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So, is new media only reinforcing old stereotypes?

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. Indian Army is Just going Rogue, How Could the Indian Army Shoot down an Innocent,Peaceful freedom Fighter who has just 1kg RDX, AK-47 and a Few rounds of Bullets With him??? Really Its a Human Right Violation I say....:lol: ... Well Done Indian Army, Bring those B@strds Down:tup:
Moosvi lauds Quraishi's statement on OSJK

Jammu & Kashmir
Written by KMS
Friday, 01 October 2010 22:08


Srinagar, October 01, 2010: Senior APHC leader and President of Anjuman-e-Shari Shian, Agha Syed Hassan Al-Moosvi, has lauded the statement of Foreign Minister of Pakistan, Shah Mehmood Qurashi on Occupied State of Jammu & Kashmir (OSJK) during his speech in the United Nations and termed it in line with the aspirations of the Kashmiri people.

Agha Syed Hassan Al-Moosvi, in a statement issued in Srinagar, said that the so-called elections in the occupied territory held by the authorities could not be a substitute to Kashmiris’ right of self-determination. He appreciated the role of people of Kashmir belonging to every shade of life in the ongoing struggle. “Kashmiris have given matchless sacrifices for the just cause. Their sacrifices will not be allowed to go waste,” he added.

The APHC leader said that the Kashmiri people had not sacrificed their lives for economic packages but for their inalienable right. Commenting on Allahabad High Court’s verdict regarding Babri Mosque, Agha Syed Hassan AL-Moosvi termed the decision biased and against the norms of righteousness and justice.

The Jammu and Kashmir People’s Movement (JKPM), a constituent of the All Parties Hurriyet Conference (APHC), has hailed the statement of Foreign Minister of Pakistan, Shah Mahmood Qurashi, on Kashmir which he made during his speech in the United Nations.

The Chairman of Jammu and Kashmir Peoples Movement (JKPM), Ghulam Ahmed Mir, in a statement issued in Srinagar, said that Pakistan had always extended its moral, diplomatic and political support to the Kashmir cause. He said that the resolutions passed by the United Nations formed the basis for peaceful and permanent resolution of the Kashmir dispute in accordance with the aspirations of the people of Jammu and Kashmir.

The JKPM Chairman rejected the statement of Indian Foreign Minister, S M Krishna in which he said that after elections there was no justification for demanding plebiscite in the occupied territory. Ghulam Ahmed Mir said that the election dramas staged by India in the territory could not be substitute to the Kashmiris’ right to self-determination.

He said that the Kashmiri people had never accepted illegal occupation of their motherland by India and they had been making supreme sacrifices to take the freedom movement to its logical conclusion.

Urging New Delhi to shun its rigid attitude towards Kashmir and accept its disputed status, he said that hundred days of peaceful agitation by the people of the territory should have opened its eyes. “India has completely failed to quell the peaceful struggle of the people even after killing more than one hundred and ten innocent Kashmiris,” he maintained.

Back on streets of Srinagar, the Indian forces have arrested a pesh imam twice in last 10 days in Kupwara district for objecting to the highhandedness of Indian troops and police against innocent people. The family sources said that 70-year-old, Ghulam Mohiuddin Peer, son of Haji Abdul Khaliq was arrested during a night raid on September 18 and lodged at district Jail Kupwara. Ghulam Mohiuddin Peer, a former revenue official, was bailed out by a local court after five days. However, as soon as he stepped outside the jail, he was re-arrested and fresh cases were slapped against him. Family, however, pleaded his innocence and termed charges against him as fabricated and fictitious.

Unfolding the events leading to her husband’s arrest, Amina Begum said that on September 14, a vehicle, carrying a pregnant woman, passed through the village where Special Operations Group (SOG) of police and Central Reserve Police Force (CRPF) had enforced tough restrictions to prevent protests following the killing of 18 people by Indian police and troops across the Valley.

“The SOG and CRPF men intercepted the vehicle and thrashed the male inmates. They also misbehaved with the pregnant woman. My husband and some locals tried to intervene and ensure the safety of the patient. However, the SOG and CRPF personnel burst teargas shells and fired in air to disperse them,” she added.

Next day, Amina said, her husband, who is also pesh imam of Jamia Masjid, offered prayers on road seeking peace and prosperity for the people. “On the night of September 18, a party of troops and SOG stormed the village. They broke windowpanes of our houses and ransacked the household goods. After vandalizing property, they bundled my husband, son and a guest in a police van,” she said. “My husband is innocent and is being punished for raising voice against atrocities,” she added.

Moosvi lauds Quraishi's statement on OSJK

Was it you or your did thread title get changed?:angry:

Anyway, good job IA. Its a war of attrition and the attrition ratio looks good.
Geelani condemns Indian brutality with a student

Written by KMS
Friday, 01 October 2010 22:04


Srinagar, October 01, 2010: The Chairman of All Parties Hurriyat Conference (APHC), Syed Ali Shah Geelani has condenmed the Indian brutality against a Kashmiri student, who had lost his eye, when an Indian army personal hit a student with marble on his face.

In result, the student from Srinagar had lost his eye. He was leaving home early morning for school, when caught up by Indian forces personals. Despite showing his permit card, the personnal hit him on his face with the marble, saying "follow gillani calander".

Syed Ali Shah Geelani in a statement issued in Srinagar said that the incident reflected the serious situation in the Valley. He said that the Indian troops were killing innocent Kashmiri people especially youth and students.

Syed Ali Shah Geelani said that the Indian government and the occupied authorities had waged a war against the people of Jammu and Kashmir to suppress the ongoing liberation movement in the territory.

Syed Ali Shah Geelani maintained that the ongoing liberation movement would continue despite all odds till the people of Kashmir achieved the right of self-determination guaranteed to them by the United Nations and the international community.

He said that the puppet Chief Minister, Umar Abdullah couldn’t remain in Jammu and Kashmir even for a minute in absence of the troopers. Gilani said, “Since 1995, there had been 18 attempts on my life but due to God’s grace, I remained unharmed every time.”

The Executive Director of Kashmir Centre London, Professor Nazir Ahmed Shawl while commenting on the address of Indian Foreign Minister, S M Krishna at the United Nations, has termed it a sterile moribund rhetoric. Professor Shawl in a statement in London said, Jammu and Kashmir is the UN mandated disputed territory whose political future is yet to be ascertained. “Krishna’s reference to Kashmir as an integral part of India is contrary to the United Nations’ record. It is also contrary to various promises and commitments made by the Indian leadership to the people of Jammu and Kashmir, in different international Fora and also on the floor of Indian parliament,” he said.

The Executive Director stated that former Indian Prime Minister, Nehru’s words were still ringing and echoing when he said, “We had given our pledge to the people of Kashmir and subsequently to the United Nations; we stood by it and we stand by it today. Let the people of Kashmir decide.”

Professor Shawl maintained that the elections which had been referred as plebiscite by Krishna had simply been an insult to the free will of Kashmiri people and these elections had always been manipulated and massively rigged. He further pointed out that even Omar Abdullah, the puppet Chief Minister of the occupied territory in his recent speech at Ganderbal contradicted Krishna when he said that the elections had nothing to do with the future of Kashmir.

He deplored that Indian Foreign Minister failed to acknowledge the state terrorism unleashed by Indian forces in OSJK. He urged the political leadership of India to shun ostrich approach to the ground realities in the occupied territory. “The slogan to right to self-determination which reverberates in Kashmir needs to be heeded to and a political will for peaceful resolution of the Kashmir dispute needs to be demonstrated,” he added.

The Chairman of Kashmir Centre Brussels, Barrister Abdul Majeed Tramboo, while rejecting Indian Foreign Minister, S M Krishna’s statement in the United Nations that plebiscite is held in Jammu and Kashmir after every five years, has said that the Kashmiri people have been struggling for securing their right of self-determination and not for elections or other packages.

Barrister Tramboo in a statement said that if elections were substitute to right of self-determination, Kashmiris would not raise slogans in favour of freedom in streets and roads of the occupied territory. He said that the statement of the Indian foreign minister was a failed attempt to hoodwink the international community. He said that the people of Kashmir would continue their struggle till securing their birthright to self-determination and would not tolerate any hurdle in their way.

Referring to the partial decision of an Indian court in Babri Mosque case, Barrister Abdul Majeed Tramboo termed it unjust.

Geelani condemns Indian brutality with a student

Was it you or your did thread title get changed?:angry:

Anyway, good job IA. Its a war of attrition and the attrition ratio looks good.

attrition ratio against its own people? what a blood thirsty army
attrition ratio against its own people?

No. Against the people from Pakistani part of Kashmir, armed and trained by our dear neighbour and sent in to create trouble.

They are not our people unless you agree to GoI's POV about Pakistan illegally occupying Indian territory in P OK . Then those folks become our citizens.

Is that what you are refering to :azn:

Muzaffarabad, Sept 29: The Jamaat ud Dawa (JuD) on Wednesday said if the world did not take notice of the ongoing repression in Kashmir, no power on earth could stop Kashmiris from reverting to the armed struggle.

“If the world does not take notice of the repression unleashed at Kashmiris, no power on earth can stop us from reverting to the armed struggle,” said Amir Hamza, a JuD leader.

“It’s the last chance for the international community to settle Kashmir issue peacefully. If the armed struggle begins again, it will spill beyond the borders of Kashmir,” Hamza said while addressing a conference held under the aegis of Tehreek-e-Azadi-e-Kashmir (TAK) an organization launched by JuD Pakistan “to provide a platform to all political and religious parties campaigning for Kashmir movement.”

The first such conference was held in the lakeside city of Mirpur on Monday. On the same afternoon, the participants drove to Kotli where a similar event was held.

On Tuesday, the rally reached Rawalakot where a conference was held before noon. From there it traveled to Bagh to hold a conference in the afternoon.

“Let it be clear that if Kashmir is not freed through peaceful means, then there will be…,” he said.

The crowd which comprised JuD cadres from different parts of Pakistan shouted vociferous pro-freedom slogans during the speeches by leaders from mostly religious parties and groups.
Abdur Rehman Makki, another senior JuD leader, said the purpose behind launching the caravan was to make the government of Pakistan realize its responsibilities regarding Kashmir.

He asked the international community, particularly the United Nations, to get the resolutions on Kashmir implemented for the sake of its own credibility.

He also asked India to read the writing on the wall in order to prevent its own “disintegration.”

Maulana Shahabuddin Madni, chief of Jamiat Ahle Hadith AJK, said, “Kashmir has turned into a living hell but the time is not far when India will have to surrender before the unflinching determination of Kashmiris.”

Tehreek-e-Jafria AJK leader Mufti Kifayat Hussain Naqvi congratulated the TAK for organizing a caravan to express support and solidarity with Kashmiris.

The TAK chairman Saifullah Mansoor said: “The disappointing role of the government and a few dozen Pakistani politicians apart, 180 million Pakistanis support Kashmiris.”

“You announce any programme,Pakistanis will follow it. They will offer their money and children for Kashmir,” he said to the APHC leaders, sitting on the stage.

Others who spoke on the occasion included APHC AJK chapter leaders Syed Yousaf Nasim and Ghulam Mohammad Safi, JuD AJK chapter chief Abdul Aziz Alvi, Jamaat-e-Islami AJK leader Shaikh Aqeel ur Rehman, JKLF (Yasin) leader Rafiq Dar, Jamiat Ulema-e-Islam AJK leader Mahmoodul Hassan Ashraf, Rana Shamshad Salfi, Saifullah Khalid and Abdul Aziz Madni.
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