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So, is new media only reinforcing old stereotypes?

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What's wrong with Israel? In fact we should be thankful for creation of the state of Israel, India and Israel are two countries containing Islamic militancy on both sides.

Pakistan, Afghanistan, Iran, Iraq, Palestine............ You can see what nations we have b/w the two.

You are the first Indian (if you really are Indian) that I have heard saying that. India did not exist before advent of Britishers, we were hundreds of princely states fighting with each other.

What slander campaign, do you not agree that arrangements that were made were shoddy? A pedestrian bridge collapses days before opening ceremony, snakes found where athletes are supposed to stay. Kalmadi should be jailed for bungling the organization of the games.

$1 billion eh? Now we are just pulling random figures out of .......... ?

Someone's been getting high it seems:cheers:

You might like Israel but the conflict is a legacy of the empire...Its not about whats India or Pakistans political position on Israel-Palestine but the role played by Britishers in inflaming the issue. bbEven recently Tony Blair the who is derided played a pathetic role in the Iraq war.

No one is defending the issues that happened during or before CWG, but you might not be aware but there was a coordinated campaign unleashed by the British to dis-credit the games. I have followed these games issues since Oct 2009 and believe that while Kalmadi and the whole OC was rotten there was an attempt to pass the buck by the CWF incl Hooper/Fennel once they realised that there own hands were dirty and being investigated.Is it not surprising that on Aug 19th Fennel visited the games village and found the same problems as he found on Sep 15th. What was he or Hooper doing for a month? The games went off reasonably well but Fennel & co might have got away from the probe as they had many teams ready to withdraw from the games and used that as a negotiating item with the Govt...Dr Singh refused to meet Mr Fennel for this reason.

You might recall the failed attempt of David Cameron who visited India in July to curry up to India in return for Business and other things..UK is in deep trouble fiscally right now and is unhappy by Dr Singhs rebuff.

You only had to follow the news channels across UK and other countries to know what Im saying. Telegraph and Guardian ran blogs by there reporters that specifically reported ONLY the problems in the games. Actually, the Aussies were the least strident of the media's amongst all of them unfortunately the race attacks didnt help their cause.If you think all -ve reporting wrt CWG was unbiased then you probaly werent following the reports closely enough.

Clearly, you are like many others during the 18th century who trusted the East India Company and who know every well what happened thereafter.As far as UK & Islamic militancy goes they are as deep in nurturing it as the Americans, its not a surprise then that the FIRST reports after 26/11 reported British Pakistani's as the attackers (BBC doesnt still call them terrorists but armed men or militants)..

I mentioned the 1 Billion number out of my hat..well then lets bring the poms down totally and demand 1 Trillion USD...they cant pay that in 300 yrs.
Anyway our friends from the West aren't going to stop saying such things, no matter what "BENNY" on PDF says or does not say.

For the time being allow us the luxury of rejoicing in the fact that yet another maniac with lethal weapons, who set out to kill others and who could have potentally killed dozens of innocent people, has been killed and got his just desserts.
I don't know how much of a maniac he was. I mean sure its always wrong to bring violence to a mosque (or any other place of worship) but you must also consider that he was being hunted down not by saints but by an army of rapists and baby killers.

The desperate choices one makes when faced with certain death is excusable. However he died doing the service to his people and the fight goes on, the news has it that the Kashmiri freedom fighters have ensured Constable Kartar Singh, breathed his last.
I don't know how much of a maniac he was. I mean sure its always wrong to bring violence to a mosque (or any other place of worship) but you must also consider that he was being hunted down not by saints but by an army of rapists and baby killers.

The desperate choices one makes when faced with certain death is excusable. However he died doing the service to his people and the fight goes on, the news has it that the Kashmiri freedom fighters have ensured Constable Kartar Singh, breathed his last.

Really, if you generalize the entire Indian army as an army of "rapists and baby killers", it only shows your bias. Any security force in the world will try to prevent people with lethal weapons from getting away. And did you notice that they tried to request the fugutive to surrender (through the Mosque imam)? And did you notice that they struggled so much only to save the Mosque? I mean, if the Indian army is indeed soooo evil, how tough it is to simply lob grenades and shells inside the mosque?
With due respect to the Admins,the suspension of some senior members here is unwanted ..its nothing other than you guys wanted to win an argument by banning the other side..This is no freedom of Speech Asim ..
but you must also consider that he was being hunted down not by saints but by an army of rapists and baby killers.


The only reason to put in the underlined words would be if he was a baby or a potential victim of the "rapist army". Otherwise it isn't germane to the post. Btw, you seem to be very good at giving advice on how respect to "combatants" is to be necessarily given, not that good at following it yourself.
The only reason to put in the underlined words would be if he was a baby or a potential victim of the "rapist army". Otherwise it isn't germane to the post. Btw, you seem to be very good at giving advice on how respect to "combatants" is to be necessarily given, not that good at following it yourself.
I haven't called them the terrorist army or pigs and dogs. Raping and Baby killing is a serious problem with the Indian army and there are many convictions that have been given against them. The media is filled with accounts of Indian army engaged in raping.

From the constable to the Indian PM in New Delhi, all may not be responsible but they are all accountable even if one such incident takes place. That is the concept of Chain of Command and you're there in Kashmir by force and not on anyone's insistence. Militants are fighting because you're occupying them. Without your soldiers there they won't be fighting - no mosque would have to be used as a sanctuary, no grenades would have to be hurled.

So it all comes down to the Indian Army. Every death, every crime is India's fault.
Hey, I know that this has nothing to do with the militant who chose to fight it out in a mosque, but I have to reply to the above post by Windjammer which too is completely out of context here.
This article is the same BS that is being plugged by the fictitious 'Chistina Palmer' and now someone named 'Sultan something'.

No Param Vir Chakra has been revoked , and all this horse turd about Grenadier Yadav hiding in a hospital is the height of lies. Please show me any article written by real individuals (not make believe journalists) about these revocations or acts of cowardice and I'll be the 1st one to admit I am wrong.

Windy,since you have posted this, pl. communicate with me either publicly or send me a PM replying to this post.
With due respect to the Admins,the suspension of some senior members here is unwanted ..its nothing other than you guys wanted to win an argument by banning the other side..This is no freedom of Speech Asim ..
Everybody was banned on second or third offence after receiving fair warning.

If you'd notice any post specifically related to this incident has not been deleted, and the user not banned (if he didn't went on to post something else).

We're not here to win an argument of who can mock someone else or not. Most of the people banned (including Pakistanis) were banned because they were using this space to mock each other. You can do that on your own time, not here.
Everybody was banned on second or third offence after receiving fair warning.

If you'd notice any post specifically related to this incident has not been deleted, and the user not banned (if he didn't went on to post something else).

We're not here to win an argument of who can mock someone else or not. Most of the people banned (including Pakistanis) were banned because they were using this space to mock each other. You can do that on your own time, not here.

What about the removal of thanks of MalayMishra's post Asim??How can you justify that??are we really 10 year olds now??and about mocking each other then then banning should start from some of the Elite members Asim..any way i know I wont be here much after this..its your forum and you do as you like..but its not the forum it is used to be..
What about the removal of thanks of MalayMishra's post Asim??How can you justify that??are we really 10 year olds now??and about mocking each other then then banning should start from some of the Elite members Asim..any way i know I wont be here much after this..its your forum and you do as you like..but its not the forum it is used to be..
Yes, dumbass arguments don't deserve point scoring through a mob intellect. Something that's offtopic, irrelevant and has been answered a million times will not get the time of the day.

For that matter, we have made it crystal time and again you will not get explanations from the management for our actions. Compliance is mandatory
I haven't called them the terrorist army or pigs and dogs. Raping and Baby killing is a serious problem with the Indian army and there are many convictions that have been given against them. The media is filled with accounts of Indian army engaged in raping.

From the constable to the Indian PM in New Delhi, all may not be responsible but they are all accountable even if one such incident takes place. That is the concept of Chain of Command and you're there in Kashmir by force and not on anyone's insistence. Militants are fighting because you're occupying them. Without your soldiers there they won't be fighting - no mosque would have to be used as a sanctuary, no grenades would have to be hurled.

So it all comes down to the Indian Army. Every death, every crime is India's fault.

Asim those people who engaged in raping were arrested by our forces ..not any international organisation asked us to take action against them..we took it as per the Indian law.and also about the freedom fighter?its not the Kashmiries only which are not fighting there..there are some Pakistanis and people from other parts of the world too who is coming their to fight in the name of religion ..So please dont tell us its all in the name of freedom fighting...some of the people who shot down in Kashmir is from my state also..there were Pakistanis too who among the dead in Kashmirs..heck the two most freedom fighting organisation was started by Pakistanis who has nothing to do with Kashmir or freedom fighting..
Yes, dumbass arguments don't deserve point scoring through a mob intellect. Something that's offtopic, irrelevant and has been answered a million times will not get the time of the day.
For that matter, we have made it crystal time and again you will not get explanations from the management for our actions. Compliance is mandatory

So much for free and fair forum huh??as i said Its your forum and you can run as you like,I dont want to be part of this any more..bye.
I wont be surprized if this suicide bomber - bomb the whole mosque , while indian army tried to save him.

may be army think tank need to look this side as well.

for some reason a muslim shooting people from inside the mosque and bunch of muslim supporting this act, seem like - islam is infect the relgion of violence and west is right.
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