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So, is new media only reinforcing old stereotypes?

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PressTV - Anti-India rally in Pakistani Kashmir

Thousands in Pakistani-administered Kashmir have taken to the streets, condemning Indian "brutalities" and calling for independence.

A crowd of around 2,500 people shouted "We want freedom" as they arrived in Muzaffarabad, the capital of Pakistan-administered Kashmir on Wednesday, AFP reported.

The Tehreek-e-Azadi-e-Kashmir (TAK) coalition has been organizing two days of rallies in the part of Kashmir administered by Pakistan and plans to hold a rally in the Pakistani capital of Islamabad later Wednesday.

"The ongoing freedom movement will transcend beyond the boundaries of Kashmir if the international community fails to take notice of Indian brutalities against this peaceful struggle," Abdur Rehman Makki, leader of the Jamaat-ud-Dawa movement said.

Kashmir has been the scene of violent clashes on an almost daily basis. More than 100 Kashmiri protesters have lost their lives at the hands of Indian troops since the current unrest erupted back in June.

India recently offered a proposal for talks to resolve the Kashmiri problem but Kashmiri protest leaders rejected the offer, saying the proposals are aimed at deceiving the international community.

In response to the Indian offer, Kashmiri protest leader, Syed Ali Shah Geelani said on Saturday, "We demand to resolve the Kashmir issue through tripartite talks in which Kashmiris have a central role.”

India has also placed key Kashmiri leaders under house arrest.


Although it was does Anti India rally but they forget the mention in a para which is quite confusing.
Everything seems proved what Indian Govt. said.

JuD is not banned in Pakistan.
It holds rally too.
It gathers people too.
It is non profit organization to help poor. Doesn't have share in Kashmir.

Now leave the facts behind what he said yesterday itself prove what India is saying from years.

JUD is always affiliated to Kashmir. Indeed they said " face the arm struggle again". This prove that they were party to 1990's conflict too.

Open war declared by chief of JuD. This were same leader under the over of LeT until pakistan was force to ban (just name banned)

"India should stop terrorism in occupied Kashmir otherwise 26/11 may occur again," a banner carried by the protesters said.

This prove that indeed 26/11 has something to do with Jamat ud Dawa. This prove that at least RAW may fail to know the plot but doesn't failed to reveal the culprits.
How dare evil Bharati army hit the poor Kashmir valley boy with a marble????

Syed Ali Shah Geelani said that the Indian government and the occupied authorities had waged a war against the people of Jammu and Kashmir to suppress the ongoing liberation movement in the territory.

isnt he the same person who said he want Kashmir to be in Pakistan..............I wonder how it is liberation??????
How dare evil Bharati army hit the poor Kashmir valley boy with a marble????

isnt he the same person who said he want Kashmir to be in Pakistan..............I wonder how it is liberation??????

May be liberation for him from his decades old assignment (from Pakistan) of separating Kashmir from India.. ;)
let him to dance.he is hypocrite.he used to say abt alignment to pakistan ,now freedom.he doesnt have any stand.
One thing I can't understand ... why free Kashmir is thought of merging with Pakistan? Who would want to merge with a country on the verge of economic collapse even if its for religious sake. It doesn't make any sense ... who would go and kill their own economy and their livelihoods.

@Amir - no one is asking them to go ... if they wish they can go anywhere. No ones stopping them. But when you are in a country ... you have to follow the laws of the state. I hope u understand the term of sovereignty and state, what they mean.

Back to the topic .. THREAT from SHIV SENA ... lolz .... they are not armed militants.... they are just religious lunatics that are obsessed with religion like some of the neighbors ... they are just concerned with mumbai and maharastra ... they don't give a f*** wat really happens in the rest of the country.
I didn't know Indian Army also gave "marbles" to its soldiers instead of bullets? Or maybe the Army was playing "gulli danda" on the streets.
42 militants killed in Kashmir in September

The Army has killed 42 militants during its counter-infiltration and counter-insurgency operations in Kashmir Valley in September, a defence spokesman said here on Saturday.

“As many as 42 well-armed and trained, both local and foreign militants, have been eliminated in the ongoing counter-terrorism operations conducted by the Army in September,” the spokesman said.

He said a large cache of arms and ammunition has also been unearthed during this period.

“In the successful encounters, a large quantity of war-like stores including assault rifles, pistols, rocket propelled grenades, hand grenades, improvised explosive device (IED) equipment, detonators, mines and sophisticated communication equipment have been seized by the Army,” the spokesman said.

He said this is the most successful operation in recent years.

“Vigilant troops along the LoC have intercepted, engaged and eliminated 16 militants and while conducting joint operations with the Special Operations group of state police in the hinterland, 26 militants were killed,” he said, adding the synergy between the security forces has resulted in these result oriented encounters.

And to think some people blame us for trouble in Baluchistan and NWFP
Pakistans economy might be in doldrum but one sector is doing quite well
lol..I just created a thread on the same topic.

@mods -please merge them.
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