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Kashmir: Declare Ahmadis non-Muslims: Grand Mufti

The rule is clear.... If he goes to temple or grudwara or even on nizamud din ziyarat and bows infront of them he is breaking the base rule he said and suppose to believe and do as muslim......

Its funny how a Devout Muslim...is declared a Non Muslim by some "Self Declared Thekedars" of Islam.......
Excuse me???? Rakhail???

Thats why i say dont speak if you dont know about religion.....

A muslim can marry 4 wifes.... IF there is a big IF he can do justice between them....

Actually I heard of many cases where non-Muslims converted to Islam so as to marry more than once as Muslims are the only people allowed in Indian to do so.
Religion does not boundry related..... As a muslim if you will bow infront of anyone other than Allah you are doing shirk and you are not muslim.....

That takes a lot of Brelvi grave worshippers out of pale of Islam. Your next commandment will make Shias kafir; Deobandi founder Maulana Qasim Nanutwi was a denier of finality of prophethood so he too is a deviant non-Muslim and so on...eventually all are declared kafir/non-Muslim by each other and we end up as the present state of Islamic Republic of Pakistan where sectarian murders happen so frequently.
Excuse me???? Rakhail???

Thats why i say dont speak if you dont know about religion.....

A muslim can marry 4 wifes.... IF there is a big IF he can do justice between them....

A Muslim can keep 4 wife. But for non Muslims world (where monogamy prevail) non judicial wives are called rakhail (Keep), That relation is called Najayaz (illegal and immoral)
I will forward your point to Salman, shahrukh and million of Indian Muslim who celebrate Ganpati festival in Mumbai, Kali puja in Kolkata and several other festival in Several part of India...

That's what I was talking about, you indians don't know what Islam is to begin with.:lol: This
Salman and other bollywood khans are not muslims to begin with. And I am not judging anyone
here. Its the most basic Islamic priciples by which any muslims would know that these bollywood
khans have already stepped outside the fold is ISLAM. ISLAM means peace, gaining peace by
submitting oneself to the will of Allah(swt) and no one else.
Bowing down to anyone/anything
else is shirk and an unforgivable sin.
This bollywood khans did ganesh puja and took part in
pagan festivities, so how are they muslim? They can have a muslim name and can be termed muslim
in India by Indians but India is not the flag bearer of ISLAM.
The rule is clear.... If he goes to temple or grudwara or even on nizamud din ziyarat and bows infront of them he is breaking the base rule he said and suppose to believe and do as muslim......

But in India, nobody has the right to declare anyone Muslim or non-Muslim other than the person himself. He is not answerable to anybody but God.
My frnd , Ultimately what counts??? For me Peace, harmony and prosperity. Ppl change religion to achive the peace of mind. Your argument is "My way or Highway". Life doesn't go that way...

The truth is Indian Muslims have more peace in there life then some fanatic minds. What Pakistan has achieved by following wahaism. And more over can you guarentee that Kattar Muslim follow koran line by line????

I am not a scholar on Koran, But I am sure that what you are saying is wroong. Watch Movie "khuda ke liye"

Naseer has debunked the Mulla idology he proved that
a) Dress code is not in Islam
b) Music is not haram in Islam
c) and many points which you guys believe

Am i talking about dress code??? Music??? Or which other point you are referring to.....

Yeah we dont follow Quran line by line.... But shirk puts you right out of Islam circle....

You are trying to link Islam and Pakistan's wrong policies in world politics.....
Ahmadis are a controversial lot. And no, they are not Muslims, period :no: They can separate themselves to form a new religion. No problem. The Ba'hai did that.

Although, I think those mullahs are getting too much of a black and white view. There are better ways to talk them through.

The problem is not about their acceptance by others of the Muslim community. They can pretty much have their own opinion on that. What is not acceptable is the Grand Mufti's call for the legislature to interfere. It can't & it shouldn't! What feelings individual Muslims have is their business, it cannot become the state's business in a secular democracy like India.
That's what I was talking about, you indians don't know what Islam is to begin with.:lol: This
Salman and other bollywood khans are not muslims to begin with.

Excellent, a few more out of pale of Islam. The more we discuss this the less Muslims there are as every Tom, Dick and Harry is a Mufti onto himself.
I am not talking about law here.....However i respect Indian court for the decision above. The thing i am talking and trying to tell is that religion is not boundary specific.... There are some basic rules.... And if you dont follow them than you are not one.... Its a simple fact ... If it disturbs you i am sorry but thats how it is... And its not in Pakistan its everywhere in the world .... Ask any muslim around the world and he'll tell you.... We have bangladeshi muslims here, Turk, Iran, Afghanistan, Kuwait, Saudi, Dont believe them ask anyone around you in India. Goto any mosque. Than comeback and we'll talk more if you guys keep your respect for my religion and don't go warrior on me...

My opinion in the matters of personal law here in India is that the law is wrong. I don't care about what a person believes in as long as it doesn't affect me.

Thought cannot be regulated. People will believe in all sort of stuff. Even in religions like Islam which you claim to have rigid rules there are all these various sects and schools of thoughts because people like to believe in all sorts of stuff.
Am i talking about dress code??? Music??? Or which other point you are referring to.....

Yeah we dont follow Quran line by line.... But shirk puts you right out of Islam circle....

You are trying to link Islam and Pakistan's wrong policies in world politics.....

In India who is Muslim???
1. Those who write his caste as Muslim in Govt Document
No matter he follow sunnat or not, No matter he do Namaz or not, No matter He follows koran or not. No one ,but Indian constitution define a Muslim in India. So if your govt Doc says u are Muslim, You are Muslim. Its simple...

Even God from heaven can not declare you non Muslim, if your document says you are muslim.. Hope I am clear to the thekedar of Islam..
That takes a lot of Brelvi grave worshippers out of pale of Islam. Your next commandment will make Shias kafir; Deobandi founder Maulana Qasim Nanutwi was a denier of finality of prophethood so he too is a deviant non-Muslim and so on...eventually all are declared kafir/non-Muslim by each other and we end up as the present state of Islamic Republic of Pakistan where sectarian murders happen so frequently.

Anyone who don't believe Allah as one God and Prophet Muhammad as Last messenger of God is not muslim.... So hard for you to understand??? If tomorrow a shia say he dont believe in Allah as 1 god and Prophet Muhammad as last messenger I will call him non-muslim not Shias......

The present sectarian voilence is nothing but ignorance of people..... Dont relate it to islam and its fundamental principles.

In India who is Muslim???
1. Those who write his caste as Muslim in Govt Document
No matter he follow sunnat or not, No matter he do Namaz or not, No matter He follows koran or not. No one ,but Indian constitution define a Muslim in India. So if your govt Doc says u are Muslim, You are Muslim. Its simple...

Even God from heaven can not declare you non Muslim, if your document says you are muslim.. Hope I am clear to the thekedar of Islam..

Indeed he is a muslim in INDIA and Yup God can declare him non muslim if he is not a Muslim because everything on document is not everything..... Simple

Stop getting personal on me.
What exactly is difference betwen ahmadi and sunni?

All because of this delusional little man:
Mirza Ghulam Ahmad - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

For starters, they intentionally nullify the fact that Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) was the last prophet. And that Jesus will NOT come during the End of Days. But only he will come. He even claimed he was Krishna. And not only that, their god is completely different from ours.

I'm still surprised that this little 'sect' still exists. But I do oppose violence against them.

As I said, they simply cannot technically be Muslims. If they believe that man as their god, they're free to create their own religion. No harm there. Although, I like many cannot personally guarantee their safety from the extremists.

I'd give them the choice. That's for sure.
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