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So, is new media only reinforcing old stereotypes?

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Geelani Cute $$$(not bad word) strikes again :D... hmmm he is responsible for the entire turmoil and now he is putting blame on others... There is a saying in tamil "Those who sow the seeds have to reap the fruit"... Geelani sowed the bad seeds and the police are taking revenge... what i feel bad is why the police take revenge on others they should go and knock on the head of geelani..

If geelani is a gentle man who really wishes to fight for his people... he should help the kid by donating his eyes or any of his kins eye to the affected..
I didn't know Indian Army also gave "marbles" to its soldiers instead of bullets? Or maybe the Army was playing "gulli danda" on the streets.

nobody gives marble to Army, they can find it on streets:blink:, and gulli danda does not require marbles :smokin:
Some day we have to take the main hive down from where these bees come. For how long will our Army do the clean up job.
Everyone can have their laughs and congratulate each other and the army for a job well done. When the back slapping ends take a trip down there and see the conditions the army has on the people. You all are more than welcome to join me come December if conditions permit. You cannot decipher anything reading about it from the media in these two countries.
Everyone can have their laughs and congratulate each other and the army for a job well done. When the back slapping ends take a trip down there and see the conditions the army has on the people. You all are more than welcome to join me come December if conditions permit. You cannot decipher anything reading about it from the media in these two countries.

Life's always tough in a battle zone. And thats what Kashmir is between India and Pakistan. So what if thee is no formal declaration of war. Both our countries are in a state of war since 1947. Since 1987, Kashmir has been the battleground. Inshahallah, like all previous ones, this one will also go our way...
And to think some people blame us for trouble in Baluchistan and NWFP
Pakistans economy might be in doldrum but one sector is doing quite well

But this sector is not revenue generating sector.. it is a revenue destroying sector.... What to do?? all there investments are getting washed like mud castle built near the beaches... still ISI/Army are investing in it....
Everyone can have their laughs and congratulate each other and the army for a job well done. When the back slapping ends take a trip down there and see the conditions the army has on the people. You all are more than welcome to join me come December if conditions permit. You cannot decipher anything reading about it from the media in these two countries.

Please look into your house see what your ISI/Army are doing to your part of land... before you complain on us...
I didn't know Indian Army also gave "marbles" to its soldiers instead of bullets? Or maybe the Army was playing "gulli danda" on the streets.

Damm............evil Bharati Army is hit by economic slowdown.........."cost cutting"
correct. Kudos.

I remember when title was "Indian Army killed Terrorist" was changed "Massacre of Indian Army on Kashmiris".

can the thread starter know,which MOD has changed the title of his thread.
The so called Freedom Fighters got real freedom from their Miserable barbaric lives.

They should thank Indian Army for that.
My friend that the dubious nature of Pakistan Govt and Pak army.

Even Banned organisations are allowed to openly advertise in new papers for money, They can operate openly.
sad indeed,

indian forces need better equipments, and better support from country. things will get better i hope and next we will hear indian troops will eradicate these idiots from face of earth. violence must be dealt with serious response. :sniper:
Its joke of the year...........really militants or ...........Freedom fighters fighting for their land captured by Indian army........you guys still have doubts after all what happening in Kashmir these days.......
You can capture a land but can't win the hearts of peoples...
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