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So, is new media only reinforcing old stereotypes?

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After 24 hours in mosque, militant is killed

Srinagar: The 24-hour stand off between an injured Lashkar-e-Toiba militant holed up inside a mosque and security forces in Bandipora district ended n Tuesday morning with the killing of the ultra.

The militant Abu Dawood was injured in the encounter with security forces in Barzulla village yesterday and died inside the mosque early this morning, official sources said.

They said the ultra had taken refuge in the mosque while fleeing the security forces and had died due to injuries sustained during the encounter. Army had sent local elders and Imam (prayer leader) of the mosque to persuade the militant to leave the religious place and surrender before the security forces.

However, he refused the offer and hurled grenades and opened fire on the security forces, the sources said. One militant was killed in the initial firefight between the two sides yesterday.

Read more at: After 24 hours in mosque, militant is killed
After 24 hours in mosque, militant is killed

Srinagar: The 24-hour stand off between an injured Lashkar-e-Toiba militant holed up inside a mosque and security forces in Bandipora district ended n Tuesday morning with the killing of the ultra.

The militant Abu Dawood was injured in the encounter with security forces in Barzulla village yesterday and died inside the mosque early this morning, official sources said.

They said the ultra had taken refuge in the mosque while fleeing the security forces and had died due to injuries sustained during the encounter. Army had sent local elders and Imam (prayer leader) of the mosque to persuade the militant to leave the religious place and surrender before the security forces.

However, he refused the offer and hurled grenades and opened fire on the security forces, the sources said. One militant was killed in the initial firefight between the two sides yesterday.

Read more at: After 24 hours in mosque, militant is killed
1. Pakistan reduced its Non-Muslim content from 25-28% down to 3% by the time of the Death of Mr. Jinnah in September 1948. You must appreciate that Mr. Jinnah was the Greatest Secular Leader in Undivided India.

2. Bangladesh Minority Polulation has been decreased from 28% in 1947 to 22% in 1951 and is now about 8%.

As such if Pakistan takes over Kashmir then the Monority Population will be reduced to 3% in ONE YEAR.

Please check with Pakistan Census 1951 and Pakistan as well as Bangladesh latest Census.

If you are British origin British national residing in Britain than you have a lot to answer for...creating problems around the world like the Israeli-Palestian dispute, Kashmir and others...

Slowly but surely, I know many Indians are coming around to the view that British Empire was no better than Nazis and should be held accountable for crimes against humanity and also need compensation for looting India for 300 years...

The slander campaign against India during CWG led by BBC hasnt gone unnoticed and will be replied during 2012/2014 games in UK...

As far as the topic of the day goes..UK should fund the rehab of Pandits and Kashmiris residing outside Kashmir to start with...lets start by you paying 1 billion dollar USD each to India and Pak as damages.
1. Pakistan reduced its Non-Muslim content from 25-28% down to 3% by the time of the Death of Mr. Jinnah in September 1948. You must appreciate that Mr. Jinnah was the Greatest Secular Leader in Undivided India.

2. Bangladesh Minority Polulation has been decreased from 28% in 1947 to 22% in 1951 and is now about 8%.

As such if Pakistan takes over Kashmir then the Monority Population will be reduced to 3% in ONE YEAR.

Please check with Pakistan Census 1951 and Pakistan as well as Bangladesh latest Census.

Partition was a different thingy, there was revenge attacks happening on both sides, thus people migrated, Pakistan did not forced the minorities to be gone from the country, had this been the case, we would not be having the 3% minority or the thousands of Hindus, Sikhs, Christians, Parsees, Jews etc etc still living. Had it been state run policy, we would be seeing 0% minority.

And as for Bangladeshi minority, since they got their own country, many left voluntarily, had it been govt forced, the figure would have been 0%, not 8%.

So you are wrong in saying that if Kashmir gets into Pakistani fold, its minority would be reduced to 3%, as no one is gonna be forced out. If they want to live here, they are most welcome, it won't be like partition time period where killings took place.

And i hope, we get better laws and tolerance levels with respect to minorities. They may not be Muslims, but they are Human beings, and as for Islamic teachings, it very well tells us on how to respect human being without taking into consideration the religion and give them full rights without any biased approach.
If you are British origin British national residing in Britain than you have a lot to answer for...creating problems around the world like the Israeli-Palestian dispute, Kashmir and others...

What's wrong with Israel? In fact we should be thankful for creation of the state of Israel, India and Israel are two countries containing Islamic militancy on both sides.

Pakistan, Afghanistan, Iran, Iraq, Palestine............ You can see what nations we have b/w the two.

Slowly but surely, I know many Indians are coming around to the view that British Empire was no better than Nazis and should be held accountable for crimes against humanity and also need compensation for looting India for 300 years...

You are the first Indian (if you really are Indian) that I have heard saying that. India did not exist before advent of Britishers, we were hundreds of princely states fighting with each other.

The slander campaign against India during CWG led by BBC hasnt gone unnoticed and will be replied during 2012/2014 games in UK...

What slander campaign, do you not agree that arrangements that were made were shoddy? A pedestrian bridge collapses days before opening ceremony, snakes found where athletes are supposed to stay. Kalmadi should be jailed for bungling the organization of the games.

As far as the topic of the day goes..UK should fund the rehab of Pandits and Kashmiris residing outside Kashmir to start with...lets start by you paying 1 billion dollar USD each to India and Pak as damages.

$1 billion eh? Now we are just pulling random figures out of .......... ?

Someone's been getting high it seems:cheers:
not my problem....Kashmir unrest and resistance is a purely Kashmiri (local) phenomenon

Only if Afridi tribes are native to Kashmir and not to Khyber :woot:

do you REALLY care?

Let me rephrase the sentence - " Do I really care ? whether it was democratic or not ? ;) "

such movements have been going on for centuries; no big deal


as for militancy, well, again, purely Kashmiri phenomenon; ask yourself why they are resisting

See above.

Pakistan thought they were stronger than India in 1965 (After 62 defeat and the famous 1 Muslim pakistani = 10 Hindu Indians logic) and wanted to capture Kashmir through might.So its our turn now.

the real blessing in disguise is when you install puppet govts. and claim they are representative of the people

(and by people I mean PEOPLE......the Kashmiris, not the guys sitting dilly dallying in navi delhi

I dont see much benefits that are accruing to Pakistan through that Blessing.Or has it.?

who is crying

Isnt it self-evident.? ;)

which provided a smokescreen for indian occupation forces to "armed struggle" against mostly unarmed, but un-corruptible subjects :blink:

Excellent and almost fool-proof "smoke-screen" I must add considering that the whole of the international community now acknowledges the cross-border patronisation.

p.s.: Should we start to engage in some meaningful discussion or continue with these one-liners based on some alternate version of reality ? I'm fine by both.:pop:
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You are the first Indian (if you really are Indian) that I have heard saying that. India did not exist before advent of Britishers, we were hundreds of princely states fighting with each other.

I see this argument that "if the British had not come we would still be pricely states fighting each other" doing rounds often.

Nothing can be farther from truth - Even if the British had not come with the globalisation and the converging interests in religion,culture some sort of federation of states would surely have happpened.
I see this argument that "if the British had not come we would still be pricely states fighting each other" doing rounds often.

Nothing can be farther from truth - Even if the British had not come with the globalisation and the converging interests in religion,culture some sort of federation of states would surely have happpened.

That is highly speculative, we can have discussion on another thread seeing as this topic is way off the original thread :cheers:
1. What do you intend to do about the non-muslim Hindus, Sikhs and Buddhists who will come with the land? This is nearly 40% of the population of the state, about 4 million people.

Pakistan will definitely provide them asylum,there is already a good minority non Muslim population in Pakistan,but the question is r this people ready to change patronage

They will demand equal rights under the constitution. How prepared are you to secularize Pakistan to accommodate these people and grant them first class citizenship?

Pakistan is not a hardcore Islamic state(as told by Zaki)atleast on paper,and i dont think their is anything like first class and second class citizenship again on paper,but we know how much democratic rights they enjoy

2. If you decide to ask non-muslims to leave permanently, what kind of compensation are you prepared to give? My family, for example, has owned properties in Baramulla and Anantnag for countless generations. I cannot even contemplate in a rational mind that someone would ask me to leave my own house.

They r not going to pay any compensation

Remember Pakistan claims Kashmir as its birth right,they r not in Kashmir to purchase the land and then claim it

The populace have an option of accepting Pakistani citizenship or get displaced to India,in the 2nd case it is the job of India to compensate them

3. What kind of economic and social package will be put together for the new acquisition? Can you offer more economic/social benefits than India? If so, how?

Where will you find the monies to fund this?


What kind of package u expect currently looking at the economic status of Pakistan,and if some reports emerging from *** is to b beleived some people there also r not happy with the social package Pakistan is providing
This thread has served as an excellent suspension pit. Stick to topic and don't troll around here to fulfill your agenda. It is apparent that all the people who were banned posted for the sole intention to make a score. No forum celebs would get another pass for another incident. You can play royal rumble off this forum.
Also on a related note of common decency, Kashmiri freedom fighters are India's enemy and so while we cannot expect Indians to sing praises for them for our sakes, they must also not be insulted. The same way IA serving in Kashmir are Pakistan's enemy. While we want our enemies dead - there is even a code, a sense of respect for your opposing combatants and a decorum must always be maintained.
After 24 hours in mosque, militant is killed

Srinagar: The 24-hour stand off between an injured Lashkar-e-Toiba militant holed up inside a mosque and security forces in Bandipora district ended n Tuesday morning with the killing of the ultra.

The militant Abu Dawood was injured in the encounter with security forces in Barzulla village yesterday and died inside the mosque early this morning, official sources said.

They said the ultra had taken refuge in the mosque while fleeing the security forces and had died due to injuries sustained during the encounter. Army had sent local elders and Imam (prayer leader) of the mosque to persuade the militant to leave the religious place and surrender before the security forces.

However, he refused the offer and hurled grenades and opened fire on the security forces, the sources said. One militant was killed in the initial firefight between the two sides yesterday.

Read more at: After 24 hours in mosque, militant is killed

Great news. Militant has been sent to where he belong to.

Congrats to forces.:cheers:
Great news. Militant has been sent to where he belong to.

Congrats to forces.:cheers:

Do remember, next time when someone says the same for the Kashmiri Freedom Fighters after they kill the occupational forces soldier, don't complain.

And I don't need Indian members answering to my this post, just read it and remember it, as Indians come complaining when someone says something like this about the occupational soldiers getting killed at the hands of Kashmiri Mujahedins, so I am just telling, since you guys say the same thing and no one is complaining and the remark is left untouched, so when the opposite happens, don't come running.

Anymore idiotic reply to this post is given, then be prepared for the repercussions too.
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