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[Kashmir]- Indian Army announces new land warfare doctrine

Impressive statements from an obviously learned member of great authority and standing.

Please shut the door behind you as you stalk off triumphantly.
did it hurt you? I'm sorry for it but truth is bitter and hard to swallow.

You don't seem to have enough knowledge about Pakistan history and eating grass. You're still eating grass mostly. A bone in the daal does not make the most of you beef eaters, it makes you daalkhor.
says a person who is still building toilets in 21st century and who is the home to world's largest poor population.You are no different but even pathetic.I'm proud that my country with such an small economy,small military is today your country's worst nightmare.
Off the top of my head, this is exactly what is needed, except that there is no sign of Ground Attack squadrons and no sign of speeding up logistics to match the speed of the advance. If there is no mechanism to supply the ubiquitous beans, bullets and black oil that make an army able to move around, and if there is no mechanism to rush the wounded and injured to points where they will receive immediate treatment, speeding up the formation itself means little. Further, having come to want to integrate attack helicopters into their formations, what stopped them from going that one step more and integrating fixed wing aircraft specially tasked for ground attack and, separately, for interception with these formations? If they are going to be sized midway between Brigade levels and Division levels, and with a two-star general in command, these new IBGs deserve their integral air components, headed by Wing Commanders and Group Captains; perfectly feasible.

Hundreds of gunships will be coming to India over the next 5 years. IA alone will operate 114 LCH and 39 Apaches, with IAF following up with 65 LCH and 33 Apache. That's 251 gunships between them. The first 15 LCH are already in production.

For casevac, both IAF and IA will be procuring 384 new light helicopters between themselves, apart from the hundreds of Dhruvs and and Mi-17s already in service.



As for fixed wing aircraft, if you are referring to something like the A-10 or Su-25, then it's a waste of money. The better option is to go for multirole fighter aircraft, and this is obviously the IAF's domain. The time of dedicated attack aircraft are over.

But 100 US supplied Avenger UCAVs will be joining the IAF's inventory in support of the IA's operations.

Since then, the IA has also expressed interest in procuring 120 Avengers for the AAC.

220 of these drones should comfortably take care of our needs over the next 15 years.
says a person who is still building toilets in 21st century and who is the home to world's largest poor population.You are no different but even pathetic.

How is it concerned with the topic?

So, for the bold, you grow them now? Pray, do share the technology. We may be able to do a lot better than what we have done so far.

Let us compare poverty in Pakistan

The remainder of Pakistan’s impoverished citizens are dependent on the wealth of those families, resulting in 35 percent of Pakistanis living below the poverty line.

source: https://borgenproject.org/facts-about-poverty-in-pakistan/

Today, the poverty rate in India is 21.1 percent, which is an improvement from the 31.1 percent in 2009.

source: https://borgenproject.org/10-facts-poverty-in-india/

Notice I took same source for both countries?

Do let me know how you are better on the relevant thread.

I'm proud that my country with such an small economy,small military is today your country's worst nightmare.

If by that you mean as a source of terror, as established by multiple rulings both in UN and other world agencies which are not Indian, then yes, you have a reason to be proud of you.

Hope you will now stop derailing the thread.

of course, and we will build continue to build toilets. and we are always using money to lift our poor to better living standards. you on the other hand are surviving on chinese handouts. you're not our nightmare, you're at best a nuisance. and you are shit scared of the hindu and modiji. and there is nothing you can do about it.

never seen a man more scared of modiji than a pakistani. pissing his salwar in his country pakistan cause a hindu is in power in india. LoL, nightmare these cartoons will be to us, talk about big aspirations. LoL..
LOL those are my lines..chai wala's fail policies will be your downfall..it's you who are a nuisance and pain to the world and you are scared of us that's the reason for you to spend 50 billion dollars on your military,that's the reason when you buy 7 batteries of s-400 missile defence system you put 5 out of 7 on our border and 2 on chinese so it's all clear in front of the world..truth is bitter to hear and hard to swallow.
stop blabbering. the S400s will take care of ruhani airforce which is pissing in their salwars cause India has bought S400. salwar army doesn't have an answer to S400 other than words on PDF. :rofl::rofl::rofl:
that's what happens when you drink dozens of bottles of cow urine in day you should first go and take a bath and then eat some yoghurt to get out of drunk state..you desperately need burnol..we don't need to give any answer as we are competitive enough to deal with your cow urine drinker so-called army which holds record of highest suicide rate..such a pathetic reply from you
have you ever tasted pork ? meat eater ? :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:

poor patriot. lost it totally when an indian told him the truth. :lol:
that's the funny part because pork,vine in our religion is considered forbidden but cow urine for you is a legit thing.If you want a proof than there is this famous youtube channel of an hindu 'dhuruv rathee' where he is trying to proof that cow urine is good for health and etc and goto indian mart site,amazon indian site you will find cow dung cakes lol so disgusting and ignorant.pork is haram in our religon.
My little bharti fraaand, the world has already seen what kind of beef your wealthy nation eats.


:rofl::rofl::rofl: i definitely triggered a dog eater..jump up and down some more, dogeater..:rofl::rofl::rofl:

meanwhile you continue to eat dog meat served with sewer water in streets and show it to the whole world.

meateater doesn't even know what pork tastes like, coming to tell us hindus about meat eating.

my bagisdani meateater...


street dog eater...:lol:

that's the funny part because pork,vine in our religion is considered forbidden but cow urine for you is a legit thing.If you want a proof than there is this famous youtube channel of an hindu 'dhuruv rathee' where he is trying to proof that cow urine is good for health and etc and goto indian mart site,amazon indian site you will find cow dung cakes lol so disgusting and ignorant.pork is haram in our religon.

your muhammed told you muslims to drink camel urine.

go drink camel urine.

follow your muhammed.

:rofl::rofl::rofl: i definitely triggered a dog eater..jump up and down some more, dogeater..:rofl::rofl::rofl:

meanwhile you continue to eat dog meat served with sewer water in streets and show it to the whole world.

meateater doesn't even know what pork tastes like, coming to tell us hindus about meat eating.

my bagisdani meateater...


street dog eater...:lol:

your muhammed told you muslims to drink camel urine.

go drink camel urine.

follow your muhammed.

where is it written?
that's a false thing you cow urine drinkers have created just for trolling purposes to satisfy your egos but it doesn't hurt/bother us a bit.
You should take a bath and eat some yoghurt to get out of drunk state.
No. It is the amount a bankrupt government pays stone-throwers. It does not include commissions paid to so-called members of the Hurriyat who distribute the money. :D

We all know how bharti army and govt pay people to show up in vote and also keep the govt so that they don't get naked in front of the world.:D

You wouldn't recognise a fact if it came and sat on your head. Which fact can you testify to yourself, other than citing websites and each other, in circular fashion.

Your army consists of 7 lakh indian occupier terrorists whose only job is to rape and kill Kashmiris and force the kids to chant anti Pakistan and pro bharat slogans. So we all know who is the master of propaganda.

And that is why the PA has a dedicated general officer in charge of propaganda?

No those posts are only available in bulk in Indian army, media and govt.:azn:

Who told you I sit in Kolkata? Why am I not surprised? Because like everything else, you have no clue about what is happening in reality.

The same person who told you I'm sitting in Karachi. You too are clueless about what is happening in reality whereas we all know how your 7 lakh indian occupier terrorists are massacring Kashmiris.

You say it, and it becomes true ? I knew that you knew very little about the situation, never imagined it would be this bad.

Yes because we don't go by your propaganda and believe in exposing bharti propaganda and pathetic lies. We will keep busting your propaganda. I knew you knew that we knew that you knew about this propaganda but I didn't knew that the situation with you is beyond your control.

The civilised world seems to have a different idea. It seems to think that your former country is the root of terrorism. And it also probably thinks that people who have orgasms when they crap are, shall we say, slightly different human beings?

The civilisation world have a different idea about bharat too. It along with Pakistan seems to think your bharat is mother of terrorism and also epitome of r@, you can surf through youtube about civilized people who visited your country. And it also probably thinks that people who have orgasms when they crap are, shall we say, slightly different human beings? So stop having orgasms about having "kashmiri" frands.:woot::D
did it hurt you? I'm sorry for it but truth is bitter and hard to swallow.

Hurt me? Is that the effect you think you have? You will go far.... probably out to sea, straight out. LOL.

says a person who is still building toilets in 21st century and who is the home to world's largest poor population.You are no different but even pathetic.I'm proud that my country with such an small economy,small military is today your country's worst nightmare.

Isn't it nice to have the money to build toilets, rather than waiting for some other country to come and build them for you?

I wrote this before I had read the brilliant riposte by Cat Shannon.

Hundreds of gunships will be coming to India over the next 5 years. IA alone will operate 114 LCH and 39 Apaches, with IAF following up with 65 LCH and 33 Apache. That's 251 gunships between them. The first 15 LCH are already in production.

For casevac, both IAF and IA will be procuring 384 new light helicopters between themselves, apart from the hundreds of Dhruvs and and Mi-17s already in service.



As for fixed wing aircraft, if you are referring to something like the A-10 or Su-25, then it's a waste of money. The better option is to go for multirole fighter aircraft, and this is obviously the IAF's domain. The time of dedicated attack aircraft are over.

But 100 US supplied Avenger UCAVs will be joining the IAF's inventory in support of the IA's operations.

Since then, the IA has also expressed interest in procuring 120 Avengers for the AAC.

220 of these drones should comfortably take care of our needs over the next 15 years.

Divide these numbers by the number of formations planned, and you will see the problem. They have relevance only in sufficient numbers; we have always made the mistake of spreading our resources too thin, and thinking that having a token presence is good enough.

For example, think of what happened to Sundarji's doctrines, after the MoD had gutted them.
Isn't it nice to have the money to build toilets, rather than waiting for some other country to come and build them for you?
well,we never had toilets shortage problem and for your information there is a difference investment and loans and China is doing investments in our country and you should worry about your loans.Here are some details from your own 'times of india's article' which clearly specifies the beggar:
India top recipient of US economic aid - Times of India
Divide these numbers by the number of formations planned, and you will see the problem. They have relevance only in sufficient numbers; we have always made the mistake of spreading our resources too thin, and thinking that having a token presence is good enough.

For example, think of what happened to Sundarji's doctrines, after the MoD had gutted them.

Curious. 251 gunships are not enough? Or are you expecting many more? And these are the initial numbers anyway.

HAL claims to build 1000 helicopters in the next 10 years.

"We are going to build around 1,000 helicopters including Kamov 226, LCH (Light Combat Helicopter) ALH (Advanced Light Helicopter) in the next 10 years," Raju told PTI in an interview.

The Dhruvs/Rudras alone are expected to cross 400.

And this is not counting the 250 helicopters the IN plans to procure.

The total helicopter fleet within the armed forces is expected to cross 1500.
Curious. 251 gunships are not enough? Or are you expecting many more? And these are the initial numbers anyway.

HAL claims to build 1000 helicopters in the next 10 years.

"We are going to build around 1,000 helicopters including Kamov 226, LCH (Light Combat Helicopter) ALH (Advanced Light Helicopter) in the next 10 years," Raju told PTI in an interview.

The Dhruvs/Rudras alone are expected to cross 400.

And this is not counting the 250 helicopters the IN plans to procure.

The total helicopter fleet within the armed forces is expected to cross 1500.

  1. Nothing can exceed the stupidity of depending on HAL to deliver predictable numbers of reliable aircraft.
  2. You didn't examine the basic proposition I made, but went galloping off at the nearest windmill.

We all know how bharti army and govt pay people to show up in vote and also keep the govt so that they don't get naked in front of the world.:D

Assuming for a moment that we did, which is false, we can afford it. You can't. So abstain from whataboutery, rehearse your answers to the next lenders you go to.

Your army consists of 7 lakh indian occupier terrorists whose only job is to rape and kill Kashmiris and force the kids to chant anti Pakistan and pro bharat slogans. So we all know who is the master of propaganda.

You still can't count, so that means it's not just language skills, it's numeracy as well. Which part of you contributes most to this all-round performance, the American part?

No those posts are only available in bulk in Indian army, media and govt.:azn:


One of the bulk post holders. He's wearing that uniform just to fool Pakistani Americans, but he doesn't know that he doesn't have to try very hard. Those jokers don't need outside help.

The same person who told you I'm sitting in Karachi.

Must be some clueless idiot. Oh no, sorry, it is you; remember where you regularly meet Kashmiris?

You too are clueless about what is happening in reality whereas we all know how your 7 3 lakh indian occupier terrorists security forces are massacring protecting Kashmiris from terrorist infiltrators.

The difference is that I go there and get to talk to Kashmiris, you get what little addled information you get through PDF.

Yes because we don't go by your propaganda and believe in exposing bharti propaganda and pathetic lies. We will keep busting your propaganda.

All you have done, then and now, is just insist in a shrill voice that what you say must be correct. Precisely what I'm pointing out, you know nothing, you just oppose whatever is said, and think you have done a great thing.

I knew you knew that we knew that you knew about this propaganda but I didn't knew that the situation with you is beyond your control.

No, of course you didn't 'knew'; that's what you have been told all along.

The civilisation world have a different idea about bharat too. It along with Pakistan seems to think your bharat is mother of terrorism and also epitome of r@, you can surf through youtube about civilized people who visited your country.

If that is your source, then you're out of luck. All the opinion is that Pakistan is the hub of terrorism. That's official, that's now doctrine even in the parts of America under Pakistani occupation. How does it feel to be called a towelhead terrorist in the country of your own choice?

And it also probably thinks that people who have orgasms when they crap are, shall we say, slightly different human beings? So stop having orgasms about having "kashmiri" frands.:woot::D

Possibly. How should anyone other than you know? It seems to be unique to you :D
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