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Kashmir Issue : Our options & possible Course of Action

what will be the point of that????creating more international pressure????when will we realize creating international pressure wont do ****..the odds are stacked against us
Those people are prominent people in the legal system of kpk.
It's at 16:30,
@Foxtrot Delta
Lots of stuff here I don't agree with. But this would be a very tactical and good suggestion that Imran Khan sir has suggested.

Stop talking to strangers on internet : )
a new country on indian borders :lol::enjoy: modi will cry a river . just think this is our card we can use it . we can create a big drama of making a new country man . imagine a new country ceremonies parties gatherings world will be thrilled with a new country india have no choice here they can not stop us . think a world media party in azad Kashmir handing over power ceremony
pakistan should declare azad Kashmir a full flag free country and ask allies to recognize it if we can arrange Taliban like creatures to be recognized why can't a best place laki Kashmir ?

with passport - currency - flag they already have - prime minister - president - and a full scale country lets stand front . and let Kashmirs build own army and power . its high time they should takeover we just support them .
and in other words simple layoff the Kashmir and wait for India to gulp it ....
and in other words simple layoff the Kashmir and wait for India to gulp it ....
i am not saying pull back pak army sir but we should start making kashmir army .
and in other words simple layoff the Kashmir and wait for India to gulp it ....
Atleast someone sees this insanity
@Imran Khan kind request Sir don't open this can of worms for now its gonna confuse people more on issue
There’s no option, India is eyeing Azad Kashmir and openly giving threats. Kashmir Banney Ga Pakistan is the war cry.
Please do not wate time to think about it. China will not risk war for somthing Pakistan gifting them which they do not possess.

Declaring Pakistan occupied Kashmir a separate country may prove to be good move that will put pressure on India and may motivate small fraction of J&K to raise voice and it may spread and grow.
War -- stop here it will not result good to you or any one
check today china statement on Ladakh they said Ladakh is disputed region between china and inida. So definitely china have lot of interest in Ladakh

secondly if azad kashmir become independent than it will be very difficult for india to occupy kashmir valley any more and the attack of independent Azad Kashmir will be 100% legal to liberate other part from india occupation
Imran Khan, send your suggestion to Imran Khan.
well this is huge card more then anything india can do . india will be scrapped forever in international level .

@Imran Khan kind request Sir don't open this can of worms for now its gonna confuse people more on issue
its not azad kashmir already a semi free country sir ? Pakistani law did not apply on azad kashmir if you know it .
pakistan army helped many countries we will stay there we even helped gulf countries sir . but now its time we should give flag of diplomacy on international level to kashmiris .
Do you realize what you are talking about?
well this is huge card more then anything india can do . india will be scrapped forever in international level .

its not azad kashmir already a semi free country sir ? Pakistani law did not apply on azad kashmir if you know it .

things have forgone that...india is not succumbing to international pressure..they have israel and usa on their side now..this is actually a bad idea
There’s no option, India is eyeing Azad Kashmir and openly giving threats. Kashmir Banney Ga Pakistan is the war cry.
you guys take it wrong . we can make kashmir national army with much power and also we can keep our army there until they need it .i am not saying pull back pak army from loc for god sake .
and in other words simple layoff the Kashmir and wait for India to gulp it ....

I think you guys entirely misunderstood his point. It is a truly tactical move. Here are the implications.

1. Pakistan Army will remain there, all defence forces will remain.
2. Azad Kashmir will remain under Pakistan's nuclear umbrella to safeguard it.
3. It will be the Kashmiri people themselves who will be directly involved in their stakes now, they can take it internationally and diplomatically.
4. It will allow them to build their own Armed Forces.
5. The idea that neither of the two people own the land but are fighting over it will be dead. Since now it will be Kashmiris directly on an international stage and with Pakistan's backing.
6. Psychological effect on India, and people of IOK. Imagine... an Azad Kashmir right next to India and India cannot do shit about it.

That's my take on it.
pakistan army helped many countries we will stay there we even helped gulf countries sir . but now its time we should give flag of diplomacy on international level to kashmiris .
And, as a Muslim country they can ask for help from the other Muslim countries too!!! There’s a coastal town called Kash in Turkey....
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