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Karachi Flooded | News & Discussion

This takht-e-Lahore supported from Lahore over period spanning decades have screwed up Pakistan.

Karachi was in siege all these decades over gun point and when it was lifted they voted the change. While Lahore still cant let go "takt-e-lahore" politics. Where is the maturity here?

Karachi is thankful to Nawaz for operation there every time he comes to Government
@Clutch @El Sidd @Taimoor Khan @Chagai-I@Nasr @mikkix@Pan-Islamic-Pakistan @Horus @WebMaster @Moonlightp @AgNoStiC MuSliM
You people will mostly likely despise me for this but honestly Im tired of this lahore vs karachi bs...all i hear is lahore karachi quetta peshawar needs this and that but nobody talks about us villagers, we are also part of this country (60+%) and have no representation because all these leaders are shehri babus who have never lived or visited a village their whole life. Plus i see many sheri babus making fun of us on PDF and mods dont seem to stop them, im pretty sure if i ever insulted any of the above mentioned cities then I'd be banned instantly. I remember few years back Lahore got 58% of development budget and rest of the Punjab wasn't even mentioned.
Rural population has No colleges or universities for education, no electricity or extremely expensive which labourers cannot afford( i personally know some people who decided to disconnect their electricity meter after they recieved a bill they could not pay in Summer when its around 40-50 degrees temperature here), no clean water for drinking leave aside water for crops, no roads, and the biggest problem of all is lack of medical facilities.
Im not saying that you people shouldn't complain but the truth is that all Pakistanis face the same problems and the root cause is corruption and mismanagement.

if the village had no problems, they wouldn't built cities
@Clutch @El Sidd @Taimoor Khan @Chagai-I@Nasr @mikkix@Pan-Islamic-Pakistan @Horus @WebMaster @Moonlightp @AgNoStiC MuSliM
You people will mostly likely despise me for this but honestly Im tired of this lahore vs karachi bs...all i hear is lahore karachi quetta peshawar needs this and that but nobody talks about us villagers, we are also part of this country (60+%) and have no representation because all these leaders are shehri babus who have never lived or visited a village their whole life. Plus i see many sheri babus making fun of us on PDF and mods dont seem to stop them, im pretty sure if i ever insulted any of the above mentioned cities then I'd be banned instantly. I remember few years back Lahore got 58% of development budget and rest of the Punjab wasn't even mentioned.
Rural population has No colleges or universities for education, no electricity or extremely expensive which labourers cannot afford( i personally know some people who decided to disconnect their electricity meter after they recieved a bill they could not pay in Summer when its around 40-50 degrees temperature here), no clean water for drinking leave aside water for crops, no roads, and the biggest problem of all is lack of medical facilities.
Im not saying that you people shouldn't complain but the truth is that all Pakistanis face the same problems and the root cause is corruption and mismanagement.

Thanks brother for giving voice to the voiceless rural Pakistanis who always seem left out of this conversation of development and progress.

I have started to see deep inroads made in Central Punjab by PTI, even rural areas where N played zat politics depending on demographics.

This takht-e-Lahore supported from Lahore over period spanning decades have screwed up Pakistan.

Karachi was in siege all these decades over gun point and when it was lifted they voted the change. While Lahore still cant let go "takt-e-lahore" politics. Where is the maturity here?

Honestly, Lahore is not that great either. Remember it is the flood and the roads dissolving underwater which pushed N out and brought PTI in.

N development was always for show, mostly it was subpar due to theft and hidden deals.
'Will not abandon people of Karachi in their time of crisis,' says PM Imran
Dawn.com 27 Aug 2020
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Prime Minister Imran Khan said that his government would not abandon Karachi's people in their time of crisis. — DawnNewsTV's people in their time of crisis. — DawnNewsTV

Prime Minister Imran Khan said that his government would "not abandon" Karachi's people "in their time of crisis". — DawnNewsTV
As an unprecedented monsoon spell continued to batter Karachi on Thursday, Prime Minister Imran Khan said that his government would "not abandon" the city's people "in their time of crisis".
The premier said that the federal government was "fully cognisant" of the devastation brought about by the rainfall, that so far has claimed dozens of lives in Karachi alone.
"My government is fully cognisant of the suffering of our people in the wake of the heavy rains, especially the people of Karachi," he said via tweets.
"I am personally monitoring the relief and rescue operations, and am in constant contact with National Disaster Management Authority (NDMA) chairman and Sindh governor for regular updates."

"Have directed NDMA chairman to immediately not only rescue stranded people, but also provide emergency medical assistance, food and shelter to all those in need. I have also asked NDMA chairman to ensure restoration of utilities on an emergency basis," added the prime minister.
"We will be announcing a plan for a permanent solution to the problems caused by floods by cleaning of nullahs, fixing of the sewage system and resolving the huge challenge of water supply to the people of Karachi."

The current monsoon spell in Sindh has once again exposed the poor infrastructure in the metropolis where several areas have been submerged by rainwater, which has yet to be drained. The flooding damaged vehicles and property and resulted in the deaths of a number of people.
Give us permanent solution not just Bahshan.
**** off, what will he do, tweet? karachi is economic hub and pti city yet can't manage it or have balls to get rid of ppp leeches, wtf are you gonna do for kashmir?
Karachites ought not forget who the real criminals really are!!! It is the ppp-maggots who have held Karachi hostage. If anything the people of Karachi should burn down bilawal house. Venting anger at Imran Khan does not benefit you. Rather working with Imran Khan would benefit you. My family members live in Karachi so I know their plight and I know who the real traitors are.

People of Karachi, remember that Allah Subhanahu Wata'aalah is Al-Akbar. Remember that those who are traitors to Allah Subhanahu Wata'aalah will be punished with a horrifying punishment. Stand together, fight against these b@$tard-ppp and block them in every aspect of life. Boycott them every step of the way. Show your disgust for these ppp-maggots openly and be patient, Allah Subhanahu Wata'aalah helps those who fight to preserve their Imaan.

PTI has every reason and right to impose emergency and remove PPP maggots but refuse to do so, probably because Zardari pays them not to. Seeing a govt minister or burger/celebrity just pretend to be sad from their giant air conditioned, internet and food supplied houses in Islamabad, UK, USA etc is infuriating esp when it's the same thing again and Karachi is left to rot. Are Karachites lesser people? We are the 1 city that if destroyed will set Pakistan back by decades yet it seems our so called leaders are trying just that.
**** off, what will he do, tweet? karachi is economic hub and pti city yet can't manage it or have balls to get rid of ppp leeches, wtf are you gonna do for kashmir?

PTI has every reason and right to impose emergency and remove PPP maggots but refuse to do so, probably because Zardari pays them not to. Seeing a govt minister or burger/celebrity just pretend to be sad from their giant air conditioned, internet and food supplied houses in Islamabad, UK, USA etc is infuriating esp when it's the same thing again and Karachi is left to rot. Are Karachites lesser people? We are the 1 city that if destroyed will set Pakistan back by decades yet it seems our so called leaders are trying just that.

Dude...I liked your tweet as I shared same sentiments with you with little disagreement.

Khan still has 3 years...They seem to be working..

We have no choice but to wait a little.

I really feel for Karachi. I am from Karachi as well.

PTI needs establishment backing as they can't take on PPP alone.
PTI has already abandoned Karachi.

PPP, PTI, MQM all parties are same.

Carry on squeezing every bit of revenue from Karachiites and don't get them jobs and development.

Keep testing the patience of hard-working patriot people of this city. There's a limit of patience which is now crossed.

Billion dollars worth of damage in just few days. Businessmen, commoners, salary workers, wagers all have suffered huge financial losses.

PM Imran Khan still tweeting, no concrete measures, PPP/PTI playing ping pong with each other, blame game goes on.

Karma is now haunting back, forecast saying another rain system coming.

Agar ghareeb pis raha hai to ameer bhi pisa ga ab. Koi tafreeq nahi hogi.
Truck ki batti as usual once again..nothing more .living in Karachi And whenever used to visit Lahore always appreciate that Lahoris voted for ganja ..the infrastructure in Lahore is 10 times better then Karachi but then who cares for Karachi even after the biggest revenue generator engine of country ..PTi don’t want to disturb PPP as they are more focus on Punjab as usual

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