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Karzai admits to sheltering Baloch Terrorists

Need I remind you that this is the second time you have insulted our armed forces on this forum being well aware of the "Kashmir Libel" thread and having been reminded previously where you pretended to play dumb...

Hopefully you will alter your message to show the due respect!

I did finally review that thread; in the interests of being in compliance with stated rules and out of personal respect for PDF administration, those 2 posts were edited.

Whether Bugti is a terrorist is a matter of opinion ... let us leave that aside for the moment.

Meeting various people from various countries, and collecting information is a legitimate and routine activity for all embassies. Even if Indians have met Bugti, that would not be wrong.

Anyway, the people of Afghanistan deserve peace and independence. If greater transparency for all activities in Afghanistan would reassure neighbors, then that should be considered.
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The most interesting revelation here, IMO, remains the disclosure that Karzai was providing sanctuary to a known terrorist leader involved in terrorism in Pakistan, which implies that his organization was likely carrying out terrorist attacks in Pakistan from Afghan soil, and the US was aware of it.

These revelations completely justify Pakistan's concerns over the kind of government Afghanistan should HAVE, especially given Afghanistan's historic sheltering of insurgents and terrorists wanted in Pakistan.
. .
afghanistanies weather in PAKISTAN or in afghanistan are mostly anti PAKISTAN .
i don,t know what we have done wrong to them...
sice the birth of PAKISTAN, afghani govt with ,collaboration of india nad russia, tried to destabilize PAKISTAN... we provided them with refuge but those refugees are now involved in anti PAKISTAN activities specially ethnic, like pashtoonistan.
they are true namak haram.....
if we recall history during khilafat movement afghani govt refused to accept muhagreen from india..
i am pathan and my ancestors are from afghanistan and many people of my tribe still live in kabul and many other areas i talk to them and have good relation but when i comes to PAKISTAN i makes clear 1st i am MUSLIM , then PAKISTANi then a PATHAN ...
afghans are our muslim brothers and we regard them but any thing anti-PAK we cann,t tolerate.....
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Rehan bhai, i agree with some things you said; please kindly go back and make sure you properly spell PAKISTAN

it's your country name; please ensure name is properly written :)

dera manana
if it would be in my hand i would have killed all the racists that have ruined Islam......
we should be of single race that is Islam and being Muslim should be enough ...
if this thing prevails there would be comple peace in all muslim countries...
Being a Muslim and a Pathan i have great regard for my afghan brothers, but they should realize that by destabilizing PAKISTAN they are harming themselves indirectly...

dera mehrbana, zolfiqar bhi for correcting my mistake.......
from very 1st day my speculation were that karzi is anti PAKISTAN and is going to use every mean to harm PAKISTAN......and they proved to be very true..
question is what would be our policy now......???????
To handle balochi rebels, afghani govt and indian counselates....
Karzai admits to sheltering Baloch nationalists

Saturday, 20 January 2007, 12:35
S E C R E T SECTION 01 OF 05 KABUL 000185
EO 12958 DECL: 01/20/2017
Classified By: A/DCM Sara Rosenberry for reasons 1.4 (B) and (D).



1. (S/NF) On January 10, Assistant Secretary for South and Central Asian Affairs Richard Boucher and Overseas Private Investment Corporation President and Chief Executive Officer Robert Mosbacher met with President Karzai. Mosbacher briefed Karzai on the Investment Corporation's projects in Afghanistan, focusing on energy projects, credit programs, and the 209-room Marriott Hotel planned for Kabul. Boucher called on both Afghan and Pakistani Jirga Commissions to meet as soon as possible. Karzai is doing everything he can to make the jirgas work. The President expressed his opposition to Pakistani mining and fencing of the border and suggested that Pakistan close madrassas and terrorist training camps if it was really serious about terrorism. Karzai wants to rid himself of the Bugti problem but argued that the Bugtis were not terrorists. Boucher briefed on requested budget funding for Afghanistan. He encouraged acceptance of ground spraying of poppy crops in Helmand. Karzai was non-committal and pointed to British reluctance. Karzai believes that 2007 will be a better year for Afghanistan and called for better preparations to show the people that we were ready for the spring offensive. END

12. (S/NF) In his meeting with Pakistani Prime Minister Aziz, Karzai had said that the Bugtis were not terrorists and represented nobility in Afghanistan, so it would be hard to turn them over to Pakistan. Boucher clarified that it was the grandson that the Pakistanis were after for instigating an uprising. Karzai responded that fomenting uprising does not make one a terrorist. The real terrorists were Bin Laden and Mullah Omar. Afghanistan needs a sign that Pakistan will stop supporting these terrorists. Boucher asked Karzai which side should move first and queried whether Afghanistan could take the grandson into custody or strike some political deal. Karzai explained that the Bugtis would blame the United States if Afghanistan turned them in. There would be disgust toward both Afghanistan and the United States.

13. (S/NF) Boucher asked Karzai if he could assure Pakistan that the Bugtis were not supporting armed struggle and that India was not involved. Karzai said "yes", though he doubted Pakistan would accpet his assurances. Pakistan would continue to think India is involved. There is a lot of misinformation out there, Karzai commented. He said he knew Bugti, who was highly respected in the U.S. Karzai explained that Bugti had once tried to call Karzai but he had refused for the sake of good relations with Pakistan. Now he cannot forgive himself for refusing. Karzai assessed that Pakistan had troubles with many other tribes too, as a result of its trying to divide and conquer and turn the tribes against each other. Pakistan needed to address the bigger picture, Karzai urged. (Note: Halfway through the discussion of Bugti, Karzai signaled that the issue was too sensitive and asked that notetaking be suspended.
in some time kerzai will admit, who are they supporting to shelter the terrorists, obviously afghanistan has little to gain from sheltering these terrorists...
Not surprising, its pretty well known that the afghan govt ( and a lot of afghans themselves) do not accept durand line and they live in the delusional world that Khyber-P and Balochistan will one day be part of their "loy afghanistan". So before karzai barks about Pakistan sheltering terrorists he needs to look at himself and his own country

Please remember that afghans are not our friends or well wishers nor will they ever be, they are just as much of an enemy,in my opinion, as indians are
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Ruling, northern alliance is more dangerous for Pakistan than Indians.

TTP running blood bath in Pakistan is trained and sheltered by those NA drug lords.

What i don't understand why not Pak politicians need to lick Karzai's ****** hole.
Ruling, northern alliance is more dangerous for Pakistan than Indians.

TTP running blood bath in Pakistan is trained and sheltered by those NA drug lords.

What i don't understand why not Pak politicians need to lick Karzai's ****** hole

I've never really seen any Pakistani politician sucking up to karzai but Pakistan does need to put down their foot with karzai and show that by them not accepting the durand line, protesting against closing the border, and harboring terrorists is not acceptable
lolll... i think people need to look at the whole message... lets re-look at what Karzai sayss here than talk...

12. (S/NF) In his meeting with Pakistani Prime Minister Aziz, Karzai had said that the Bugtis were not terrorists and represented nobility in Afghanistan, so it would be hard to turn them over to Pakistan. Boucher clarified that it was the grandson that the Pakistanis were after for instigating an uprising. Karzai responded that fomenting uprising does not make one a terrorist.The real terrorists were Bin Laden and Mullah Omar. Afghanistan needs a sign that Pakistan will stop supporting these terrorists. Boucher asked Karzai which side should move first and queried whether Afghanistan could take the grandson into custody or strike some political deal. Karzai explained that the Bugtis would blame the United States if Afghanistan turned them in. There would be disgust toward both Afghanistan and the United States.

I hope now the message is more clear.. Karzai is just spelling it on the wall... you stop hosting our terrorists.. we will stop hosting yours... *wink* *wink*
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