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Kashmir Independence movement. Is only India the villain?

so thats why u justify it to ur self ..please visit azad kashmir ... u will know the truth ..
Exactly the answer I wud give. Please visit J&K to understand the ground realities. Analysis on internet is the simplest thing you can do. And what all ur media says bout India is all bullshit. Dont believe me? Come visit us and you will know the truth.
Kashmir is a paradise until the Mujaheddin entered in the name of Jihad and Islam.

It is the thinking of Pakistani establishment to use these Guerilla force that made the lives of kashmiris a hell.

These Guerilla forces used ordinary Kashmiri citizens as cover which has caused civilian unrest and misery. When Guerilla forces are hiding in the civilian areas Armed forces will be deployed and there will always be causalities on three sides Terrorists, civilians and Armed forces.

It is Pakistan that is villain in the entire episode and kashmiris realized it.
Kashmir is a paradise until the Mujaheddin entered in the name of Jihad and Islam.

It is the thinking of Pakistani establishment to use these Guerilla force that made the lives of kashmiris a hell.

These Guerilla forces used ordinary Kashmiri citizens as cover which has caused civilian unrest and misery. When Guerilla forces are hiding in the civilian areas Armed forces will be deployed and there will always be causalities on three sides Terrorists, civilians and Armed forces.

It is Pakistan that is villain in the entire episode and kashmiris realized it.

Trying to take Kashmir by force was Pak's biggest mistake, which is haunting them now.

baseless accusation, Pakistan has been supp[porting kashmir even since 1948 much before 1971 ... stop justification of ur aggrestion and killing of innocent kashmiris


The Kashmir obsession led to Pak helping insurgents in NE India.

India just retaliated.

The cause behind this obsession was the rivers in Kashmir. Dear mushy wrote book on this subject 2 decades back.
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Trying to take Kashmir by force was Pak's biggest mistake, which is haunting them now.

Kashmiris never wanted to be with Pakistan, in 1948 they gave the guns which were supplied by Pakistani intruders to Indian Army. Kashmiris also gave the info. about intrusion to IA.

Pakistan tried to portray Kashmir movement on the similar lines of Palestinian movement but failed. Pakistan's first resolution after its formation is armed jihad against India instead of talks.
Pakistanis wanted a threat from India to unite their country in the name of Islam, reason why Kashmir plays and important role in their politics.

Kashmir is more about rivers than Islam or Jihad.

These videos simply pop 1 question. Why is KASHMIR BANEGA PAKISTAN so vocal in Pakistan if they are true sympathisers of Kashmiris. Does it mean that this brotherhood and ailing for Kashmiris is only for personal gains? Only a crocodile tear for revenging Bangladesh?

These videos dont show actual brotherhood. Does it?

First Speaker of 2nd video, Sardar Arif Sahid was a nationalist Kashmiri leader of a Kashmiri political party APNA, fighting against oppressive Pakistani regime of Azad Kashmir and Pakistani Army atrocities, is shot dead by unidentified gunmen outside his home in Islamabad a couple of months back. Pakistani electronic & print media, who keep beating doll drums of Kashmiri independence & human rights violation issues in Indian Kashmir, was kept totally silent by Pakistani intelligence agencies. Pak media following orders of their ISI masters, did not gave any coverage to the news of killing of a national Kashmiri leader. I can only say, What a shameful act of so called independent media of Pakistan and similar is the so called civil society!!!!!!
Kashmiris never wanted to be with Pakistan, in 1948 they gave the guns which were supplied by Pakistani intruders to Indian Army. Kashmiris also gave the info. about intrusion to IA.

Pakistan tried to portray Kashmir movement on the similar lines of Palestinian movement but failed. Pakistan's first resolution after its formation is armed jihad against India instead of talks.
Pakistanis wanted a threat from India to unite their country in the name of Islam, reason why Kashmir plays and important role in their politics.

Kashmir is more about rivers than Islam or Jihad.

Yes and Musharraf wrote book on this aspect 2 decades ago.

The plebiscite was not held because Pakistan refused to vacate the large parts of Jammu & Kashmir that had been occupied by its soldiers. The plebiscite was meant for all the people of the state of Jammu & Kashmir and not just for those who lived in the Kashmir Valley. But the Pakistanis felt that the parts of the state they had captured was theirs and would not part with it. Pakistan defied the agreement reached by the world body called the United Nations and refused to vacate its troops. The powerful countries of the world did nothing to ensure that Pakistan honoured the UN Resolutions on Jammu & Kashmir. India could not therefore hold a plebiscite.

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Trying to take Kashmir by force was Pak's biggest mistake, which is haunting them now.


The Kashmir obsession led to Pak helping insurgents in NE India.

India just retaliated.

The cause behind this obsession was the rivers in Kashmir. Dear mushy wrote book on this subject 2 decades back.
u can say what ever helps u sleep better ..u can say its about water or land .. but it will not change the fact they hate u from the core of ur heart .. and u should feel proud when they gather in millions marchs and say GO INDIAN GO ... u can come up with all the theories to justify it ..that they dont want it or all the people came from pakistan or it is funded by ISI ...

Exactly the answer I wud give. Please visit J&K to understand the ground realities. Analysis on internet is the simplest thing you can do. And what all ur media says bout India is all bullshit. Dont believe me? Come visit us and you will know the truth.

first of all , i do visit all indian media and paksitani media as well ..infact all the major news channels around the world ..
secondly, go to all our news paper, tv channels and search india, RAW, hindu ..complie the result and then just go on 2-3 channels like timesnow, ibn, ndtv ... our whole media mention indian less time then just two or three channels mention #ISI anmd Pakistan .. actually i have worked on it .. its ur media who is bad mouthing Pakistan ... we dont talk about india at all .. if it was not for sheela, munni or razia we dnt talk about india on our media ..

now if u just wana do it for sake of arguement then there is no point of discussion .. but if u want to know for your own knowlege please see the facts right ..compare the situation in azad kashmir or Indian occupied kashmir honestly .. u will know the difference ..
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u can say what ever helps u sleep better ..u can say its about water or land .. but it will not change the fact they hate u from the core of ur heart .. and u should feel proud when they gather in millions marchs and say GO INDIAN GO ... u can come up with all the theories to justify it ..that they dont want it or all the people came from pakistan or it is funded by ISI ...

first of all , i do visit all indian media and paksitani media as well ..infact all the major news channels around the world ..
secondly, go to all our news paper, tv channels and search india, RAW, hindu ..complie the result and then just go on 2-3 channels like timesnow, ibn, ndtv ... our whole media mention indian less time then just two or three channels mention #ISI anmd Pakistan .. actually i have worked on it .. its ur media who is bad mouthing Pakistan ... we dont talk about india at all .. if it was not for sheela, munni or razia we dnt talk about india on our media ..

now if u just wana do it for sake of arguement then there is no point of discussion .. but if u want to know for your own knowlege please see the facts right ..compare the situation in azad kashmir or Indian occupied kashmir honestly .. u will know the difference ..
Apart from all the bullshit you posted, I am still waiting for your relevant reply on the topic. Do you care to respond on the videos? Are you saying the above videos are farce and not real protests? Yes or No? Then we will talk.

These videos simply pop 1 question. Why is KASHMIR BANEGA PAKISTAN so vocal in Pakistan if they are true sympathisers of Kashmiris. Does it mean that this brotherhood and ailing for Kashmiris is only for personal gains? Only a crocodile tear for revenging Bangladesh?

These videos dont show actual brotherhood. Does it?

holy shit I'm really surprised. this movement for freedom against pakistan blow up big time, we pakistanis sure fucked up big time. because of our incompetence that movement have 35 members now:hitwall:

Two Words...Proxy War..there is no "Kashmir Independence Movement"...
don't give india too much credit lmfao lol.
these protests are a joke. there are 35 people in the video and its the same people in all the videos lol.

Azad Kashmir is controlled by pakistan if pakistan is suppoting kashmiri independence then declare Azad Kashmir as an independent country and show india an example for true supporters of freedom fighters.
azad kashmir is a free country, they have their own prime minister and president. we protect their borders.

What can you do about it?

Reconvert them via the sword .Deport Pakistani sympathizers to Saudi Arabia or pakistan after confiscating their properties.

i wish you try to do that. please i beg you to do this.
so we tear india apart from the inside out lol

People of so called "Azad Kashmir" are neither azad nor Kashmiris. They do not have local representation, but ruled by some beauraucrats in Islamabad and Pakistani military officers.

our prime minister nawaz is actually a kashmiri just so you know lmfao.
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Apart from all the bullshit you posted, I am still waiting for your relevant reply on the topic. Do you care to respond on the videos? Are you saying the above videos are farce and not real protests? Yes or No? Then we will talk.
the protests in these videos have less then 50 people in them lmfao.
they might be real who knows. but the fact remains that 99.9 percent of our kashmiris are patriotic pakistanis and the fact also remains that 90 percent of your kashmiris are patriotic pakistanis as well lmfao.
People of so called "Azad Kashmir" are neither azad nor Kashmiris. They do not have local representation, but ruled by some beauraucrats in Islamabad and Pakistani military officers.
The people of Muzaffarabad are ethnically not considered as Kashmiris by the real Kashmiris in the valley. The principal languages spoken in so called "Azad Kashmir" are Pahari, Gojri, Dogri, Potohari, Urdu, Pashto, and Punjabi.. The majority of the population is culturally, linguistically, and ethnically related to the people of northern Punjab.The culture of Azad Kashmir has many similarities to that of northern Punjabi (Potohar) culture in Punjab province. The natives of Azad Kashmir speak Urdu, Potwari, and the Pahari languages. The traditional dress of Kashmiri women is the shalwar kameez in Pahari style.
No census has been carried out to ascertain the ethnicity of the people of Azad Kashmir. However estimates suggest that Gujjars, Sudhans, Rajputs and Jats are the major ethnic groups living in the region. Gujjars who are about eight hundred thousand in number are the largest group among them. Rajputs who are spread across the region and Sudhans mostly settled in Bagh District and Rawalakot are regarded as the influential ethnic groups in Azad Kashmir.
the protests in these videos have less then 50 people in them lmfao.
they might be real who knows. but the fact remains that 99.9 percent of our kashmiris are patriotic pakistanis and the fact also remains that 90 percent of your kashmiris are patriotic pakistanis as well lmfao.
Thats not the point. Its that there is a faction who wants independence from Country of Pakistan. Now India dont send terrorists like you guyz. Even in india the election see 70+% turn out and its on record by the international media. So the bottom line is those in India are PAKISTANI TERRORISTS who infiltrate and nowadays are acting as sitting ducks for Indian Army. And dont say bout 50 100 people. If i post 1000 such posts does the total number become 100000? Random logic.

BOTTOMLINE : There is no doubt Kashmiris want Independence but not only from India but also from Pakistan. Complete Independence.
How Azad is `Azad Kashmir'
By Sultan Shaheen

If you want to study the situation in Pakistan Occupied Kashmir and cannot go to even the minuscule part of this region designated as `Azad Kashmir', the best place to go to is England. Bradford, Birmingham, Nottingham, Luton, Slough and Southall are perhaps even better sources of information about the Azad Kashmir than Muzaffarabad, Mirpur, Bagh Rawalakot and Kotli. For the Kashmiris living in Britain breathe free air that it not much available in the so-called Azad Kashmir. Even if you so much as apply for a job you have to sign an affidavit saying you believe in the ideology of "Kashmir banega Pakistan" (Kashmir will become Pakistan).

I happened to be in England on the eve of recent election in `Azad Kashmir'. Meeting `Azad' Kashmiris in Britain proved revealing. The politically active among them have organised themselves on the lines of politics back home. Nearly all political organisations and ideologies are represented. They all appear to be working against India and, except JKLF, pro-Pakistan. Their activities range from the ridiculous to the more sober. I come across some Tehrik-e-Kashmir activists in Birmingham attempting to impose a boycott of Tilda rice supposedly imported from India. They are aware that India is far too big and powerful a country with a vast capacity to take losses to be bothered with such nonsense. But they think this helps them spread hatred against India. On the other hand they are making a serious and somewhat successful attempt at lobbying political parties, media and bureaucracy to convince them of the genuineness of their case against what they call Indian occupation of Kashmir and serious human rights violations.

But this is a superficial impression. Beneath the surface, most of them are disgusted with Pakistan and many of them find India's handling of its part of Kashmir, despited the obvious difficulties and current hostilities, more commendable. Several people, for instance, mentioned that while India has respected Kashmir's age-old practice of not allowing outsiders to settle down in the valley, Pakistan has allowed over 28,000 Afghan families to settle down and fleece the local populace in the name of Jihad. These Afghans are even more exploitative that the Hindu baniya ever was, they point out.

The comparisons are endless. Kashmiris in the valley are better educated and better skilled. They have their own university with medical and engineering colleges. Some of us, particularly Mirpuris may be more prosperous, they say, but that is only because we managed to come to England when we were virtually thrown out of Pakistan as we lost our livelihood in the wake of the construction of Mangla Dam. The reference to Mangla Dam always brings out either complete silence in pro-Pakistan circles or vociferous protest from those who are not so particular about living with Pakistan. This Dam is said to supply 65% of the electricity needs of Pakistan, but the so-called Azad Kashmir does not get any royalty. Pakistan's Water and Power Development Agency (WAPDA) is estimated to be earning over Rs. 50 crores from the electricity produced at Mangla, thought the total budget of the Azad Kashmir is in the vicinity of Rs. 10 crores.

The most talked about issue, of course, is that of Northern Areas which has been virtually swallowed by Pakistan Army. It comes in the news periodically only when there are Shia-Sunni clashes in the area of firing by the Army to quell anti-government demonstrations. In a historic judgment when a Kashmiri chief justice of the High Court dared to say a couple of years ago that the area was a part of Kashmir and had been illegally occupied by Pakistan Army, he instantly became a hero. Similar enthusiasm was shown by the Kashmiris towards Raja Mumtaz Hussain Rathore, the last PPP `Prime Minister' of the so-called Azad Kashmir, who started taking up the issue of Northern Areas followed his dismissal and detention by the last Nawaz Sharif government.

This leads any discussion in the direction of almost complete denial of democracy to the so-called Azad Kashmir. While India has at least one or two free and fair elections in the valley, notably in 1977 and 1983, the Pakistani Establishment has dismissed and installed governments of `Azad Kashmir' at will. The only party that has not been able to do so is Ms. Benazir Bhutto's Pakistan People Party as it is not considered a part of Establishment even when in power.

It is hardly surprising in view of such perceptions of the Pakistani Kashmiris that they throw out Sardar Qayyoom's obscurantist Muslim Conference which has ruled them for most of the last half a century at the first available opportunity. They did that in 1990 and they have done that now. Sardar Qayyoom's protestations of massive rigging by the PPP government in Islamabad is unbelievable. All that she had to do to win elections there was not to concede Sardar Qayyoom's demand of allowing the Army to conduct elections.
holy shit I'm really surprised. this movement for freedom against pakistan blow up big time, we pakistanis sure fucked up big time. because of our incompetence that movement have 35 members now:hitwall:

Exactly. If numbers are to be focused on and not the reason then trust me even n numbers of protestors on road wont dent a single ball of indian army. As we say in Army, 'Bhaunkna to Pakistanio ki Aadat hai, Dum hai to Ukhad ke batao'.
These videos simply pop 1 question. Why is KASHMIR BANEGA PAKISTAN so vocal in Pakistan if they are true sympathisers of Kashmiris. Does it mean that this brotherhood and ailing for Kashmiris is only for personal gains? Only a crocodile tear for revenging Bangladesh?

These videos dont show actual brotherhood. Does it?

LOL!!! Kashmir dispute is as old as India & Pakistan are, how it can be revenge of Bangladesh.
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