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Karzai urges Taliban to fight Pakistan

you are fighting your own people ttp is nothing more than group of tribal people who are fighting you and supported by most tribals your type of guys lived in same kind of denial in 1971 and we lost half of Pakistan so wake up stop killing your own people

Who can deny our defeat and humiliation in 1971. I wish we had come up with a mutually agreed upon solution to avoid.

However it will be wrong to say "We" lost E. Pakistan. That area belong to Bengalis and the locals.

Saying "We lost E.Bengal" is as if it was our my-baap-ki jagir (mum-dad's fiefdom) is utterly false.

In fact this $tupid mentality is the one that resulted in that $stupid and unnecessary fight.

Just learn the facts please (and avoid the same mistakes that you made while discussing Quran).

Thank you.

You are right. I would make sure to visit Panjab or other part of Pakistan sometime. but again don't get me wrong. I don't have anything against the poor people of panjab who are suffering.....

As I said,

use your own eyes and your own ears to see and hear how Punjabis are poor or not, suffering or not.

And if the Punjabis are really exploiting us Urdu Speaking. or Altaf Hussain Bhatta Khor is the new peghambar on earth.

Hope you understand.
.....kid search youtube for anti pashtun videos and guess who the uploaders are... search tajik forums and see what they think about u... says alot abt ur brothers!

This is true.

Most of the anti-pashtun stuff is uploaded and discussed by Tajiks, Uzbeks, and Hazaras.

The problem is the long running disputes in Afghanistan and the blood feuds among tribes.

Seems ISI must teach this terrorist supporting Afghanistan a lesson
And who chose tht amir? the afghans... it was ur ancestors who saved their behind by selling their country.. as for the deal come take it .. instead of barkin on internet i dare ur impotent ANA to try to invade Pakistan...u afghani hijras (eunuchs) can only bark on internet.

What I see here that pakistanis are barking against anyone and anyone must be due to lots of consumption of DAAL
What I see here that pakistanis are barking against anyone and anyone must be due to lots of consumption of DAAL

Daal? funny u twat are livin on onions and roti and ur mockin others... besides hope u know daals the fav food of ur indian brothers...

Pakistan is one of the largest meat consuming nations..:

And the meat,wheat and vegies u get are from Pakistan... u eat our shyt!
Guest? some a$shole pops up and talks abt breakin ur country... what do u do? serve him tea and wish him good luck? if this shyt ever comes infront of me .. id personally eff him up!

Seems the idea of Melmastia is as convieniently turned on and off at need , or would Nanawatai be more appropriate i guess it doesnt matter when people think anger and violence are a substitute for Ghayrat none of the rest matters much.
Seems the idea of Melmastia is as convieniently turned on and off at need , or would Nanawatai be more appropriate i guess it doesnt matter when people think anger and violence are a substitute for Ghayrat none of the rest matters much.

First of all... a guest doesnt abuse ur family... if he does... you might not do him any harm till hes in ur house... but when he leaves... the enmity doesnt go away...unless a jirga has decided to end the feud..
Who can deny our defeat and humiliation in 1971. I wish we had come up with a mutually agreed upon solution to avoid.

However it will be wrong to say "We" lost E. Pakistan. That area belong to Bengalis and the locals.

Saying "We lost E.Bengal" is as if it was our my-baap-ki jagir (mum-dad's fiefdom) is utterly false.

In fact this $tupid mentality is the one that resulted in that $stupid and unnecessary fight.

Just learn the facts please (and avoid the same mistakes that you made while discussing Quran).

Thank you.

As I said,

use your own eyes and your own ears to see and hear how Punjabis are poor or not, suffering or not.

And if the Punjabis are really exploiting us Urdu Speaking. or Altaf Hussain Bhatta Khor is the new peghambar on earth.

Hope you understand.
I know the facts those people were also called kafirs and kharjis and after some time you lost that area so please stop fighting your own people talk to them accept those demands which are according to Shariah and stop being tout of USA
It is difficult to argue with someone doesn't accept that simple fact that pashtuns are today redicalized because of Panjabis polices.

Yeah right. And you are an idiot because of Tajiks.

Panjabis are building modern schools and universities in Panjab and other areas but they have turn the pashtun areas to the center of quranic schools or madrassas that is producing in best case mullas and in worst cases the worst types of islamists who doesn't accept anyone exept the follower of the version of islam which has been invented in ISI headquarter.

Pushtoon areas have much better educational institutions than the whole of Afghanistan. No wonder our pushtoons are more prosperous and are more vocal than your pushtoons who are pushovers for Tajiks and Uzbeks.

don't know that person but I know for sure that the person that you are refering is a panjabized pashtun who is worshiping the picture of Junnah which hangs on his wall.

He is a patriotic Pakistani who doesn't suffer with identity crisis. He knows where his fate resides and isn't going to be fooled by fools on the other side of the border on the false notion of pukhtoon nationalism. And it is Jinnah idiot. Learn your spellings. As I said our pushtoons are more educated than you guys. You idiots can't even spell simple words right. It is not punjabizing. It is being loyal to your country. Something which you don't know anything about.

No doubt that pashtuns in Pakistan had higher chance to achieve something compared to pashtuns in Afghanistan but was due to the war in Afghanistan.

Obviously they are in better condition to you guys. good to see a bigot like you accepting that.

Let's see if you can see the same thing after ten years.

You haven't learn anything from your mistakes and blunders. You would remain a r@tshole even after ten years.

Of course he will not and the same is truth about Irfan khan who is a proud indian and if you were still a colony of Angreez Shahid Afridi would be very proud for being a member of the national teach of Angreez colonial team so the point is that this doesn't mean that pashtuns are doing good just because some of them which accept the chain of gholami are doing good.

You call it gholami or whatever. Our pushtoons are better living in Pakistan than being slaves of Tajiks and other farsi speaking r@ts.

They would have been proud about their ethnicity and their country if Pakistan was controlled by Angreez as well so what you say doesn't make any sense.

But since their country isn't controlled by angreez but actually they themselves own it. They would always remain proud of it.

but what do you think will happen when they see and if they see that they will be more prosper of joining with Afghanistan and discover the real diamand?

Lol afghanistan a diamond? It more like other form of carbon. The cheap low quality coal.

We will see that

I know you would remain a bigot even after that. We know how to handle you when you won't wake up even after that.
Those who are spreading those misinfromation are the slave of iranians

Then stop your bull **** about Punjabis this and that . If you cant handle the answers .

I have already seen you being refuted in your arguments earlier in this thread .
This should be a lesson to the Duffer officer corps of the so called Pakistan army -- Had they delivered punishment, had they ensured that the Afghan can respect and fear the response of the Pakistani nation, these kinds of things would not be happening - some of our knee jerk specialists, the cheer leaders of Dufferism, point with pride that the army that runs away to fight another day, inflicted one, count, yes, one casualty, (while suffering two) -- net result, safe behind the Americans Mr. Karzai calls for attacks on Pakistan, while the army that runs away to fight another day, uses the very same American trainers. What's wrong with this picture?

:P :P :P he is the kharzoi but why are you tupping :laugh:

as if Taliban are listening to him
It is not only about Durrand line, During the meeting of Karzai and Keyani, the Pakistani side presented three conditions for afghan side 1- To accept and respect the durran line as border between afghanistan and pakistan 2- To council with Pakistan when dealing with India or sighing any contract with India 3. to include some taliban leaders and other pakistani friendly elements within the government and they answer of our side was big No to all of the conditions. Hence even if we accept the Durrand line the pakistanis wouldn't stop support the terrorists and they would advance more and more. After Karzai came back from his trip from Brussels he revised his policies and I assure you that in the future you would see another side of Afghanistan and we afghans would do whatever that is in our power is to pay you with the same coins. The aid to Baloches will be dubbled and we would start to find a way that with help of some leaders in pashtun area help pakistani taliban and would make sure to find another ways to make you pakistans release that we had enough

I am not seeing a source for your claims of what the Pakistani side demanded . Even if they did , you were free to reject it , you weren't being held on gun point in Brussels . Durand Line isn't even discussed by anybody here , it is only your president who releases statements on it from time to time . India is our arch rival and just like Soviets we wouldn't like to see them in our backyards . Their presence inside your country would be against our interests . Third , the so called Afghan Govt and US requested Pakistan to assist in the peace talks and remain ready to bring Taliban into the Govt and mainstream , so if you want to deal with them on an official level , what difficulty are you having in digesting what the Pakistani delegation said ? :azn:

You already accepted the Durand Line a long time ago , accept it again or do not accept it , we neither care nor give a damn about it . The Pakistanis supported the overwhelming majority of Afghans who didn't like comrades in Kabul , your people fought against them , we didn't send our army . Stopping the transit trade with Afghanistan for a week will do wonders for you . Just a food for thought , Mr Karzai must first try to control areas beyond his presidential palace than to even think of revising the foreign policies and dreaming of any open and large scale animosity with the Pakistan . Otherwise , he wont even be allowed refuge in Northern safehouses if he goes that path .
I wish it was 35% but according to ISPR it is roughly 14%. Pakhtuns make around 14-15% of Pakistan's population, so its not bad. Punjabis are 80% of army. The remaining are mohajirs, kashmiris and baloch. So essentially it is Punjabi-Pashtun army.
FC is indeed mostly pashtun because eastern border of Pakistan upto quetta is mostly pakhtun and they are recruited from border areas....
Any how it is a fact that pakhtuns are economically, politically and socially integrated into Pakistan....and are emerging as second most powerful community after punjabis in terms of power structure....
Always remember that pakhtuns look for the direction where their interest lie. The reason lar pakhtuns have given up on Afghanistan is that their economical and political interests do not lie in that country.

its about time you defended pakistan
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What kind of nasty things about Afghanistan? Can you share the details? Of what background those pakhtuns were and why they were saying such stuff in the first place?

i met a ssq commando here in america just yesterday he is from Fata he is here on training, and a friend mine here went with him to military college in jehlum so he came to rochester from georgia where he was training, i asked what he think of the problem with afghanistan, he said the afghanis are haramis,

he was friends with a ssg captain who died in tirah valley(the kid whose pics are on that tread)
Well, I don't consider them as afghan or pashtun

I do not really understand this " original and authentic certificate of being a Pashtun " authority by various members here .

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