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So, is new media only reinforcing old stereotypes?

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1. What do you intend to do about the non-muslim Hindus, Sikhs and Buddhists who will come with the land? This is nearly 40% of the population of the state, about 4 million people.

There's about a 33% non-muslim population in Indian Occupied Jammu and Kashmir. About 67% of the population in Indian Occupied Jammu and Kashmir are Muslims.

-----------------Population % Muslim % Hindu % Sikh % Buddhist/Other
Kashmir (53.9%) 5,476,970-- 97.16% 1.84% 0.88%---- 0.11%
Jammu (43.7%) 4,430,191-- 30.69% 65.23% 3.57%---- 0.51%
Ladakh (2.3%) 236,539---- --47.40% 6.22% –----------- 45.87%
Jammu & Kashmir 10,143,700 66.97% 29.63% 2.03% 1.36%

Jammu and Kashmir - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
^^^ You should also account for the displaced Kashmiri Pandits. I think 40% is a reasonable estimate (conservative in my opinion)

"The US Department of State reports that, according to the Indian National Human Rights Commission, the Kashmiri Pandit population in Jammu and Kashmir dropped from 15 percent in 1941 to 1 percent as of 2001"

Ref: Kashmiri Pandit - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
^^^ You should also account for the displaced Kashmiri Pandits. I think 40% is a reasonable estimate (conservative in my opinion)

"The US Department of State reports that, according to the Indian National Human Rights Commission, the Kashmiri Pandit population in Jammu and Kashmir dropped from 15 percent in 1941 to 1 percent as of 2001"

Ref: Kashmiri Pandit - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Then you should also count the 1.5 million Kashmiris who migrated to Azad Kashmir and rest of Pakistan due to indian army's terrorism in Indian occupied Jammu & Kashmir.

There are roughly 1.5 million refugees from Indian Administered Kashmir in Azad Kashmir and Pakistan.[27] An estimated 50–100,000 Kashmiri Muslims[28][29] and 150–300,000 Kashmiri Pandits have been internally displaced due to militancy.[26][30]

Jammu and Kashmir - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Less than 33% are non-muslims if you include those Kashmiris who are displaced (including Pandits and Kashmiris who migrated from Indian Occupied Kashmir to Azad Kashmir and rest of Pakistan).

If you include Kashmiri Pandits living in Delhi and other parts of India then you have to include Kashmiri Muslims living in Lahore and Karachi and other parts of Pakistan as well.
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India ceding Kashmir to Pakistan is only a utopian dream of some.

1. India won't undergo another division on the lines of religion.

2. India won't lose the control of waters

Hence the question this thread seeks answer of is utopian at best and in no way going to happen.
first of all, I cannot even think of Giving Kashmir to Pakistanis or any other Nation.
Secondly if there is some thing like that (May God never does so) then it will another 1947 type situation, but army has to play the role in securing te refugees.
first of all, I cannot even think of Giving Kashmir to Pakistanis or any other Nation.
Secondly if there is some thing like that (May God never does so) then it will another 1947 type situation, but army has to play the role in securing te refugees.

Dude just forget it. Not going to happen. Not now. Not ever.

Why not then ask what will happen if if create khalistan?


north east?



Kashmir is an integral part of India and this is not just a political rant.

When we say kashmir is an integral part WE MEAN IT!

It's like asking what will happen if I cut-off your hand?

your leg??


Only way Kashmir can join Pakistan is when Pakistan prevails over India at the end of a Nuclear Holocaust.

Now tell me how absurd does it sound?:undecided:
Then you should also count the 1.5 million Kashmiris who migrated to Azad Kashmir and rest of Pakistan due to indian army's terrorism in Indian occupied Jammu & Kashmir.
I am trying to give an estimate of the people in India who are a stakeholder of JnK in India, those who own property and land in the state. The immigrants to P0K and Pandits in Pakistan do not hold properties in JnK. Considering them the percentage will definitely be closer to 40% as @mattoo suggested.
@iRobot and @Camdor... I think the thread starter has already put this disclaimer that this is just a hypothetical situation and is not going to happen during the lifetime of most of us discussing this situation... nevertheless the topic is an interesting reflection of the options beyond the current situation and reality.
Dude just forget it. Not going to happen. Not now. Not ever.

Why not then ask what will happen if if create khalistan?

Forget the rest, Khalistan alone will be the worst nightmare for today's Pakistan if it ever happened. Last thing they want is another extremist religious front, which will claim vast westside of Pak-Punjab.
Forget the rest, Khalistan alone will be the worst nightmare of today's Pakistan if it ever happened. Last thing they want is another extremist religious front, which will claim vast westside of Pak-Punjab.

I only demand the answer to one question from anyone who cares to answer.

What is your plan if I cut-off:

your hand?

your leg?

your kidney?

your testicles?

something else?:azn:

Pray, please do answer me...
@iRobot and @Camdor... I think the thread starter has already put this disclaimer that this is just a hypothetical situation and is not going to happen during the lifetime of most of us discussing this situation... nevertheless the topic is an interesting reflection of the options beyond the current situation and reality.

This topic is trash and that's all it is....trash....rubbish!

Ok so should I create a thread for every hypothetical wet dream I have??

How about I start with cutting-off your vital body parts??? Shall I create a thread for this hypothetical scenario?

Let's see how'd you cope with it...
I only demand the answer to one question from anyone who cares to answer.

What is your plan if I cut-off:

your hand?

your leg?

your kidney?

your testicles?

something else?:azn:

Pray, please do answer me...
No more devisions in present or future. It's like asking a charging bull to not to budge.
This topic is trash and that's all it is....trash....rubbish!
Ok so should I create a thread for every hypothetical wet dream I have??
How about I start with cutting-off your vital body parts??? Shall I create a thread for this hypothetical scenario?
Let's see how'd you cope with it...

I would still say it is worth debating... isn't it... that is the fun of debating ... you discuss something which you don't agree with or cannot imagine to live with or accept.
I would still say it is worth debating... isn't it... that is the fun of debating ... you discuss something which you don't agree with or cannot imagine to live with or accept.

You should debate and discuss something that is at least an iota of chance of happening. Debating something just for the heck of it doesn't make much sense.
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