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Karzai urges Taliban to fight Pakistan

Mr Adamkhel. Stop barking on this page specially about Qaud e Azam.. I have found you utter self opinioned, extremely biased, with the delusional perspective of the future. Typical Afghan with the habit of blaming its neighbors for all there miseries.
:omghaha: Who do you think that you are? You wouldn't be able to halt the supplies to our country

Your nation is currently on a drip.
Breathing through a straw, we can choke you if you push us.

Or failing that, we could set up more checkpoints along the border and shoot on sight any of your ANA monkeys.

for long but we afghans have the capability to halt the supply for most part of your country by giving arms to pashtuns in Karaachi

:omghaha: Who do you think that you are? You wouldn't be able to halt the supplies to our country for long but we afghans have the capability to halt the supply for most part of your country by giving arms to pashtuns in Karaachi

One thing is sure. Afghanistan has the full capability to get ruined over by the foreign military forces over and over again, to become a potential migraine to the entire region.
The case is closed for pakistanis and this has been the official position of Pakistan for the past 60 years. For us afghans, the case is not closed. We do not recognize this imposed line as international border and we want this issue to be settled through a fair refrandum among pashtun and baloches.

As I know the coalition forces do not deliberately kill afghans, this is another cheap propagande by pakistani media. They are not in Afghanistan to kill afghans. Their object is to end of terrorism which is a big help for us afghanistan. Sure, they do some misstakes from time to time which is understandable giving scope of war and the terring of Afghanistan. The only nation which is happy that afghans loses their live it is unfortunately the pakistani nation and thats why Pakistan has always supported dark forces who wanted the destruction of Afghanistan.

How was the stance of pashtuns 35 years agao before the start of war in Afghanistan?

Forget about it. No referendum mate. If you want it back, come and take it.
Mr Adamkhel. Stop barking on this page specially about Qaud e Azam.. I have found you utter self opinioned, extremely biased, with the delusional perspective of the future. Typical Afghan with the habit of blaming its neighbors for all there miseries.

You mean junna? or you do have another qaud as well? Victoria hehhe

Forget about it. No referendum mate. If you want it back, come and take it.

Well, the people of that area will make sure that you should respect their wishes. At the moment we see brave baloches who are slappping on your faces and pissing on your flag and they day would come that other would follow. Don't you think so?

One thing is sure. Afghanistan has the full capability to get ruined over by the foreign military forces over and over again, to become a potential migraine to the entire region.

Well, rather this than being the servents of foreign military as you have been throughout the history.

Sad that you believe in this 'Pashtuns are under NA's thumb in Afghanistan' theory. Afghanistan is trying to build a normal inclusive state. This incitement of Afghan Pashtuns is Pakistani establishment's propaganda. It is no different from the Punjabi army narrative in Pakistan. Do not do to others what you don't want done to you.

My dear dear dear poster,

You would not have said what you said, had you followed my posts any closely.

My comments are deadly to the point. Doesn't matter if the are against my own city, country, party of my ethnicity, or Afghanistan, or India, or China.

Afghanistanis building "all inclusive" society is my dream to. And I hope one day it happens. And that day could not come any sooner.

I don't buy into constipated conspiracy theories against India, or Pakistan, or Afghanistan, or Islam or America.

No Siree bob,

No constipated conspiracy theories against Jewish lobby either.

so coming back to the point,

Afghanistani society has been torn apart by the NA-Pashtun divide. And the game is still on, a deadly game, but game nonetheless.

Pakistani government is run by dumb idiot baboos.

They are not smart enough, or mean enough to create divisions within Afghanistanis more than what it is now.

Your nation is currently on a drip.
Breathing through a straw, we can choke you if you push us.

Or failing that, we could set up more checkpoints along the border and shoot on sight any of your ANA monkeys.


Talking is cheap but lets see if you dare to do so
Talking is cheap but lets see if you dare to do so

Just you wait kiddo.

Either the taliban will do it for us, or we'll eventually do it ourselves.
I give your ANA a few years from now before it is overrun, suffering sings of abandonment and your soldier monkeys start to defect.
Talking is cheap but lets see if you dare to do so

Oh my dear dear poster,

Afghanistanis have always been our brothers. So let's not do this daring business. Please ignore him. He doesn't understand. Thank you.

Time and again, Afghanistanis and Pakistani people have shown each other that they do care for each other.

yes. It is not perfect, it is not rosy.

but our fates, our lives, our past, our future and present are joined, and not just joined joined, but joined at the hip.

It is time we try to incite any more violence, or hatred.

Haven't we had enough.

40 years of war, perhaps needs at least 20 years of peace.

Let's work on the peace for a change.

What do you think?

Just you wait kiddo.

Either the taliban will do it for us, or we'll eventually do it ourselves.
I give your ANA a few years from now before it is overrun, suffering sings of abandonment and your soldier monkeys start to defect.

Sadly, so many expat from our gad-forsaken region dump their countries, settle in the West, and then start shouting slogans, empty bharaks, empty bravado, beer muscles, and what not.

It is time you guys take care of your adopted country,

And please do not export this ethnic and religious and political $hit back home.

We have to live here, and survive here, and we don't need to do any $hit shoveling.

thank you.

Please let us give peace a chance.

Thank you
You mean junna? or you do have another qaud as well? Victoria hehhe

Well, the people of that area will make sure that you should respect their wishes. At the moment we see brave baloches who are slappping on your faces and pissing on your flag and they day would come that other would follow. Don't you think so?

Well, rather this than being the servents of foreign military as you have been throughout the history.

Welll this coming from someone whose country has been raped so many times by invaders.LOL. Wow!
Cmon, we all know that Afghanistan is going to be taken over by taliban and we support that. Forget about changing the borders as they are permanent. Be happy with what you have got.

But again if you dare, come and attack us. We swill be waiting.

Yes it is so and the very same for the International community/UN , who consider Pakistan as the inheritor of the old frontiers of British India . Now either you can accept that reality and move on since the agreement by the late Amir is a fait accompli and works towards the prosperity of the country which is just FUBAR from a long time . Or you can continue this animosity towards Pakistan which has only harmed you since the day you started it . This dream of referendum of any sort , anywhere is not going to come true . This is more of a joke , some ruler of Afghanistan signs a deal with the British , another Govt ratifies it with them but only when Pakistan gets independence do the Afghans remember , " Hey that line's illegal and null void " . You cant renounce anything at will in International Law , your position changes from Govt to Govt it seems , this isn't a comedy circus going . Forget it . Nobody in Pakistan even cares about what the Mayor of the Presidential palace has to say .

So , the Americans become saviors now in whom you put all your trust , is it so ? :D But , Mr Karzai and International media which you trust say the same things about Yanks being trigger happy and deliberately killing the Afghans during their operations , now following their campaigns in other countries , taking these facts into account and comparing it with yours , I have no reason to agree with you , none at all . I must remind you that is exactly the same sort of thinking which got Soviets in Afghanistan in the first place . Rest assured , the only people who have worked towards the destruction of your country are Afghans themselves . I know for one that Saudi Arabia and US also provided help and assistance to your people in their war against Comrades of Kabul and the red army . Yet I do not see their name in this selective history of yours . :azn:

But we aren't killing our own people in the first place , now how can we stop what we aren't doing ? :azn: Sure , we can accept these demands of Sharia if put down by the Pakistani nation , accept the consitution and participate in the elections and if you get the majority of votes required to form Govt then you can implement your idea but it appears that your friends are more happy to " shove it " down the throats of people on gun point , ai'nt going to work that way because they know the silent majority doesn't agree with this barbaric interpretations of theirs . A few thousand armed thugs do not represent the nation .


Need your opinion on this , mate .

It is not only about Durrand line, During the meeting of Karzai and Keyani, the Pakistani side presented three conditions for afghan side 1- To accept and respect the durran line as border between afghanistan and pakistan 2- To council with Pakistan when dealing with India or sighing any contract with India 3. to include some taliban leaders and other pakistani friendly elements within the government and they answer of our side was big No to all of the conditions. Hence even if we accept the Durrand line the pakistanis wouldn't stop support the terrorists and they would advance more and more. After Karzai came back from his trip from Brussels he revised his policies and I assure you that in the future you would see another side of Afghanistan and we afghans would do whatever that is in our power is to pay you with the same coins. The aid to Baloches will be dubbled and we would start to find a way that with help of some leaders in pashtun area help pakistani taliban and would make sure to find another ways to make you pakistans release that we had enough
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It is not only about Durrand line, During the meeting of Karzai and Keyani, the Pakistani side presented three conditions for afghan side 1- To accept and respect the durran line as border between afghanistan and pakistan 2- To council with Pakistan when dealing with India or sighing any contract with India 3. to include some taliban leaders and other pakistani friendly elements within the government and they answer of our side was big No to all of the conditions. Hence even if we accept the Durrand line the pakistanis wouldn't stop support the terrorists and they would advance more and more. After Karzai came back from his trip from Brussels he revised his policies and I assure you that in the future you would see another side of Afghanistan and we afghans would do whatever that is in our power is to pay you with the same coins. The aid to Baloches will be dubbled and we would start to find a way that with help of some leaders in pashtun area help pakistani taliban and would make sure to find another ways to make you pakistans release that we had enough

And this is coming from someone from the nation which is a product of rape litterally, culturally, mentally , socially and phyically

Wow where is that idiot canadian who were stating that Pakistanis are their ally and they are against taliban

LOl. maybe you Afghans need to learn some manners. But sadly you guys are all barbarians, so it is understandable. Again if you guys have the strength then come after us. I have heard that you have a force of two hundred thousand well equipped force.
And heard that your Airforce is being trained by the indians, so whenever you are ready dont let us know. Just come.
Hence even if we accept the Durrand line the pakistanis wouldn't stop support the terrorists and they would advance more and more.

Well said. The Pakistani establishment would find another reason to meddle in our country. Maybe use Indian aid to Afghanistan as an excuse to sponsor terrorism. Remember, in 2001 when the Northern Alliance was close to capturing Kabul, Musharraf said it was unacceptable and begged America to stop them. He was afraid of being surrounded by Indians. The NA was not interested in Pashtun nationalist issues like the Durand line, but they were still considered enemies by Pak generals.
It is not only about Durrand line, ...

Dear poster.

If you don't me asking.

Are you settled in Afghanistan or some place else.

When was the last time you were in Jalalabad Afghanistan,

And any place in KPK.

Thank you.

p.s. Just want to make sure you have some first hand knowledge or not.
LOl. maybe you Afghans need to learn some manners. But sadly you guys are all barbarians, so it is understandable. Again if you guys have the strength then come after us. I have heard that you have a force of two hundred thousand well equipped force.
And heard that your Airforce is being trained by the indians, so whenever you are ready dont let us know. Just come.

If we had to selected between being a barbarian and being a slave of panjab then we wouldn't hestitate to stay barbarian for ever rather than being the slave of panjabis for one single day. Hope you have seen the differance between our mentality and the mentality of these panjabized pathans

Dear poster.

If you don't me asking.

Are you settled in Afghanistan or some place else.

When was the last time you were in Jalalabad Afghanistan,

And any place in KPK.

Thank you.

p.s. Just want to make sure you have some first hand knowledge or not.

I am living in both Afganistan and Russia and last time I visited Jalalabad for 6-7 months ago and have been a couple of times in Pakhtunkhwa as well

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