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So, is new media only reinforcing old stereotypes?

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hey the rights of the minorities should be also protected. since our models are now based on Western democracy so the voice of the Majority has more weight not at the expense of the minorities of course
a fair and just solution and resolution is what differentiates a true democracy from a fascist & ruthless regime.
Agree with your comment about UN (potency) but that’s where your own beloved PM Nehru promised the vote for self determination.

The rights of the minorities must be protected,but they were not in Kashmir where the minorities and specifically the Hindus underwent one of the worst kinds of intimidation and murder that has few parallels.

And as I said no modern nation,I repeat,no nation compromises on its territorial integrity for hollow morals and ethics especially after the blood of innumerable sons,husbands and fathers were spilled. Frankly it has become an emotional issue for us from a political issue (BTW India came into Kashmir legally through the Instrument of Accession - so no lack of morals).

By giving into the demands of the Kashmiri Muslims now ,will it not set a bad precedent for the future wherein you can achieve your goals not by peaceful,democratic means,but by intimidation at the point of the gun.

Having said that,I concede Kashmiri Muslims have some genuine demands like HR violations,presence of Sec Check points in civilian areas,non-lethal means crowd control etc.These must be strictly implemented.But secession from the Indian Union - NO NO.

And I must say whatever deeds for which Nehru was liked,internationalising this issue where the Indian Army had the upper ground,was not definitely one amongst them.But then after 3 wars, Simla Agreement and about 20 years of insurgency, Kofi Annan itself has said that the UN resolutions have lost their relevance.Its an internal matter of India in which Pakistan has a special interest.
good debate thanks mate

The pleasure is both ways. :cheers:
you can't call it ''secession'' to begin with; otherwise it would entail that it already is ceded to hindustan -based on using legal framework and in an internationally recognized sense

such, (incidentally) is not the case as is evident

Kashmir is a disputed territory, not an ''integral'' part of anything except itself. Let the people decide. Don't waste time complaining about demographics when a small number of people migrated to another country for economic reasons (not so much to do with ''oppression'' or genocide'')
you can't call it ''secession'' to begin with; otherwise it would entail that it already is ceded to hindustan -based on using legal framework and in an internationally recognized sense

such, (incidentally) is not the case as is evident.Kashmir is a disputed territory, not an ''integral'' part of anything except itself.

Ahhh semantics - as long as the Indian Army shoots down any intruder crossing the LoC and the tricolor flies atop bunkers on the LoC,its our Territory.

Also one cardinal rule when somebody signs legal documents - both the parties must whole heartedly agree to it.

And it was so in the case between India and the Princely state of Kashmir represented by Maharaja Hari Singh.

I dont know what role the international community (which at that time was busy butchering one another) had in it. :what:

Let the people decide. Don't waste time complaining about demographics when a small number of people migrated to another country for economic reasons (not so much to do with ''oppression'' or genocide'')

Lol..these lines are starting to sound ridiculously funny to me now.Keep denying the reality and are we going to loose anything.? :no:
Ahhh semantics - as long as the Indian Army shoots down any intruder crossing the LoC and the tricolor flies atop bunkers on the LoC,its our Territory.

it has been well established that the local Kashmiris who resent indian occupation are from 1947-onforth dubbed ''infiltrators'' or ''intruders''

interestingly enough, the non-representative ''maharaja,'' from the 'desktop' at his elaborate Jammu palace referred to some of the intruders as ''Afridis, soldiers in plain clothes, and desperadoes with modern weapons'' during his desperate letter to ''his dear lord Mountbatten'' on Zhu'l Qadah 12, 1366 (26 Oct, 1947).

a.) where was the resistance by local Kashmiris, who obviously didn't seem adament to alleged ''outside help'' ??

b.) where is the proof to begin with, save for a few loosely worded statements?

Also one cardinal rule when somebody signs legal documents - both the parties must whole heartedly agree to it.

Due to the unresolved and undemocratic nature of this transaction, all these territories are regarded as disputed; there are several UN resolutions calling hindustan (and Pakistan) to allow a UN administered plebiscite

furthermore, hindustan's backed termination of his ''throne'' says wonders about the arm-twisting tactics used by the latter (not limited to just co-ercing him to accede to indian domain (on paper) when all odds were against him otherwise ---namely on the GROUND

And it was so in the case between India and the Princely state of Kashmir represented by Maharaja Hari Singh.

refer to above

I dont know what role the international community (which at that time was busy butchering one another) had in it. :what:

the United Nations, as toothless as it was to become, had already been formed. By joining the UN, both Pakistan and hindustan are obligated to abide by the Charter.

Lol..these lines are starting to sound ridiculously funny to me now.Keep denying the reality and are we going to loose anything.? :no:

the keyword is ''now''

nevertheless, laughing is never a bad thing. As long as it isn't nervous laughter ;)
From JKLF's website:

Quit-Kashmir cry echoes across LoC

Srinagar, Oct. 3. 2010: “Quit Kashmir movement” has been launched in ***************** Kashmir too, echoing the four-month-old agitation on the Indian side of the Line of Control.

The campaign in *** has been started by the pro-independence Jammu and Kashmir Liberation Front (JKLF) faction led by Amanullah Khan. It has had a low-key beginning since October 1 but is expected to intensify over the next three weeks.

The movement aims at “re-unification and complete independence” of the state, now divided by the LoC, said Touqeer Geelani, a spokesperson for the Amanullah faction.

The JKLF is the premier separatist group in both Kashmirs but is divided into factions, two of which are led by Amanullah and Yasin Malik. Both factions have units on both sides of the LoC, but Amanullah is based in Pakistan while Malik lives in Srinagar.

A meeting of the Amanullah faction’s central committee was held in Rawalpindi on September 30, says a statement issued last week by Touqeer. The meeting decided to “expand the Quit Kashmir movement to *** and (Pakistan’s) northern areas, including Gilgit and Baltistan”, the statement said.

In Indian Kashmir, the four-month-old agitation has crippled life and left over 100 people dead, but it remains to be seen how much support the campaign can muster in ***. The campaign in Indian Kashmir is led by pro-Pakistan Hurriyat hawk Syed Ali Shah Geelani, who will oppose any such “movement” in ***.

“The JKLF has decided to hold a series of protest demonstrations in ***************** parts of Kashmir from September 30 and sit-in programmes from October 22 to 27 at different places close to the LoC to enlist support for a concerted movement,” Touqeer’s statement said.

It said public meetings would be held from October 1 to 20 at all district headquarters, colleges and university campuses in *** and Gilgit-Baltistan. “We will consolidate the otherwise suppressed national aspirations for re-unification and complete independence of the entire state,” Touqeer said.

“The JKLF will hold a ‘national integration restoration week’ from October 21 as a mark of protest against these invading foreign occupying forces in Jammu and Kashmir,” he said, apparently referring to both Indian and Pakistani forces.

“On October 22, 1947, tribals supported by Pakistani forces entered Jammu and Kashmir to plunder and on October 27, 1947, the Indian forces arrived in Srinagar to occupy Jammu and Kashmir... with the result (that) the state was divided between India and Pakistan,” the statement added.

Amanullah’s daughter Asma is married to People’s Conference leader Sajjad Lone.

A leader of Malik’s faction said Amanullah’s campaign didn’t have his group’s support. “We stand for complete independence of both parts of Kashmir, but it is our prerogative when and where to start which campaign,” he said
Video Report of South Asia News

[video=metacafe;5359336/a_movement_against_pakistans_illegal_occupation_of]http://www.metacafe.com/watch/5359336/a_movement_against_pakistans_illegal_occupation_of _azad_kashmir/[/video]
According to my perception, they are FREEDOM FIGHTERS and they are fighting for their legitimate cause of FREEDOM.

I differ with you once you call them "terrorists".

Freedom is what they want and freedom is what they'll get InshaAllah!!:sniper:
But where does the story say Now separatists want Pak to Quit Kashmir ?

Gunner let me tell you the background. Amanullah and another geek he is currently on visit to Pakistan. They had some rift with Yaseen Malik few years back after Amanullah and this other person whom i am talking were offered big funds by UK based anti-Pakistan elements (they include UK itself, Indians) so they separated from JKLF and started propaganda against Yaseen malik as well as Pakistan.

These days this group is on visit to Pakistan and are knitting a propaganda. They have visit Balitistan and Gilgit where people did not responded to their propaganda and now they are just doing some table report :).

The main agenda has been assigned to them to spread lies about Azad Kashmir to divert attention of the world from Indian Occupied Kashmir.

oh i forgot this second person is a frequent visitor to India :)

recently last year he visited India again where he was assigned to carry on propaganda against Pakistani dams .

BTW if you want to reach the man do send me a PM
Freedom is what they want and freedom is what they'll get InshaAllah!!:sniper:

If you are referring freedom fighter, then they are on the way to get freedom within next 24 hours. InshaAllah, mosque would remained unharmed.
the man probably wants the pakistani kashmiris to support the liberation of indian kashmir from indian tyrant occupation

pakistan kashmir is not which is under fire??, pakistan has motive to let kashmiris decide what they want in the first place on both sides of the border its bharat who displays its rudeness of giving any fair chance to kashmiris??
it has been well established that the local Kashmiris who resent indian occupation are from 1947-onforth dubbed ''infiltrators'' or ''intruders''

interestingly enough, the non-representative ''maharaja,'' from the 'desktop' at his elaborate Jammu palace referred to some of the intruders as ''Afridis, soldiers in plain clothes, and desperadoes with modern weapons'' during his desperate letter to ''his dear lord Mountbatten'' on Zhu'l Qadah 12, 1366 (26 Oct, 1947).

a.) where was the resistance by local Kashmiris, who obviously didn't seem adament to alleged ''outside help'' ??

b.) where is the proof to begin with, save for a few loosely worded statements?

And the intention behind these words? If its saying that it was NOT tribal invaders from NWFP who went berseck in looting and killing rather local Kashmiris then I'm flabbergasted.

Due to the unresolved and undemocratic nature of this transaction, all these territories are regarded as disputed; there are several UN resolutions calling hindustan (and Pakistan) to allow a UN administered plebiscite

And highness,who decides which transactions are democratic or un-democratic ?

UN resolutions lost their relevance once Op.Gibralter,Shimla Agreement took place and 10 years of cross-border infiltration took place.The final nail in the coffin was Kargil.

You wanted to say Might is Right through those incidents.Now its our turn .:azn:

furthermore, hindustan's backed termination of his ''throne'' says wonders about the arm-twisting tactics used by the latter (not limited to just co-ercing him to accede to indian domain (on paper) when all odds were against him otherwise ---namely on the GROUND

That was the the first mistake in a long series of mistakes Pakistan did/doing on Kashmir - allowing the Pathan tribals to invade Kashmir.Proved to be blessing in disguise for us.

Dont they say "no use in crying over the spilt milk"...;)

the United Nations, as toothless as it was to become, had already been formed. By joining the UN, both Pakistan and hindustan are obligated to abide by the Charter.

The only mistake we did regarding Kashmir.Fortunately Pakistan itself by intiating armed struggle and thereby violating the ceasefire helped us on that issue.

the keyword is ''now''

nevertheless, laughing is never a bad thing. As long as it isn't nervous laughter ;)

Sometimes nervous laughter causes much more damage to the enemy than ordinary ones. :azn:
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