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Karakorum - 8 (K-8) | Jet Trainer Aircraft.

Do you think K-8 can be transformed into advanced trainer??? And will it be more profitable to invest into it rather then buying a new platform???

@Quwa @Tank131 @Dazzler
I think it could with the correct engine, avionics, and a fully digital fbw system amongst other minor modifications. But the question is how much all that would cost to the project, what does that do to the unit costs and would it be worth it when there are numerous off the shelf solutions from friendly countries? I think the time of K-8s exports is likely at an end when you have so many newer and established trainers out there. At the time of its develolment you only had a handful of advanced trainers and they were either politically difficult to deal with countries (US, Russia, UK, France) and were too expensive and advanced fornwhat many nations operated. The most advances airforces to use K-8 were PAF, PLAAF, EAF (egypt). But the current K-8s no longer fit the bill and an upgraded one may be expensive enough to put itnin in the simialr range as Yak-130/M346, Alphajet, Hawk. L-159 and frankly the chinese may not ve interested with them already producing JL-9 and L-15.

For Pakistan it may be worth developing an upgraded version and marketing it independently. It would make for a good challenge for PAC along with Azm which is under development (it is a good R&D project which would help to build capacity of the organization), but may not be worth the cost. Beyond that, i see Pakistan being able to use its need for a more advanced trainer as leverage for other weapons systems it may also desire (like getting M346 as part of a package which includes CAMM-ER and possibly an avionics and weapons package for JF-17 Blk 3 so they may want tonmove on as well). Besides i forsee them using it as a basic jet trainer in place of tweets. All of this is to me a bit disappointing as i really love this aircraft. It just seems like the littke jet that could.
Do you think K-8 can be transformed into advanced trainer??? And will it be more profitable to invest into it rather then buying a new platform???

@Quwa @Tank131 @Dazzler
Most likely yes. M series has been successfully because someone had the insight to move it forward and own it.
I think it could with the correct engine, avionics, and a fully digital fbw system amongst other minor modifications. But the question is how much all that would cost to the project, what does that do to the unit costs and would it be worth it when there are numerous off the shelf solutions from friendly countries? I think the time of K-8s exports is likely at an end when you have so many newer and established trainers out there. At the time of its develolment you only had a handful of advanced trainers and they were either politically difficult to deal with countries (US, Russia, UK, France) and were too expensive and advanced fornwhat many nations operated. The most advances airforces to use K-8 were PAF, PLAAF, EAF (egypt). But the current K-8s no longer fit the bill and an upgraded one may be expensive enough to put itnin in the simialr range as Yak-130/M346, Alphajet, Hawk. L-159 and frankly the chinese may not ve interested with them already producing JL-9 and L-15.

For Pakistan it may be worth developing an upgraded version and marketing it independently. It would make for a good challenge for PAC along with Azm which is under development (it is a good R&D project which would help to build capacity of the organization), but may not be worth the cost. Beyond that, i see Pakistan being able to use its need for a more advanced trainer as leverage for other weapons systems it may also desire (like getting M346 as part of a package which includes CAMM-ER and possibly an avionics and weapons package for JF-17 Blk 3 so they may want tonmove on as well). Besides i forsee them using it as a basic jet trainer in place of tweets. All of this is to me a bit disappointing as i really love this aircraft. It just seems like the littke jet that could.

Correct. Here the counterpart of the Impala mk2 which was a local built variant with several upgrades of Mb-326- we were flying at peak over 200 of the beauties; very simple yet did bulk of the grunt work at low level; primarily it took out many helos. I have seen K8 in Namibia and remind me a lot of Impalas.

Most likely yes. M series has been successfully because someone had the insight to move it forward and own it.

Correct. Here the counterpart of the Impala mk2 which was a local built variant with several upgrades of Mb-326- we were flying at peak over 200 of the beauties; very simple yet did bulk of the grunt work at low level; primarily it took out many helos. I have seen K8 in Namibia and remind me a lot of Impalas.


Namibian K-8 and F-7G


The last picture with the statement regarding heights is just nonsense. Seen plenty of taller guys in Chinese platforms and shorter guys on Mirages.
Sir G, it is not nonsense it was a very serious issue on F-6. I personally know some pilots who transferred to other squadrons (non F-6) for same reason.
Sir G, it is not nonsense it was a very serious issue on F-6. I personally know some pilots who transferred to other squadrons (non F-6) for same reason.
This is a correct statement; when a Moz Mig19 defected; we had to examine the aircraft for its electronics as well - i was the only person who fitted the seats; all my other colleagues were taller and said who in their right minds will sit in it comfortably; from electronics side, it was pure garbage. not even a gunsight computer; i cannot speak about PAF's F-6s from electronics side.
Sir G, it is not nonsense it was a very serious issue on F-6. I personally know some pilots who transferred to other squadrons (non F-6) for same reason.
Ustadjee. My dad is taller than my cousin. He flew F-6s whereas the latter flew Mirages. I do have an idea of what you mean but since MB seats came in heights were less of an issue.

Plus the article I believe is more in reference towards F-7s, not F-6s...
Ustadjee. My dad is taller than my cousin. He flew F-6s whereas the latter flew Mirages. I do have an idea of what you mean but since MB seats came in heights were less of an issue.

Plus the article I believe is more in reference towards F-7s, not F-6s...

It's true,I've someone in my own home who was posted on the F.7's simply because of the torso issue.
Ustadjee. My dad is taller than my cousin. He flew F-6s whereas the latter flew Mirages. I do have an idea of what you mean but since MB seats came in heights were less of an issue.

Plus the article I believe is more in reference towards F-7s, not F-6s...
I would agree with Mr. Knuckles, the height thing and related transfer to particular fighters is a myth, the selection criteria keeps height and weight into consideration (considering the fighters we operate). What fighter you transfer to is a more complicated process and might not be set in stone.
I would agree with Mr. Knuckles, the height thing and related transfer to particular fighters is a myth, the selection criteria keeps height and weight into consideration (considering the fighters we operate). What fighter you transfer to is a more complicated process and might not be set in stone.
I like your profile name. It is just Knuckles.

This is a correct statement; when a Moz Mig19 defected; we had to examine the aircraft for its electronics as well - i was the only person who fitted the seats; all my other colleagues were taller and said who in their right minds will sit in it comfortably; from electronics side, it was pure garbage. not even a gunsight computer; i cannot speak about PAF's F-6s from electronics side.


I believe Mozanbique Mig19 was manufactured without gunsight computer---because the russians did not want them to have it---otherwise the russian had the gunsight computer they ogt from the downed F86 sabre during the Korean war---.
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