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Karakorum - 8 (K-8) | Jet Trainer Aircraft.



I do not know what to tell you my man---but if you see the serial ERTUGRUL---it will explain you a lot.

When a pakistani general says " we will make a vietnam of the U S in afg " at the onset and before the onset of afg invasion---what can you tell that fool---.

What do you tell a pakistani that there were 4.5 million dead vietnamese---and land destroyed for years to cultivate---even though there were close to 50 thousand american dead---.

Now there are a million and a half dead afg's and only 2800 dead americans ---see the difference in the american efficiency.

To change---I think that you need to start at the academy level---the education and mindset of the military recruits needs to change---take the hatred / anger out.

The american soldier / general never brags about dying for the country---it is already understood that he will die for the country---but he is trained to kill the enemy rather than be killed---. That is a fundamental difference in training and belief---and no---the american soldier is not afraid to die for his country---.

I have sold cars to thoiusands of them over the years---many a soldiers---many a families with their sons in the military---no one ever bragged about their son being a martyr for the country---or no soldier told me he is ready to die---it was understood that he would do his DUTY when the time comes---.

The fish rots from the head---the rot starts from the top---. The top generals are corrupt---Gen Raheel's friend---that general even recruited other officers to be corrupt---.

Stop the national anthem in schools---and start with a pledge of allegiance at the begining of the class----

" I pledge allegiance to the flag of the Islamic republic of Pakistan---one nation under God---prosperity and happiness for all ".

The solution is a chinese style revolution---.

I came across your comments, found pearl in the sand. Wise comments.

Majority countries in the world actually have no hope to be developed countries at all, not in near future, not in foreseeable future.

Not many realized what's going on in the world, the powerful ones become more powerful, the loser will continue to lose more. It's not just about money, it's about a country's fate, and people's fate.
Is PAF looking to acquire Leonardo design 2 types of trainers? Like 50 - 50 of each designs.
Guys just a thought I would like to see our K-8's in grey color schme like our thunders and vipers what do you guys think ?
Not all of them, the one we used for ajt should be grey , rest in academy should retain what they have
Is PAF looking to acquire Leonardo design 2 types of trainers? Like 50 - 50 of each designs.
I dont think so, given there is already K-8; with fc-1b already being made available; plus ft-7b already exist.
I dont think so, given there is already K-8; with fc-1b already being made available; plus ft-7b already exist.
That depends on who the JF17B is primarily for. If the PAF wants an alternate AJT then they might go for a different platform. They also might not want to have exclusively Eastern equipment.
That depends on who the JF17B is primarily for. If the PAF wants an alternate AJT then they might go for a different platform. They also might not want to have exclusively Eastern equipment.
True funds are key.
Can someone find detailed cockpit pictures of K-8 and K-8P? Trying to see what weapon functions it has in terms of avionics and its hard for me to access Urdu sites because of language barrier.
Stop the national anthem in schools---and start with a pledge of allegiance at the begining of the class----

" I pledge allegiance to the flag of the Islamic republic of Pakistan---one nation under God---prosperity and happiness for all ".

The solution is a chinese style revolution---.

Mastan sab you knew the pulse and know what must do.
God Bless you sir.
Stop the national anthem in schools---and start with a pledge of allegiance at the begining of the class----

" I pledge allegiance to the flag of the Islamic republic of Pakistan---one nation under God---prosperity and happiness for all ".

The solution is a chinese style revolution---.

Mastan sab you knew the pulse and know what must do.
God Bless you sir.


The americans knew it that it is not the national anthem that works---but it is the pledge of allegiance---. Because pledge of allegiance is your word of honor---your proclamation to stand tall in the hour of need---.

For that reason---every morning in their classes---students take the pledge of allegiance---.

The americans knew it that it is not the national anthem that works---but it is the pledge of allegiance---. Because pledge of allegiance is your word of honor---your proclamation to stand tall in the hour of need---.

For that reason---every morning in their classes---students take the pledge of allegiance---.
Do they? I don't remember that.

The americans knew it that it is not the national anthem that works---but it is the pledge of allegiance---. Because pledge of allegiance is your word of honor---your proclamation to stand tall in the hour of need---.

For that reason---every morning in their classes---students take the pledge of allegiance---.
Bhai pledging weldging doesn't work.... politicians take oath to safeguard all interests of Pakistan when they are elected, the next day they turn around and build properties in London. Doctors take oath to perform their duties to the best of their abilities, in Pakistan doctors chill on the job or do not even show up. I can give a million examples like this.
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