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Karzai urges Taliban to fight Pakistan

Because Pakistan are open to being beaten up -- that's the point we have been making about the so called Pakistan army not understanding that it's continued tolerance for high casualties both of civilian and uniformed personnel, allows our adversaries to conclude these people are not just easy to bend over, they like it -- We have suggested that the so called Pakistan army's officer corp is a honor less officer corp and this is reflected in their tolerance for accepting high casualties while being unable to inflict the same on the adversaries of Pakistan

I don't think it's wise to go around lighting fires in a powder keg environment, pa is already accused of alot
You second para is a very important point and links to my above post..... The afghan is seeking to build a case against Pakistan, emphasis on seeking to build...... They don't have much to point to..... So overt action by the PA will backfire, the western media will pay attention to pak attacks against afghans, but not vice versa.

It seems to me that the afghans are being encouraged to pick a punga with Pakistan.

They either use the victim card, or the blame-Pakistan card.
In reality, they have neither excuse but our FM has rarely bothered to counter this propaganda with hard facts. Then there is the funds from the countries you mentioned, to Pakistan and Afghanistan, that keeps a lot of mouths shut.

Once we fix our issues, we can expect a more pro-Pakistan forign policy in the coming years from our FO.
karzai is now losing his marbles.....as his end nears.
I don't think it's wise to go around lighting fires in a powder keg environment, pa is already accused of alot

And I think that things change only when it becomes clear that there is no other option-- I don't think the powder keg is an appropriate analogy because it makes it seem that the so called Pakistan army is a force of irrationalism - are you suggesting that it is ??
karzai is now losing his marbles.....as his end nears.

Off course he is he knows whats coming for him .

And I think that things change only when it becomes clear that there is no other option-- I don't think the powder keg is an appropriate analogy because it makes it seem that the so called Pakistan army is a force of irrationalism - are you suggesting that it is ??

The problem is Generals in GHQ wanna be politicians so instead of doing their jobs and defend her they are more interested in writing their acceptance speeches when they get the big chair after wining elections.
And I think that things change only when it becomes clear that there is no other option-- I don't think the powder keg is an appropriate analogy because it makes it seem that the so called Pakistan army is a force of irrationalism - are you suggesting that it is ??

From what you propose, do the benefits outweigh the costs? Are you aware of all the potential costs, i would say not.
From what you propose, do the benefits outweigh the costs? Are you aware of all the potential costs, i would say not.

You imagine that we have other options? This is the ideal time time, we have the space to do so and more importantly we have the support to do so
:omghaha: Cant believe that he is begging taliban to do his dirty work.

Calling him a moron would be an understatement.
The problem is Generals in GHQ wanna be politicians so instead of doing their jobs and defend her they are more interested in writing their acceptance speeches when they get the big chair after wining elections.

Precisely - And if politics is what they want, come out and go for politics - let those who think the army's job is to kill the enemies of the state and nation get on with that job
He is just pissed that even Americans are by passing him in talks with taliban.
They either use the victim card, or the blame-Pakistan card.
In reality, they have neither excuse but our FM has rarely bothered to counter this propaganda with hard facts. Then there is the funds from the countries you mentioned, to Pakistan and Afghanistan, that keeps a lot of mouths shut.

Once we fix our issues, we can expect a more pro-Pakistan forign policy in the coming years from our FO.
In the world we live in perception is more important than reality, the trick is to ensure perception does not cross any red lines, else look at Syria or Libya.
Ghairat mand Afghans can't fight americans who kills your innocent men, women and children and those who fight americans, karzai calling them to fight against Pakistan. Master American must have given danda to Karzai to turn attention of people from America to Pakistan

Experience of what you did in Sri Lanka is reflecting in your thoughts

Yeah fighting americans by letting them drone kill your citizens
The way things are going it look like Taliban is the most wanted group these days...... Karzai wants them.... Pakistan wants them....TTP wants them.... Taliban is going to have time of their life.......
You imagine that we have other options? This is the ideal time time, we have the space to do so and more importantly we have the support to do so

PA are restricted by its actions how i see it, that's my point..... I don't see the time and space that you do..... I see pitfalls ala Syria.
Yeah fighting americans by letting them drone kill your citizens

The Drones operate in our air space with our permission not exactly a big secret .

The way things are going it look like Taliban is the most wanted group these days...... Karzai wants them.... Pakistan wants them....TTP wants them.... Taliban is going to have time of their life.......

What about India ?
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