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Kargil martyr Saurabh Kalia's torture: Violations by Pakistan unacceptable

oh boy.....i'll have something for you guys tomorrow when i'm more fresh....

it'll basically be enough to shut everybody up and have this thread closed for good.

but until then, stop the double standards.......leave history for the historians, not for politicians or for cheap publicity.
This was pretty gruesome i saw this on news yesterday .

I have never said this before but one soldier who fought in kargil said he saw some crazy things as well...this soldier is from tamil nadu and he told my dad about some gruesome incidents like this where the indian army and knife was involved when dealing with the enemy in kargil ...i cant vouch for the things the soldier said to my dad but i believe him..no one deserves such a gory death...not even the enemy .
Reminds me of a PAF pilot who was shot by an IAF pilot while he was on ground or he had ejected from his plane..... cant remember the whole episode.... also reminds me of Sepoy Maqbool Hussain.... tortured,nailed pulled,tongue ripped,burnt with cigs and god knows what for 4-5 decades in indian prisons.........?

You still have Indian POWs from 1971.

This after we returned 90,000 of yours alive.
What a joke!. Fiction?..ever been to Pakistani Kashmir? I am from there so dont talk ****...and what about mass graves found in there?

UN takes note of 2010 Kashmir killings Lastupdate:- Sat, 18 Jun 2011 18:30:00 GMT GreaterKashmir.com

thts one of the several articles can be found on google...go ahead and get out of India is always right mentality

Ever been to Indian Kashmir? If not, follow your own advice and don't talk about that either. My post was a response to you when you made up a fiction of 70,000 kashmiris tortured by the Indian army. Posting a link from "greaterkashmir" doesn't give you any credibility.

The mass graves are very much there. They are occupied by the terrorists and infiltrators and mujahideens who cross over here, and get shot by the Indian army or rashtriiya rifles. We would be happy to hand them over tto you, but since you don't accept their bodies, what are we to do? Do you expect us to bury them in the Indian army's regimental centres? No, they will be buried in a heap in some mass grave, fertilizing the soils of Indian Kashmir. Next time when you send in infiltrators across the LOC, attach a name and address tag on them, so that we can fedex their bodies back to their parents, with a note from us about how we are sorry their sons were indoctrinated and killed unnecessarily, for a lost and unworthy cause. If you don't do that, don't go complaining about mass graves.
What if Indian Army would have done same with 90,000 captured Pakistani soldiers???

Pakistani are well known for their war crimes , first 1948, then 1971 and now Kargil.. We need Golda-mier and yehud-barak . If I join politics Allah Kasam, I will be golda-mier of India...
what u did with our soldiers back in 65 . 71 and even now .............. u r more , much more brutal than us .
still crying such a hypocrite nation u indians are
what u did with our soldiers back in 65 . 71 and even now .............. u r more , much more brutal than us .
still crying such a hypocrite nation u indians are

In 1971, we saved and protected 90,000 of your soldiers from the wrath of the very same Bangladeshis they had been killing and raping... so dont talk about us being hypocrites when you are the only hypocrites here...

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Pakistan will take responsibility if its been done by Pakistani soldiers-
The return of his tortured dead body is evidence enough for sane minds to see that Pakistan Army is a Professional army-
They found his body and returned him as per norms- otherwise it would have been a lot better and easy for Pakistan Army to get rid of his body and let his status be "Missing during War"-

Pakistani soldiers are making a statement of hate by making an example of this brave soldier.
Pakistani soldiers are making a statement of hate by making an example of this brave soldier.

The only one humiliating the dead soldier is his father- he should let his son go-
He died for his country- that what a soldier suppose to do-
Accept the fate- Be proud- Dont humiliate him further-
what u did with our soldiers back in 65 . 71 and even now .............. u r more , much more brutal than us .
still crying such a hypocrite nation u indians are

In 71, the Indian army protected 93000 Pakistani soldiers who surrendered to India, fed and clothed them, and protected them from the fury of their own people (whom they had committed genocide against). Then we transported them to India for their own safety, and our army and navy ensured them safe passage to Pakistan. You can see that on videos and news reports by foreign channels, even American news channels, which supported Pakistan at that time.

Good that you are asking questions. Soon you will learn the answers, and realize which army has been the face of humanity, and which one has been a scourge and a blight upon humankind.

Pakistan POWs Moved Out To India - YouTube

Note the foreign correspondent's words - "30,000 Pakistani soldiers are being protected in this camp from Bengali vengeance by the very soldiers with who, a fortnight ago, they were at war." See for yourself the legendary Sam "bahadur" Manekshaw shaking the hands of the Pakistani POWs and personally overseeing the evacuation of 3000 soldiers PER DAY from east Pakistan to the west.
If this was completely unacceptable and demand reasoning from Pakistan, then why not we make things even and first demand reasoning from India on our soldiers they have kept since 1965?

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The only one humiliating the dead soldier is his father- he should let his son go-
He died for his country- that what a soldier suppose to do-
Accept the fate- Be proud- Dont humiliate him further-

Nothing humiliating in exposing the enemy's actions to the world.

500 other Indians died in the war, and you don't see anybody complaining, because they did their duty. But this one was kidnapped and tortured, which is not supposed to happen even in war. Except when some people set such low standards for their "mujahids".
In 71, the Indian army protected 93000 Pakistani soldiers who surrendered to India, fed and clothed them, and protected them from the fury of their own people (whom they had committed genocide against). Then we transported them to India for their own safety, and our army and navy ensured them safe passage to Pakistan. You can see that on videos and news reports by foreign channels, even American news channels, which supported Pakistan at that time.

Good that you are asking questions. Soon you will learn the answers, and realize which army has been the face of humanity, and which one has been a scourge and a blight upon humankind.

Pakistan POWs Moved Out To India - YouTube

Note the foreign correspondent's words - "30,000 Pakistani soldiers are being protected in this camp from Bengali vengeance by the very soldiers with who, a fortnight ago, they were at war." See for yourself the legendary Sam "bahadur" Manekshaw shaking the hands of the Pakistani POWs and personally overseeing the evacuation of 3000 soldiers PER DAY from east Pakistan to the west.

Gen Jacob Narrated: "We were 10 ppl, Pakistani officers and troops were surrounded by Mukti Vahini, If we would have lost control not a single Pakistani soldier would be left alive by Vahini. It was our duty to protect PoW."
The only one humiliating the dead soldier is his father- he should let his son go-
He died for his country- that what a soldier suppose to do-
Accept the fate- Be proud- Dont humiliate him further-
You have weird definition of Humiliation. His father is asking for justice. He sent his son to fight for the country. He expected that the enemy country won't breach international conventions if his son was captured. He is asking for one simple thing. Why was his son tortured and his body mutilated ?

How is he disrespecting his son ?

Its just the matter of a father seeking justice of his son.

But people here are bringing other cases as a defense. Some other soldier of your country got tortured but does it justify what was done to this soldier ?

I agree, India may have done some breach of international conventions, but does it gives your army use it as an excuse. Hey, you did to our X soldier, we will do this to Y soldier. Its fault of both the nation. Not just one.

But the suffering ones are the brave soldiers of our countries who are fighting against each other because people like here are happily living in their rooms and passing on hatred for years.

No one can understand what these soldiers go through and what they really want. They just want peace and honor and even if captured, treated with dignity. We failed to give that.

Indian Army also informed about bravery of a Pakistani soldier which resulted in Nishan-e-Haider awarded to him. Why people forget it ? I never saw anyone from Pakistan admiring Indian Army's professionalism in this particular case.

Either discuss this particular case or stop the discussion altogether.
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