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Karachi Airport Under Terrorist Attack

Why don't the Law Enforcement Agencies Ban all media coverage till area is cleared
My friend after a point, you become so involved in your ideology that you cease to be human and that link is severed. I deal with these guys on a regular basis and have no sympathy left in me, perhaps I have seen too much but I would not wish them well if they held a knife to my throat and asked me to.

I am sorry to hear that. I guess because I am not near the situation I have the hope that people are inherently good and will change for the better when the situation allows them. You are probably much more correct than my optimistic POV.
Ah yes, the good terrorist, bad terrorist policy has screwed us over royally.
The problem is that most die hard fans even today refuse to admit to the damage caused by the past policies of using militants to further the agenda of the state. And pounce on anyone who refers to it.
the complete area is sealed off.... not even rescue staff is allowed to enter the area.....
Things shall unfold gradually....

How many years we heard this best unfold gradually? It seems same things over again, we still don't know whose responsible and can't prevent this happening. We just talk alot to feel good ourselves.

Pakistan doesn't have the ability to figure out the ahead of the plans before this massive airport attacks, our country is a big failures. After such attack, we say 'oopps' and shall unfold everything.
Do the ASF get training for these kind of situations?
If it is true that one party is there to kill civilians, then I agree with you. But so far I have only heard reports of security forces being killed. In a war (which is what this is, combatants are supposed to kill each other.)

(No offence or disrespect intended to Pak's security forces, who are trying their best to do their jobs, and I respect them if they do that well.)

I despise and detest the ideology of talibanies and other islamic terrorists. But I find it hypocritical that some Pakistanis (I don't mean you, Icarus) hate those fellows, but support similar a-holes working against India.

Anyway I don't want to bring an India-Pak dimension into this at this time. I hope no civilians are killed, and I wish the security forces all luck to control the situation.

A war =/= terrorism
What ? Both sides are mostly your citizens (with some foreign terrorists thrown in) fighting for 2 ideologies. Lets not get abusive here mate.

Well many times Kashmiri militants are also your citizens. I can't see such sympathy for those guys from you. Hypocrite much like your country govt and establishment mate??
Yeah but why ? They're not even from these lands ?

If they were fighting with such ferocity in Afghanistan or in Uzbekistan or some other Central Asian Country with Uzbek Minorities - I'd understand but why Pakistan when they aren't even from the Tribal Areas & there aren't that many ethnic Uzbeks in Pakistan anyhow ! :unsure:

They have made NWA their home, fertile ground for training and then they can attack Pakistan to generate awareness about their cause.
what will terrorists gain from attacking unmanned civilian jets? it can't bomb them.
Uzbeks are pre-empting the tribal jirga efforts of evicting them from N.Waziristan. They want army to launch operation in N.Waziristan. Hence terrorist attack on Karachi airport
terrible news.. I heard that ASF was informed this morning about possible attack? and also that the terrorist had inside help?

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