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[Kashmir]- Indian Army announces new land warfare doctrine

Assuming for a moment that we did, which is false, we can afford it. You can't. So abstain from whataboutery, rehearse your answers to the next lenders you go to.

Thanks for accepting you are, we already knew that. As for if Pakistan can or not, we doesn't do these indian things.

You still can't count, so that means it's not just language skills, it's numeracy as well. Which part of you contributes most to this all-round performance, the American part?

Yes you are correct, I don't count like bharti trolls but I count real numerical. Your 7 lakh indian occupier terrorists will keep receiving death sentence and executions from Pakistani Armed forces.
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One of the bulk post holders. He's wearing that uniform just to fool Pakistani Americans, but he doesn't know that he doesn't have to try very hard. Those jokers don't need outside help.

Heyy, you posted wrong picture. The picture is of Pakistani Army's spokes person which is highly professional institution. Here imma help you with correct picture of the group that fool gullible kolkata and other bhartis.

Must be some clueless idiot. Oh no, sorry, it is you; remember where you regularly meet Kashmiris?

Must be some clueless duffer who can't comprehend. Oh no, sorry, it is you, remember you meet kashmiri frands during your dream orgasms?:rofl:

The difference is that I go there and get to talk to Kashmiris, you get what little addled information you get through PDF.

Do you also force them to chant slogans against Pakistan? And do they also slap you on your face when they show their pride with Kashmiri elders fighting indian terrorism? Do you or your protectors also get jealous and when they hoist Pakistani flag? Or do you meet these frands in dream while having orgasms and then your wife kick you wakeup?:lol:

All you have done, then and now, is just insist in a shrill voice that what you say must be correct. Precisely what I'm pointing out, you know nothing, you just oppose whatever is said, and think you have done a great thing.

I didn't knew you have a shrill voice. Thanks for letting me know. You can point out as much as you want, your indian propaganda will be flushed down the toilet, that is where it belongs.:agree:

No, of course you didn't 'knew'; that's what you have been told all along

You got it wrong old boy...what I said was that I knew you knew that we knew that you knew about this propaganda but I didn't knew that the situation with your brain is beyond your control.

If that is your source, then you're out of luck. All the opinion is that Pakistan is the hub of terrorism. That's official, that's now doctrine even in the parts of America under Pakistani occupation. How does it feel to be called a towelhead terrorist in the country of your own choice?

Even the you are known as mother of terrorism and rape capital hub of the world. So? That even in America, Europe and Australasia. How does it feel to be known as mother or terrorism and rape capital? How does it feel when Kashmiri kids tell you "indian dogs go back"?

Possibly. How should anyone other than you know? It seems to be unique to you :D

Having orgasms about "Kashmiri frands is unique only to you and just you only. Go enjoy another night with these orgasms.:enjoy:
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