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Kashmir: Is Pakistan planning to take direct control over its part?


Aug 22, 2018
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Kashmir: Is Pakistan planning to take direct control over its part?
4 hours ago

Kashmiri nationalists have slammed reports that Islamabad is planning to take direct control of Pakistan-administered Kashmir. It comes months after India scrapped the special autonomous status of its own part.

Speculation about Islamabad's plans to integrate Pakistan-administered Kashmir, officially called "Azad Kashmir," with mainland Pakistan has been circulating for some time.

Pakistan and India both rule part of the disputed Himalayan region of Kashmir, but claim it in full. The area is a flashpoint between the nuclear-armed archrivals. China, too, has some territorial claims in the area.

Earlier this month, Raja Farooq Haider Khan revealed that he could be the final prime minister of Pakistan-administered Kashmir, giving credence to speculation and rumors, and triggering a wave of concern over the future of the territory.

India's August 5 decision to abrogate Jammu and Kashmir's special status to integrate it into its territory has fueled speculation on the future of the restive region.

Chinese money

Kashmiri nationalists feel that significant investment from China, which has a long border with Kashmir, is a key factor prompting Islamabad to abandon its decades-old stance over the disputed territory.

China is pouring $57 billion (€51 billion) into Pakistani infrastructure and energy projects — more than in any other South Asian nation.

Islamabad is working to convince Beijing to beef up its investment in Pakistan, whose economy has been on a downturn for more than 18 months, prompting criticism from Kashmiri nationalists who say that Islamabad will do anything to attract foreign investment.

Read more: India and Pakistan's troubled history


Tauqeer Gilani, president of Jammu Kashmir Liberation Front — a nationalist organization working in Pakistan-administered Kashmir — fears that Beijing's investment in the disputed territory may have catastrophic consequences.

"The Chinese are business-oriented people," Gilani said. "They want to invest money in our region, but they also want to secure it because ours is a disputed territory and taking business initiative in such a territory is highly risky. Therefore Beijing is perhaps pushing Islamabad to decide the legal status of our region and annexation is one of the easiest ways to do so."

Gilani warned such a move would trigger a wave of anger across the territory. "Look what China did in Sri Lanka, what is it doing in Africa? How can we allow any change in the status of our region for the sake of Chinese investment and Pakistan's ruling elite? We want an independent Kashmir, free from both India and Pakistan."

Read more: India abolishes Kashmir's autonomous status



An unprecedented danger?


| 11
Kashmir: Independence activists draw inspiration from German reunification

Political division

There are concerns among Kashmiri nationalists about such an "annexation" plan, explained Khaliq Ahmed, a Kashmiri academic.

"There is resentment among the Kashmiris who do not want to be part of either Pakistan or India but believe in autonomy," Ahmed said.

"Unfortunately, Pakistan has prepared a large number of people among the Kashmiris who may be amenable to the idea of annexation, which means further division of our land. This is the biggest specter that is haunting not only the Kashmiris living in Pakistan-administered Kashmir, but the Indian part of Kashmir as well."

Pakistan's government denied it is mulling such a plan. Ishaq Khaqwani, a senior government leader, told DW that it is absolutely false.

"These are only rumors and speculation and I think India is spreading such rumors," Khaqwani said. "We cannot even think of annexing our part of Kashmir. It is a disputed territory."

What is on the cards is for Gilgit Baltistan to become a part of Pakistan as per demand of the people there. I believe (also possible for AJ&K) an interim joining of Pakistan pending a plebiscite for final resolution of dispute.

Meaning seats in the national assembly and Senate and as per constitution.
Unto God belongs all that is in the heavens and all that is on earth. And whether you bring into the open what is in your minds or conceal it, God will call you to account for it; and then He will forgive whom He wills, and will chastise whom He wills: for God has the power to will anything. - 2:284
Meaning seats in the national assembly and Senate and as per constitution.
What difference those seats would make
GB at best would get 2 national assembly seats and AK 4 or 5
They already have all rights
What difference those seats would make
GB at best would get 2 national assembly seats and AK 4 or 5
They already have all rights

I have contacts in GB and there is a massive demand for integration into mainland Pak, there is also a big demand in sections of AJ&K, they want to be formally part of the Pakistani state.

So rather than numbers of seats, it is a symbolic thing for them to be considered Pakistani in every shape and form.

We are thinking of doing it on an interim basis, so a final dispute resolution according to plebiscite to be carried out, believe will be the best possible outcome.
I have contacts in GB and there is a massive demand for integration into mainland Pak, there is also a big demand in sections of AJ&K, they want to be formally part of the Pakistani state.

So rather than numbers of seats, it is a symbolic thing for them to be considered Pakistani in every shape and form.

We are thinking of doing it on an interim basis, so a final dispute resolution according to plebiscite to be carried out, believe will be the best possible outcome.
GB is like FATA, crying out for citizenship and unionization. It was believed that after the unification of FATA GB would get it's well earned right.

The politicans that made GB part of Kashmir were traitors of high accounts. GB fought for its independence and became an independent state, then they petitioned to be part of Pakistan.

Kashmir: Is Pakistan planning to take direct control over its part?
4 hours ago

Kashmiri nationalists have slammed reports that Islamabad is planning to take direct control of Pakistan-administered Kashmir. It comes months after India scrapped the special autonomous status of its own part.

Speculation about Islamabad's plans to integrate Pakistan-administered Kashmir, officially called "Azad Kashmir," with mainland Pakistan has been circulating for some time.

Pakistan and India both rule part of the disputed Himalayan region of Kashmir, but claim it in full. The area is a flashpoint between the nuclear-armed archrivals. China, too, has some territorial claims in the area.

Earlier this month, Raja Farooq Haider Khan revealed that he could be the final prime minister of Pakistan-administered Kashmir, giving credence to speculation and rumors, and triggering a wave of concern over the future of the territory.

India's August 5 decision to abrogate Jammu and Kashmir's special status to integrate it into its territory has fueled speculation on the future of the restive region.

Chinese money

Kashmiri nationalists feel that significant investment from China, which has a long border with Kashmir, is a key factor prompting Islamabad to abandon its decades-old stance over the disputed territory.

China is pouring $57 billion (€51 billion) into Pakistani infrastructure and energy projects — more than in any other South Asian nation.

Islamabad is working to convince Beijing to beef up its investment in Pakistan, whose economy has been on a downturn for more than 18 months, prompting criticism from Kashmiri nationalists who say that Islamabad will do anything to attract foreign investment.

Read more: India and Pakistan's troubled history


Tauqeer Gilani, president of Jammu Kashmir Liberation Front — a nationalist organization working in Pakistan-administered Kashmir — fears that Beijing's investment in the disputed territory may have catastrophic consequences.

"The Chinese are business-oriented people," Gilani said. "They want to invest money in our region, but they also want to secure it because ours is a disputed territory and taking business initiative in such a territory is highly risky. Therefore Beijing is perhaps pushing Islamabad to decide the legal status of our region and annexation is one of the easiest ways to do so."

Gilani warned such a move would trigger a wave of anger across the territory. "Look what China did in Sri Lanka, what is it doing in Africa? How can we allow any change in the status of our region for the sake of Chinese investment and Pakistan's ruling elite? We want an independent Kashmir, free from both India and Pakistan."

Read more: India abolishes Kashmir's autonomous status



An unprecedented danger?


| 11
Kashmir: Independence activists draw inspiration from German reunification

Political division

There are concerns among Kashmiri nationalists about such an "annexation" plan, explained Khaliq Ahmed, a Kashmiri academic.

"There is resentment among the Kashmiris who do not want to be part of either Pakistan or India but believe in autonomy," Ahmed said.

"Unfortunately, Pakistan has prepared a large number of people among the Kashmiris who may be amenable to the idea of annexation, which means further division of our land. This is the biggest specter that is haunting not only the Kashmiris living in Pakistan-administered Kashmir, but the Indian part of Kashmir as well."

Pakistan's government denied it is mulling such a plan. Ishaq Khaqwani, a senior government leader, told DW that it is absolutely false.

"These are only rumors and speculation and I think India is spreading such rumors," Khaqwani said. "We cannot even think of annexing our part of Kashmir. It is a disputed territory."

I stopped reading at "Kashmir nationalists" these nationalists cant even save their fellow brothers from fascist occupation yet they bs when a state like pakistan that has treated them like actual brothers, wants to unite.
GB is part of Ladakh Union Territory. Illegal Pakistani occupiers should vacate.
What's "indian" a term given to you by your white masters? There is no such thing as "indian" soil
Old, historical countries typically have different names in different languages. This is an English language forum so India is used for Bharat just like how Germany is used instead of Deutschland and China is used instead of Zhongguo.

Very recent, artificial countries tend to have only one name.
Old, historical countries typically have different names in different languages. This is an English language forum so India is used for Bharat just like how Germany is used instead of Deutschland and China is used instead of Zhongguo.

Very recent, artificial countries tend to have only one name.
If we're going by history then most of north india is Pakistani soil. Our right, is the centuries of rule over what used to be primitive people and land, turned civilized and cultured by our grace.
If we're going by history then most of north india is Pakistani soil. Our right, is the centuries of rule over what used to be primitive people and land, turned civilized and cultured by our grace.
Pakistan was a concept developed in the 1930s. I don't know what history you read to think Pakistan has existed for centuries.

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