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Kashmir Issue : Our options & possible Course of Action

Do you realize what you are talking about?
yeah i know and i think kashmir army will be enough to stop india on loc . we will be there too as we are today .
We should conduct referendum their under UN/independant observers, and in case of them choosing to be independent, ensure their security by presence of either UN peace keeping forces or our own army, that is if we want to take such a step.
edit : even oic army would be good :D
I think you guys entirely misunderstood his point. It is a truly tactical move. Here are the implications.

1. Pakistan Army will remain there, all defence forces will remain.
2. Azad Kashmir will remain under Pakistan's nuclear umbrella to safeguard it.
3. It will be the Kashmiri people themselves who will be directly involved in their stakes now, they can take it internationally and diplomatically.
4. It will allow them to build their own Armed Forces.
5. The idea that neither of the two people own the land but are fighting over it will be dead. Since now it will be Kashmiris directly on an international stage and with Pakistan's backing.
6. Psychological effect on India, and people of IOK. Imagine... an Azad Kashmir right next to India and India cannot do shit about it.

That's my take on it.
do not forget to make Kashmir international airlines - Kashmir international air ports country of Kashmir capital and so on it will make modi die in heart attack :lol:
We should conduct referendum their under UN/independant observers, and in case of them choosing to be independent, ensure their security by presence of either UN peace keeping forces or our own army, that is if we want to take such a step.

Pakistan Army and the Nuclear Umbrella, no matter what. But its implications on us should also be noted. I think there's a lot to discuss on this topic. It has both good points and bad points.
pakistan should declare azad Kashmir a full flag free country and ask allies to recognize it if we can arrange Taliban like creatures to be recognized why can't a best place laki Kashmir ?

with passport - currency - flag they already have - prime minister - president - and a full scale country lets stand front . and let Kashmirs build own army and power . its high time they should takeover we just support them .

Pakistan can barely maintain army to take on India in full scale war and you want AJK to defend itself on its own.
It is very clear that kashmiri's are way past the point of joining with pakistan, i think our friend here has accessed the situation correctly. Second the Legal Position of the instrument of accession has been made very clear even in UN.

Mate, no one cares what Indians say here. Okay, you can shout it top of your lungs, it's a separate topic to discuss.

But Kashmiri people are with us in GB and AJK, as well as in IOK. We aren't the ones with half a million soldiers on their streets. Now, separate topic, open new thread if you want to discuss it.
pakistan should declare azad Kashmir a full flag free country and ask allies to recognize it if we can arrange Taliban like creatures to be recognized why can't a best place laki Kashmir ?

with passport - currency - flag they already have - prime minister - president - and a full scale country lets stand front . and let Kashmirs build own army and power . its high time they should takeover we just support them .
great idea , infact help azad Kashmir to become Nuclear Power too in 3 years , than Ask Azad Kashmir to attack on indian occupied Kashmir for their liberation , such attack will have 100% justification as its the right of kashmiri people to fought a war for the freedom of their own part .
One important thing is that more than 70% people of azad Kashmir migrated from indian occupy Kashmir in 1947 including my own family :)
pakistan should declare azad Kashmir a full flag free country and ask allies to recognize it if we can arrange Taliban like creatures to be recognized why can't a best place laki Kashmir ?

with passport - currency - flag they already have - prime minister - president - and a full scale country lets stand front . and let Kashmirs build own army and power . its high time they should takeover we just support them .

Pakistan doesn't want to lose Kashmir, nor do many Kashmiris want to lose Pakistan.
Pakistan can barely maintain army to take on India in full scale war and you want AJK to defend itself on its own.

No, you missed the point. That's not the context he is talking in.

Pakistan doesn't want to lose Kashmir, nor do many Kashmiris want to lose Pakistan.

Yeah that's one of the arguments. I think it's good point, and the topic needs to be discussed more, what can happen, do the advantages outweigh disadvantages. And most importantly what is the take of Kashmiri people in this regard, the last thing you would want to do is make them feel betrayed.
Pakistan can barely maintain army to take on India in full scale war and you want AJK to defend itself on its own.
where did i say we remove our forces from kashmir tomorrow ?
I think you guys entirely misunderstood his point. It is a truly tactical move. Here are the implications.

1. Pakistan Army will remain there, all defence forces will remain.
2. Azad Kashmir will remain under Pakistan's nuclear umbrella to safeguard it.
3. It will be the Kashmiri people themselves who will be directly involved in their stakes now, they can take it internationally and diplomatically.
4. It will allow them to build their own Armed Forces.
5. The idea that neither of the two people own the land but are fighting over it will be dead. Since now it will be Kashmiris directly on an international stage and with Pakistan's backing.
6. Psychological effect on India, and people of IOK. Imagine... an Azad Kashmir right next to India and India cannot do shit about it.

That's my take on it.

Gotta say its very good.
Yeah that's one of the arguments. I think it's good point, and the topic needs to be discussed more, what can happen, do the advantages outweigh disadvantages. And most importantly what is the take of Kashmiri people in this regard, the last thing you would want to do is make them feel betrayed.

GB and AK want to stick with Pakistan, IOK is more mixed.
The Big Picture
India and Pakistan need to win peace, not arguments
By Sanjay Kumar Published: August 6, 2019

Following the scrapping of Article 370 of the Indian constitution by the Indian government on Monday, there is a sense of déjà vu among the ruling party, a strong section of the majoritarian community and a section of the media. They are rejoicing that the ‘Kashmir problem,’ a legacy of history, has been ‘resolved’ once and for all by discarding the legislature since it was a hindrance in the final integration of Indian-occupied Kashmir (IoK).

The problem with this argument is that it disregards history, ignores the larger reality of geo-politics and completely discards the political aspirations of the people of Kashmir.

Can we say that by removing Article 370 we have solved the issues plaguing Kashmir? Can we say that Pakistan is now no longer party to any solution in Kashmir? Can we say that militancy and political unrest have been curbed in the valley?

New Delhi knows the answers to these questions and so does the international community.

No matter how many articles are added or deducted, no matter how many divisions IoK is subjected to, no matter how many troops are sent into the region, the cardinal truth remains that the Kashmir issue cannot be solved unless India engages in dialogue with Pakistan and the people of Kashmir.

The ruling Bhartiya Janata Party (BJP) and its patron Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS) might have succeeded in selling a myth that the problem in Kashmir is due to Article 370, but the hard bite of this reality cannot be hidden. India and Pakistan have fought two major wars over the issue of Kashmir, but the problem has remained stuck at the very juncture where it began in 1947.

It is also a fact that both India and Pakistan committed themselves to bilateralism, both in the Simla Agreement in 1972, and the Lahore Declaration that Nawaz Sharif and Atal Behari Vajpayee signed in 1999.

But bilateralism has become a victim of India’s intransigence and has failed to move beyond tokenism.

The engagement between the two nations has always been haphazard, temporary and inconsistent. After the 2008 Mumbai terror attacks, talks between India and Pakistan essentially collapsed. Attempts were made to revive discussions in between, and some progress was also made, but the talks remained stuck in limbo.

Since 2014, a new political culture has come to dominate the Delhi durbar. Talks between the two neighbours have become a prisoner to the whims of the rulers. Dialogue is not considered as an enhancement of the peace process but as an image makeover for the new ruler. The peace process is now supposed to cater to the ego of the supreme leader; it is not taken as an instrument to usher in a new era in the subcontinent.

The years Modi has had in power have been the most unproductive years with regards to improving ties between Pakistan and India. Never before has India been as defensive about peace between the two nations as it is now. A situation has emerged where there is every possibility that you might be threatened or condemned if you wish to talk about peace. It appears that those who want to write about dialogue and cooperation between the two nations have been banished from the editorial pages. Hawks occupy the prime position in televisionstudios and a new generation of youngsters are being brainwashed and radicalised.

What peaceful solution could possibly emerge in IoK if both nations are too pre-occupied with their bickering.

Given the newly emerging situation in IoK and Pakistan’s reactions to it, one thing is clear: there will be no dialogue between the two nations and this will only lead to an increase in bitterness and enmity. The Indian leadership is evidently not interested in trying to usher in a new era of friendship with Pakistan since that would not suit Modi’s political persona and his politics.

What’s the option then?

The international community feels concerned that the continuous tension between the South Asian neighbours will only fuel radical insurgency, not only in the region but beyond as well. Donald Trump’s statement has to be seen in that context. It’s immaterial whether Modi asked him to mediate between India and Pakistan or not. What is significant is the geo-political concerns about the lingering turmoil in South Asia and radicalisation of Kashmiri society.

The latest development in Kashmir after the abrogation of Article 370 and the bifurcation of the state does not augur well for peace in the region. It appears that conflict will only rise in the valley, impacting the relationship between the two nations.

America could not control or contain a disparate terrorist group called the Taliban and despite spending billions of dollars, they were compelled to hold talks. They desperately want an end to the conflict and realised that this peace can only come through dialogue.

This serves as a lesson for India. Talks are the key. These discussions can be bilateral or multilateral, all that matters is the end result – peace.
And, as a Muslim country they can ask for help from the other Muslim countries too!!! There’s a coastal town called Kash in Turkey....
I think more than any muslim country, united states and china would jump in on the oppertunity
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