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So, is new media only reinforcing old stereotypes?

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Why not "Pakistani troops kill Indian soldier in Kashmir"

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I was surprised to see a Pakistani posting this article.

I think SOCOM got excited reading the news and decided to interpret this way in his mind. You see sometimes your mind plays trick on you when you spend so much time on PDF.

It was yet another valiant soul lost for no fault of his. Salute.
Exchange of fire frequently takes places on the border between Pakistan and India. There are several sectors where Indian troops kill Pakistani and vice versa.. nothing new..
^^^^^^^Like the kid said, no news here.
These thing happen regularly &
by both sides.
Pls stop playing Holier Than Thou and get real.
Kashmiris to observe October 27 as black day: Mirwaiz

Srinagar, October 21 (KMS): In occupied Kashmir, the Chairman of All Parties Hurriyet Conference, Mirwaiz Umar Farooq has said that the people of Kashmir will observe October 27 as black day as the Indian troops invaded Jammu and Kashmir on the day in 1947.

Mirwaiz Umar Farooq, addressing a party meeting in Srinagar, said that Kashmiris would march towards the United Nations office on the day to draw the attention of the world body towards the gross human rights violations perpetrated by Indian troops in the territory. “The people will appeal the UN to impress upon India to give them their right to self-determination as promised in its resolutions,” he added.

He said that a memorandum would also be presented to the US Embassy in New Delhi during the forthcoming visit of the US President, Barack Obama. Mirwaiz asked the US to press India to resolve the Kashmir dispute through meaningful talks with Pakistan and the real Kashmiri leadership.

The APHC Chairman said the settlement of the longstanding dispute is vital to peace and stability in South Asian region.

Kashmiris to observe Oct ober 27 as black day: Mirwaiz | Kashmir Media Service
First time ever, Jammu to celebrate Accession Day

Jupinderjit Singh
Tribune News Service

Jammu, October 24
In a renewed fervour of nationalism in Jammu, thanks to the “controversial” statement made by Chief Minister Omar Abdullah on the state’s accession to India, residents of Jammu are all set to make a big statement in favour of India on October 26.

For the first time since Independence, the Instrument of Accession anniversary on October 26 when Maharaj Hari Singh decided to accede to India, the city will be decked up for functions to be held by various organisations to assert the state being an integral part of the country.

Earlier, some organisations were holding isolated functions to mark the day or organising debates and conferences. But this time, all major political and social organisations have announced big plans, including illuminating markets, roads and bursting crackers.

Spokespersons of various organisations say as Lal Chowk in Srinagar is often used as a platform against India, the historic Mubarak Mandi Complex, will be the rallying point of celebrations in Jammu.

The Duggar Vikas Manch, with which several organisations like the Brahmin Sabha and others have joined hands, will make a 64-kg ladoo to mark the beginning of the 64th year of the state’s accession.

Dineshwar Singh Jamwal of the Manch said there would be a children’s walk and hoisting of the National Flag at 8 am in the Mubarak Mandi Complex. The children would walk through the old city carrying placards and posters showing the state being an integral part of India.

In the evening, they would illuminate the complex with 64 large candles.

The Panun Kashmir, one of the organisations of displaced Kashmiri Pandits, had set the ball rolling by announcing that it would distribute sweets and celebrate the day as Diwali. The BJP has already announced the hoisting of the Tricolour at all chowks of Jammu on October 26. On that day, from 5.30 pm to 7.30 pm, there will be a firework display on all chowks and sweets will be distributed.

The Jammu and Kashmir National Panthers Party (JKNPP) has decided to celebrate the day by organising a public meeting in Jammu, where all nationalist and political parties will be invited.

The JKNPP chairman said they had appealed to all political parties, social organisations, NGOs and educational institutions to hold victory rallies with the Tricolour.

The Jammu Kashmir People’s Forum (JKPF) has appealed to the residents to observe October 26 in a festive mood. It urged the state government to announce a state holiday on the day.

The forum also appealed to the people of the entire country to celebrate the day in a befitting manner to dispel any confusion, whatsoever, regarding the full and final integration of the state to India.
Loss of life is sad. Animosity between India and Pakistan is probably worse than north and south Korea. It is ridiculous soldiers on both sides losing their life virtually for no reason. Leadership on both sides have completely failed except blaming each other.
Indian soldiers did not return fire, the spokesman said, describing the shooting late Sunday as "unprovoked".

At least one side's following the ceasefire agreement...

Loss of life is sad. Animosity between India and Pakistan is probably worse than north and south Korea. It is ridiculous soldiers on both sides losing their life virtually for no reason. Leadership on both sides have completely failed except blaming each other.

Just like with Korea, unless either Pakistan or India completely invade/dismantle the opposite, then this situation's never going to end.
Neither side wants to risk anything, so it's a stalemate :confused:
Indian and Pakistani are wasting precious lives - no Indian is doing suicide bombing in Pakistan, No Indian is declaring persons Wajib ul Qatal in Pakistan -- and Indian just got it wrong, you might be bigger, you may not know the kind of punch waiting on you -- you can afford to wait, so wait. Just imagine some poor Jawan, the wife, the kids, the mother, the father, young strong and full of promise, dead, over what? over what?

Really Pakistanis and Indians need to ask themselves some very serious questions -- in the end regardless of punch, what kinds of societies do this kind of thing to each other??
I wouldn't term it as good. Taliban is our enemy. Let me put it this way; China will feel the heat in Tibet if you guys are effective. I would think Tibet has the world support, except India sucking up to China

LOL - Are you insane? India is not rooting for Tibetan independence. The average Indian is not even aware of the Tibet-China issue. And why would we want to break up China?

Personally, I am against forcing one's views on an entire province. So if China gives Tibet limited autonomy which is what the Dalai Lama wants anyways, then I am fine with it. And I think the same principle should be applied to Kashmir - limited autonomy so people are not disaffected.

Aksai Chin - we are not THAT desperate to get the ski slopes back. No one is going to war over a frozen piece of tundra.
What the Maharajah was doing, open discrimination and atrocities against Muslim residents that sparked a local rebellion against the dictator, was criminal. The Tribal invasion was spurred by those events in Kashmir, along with the recognition that a dictator willing to commit such oppression and atrocities against residents on the basis of their religion, would never listen to the 'voice of Muslims' in making the decision on accession.

The reports of the Maharajah's atrocities and oppression of local Muslim residents before and through 1947 have been documented by some Indian authors as well.

Well this is again a propaganda theory just to spread the belief that what tribal army did was right while you forgot the truth the same tribal army raped womens and looted money.
Even if I believe your point even then it was wrong from Pakistan side
to attack a princely state before plebscite.
The accession of the NWFP was to be determined through plebiscite and an overwhelming majority of the voters (98% I believe) voted in favor of Pakistan. There is nothing to argue there, and you can read more details on the plebiscite in a thread on 'NWFP referendum' in the Military History section.
I have no problem with NWFP as I know people want to join with Pakistan and I am not unnecessary making it a disputed case. What I want to convey is that when these points of merging, plebiscite and accession were denoted then we can't take only one case and that is either large religious population or leader's choice as claimed here by many folks for many areas but other points need to be taken into that consideration. This was the reason Lahore even being mainly controlled (on monetaory basis not populationwise) by Sikhs, Gurdaspur controlled by Muslims and Chittagong controlled by Hindus have gone opposite.

This is the reason even being Mr Khan Abdul Gaffar Khan wants to go to India their colleagues joined Pakistan. Please make an analogy with the other cases.
The Khan of Kalat did in fact accede to Pakistan, as did the rulers of various other States that formed the current province of Baluchistan. The rulers of Jungadh and Hyderabad did not accede to India and the former in fact acceded to Pakistan, so your attempt to contrast Indian invasions and occupations of those two States with NWFP and Baluchistan is invalid.
Well this case, I believe is, much more like Kashmir, while many other folks come here and talk about Kashmir as UN recognized disputed state while other is not.
Khan of Kalat acceded when Pakistan Army was on his head and this was the reason his other relatives were against accession of Kalat to Pakistan. This is the case where Pakistan shows that they forcefully acceeded (Which I find OK as that was the case with many Princely states in Dominion) and then a referendum was displayed to the world while they tried the same with Kashmir and Kashmir became bone of contention.
The point remains that Indian aggression against the States of Jungadh and Hyderabad (the former before the tribal invasion of Kashmir in fact) means India protestations against Pakistani military action in Kashmir and the argument that the Maharajah of Kashmir's accession to India makes it an 'integral part of India' are complete baloney and hypocritical.

I already listed many points which you may say hypocrisy from India's front and I can say for Pakistan but the point is .. what now?
Do we want to go ahead beating the drums of 60 year old relations and accession-secession discussion or do we want to focus on well being of Kashmir and Kashmiris as a heritage of both sides' shared culture. The point to discuss is this and not drama for multi-angle and multi-lateral dispute which happens in Kashmir .
Each county acts in its own selfish interest. China accepted India's sovereignty in Sikkim(which was contentious earlier) and India accepted China's Tibet. China has strategic interest in Kashmir and wants to support its ally Pakistan in this issue. Apart from a few instances where the Chinese irritated Indian officials in visa issues, they mostly are not vocal about Kashmir.

Dalai Lama himself does not advocate freedom of Tibet but for more autonomy. So the Indians do not really have a case to raise this issue.

About the culture, Tibet has more Indian influence than Chinese. But again, The Indian culture that influenced Tibetians is no longer followed by Indians themselves, apart from pockets of Buddhist population in Ladakh, Sikkim and Arunachal Pradesh . But they do not have much of a political say.

Request to all folks, I know these are good points to discuss to know other's perspective but can we discuss the main issue raised by Hawkish regarding Kashmir and Kashmiriyat.
I assume Indians are not good Jihadi strategy, so ruling out. (Looking at the history, the miserable job you guys are doing in Tibet- may be you could take a leaf from Taliban's/ISI book).

Our Dear Pakistani members will chide you for underestimating RAW's capabilities.

Remember Mukti Bahini ??? And Pakistani members would also like to add BLA andTTP to the list.

So the only way left is negotiations and and the lesson 101 on negotiations: I took negotiation as a minor in by business school and the first thing they teach you is:

If you want something, you have got to offer something that the other party wants. Better option is to offer something that the other party is disparate about. So what can you offer to China, that china disparately wants?

Anything that rings the bell?

So what has Pakistan got to offer us,that we desparately want..? After all Diplomacy is common for all right.

Rings a bell?
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