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Kashmir is Pakistan & India's internal matter, says Taliban; India is not relevant

Difference is US is still a very charitable nation. Many billionaires/millionaires have given their wealth away to the needy. It would be great to see the brahmin billionaires in India to do the same.
Sorry, I don't look at caste while looking at any person unlike you. Also, I clearly said I want India to be like USA. I didn't say India is like USA.
With the exception of Azim Premji (a muslim btw) indian billionaires are sucking the majority dry, thus India is the most unequal and unhappy society in the world.
There are plenty of people who donate to the needy. I myself have donated my bit. Also, only a bigoted person like you will only look at donation through the lens of religion.
Sorry, I don't look at caste while looking at any person unlike you. Also, I clearly said I want India to be like USA. I didn't say India is like USA.

There are plenty of people who donate to the needy. I myself have donated my bit. Also, only a bigoted person like you will only look at donation through the lens of religion.
Someone who needs to brag online about donating to try to make themselves look good is not a good person.
There are many poor people in India....In fact 4 times more than the total population of Pakistan.
This does not seems logical

Their main problem is the lack of education....

I'm really done with the Afghans for the rest of my life. Maybe there are a few good ones but I'm not going to find out anymore.

i'd trust an afghan over some indian or pakistani any day

I never said we can't have diversity of opinions. By that extension, I shouldn't trust you, and you me either.

Yes no one and I mean no one in pakistan can forget the aps school massacre it's the most disturbing thing I have ever seen, the recent hospital attack in Afghanistan brought back flash backs of the aps school massacre.

Half the population of karachi is afghan/pathan they have been pouring in since the 80s they have turned large parts of the city into slums and flooded it with guns and drugs. The majority of the crime is done by them many use their I'll gotten gains and try to buy property in affluent areas like clifton. Like I said they really have a sense of entitlement and believe by hook or crook they should've a class A lifestyle.

They really are parasites here to feed off us. I've met Indians here in the UK who told me that there were quite a few afghans who were apparently given refuge in India. Other Indians have told me that many afghans are given a scholarship to attend indian university's where they start fights over the smallest thing.

I really hope you do not end up like us, victims of crime committed by these ungrateful bigoted afghans. They will behave as long as they are small in numbers, I even met one indian muslim who told me that some afghans mentioned in jest how they should be ruling India specifically Delhi. I mean they can't even run there own country but want to run india lol.

Like I said sense of entitlement + racial supremacy = delusions of grandeur.

I never wanted this to be an Afghan-bashing thread but I guess somebody has agreed with my own experiences.

That said I'm not anti-Pathan or whatever. I kinda like Shahid Afridi. I have a reason to believe the Pakistan-side Pathans aren't anything like the Afghans.

In the '90s I knew that Pathans who came from Afghanistan used to run extortion rackets in some areas of Mumbai. From what I knew they generally did not harass the Hindus as that would mean trouble for them.They used to extort mostly from Muslim businessmen. I once had a run-in with the Afghans in Mumbai as a 17-year old while doing something illegal which I can't really describe on this forum.

After so many years, I still know that if I want a contraband substance, there's always an Afghan to take care of that thing. :woot: They make excellent partners in crime, and that's called a reputation. Fortunately, I don't want to be on the wrong side of law anymore. So that means no more dealing with the Afghans again.

That is why I say I'm done with them!
I've had plenty of Indians explain to me with 100 percent confidence that the Afghans are closest friends of Indians, and born enemies of Pakistanis. :pop: I mean Hindi-Afghan bhai bhai etc.

I could only mutter: "whatever, dude. You clearly don't know the Afghans very well." I do. There are a lot of Afghans living in Europe, and having spent a lot of time in Central and Western European countries. I'll just put it this way, they are not very popular with anyone.

Based on my personal experiences, I'll trust any random Indian, Pakistani (or Bangladeshi etc.) over a random Afghan.

Hope no mod rules were broken with this anecdote.

Of course no rules were broken.

You were just your little sunny self.

I feel hopeful about Comrade Brar; what do you think?
Of course no rules were broken.

You were just your little sunny self.

I feel hopeful about Comrade Brar; what do you think?

Oh, thanks. I have been extra cautious after some warnings. One of my posts related to some agnostic ideas was deleted by a moderator . I had jokingly suggested that "I will take it up with God after I die (provided he exists)". But of course it will not fly here. I can understand there are sentiments at play, and I can respect that.

Anyway, I'm not sure about this Brar character and whether I should call him a comrade. He has a long way to go, he really needs to stop being such a big mouth.I tried schooling him a bit but he's resistant to learning. You can try if you really care so much. Overall a disrespectful, unpleasant dude. So he's on my ignore list for now.
Oh, thanks. I have been extra cautious after some warnings. One of my posts related to some agnostic ideas was deleted by a moderator . I had jokingly suggested that "I will take it up with God after I die (provided he exists)". But of course it will not fly here. I can understand there are sentiments at play, and I can respect that.

Anyway, I'm not sure about this Brar character and whether I should call him a comrade. He has a long way to go, he really needs to stop being such a big mouth.I tried schooling him a bit but he's resistant to learning. You can try if you really care so much. Overall a disrespectful, unpleasant dude. So he's on my ignore list for now.


The unreserved compartment at Arakkonam.

Keep on chooglin'. That gives away my age, but it's a nice song.
Frank Baum wrote great fantasies of Oz but was well grounded in reality. Unlike delusional fans of his like you.

A you wished not me , lol stupidly has a limit i thought . when you comprehend English come back and talk

Dorothy calm down your not from there you don’t belong there the whole world says your a foreigner , if you ever went to Kashmir you’d be murdered in the gully and left on street like dead dog in the sun .

And you know it .
The news every Indian wants to hear. But ask yourself why would Talibans like India?? Especially after all these years India has supported the Northern Alliance and helped developed Afghan troops who have repeatedly attacked Talibans. This constant Indian need or urge of liked by others makes them irrational .

No Talibans don't like Indians, would they attack India? Most likely no. India needs not worry about Talibans, they never attack enemy outside Afghan soil.

Yes, that's the most factual comment here so far I have read.

Also, let's not forget that Taliban and Pakistani Army were sometimes firing across the border at each other even in the best of times (between 1996-2001). Yes, the Taliban were propped up by Pakistan but it was a necessary evil for Pakistan, much like North Korea is for China.

Bottom line is that the Taliban have the mind of their own and they know that, while Pakistan is their best bet, they would still not recognize the Durand Line. But Taliban would never trust India especially after how India actively helped the thugs of Northern Alliance against the Taliban. But, being like most Afghans are, they will take whatever India can provide them.
Yes, that's the most factual comment here so far I have read.

Also, let's not forget that Taliban and Pakistani Army were sometimes firing across the border at each other even in the best of times (between 1996-2001). Yes, the Taliban were propped up by Pakistan but it was a necessary evil for Pakistan, much like North Korea is for China.

Bottom line is that the Taliban have the mind of their own and they know that, while Pakistan is their best bet, they would still not recognize the Durand Line. But Taliban would never trust India especially after how India actively helped the thugs of Northern Alliance against the Taliban. But, being like most Afghans are, they will take whatever India can provide them.
If they every come to power in Afghanistan,we will supported them on Durand line and will provide all the assistance.
Yes, that's the most factual comment here so far I have read.

Also, let's not forget that Taliban and Pakistani Army were sometimes firing across the border at each other even in the best of times (between 1996-2001). Yes, the Taliban were propped up by Pakistan but it was a necessary evil for Pakistan, much like North Korea is for China.

Bottom line is that the Taliban have the mind of their own and they know that, while Pakistan is their best bet, they would still not recognize the Durand Line. But Taliban would never trust India especially after how India actively helped the thugs of Northern Alliance against the Taliban. But, being like most Afghans are, they will take whatever India can provide them.

I think Pakistan has learned the lesson, they ll ensure Taliban led Afghan government accepts Durand Line as international border. This changes nothing on the ground but will burry any one who props up the propaganda from time to time on the subject
A you wished not me , lol stupidly has a limit i thought . when you comprehend English come back and talk

Dorothy calm down your not from there you don’t belong there the whole world says your a foreigner , if you ever went to Kashmir you’d be murdered in the gully and left on street like dead dog in the sun .

And you know it .

comic relief posing as serious thought is sad enough. when the utterer doesn't realize that's what he is doing....why that is quite the spectacle.
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