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Kashmir: Declare Ahmadis non-Muslims: Grand Mufti

No one pays attention to these bloody mullahs or dhongi babas in india.End of story.
Interesting to see that the thread opener Meesna who goes on PDF opening one thread after another about Ahmadiyya can come onto the thread to thank some officers but has no answers with regards to the reason as to why Ahmadis are seen as non Muslim. Well Meesna now you know why......

As for the rest if the posts by I Indians...... Before you raise a finger towards Islam think carefully, we are not the ones who worship everything around us, we are not the ones who drink cow p1ss, place dead bodies into a river which is left to rot where people bath and drink calling it holy water. We are not the ones who make an idol and start to worship it. We don't place an elephants head on a human body and talk about it being a deity. So please spare me your crap, this is the same India who does not allow beef to be eaten by others as it offends the Hindus, yet when it comes to something that offends Muslim then oh well, it's Islam.

I don't know why this Mufti asked for this change in India, as India is not a Muslim country and this should not be expected from non Muslims especially Hindus......

very poor post mate. But still to reply. At the end of the day Indians(I wont say hindus) are not not trying to impose their views or beleifs on others. In India no one says U R NOT Hindu/Muslim/Sikh/Chrisitan. In India no one says to other CHANGE ur RELIGION. Everyone Minds only his RELIGION and practices it. What other person practices not practices, how sicerely he practices or not no one cares two hootes.

In India no one is killing other coz the other person not changing his religion as per my wish. !! I am proud of this religious tolerance and open minded views. Even talking about such things is considered narrow minded. I can assure u such things did not even cross my mind once in my life. I never though once in my life even in my deepest sleeps that there is someone who should be decalred as non hindu/muslim/sikh/christian. NOT EVEN ONCE IN MY LIFE, and I can say so for 99% of Indian population.

We beleif in live and let live. RELIGION is one person's personal matter. I have no right or even the desire to question or interfere in anyone's personal life or belief. This is gross violation of privacy and human right.

I even dont care if some hindu eats beef or goes to Mosque or does anything else and calls himself hindu. He still is hindu for me, unless he himself says I have converted and now I am a sikh/Christian or Muslim. Still he goes to temple and does anyting I dont care. He converted to whatever religion as per his wish, i will take that as his religion. I am no one to ask him or question him why on his religion?

This is nothing but extremism taking roots in Pak and others also who declare Ahemdis as non muslims, I am sorry to say.

and to ur question even if someone says he praises lord Ravana and not Ram, i still dont care if he is Hindu.Only thing I care is he should not tell me I am not Hindu coz I worship lord Rama. Till then I dont care. If he interferes with my life for me he is a Hindu Extremist but STILL HINDU..!! and there should be no place for such a Hindu Extremist in my India. Hope he is removed from my country. But I still call him Hindu. For me he is a parasite for my country but still Hindu.

Simple anyone interfering in other's life is Extremist and deserves no place in my country.With such views being widely practiced day in n day out by almost 99% of the Indians, no way will Ahemdis be declared as Non Muslims. And as eduction spreads and people become more open I am sure even the 1% who might support such extremist views will have kids in future who will not have such views and in due time you will find not one in India having such views. My countrymen are living happily with each other and not interfering in anyone else's personal life.

people in India in general have peace of mind. I hope you guys can come out of this extremist views and enjoy the life with ur neighbours kid irrespective of Ahemdi or not rather then thinking of killing him for being Ahemdi muslim and not changing to non muslim as u want him to. hopefully u can see there is more fun to enjoy life then to unnecessarily create reason for bloodshed and hatred.
Well, my post seems to have hit a raw nerve, and this was totally unnecessary. However very essential for the reason as follows:

When you Hindus decide to point the finger at Islam, rather then the actions of Muslims, then know that the door swings both ways. We Muslims too do not believe in forced conversions, we do not agree with killing innocent people as defined by Allah's laws. However, like I said at the start, we too have black sheep in our community and th level of knowledge and education of Islam within our population is limited.

However when you start pointing fingers to us about not to preach our faith to others, then I am sorry, I cannot agree with that, as I am to inform those who do not believe in Allah about his commandment, if you do not agree, or wish to listen, then that is totally upto you, no one can force this upon you. Just like when Hinduism began, no one knows the exact dates, however it started with whoever, Ram, Krishna etc etc. One could also argue that they too should have kept their beliefs to themselves, but they did not and past it on, just like people today namely Shri Shri Ravi Shankar and many others.

I too agree that not all Hindus are bad, however if I use the philosophy of Hindus on this forum and say you are all uncivilised or in the words of Winston Churchill a "beastly religion" then that would be oppressive of me. Yes, there are Hindus who do not follow their faith and believe in what has been passed down from generation to generation. Yes there are terrorists amongst Hindus, there are those who split their ranks in casts and use absolute torture against a fellow human being, but that does not reflect Hindusim, SO PLEASE REFRAIN FROM SPILLING HATRED TOWARDS ISLAM AND IF YOU DO, THEN ANSWER TO YOUR OWN FAITH ALSO

Meesna, my Brother in humanity, I have nothing personal against you. However when you open one thread after another about Ahmadiyyat, then please at least have the courage to justify and defend the teachings of Ahmadiyyat also, I am not being harsh or abusive, simply pointing out facts about Ahmadiyya which you now know exist, and if the you do not have the answers to them points made by MGA, when you should seriously consider your position within the Jamaat and face the truth.
Well, my post seems to have hit a raw nerve, and this was totally unnecessary. However very essential for the reason as follows:

When you Hindus decide to point the finger at Islam, rather then the actions of Muslims, then know that the door swings both ways. We Muslims too do not believe in forced conversions, we do not agree with killing innocent people as defined by Allah's laws. However, like I said at the start, we too have black sheep in our community and th level of knowledge and education of Islam within our population is limited.

However when you start pointing fingers to us about not to preach our faith to others, then I am sorry, I cannot agree with that, as I am to inform those who do not believe in Allah about his commandment, if you do not agree, or wish to listen, then that is totally upto you, no one can force this upon you. Just like when Hinduism began, no one knows the exact dates, however it started with whoever, Ram, Krishna etc etc. One could also argue that they too should have kept their beliefs to themselves, but they did not and past it on, just like people today namely Shri Shri Ravi Shankar and many others.

I too agree that not all Hindus are bad, however if I use the philosophy of Hindus on this forum and say you are all uncivilised or in the words of Winston Churchill a "beastly religion" then that would be oppressive of me. Yes, there are Hindus who do not follow their faith and believe in what has been passed down from generation to generation. Yes there are terrorists amongst Hindus, there are those who split their ranks in casts and use absolute torture against a fellow human being, but that does not reflect Hindusim, SO PLEASE REFRAIN FROM SPILLING HATRED TOWARDS ISLAM AND IF YOU DO, THEN ANSWER TO YOUR OWN FAITH ALSO

Meesna, my Brother in humanity, I have nothing personal against you. However when you open one thread after another about Ahmadiyyat, then please at least have the courage to justify and defend the teachings of Ahmadiyyat also, I am not being harsh or abusive, simply pointing out facts about Ahmadiyya which you now know exist, and if the you do not have the answers to them points made by MGA, when you should seriously consider your position within the Jamaat and face the truth.

The problem though, is you yourself are comparing an Abrahamic religion with Indian religions, which surely makes it look bad.
i am sure you wouldn't understand this. if you did. you wouldn't be a Muslim anyway.
The problem though, is you yourself are comparing an Abrahamic religion with Indian religions, which surely makes it look bad.
i am sure you wouldn't understand this. if you did. you wouldn't be a Muslim anyway.

Abrahamic religion or not, I am not comparing to anyone. I have simply gave an explanation as to why Hindus on this forum should not be so eager to think they can bash Islam on anything and not expect a reply about Hinduism, as there are black sheep in both communities. Hinduism, however old, may or may not be once a religion from Allah as 1,24,000 messengers and prophets were sent. By name we only know of a few dozen. hence, Hinduism in its original form when revealed may or may not have been from Allah, I do not know and nor does anyone else.

However the post was in direct reply to those eager trigger pulling Hindus who came to this thread trying to bash Islam around when I explained exactly why Muslims do not accept Ahmadis as Muslim and I give that post again as follows:

So what exactly do the Ahmadis believe that makes Muslims declare them as non-Muslim. Well the following is from the Ahmadi text written by the so called self appointed Prophet. Firstly with the timeline of this man called Mirza Ghulam Ahmad.


1839/40 - Mirza is born to Chiragh Bibi and Ghulam Murtaza

1846 - Formal education of Quran, Hadith etc begins at home by Molvi Fazl Ilahi

1849 - Molvi Fazal Ahmad teaches various subjects.

1852/53 - 1st Marriage with Hurmat Bibi alias Phajje di Maan. She bore two sons, Sultan Ahmad and Fazal Ahmad.

1857/58 - Gul Ali Shah teaches Arabic Grammar etc.

1857 - War of Independence, the so-called Indian Mutiny.
* To prove his loyalty to The British Raj, Mirza's father donates 50 Armed Horsemen to fight against the Muslims in the War of Independence.
* Mirza Ghulam Qadir, elder brother of Mirza Ghulam, who served in the 46th Division of the British Army under Gen Nicholson, killed several freedom fighters near Sialkot.

1864 - Mirza runs away from home with the yearly pension of his father and spends it in undesirable pursuits.

1864-68 - Mirza takes up a clerical post in the British Govt. Court at Sialkot.
* Takes up the Law exam but failed.
* Mirza befriends a Christian Padre, who later on played a role

1868 - A Parliamentary Commission of Inquiry came from England to find out ways and means to control and subdue the spirit of Jihad amongst the Muslims.
* Mirza resigns from his job and left for Qadian
* Introduces himself as a Debator in Islam.

1870 - Report of Parliamentary Commission 'The Arrival of British Empire in India' submitted to the British Parliament. Report recommended creating an Apostolic Prophet to subdue the Spirit of Jihad in Muslims.

1871 - Mirza Ghulam selected for the 'post' of Apostolic Prophet.

1877 - Criminal case registered against him by postal authorities.

1879 - Claims to have been 'Appointed by God' to proves the truthfulness of Islam
* Announcement of writing Braheen-e-Ahmadiyya in 50 volumes.
* Appeals for financial help and advance payments for publication of Braheen-e-Ahmadiyya.

1879-84 - Publishes four volumes of Braheen-e-Ahmadiyya.

1884 - onwards
* Stops writing Braheen-e-ahmadiyya.
* Writes books after books, wrote some 80 books over the next 25 years.
* Refers to Braheen-e-Ahmadiyya as the book of God.

1884 - Claims to be Revivalist (Mujaddid) of Islam.
* 2nd Marriage to Shahjehan Begum d/o Mir Nasir Nawab, from whom three sons, Mirza Bashiruddin Mehmood (2nd Khalifa and father of Mirza Tahir, the present Khalifa), Mirza Bashir Ahmad (author of Seerat-ul-Mahdi) and Mirza Sharif Ahmad were born.
* Admits being impotent at the time of 2nd Marriage. Prays to God for sexual powers. God sends his Wahi for making a divine potion.
* Upon Divine instructions, makes a potion called 'TIRYAQ-e-ILAHI' to regain his 'energy'. Major component is 'OPIUM'.

1888 - Start taking oath of allegiance (Peeri-Mureedi) by the people.
* Asks for the hand of Mohammadi Begum for his 3rd Marriage.
* Advertises that his 3rd Marriage with Mohammadi Begum is a divinely inspired proposal and that any hinderance from any quarter will result in Tragic Consequences for the girl, her family and the person to whom she is married.
* Mirza Ghulam announced: This should be clear to people that there can be no bette r criterion to judge my truth or falsehood than my prophecy." (Aina-e-Kamalate Islam, Roohani Khazain vol 5 p.288, by Mirza Ghulam)
* Mirza threatens his 1st wife and her sons of dire consequences for not helping in the marriage with Mohammadi Begum.

1891 - Claims to be A Maseel Messiah (Like Messiah) and denies that he is the Promised Messiah. Labels those who accused him of it, as Liars

1891 - Claims to have become Mariam.
* Claims to have become pregnant by the insufflation of the soul of Eisa (Jesus).
* Claims to have converted to Eisa after staying for 10 months in his own (Maryam's) womb. Says: "This is how I am Jesus son of Mary."
(Kishtee Nooh, Roohani Khazain vol 19 p. 50)

1891 - Establishes Ahmadiyya Movement in Islam.

1892 - Mohammadi Begum got married to Mirza Sultan Baig.
In retaliation, Mirza:
* divorces his first wife.
* forces his one son to divorce his wife.
* disinherits his second son.
[PS His first wife was related to Mohammadi Begum.]

1893 - Challenged Deputy Commissioner Abdullah Khan Atham, a Christian Missionary, for a written debate to prove the truthfulness of either religion.
* Feb 1893
Mirza declared: "Everyone has accepted me and affirmed my claims, except Children of Prostitutes, whose hearts have been sealed by God."
(Aina-e-Kamalate Islam, Roohani Khazain vol 5 p.548)

Note: Mirza's own sons from the first marriage had not accepted him as Messiah!!
22nd May -5th June '93
Written debate with Atham.
Mirza receives humiliating defeat. As a result, many Muslims become Christians!
Unrepentant, Mirza issues the Divine Prophecy of Atham's death within 15 months (by 5th Sept 1894). He said: "I admit that if this prophecy turns out to be false... I am prepared to receive any punishment, I should be disgraced, my face blackened, put a rope around my neck and hang me... I swear upon God t hat He will definitely fulfilled it, definitely fulfill it, fulfill it. Earth and heavens can move but God's word will not be annulled." (Jang-e-Muqqaddas, Roohani Khazain vol 6 p.293)

Apr 1894 - Atham is still alive. Several attempts made on the life of Atham by unknown persons.

4th Sept 1894 - Magic Bullet: Mirza recites a wazeefa over gram seeds and throws them in an abandoned well to kill Atham.

6th Sept 1894 - Christains celebrated the victory of Abdullah Atham and ridiculed and lampooned Islam - thanks to Mirza Ghulam!!.

1896 - Reiterates the divine origin of the Prophecy and Marriage with Mohammdi Begum. He said: "If I am a Liar, my death will come and this prophecy will not be fulfilled. "(Anjame Atham)

* He published this revelation: "and they ask thee if this is true? Say: Yes, By my Lord, it is true and you cannot prevent it from taking place. We have wed thee to her. There is none to change my words." (Asmani Faisla)

27th July 1896 - Declares that paternal and maternal grandmothers Jesus Christ were Prostitutes, from whose blood his was born and that was the reason for Jesus' inclination towards prostitutes!!

1897 - Petition to the British Govt.
* Thanksgiving to Queen Victoria on her Silver Jubilee of Coronation.
* Case against Mirza by Income Tax authorities.
* House search by police on suspicion of murder of Pundit Lekhram, criminal case against him and his acquittal.

1898/99 - Petition to Lt Governor of Punjab reminding him that:
* His forefathers have always been loyal servants.
* He himself is the SELF IMPLANTED & SELF CULTIVATED SEEDLING of the British Raj.
* From his early age till now when he is 65 years of age, he has been engaged with his pen and tongue to turn the hearts of Muslims towards true love and goodwill for the British and to remove the concept of Jehad from the hearts of stupid Muslims.
* Criminal case against Mirza a to keep peace.

1900 - Mirza Abrogates Jihad.
Named his followers 'Ahmadis' and instructs them to use the same nomenclature for census.

1900 - Claimed prophethood.

25th May 1900 - Mirza Ghulam announces that all those who do not accept him as prophet are disobedient of God and His Prophet and will dwell in hellfire.

1901 - Mirza has still not forgotten Mohammadi Begum. Issues yet another statement that events will take strange turn and she will inevitably come into his wedlock as these are divinely ordained matters.

1902 - Finally to give some reprieve to the poor Mohammadi Begum, some Muslims thought of a novel idea. Jaafer Zitly published the following in his newspaper: "I saw in my dream that wife of Mirza Ghulam Qadiani is going to come into my wedlock!!"

Mirza was struck dumb. After that he never said a word about Mohammadi Begum until his death in
1908. Mohammadi Begum lived happily with her husband for the next 40 years.
8th Nov

1902 - Mirza announces: "The basis for my claims is not Hadiths but Quran and my own revelation; in support we also cite those Hadiths which do not contradict my revelation. All the rest of Hadiths, I throw them away like a waste paper." (Zamima Nuzoole Maseeh, Roohani Khazain vol 19 p.140)

1903 - Constructs Minarat-ul-Maseeh in Qadian, 12 years after becoming the Promised Messiah!!

1904 - Claims to be the Lord Krishna of Hindus.

1905 - Establishes the Heavenly Graveyard in Qadian.

1906 - Admits having been afflicted by Mental Illness and Excessive Urination of upto 100 times per day, since the time of claiming to have been appointed by God (1879)

1907 - Prayer Duel with Molvi Sanaullah Amratsari.

* Advertises his prayer in Newspapers whereby he prays to God AlMighty to let the Liar die in the lifetime of truthful and that the liar's death should either be from Cholera or Plague, which in his opinion was the sign of Divine Anger.
* Claims that God has named him Mohammed and Ahmad 26 years ago in Braheen-e-Ahmadiyya. (Haqeeqatul Wahi, Roohani Khazain vol 22 p.502)
* Claims that God has revealed 300,000 signs to substantiate his claims.

15th May 1907 - Claims that following verses of Holy Quran, revealed in the Honour and Glory of Holy Prophet Mohammed SAAW, have now been revealed in Mirza's honour:

* Verse 7:17
* Verse 55:1
* Verse 9:33
* Verse 53:9
* Verse 17:1
* Verse 3:31
* Verse 48:10
* Verse 48:1
* Verse 73:15
* Verse 107:1
* Verse 36:3
(Haqeeqat-ul-Wahi, Roohani Khazain vol 22)

Claims that God has named him after every prophet. Therefore, he said:

"I am Adam, I am Noah, I am Abraham, I am Isaac, I am Jacob, I am Ishmael, I am Moses, I am David, I am Eisa son of Maryam, I am Mohammed...(Peace be upon Them)."
(Haqeeqatul Wahi, Roohani Khazain vol 22 p. 521)

1908 - Publishes the fifth volume of Braheen-e-Ahmadiyya. In its preface he wrote: "Initially I had promised to write it in 50 volumes. Since the difference between 5 and 50 is only ZERO, my promised is now fulfilled after writing the 5th volume.

1908 - Mirza gives a reception to the Financial Commissioner Punjab
* DEATH: Mirza suddenly develops Cholera. With remorse and disappointment he uttered his last words to his father in law:

"Mir Sahib! I have developed Epidemic Cholera." He could not utter any words after that and died within a short time.
* Mohammadi Begum lived happily with her husband for next 35 years.
* Molvi Sanaullah Amratsari lived for the next 40 years.

1908 - Hakeem Nuruddin becomes the 1st Successor.

1914 - Hakeem Nuruddin fell from the horse and died.
Mirza Basheeruddin Mehmood, s/o Mirza Ghulam, becomes the 2nd Khalifa.


Now lets see what this man Mirza Ghulam Ahmad says about Jesus (PBUH) and like before I wish that the thread starter Meesna himself to come and answer as he finds it useful to open such threads, sit in the sidelines, read all the posts and disappear when he has no answers. As yes Meesna, its not hard to check that as your name appears in the box below as to who is on this thread.....

So lets have your answers to the following of your MGA text and scriptures


"It should be remembered that he (Jesus) had also to some extent the habit of lying." (Zamima Anjam Atham, Roohani Khazain Vol 11 p. 289)


"(Jesus) had the habit of uttering obscenities and frequently using foul language." (Zamima Anjam-e-Atham, Roohani Khazain , Vol 11 p.289)


"What is your opinion about the character of the Messiah? (it is that Jesus ) was an Alcoholic and Gluttonous person, neither Abstinent nor a Pious Worshipper, nor a Truth seeker. He was a Proud and a Self- conceited Claimant of Divinity." (Nur-ul-Quran, Roohani Khazain Vol 9 p.387)


"The root cause of all the damage that alcohol consumption has had on the Europeans was that Jesus used to drink alcohol, perhaps because of some disease or an old habit." (Kashti-e-Nooh, Roohani Khazain vol 19 p.71)


"(while on the cross) Jesus could not portray himself as pious man because people knew he was gluttonous alcoholic and these bad habits were not ever since claiming divinity but it seems from early age he had (these habits). Therefore to claim divinity is one of the bad after effects of alcoholism." (Satt bachan, Roohani Khazain vol 10 p 296)


"Jesus had an inclination for prostitutes, perhaps due to his ancestral relationship with them, otherwise no pious man could allow a young prostitute to touch his head with her f1lthy hands, and massage his head with the unclean perfume purchased with the earnings of adultery and rub his feet with her hair. Let the intelligent judge what sort of character such a person must possess." (Zamimah Anjam Atham, Roohani Khazain Vol 11 p.291)


"It is surprising that Jesus, peace be upon him, did not himself act upon the teachings of good character." (Chashma-e-Masihi, Roohni Khazain vol 20 p.346)


"The Christians have written about many miracles of (Jesus) but the fact is that he did not perform any miracle." (Zamima Anjam-e-Atham, Roohani Khazain vol 11 p.290)


MORE TO COME, THIS WILL SUFFICE FOR NOW and hope to see answers Meesna which when faced with silence from you then this will tell you why muslims declare you Non Muslims.............
Abrahamic religion or not, I am not comparing to anyone. I have simply gave an explanation as to why Hindus on this forum should not be so eager to think they can bash Islam on anything and not expect a reply about Hinduism, as there are black sheep in both communities. Hinduism, however old, may or may not be once a religion from Allah as 1,24,000 messengers and prophets were sent. By name we only know of a few dozen. hence, Hinduism in its original form when revealed may or may not have been from Allah, I do not know and nor does anyone else.

However the post was in direct reply to those eager trigger pulling Hindus who came to this thread trying to bash Islam around when I explained exactly why Muslims do not accept Ahmadis as Muslim and I give that post again as follows:

Precisely My point. Islam looks stupid, stuck up and imbecile when compared to any of the Indian religions. (However big your obsession with Idolatry Vs Formless God is, hardly matters to anyone with a brain). It's better to keep your horses under control when talking to Hindus, Jains, Buddhists, Sikhs, Bahá'í etc.,.
to many post everyone is confused in this thread lol
on topic its not our jobs to declare someone Muslim or non Muslim as this creates confusion and the credibility of the person. the best anyone can do is read the Qur'an and then the hadits and judge if they are following what Allah swt. As someone pointed out before me that we should have a healthy debate with every sect and come to consensus. as for who is Muslim, most Muslim don't even know what the Qur'an says they just read it and don't understand the meaning behind it. this happens a lot in countries that don't have Arabic as there main language.
Precisely My point. Islam looks stupid, stuck up and imbecile when compared to any of the Indian religions. (However big your obsession with Idolatry Vs Formless God is, hardly matters to anyone with a brain). It's better to keep your horses under control when talking to Hindus, Jains, Buddhists, Sikhs, Bahá'í etc.,.

Firstly, don't add Sikhs or Bahai into your category please.

Secondly, it obvious that the posts above made no difference to your mentality and as such I am not going to continue berating Hinduism as I too am now feeling embarrassed for you. I have no obsession with anyone, just to point out the simple and obvious fact, obvious fact that is.......... nonetheless, if your detest this sort of debate then please refrain from insulting Islam, if not, dont be surprised when replies are hard to swallow.

to many post everyone is confused in this thread lol
on topic its not our jobs to declare someone Muslim or non Muslim as this creates confusion and the credibility of the person. the best anyone can do is read the Qur'an and then the hadits and judge if they are following what Allah swt. As someone pointed out before me that we should have a healthy debate with every sect and come to consensus. as for who is Muslim, most Muslim don't even know what the Qur'an says they just read it and don't understand the meaning behind it. this happens a lot in countries that don't have Arabic as there main language.

That point made is the exact reason why the protests were held by Muslims in Pakistan as they understood Ahmadiyyat but most others didn't due to what you have said. Allama Iqbal warned us of Ahmadis long before Pakistan's creation hence why when the Ahmadi Caliph was asked to come into the house of Parliament and asked what he considers us as, and he told the politicians of PPP government, the most liberals that they were kaffir, and when the actual texts of Ahmadiyyat became known, like the following which is claimed by the so called prophet of Ahmadiyya, then the alarm bells went and Ahmadiyyat declared non muslim to stop them from spreading their confusion and mischief any further

I am the "Self-implanted/Self-cultivated Seedling " of the British Government. "Government should take great care regarding this SELF-IMPLANTED SEEDLING . . . . .should instruct its officers to treat ME and MY JAMA'AT with special kindness and favours. Our family has never hesitated in shedding their blood in the way of British Rulers and did not stop from laying down their lives neither do they hesitate now." (Roohani Khazain vol.13 p.350)


"From my early age till now when I am 65 years of age, I have been engaged , with my pen and tongue, in an important task to turn the hearts of Muslims towards the true love & Goodwill & sympathy for the British Government and to obliterate the idea of Jehad from the hearts of stupid (Muslims). " (Kitab-ul-Bariyah, Roohani Khazain vol 13 p.350)
Firstly, don't add Sikhs or Bahai into your category please.

Secondly, it obvious that the posts above made no difference to your mentality and as such I am not going to continue berating Hinduism as I too am now feeling embarrassed for you. I have no obsession with anyone, just to point out the simple and obvious fact, obvious fact that is.......... nonetheless, if your detest this sort of debate then please refrain from insulting Islam, if not, dont be surprised when replies are hard to swallow.

what's fact? your obsession with "Believing" one story and one story alone(in this case with Ahmedis)? Only You can feel embarrassed about talking to someone like me on a random discussion forum. Oh! certain people are dumb! Anyway, you stop it here and make me refrain from further getting into this religious debate.
Precisely My point. Islam looks stupid, stuck up and imbecile when compared to any of the Indian religions. (However big your obsession with Idolatry Vs Formless God is, hardly matters to anyone with a brain). It's better to keep your horses under control when talking to Hindus, Jains, Buddhists, Sikhs, Bahá'í etc.,.

I wonder what your religion better of, Hinduism is still a primitive religion as we can obviously see. The Islam is so far one of the major modern religions recognized by UN, the world, and all secular societies.
what's fact? your obsession with "Believing" one story and one story alone(in this case with Ahmedis)? Only You can feel embarrassed about talking to someone like me on a random discussion forum. Oh! certain people are dumb! Anyway, you stop it here and make me refrain from further getting into this religious debate.

You have totally lost me now...........apple and oranges come to mind........
I wonder what your religion better of, Hinduism is still a primitive religion as we can obviously see. The Islam is so far one of the major modern religions recognized by UN, the world, and all secular societies.

yeah, It's so obvious for Muslims! with their "superior religion"
yeah, It's so obvious for Muslims! with their "superior religion"

Same again.............. this is the reason why I posted the following
Interesting to see that the thread opener Meesna who goes on PDF opening one thread after another about Ahmadiyya can come onto the thread to thank some officers but has no answers with regards to the reason as to why Ahmadis are seen as non Muslim. Well Meesna now you know why......

As for the rest if the posts by I Indians...... Before you raise a finger towards Islam think carefully, we are not the ones who worship everything around us, we are not the ones who drink cow p1ss, place dead bodies into a river which is left to rot where people bath and drink calling it holy water. We are not the ones who make an idol and start to worship it. We don't place an elephants head on a human body and talk about it being a deity. So please spare me your crap, this is the same India who does not allow beef to be eaten by others as it offends the Hindus, yet when it comes to something that offends Muslim then oh well, it's Islam.

I don't know why this Mufti asked for this change in India, as India is not a Muslim country and this should not be expected from non Muslims especially Hindus......

It was not posted because I feel good about raising points about Hinduism, but because Hindus like you just cannot refrain from Islam bashing and as such you need to understand that the door swings both ways.......... huuuuuhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

back to the discussion...........

Meesna........... you still around
Only an idiot like you can set out to compare religions.You practice yours an i practice mine.
No one's bashing Islam so don't start ranting in your eagerness for Islam defence. It is jahil's like you on the look for clash of civilisations. And yes, that Mufti can kiss my *** I don't give a damn and frankly nobody will.
Same again.............. this is the reason why I posted the following

It was not posted because I feel good about raising points about Hinduism, but because Hindus like you just cannot refrain from Islam bashing and as such you need to understand that the door swings both ways.......... huuuuuhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

back to the discussion...........

Meesna........... you still around
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