kashmir Black Day observed in Malaysia
Well, at-least we got a bit more support. Everyone knows Tibet, East Timor, Palestine, etc but nobody has an idea of what Kashmir is. Were it not due to the noise from Pakistan, Kashmir probably wouldn't even get any backstory.

Kashmir needs more support from middle east...
Nice, now hopefully pak will get some more international sport...good luck with it...
pak will get international support????????
U.S has already said that they will not interfare in kashmir issue, then what support r u ppl talking abt
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