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Kamal Haasan demands ‘referendum’ in Kashmir, terms Pakistan Occupied Kashmir as ‘Azad Kashmir’

are you dumb ? I said what ever he claim is unverifiable , similar Modi claim he did eat after Pulwama attack.

Compare this with Stalin claiming to be Japan's Chief Minister or Modi's claim to give Pakistan a befitting response or Bihari BJP Gen Sec H Raja lying caught on camera. India is not short of national political clowns

Listening to his speech on the two videos i posted is enough for anyone who knows tamil and half a brain to come to the conclusion he is a joker of the first order...care to explain the 3:01 part in the first video ? do you think thats believable to any sane person ? his followers are all low IQ people thats why he is a nobody in politics...not even win a single seat till date...he rakes up controversial comments just to stay in limelight...let him win a single seat then anyone can question the patriotism of tamil people.
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Listening to his speech on the two videos i posted is enough for anyone who knows tamil and half a brain to come to the conclusion he is a joker of the first order...care to explain the 3:01 part in the first video ? do you think thats believable to any sane person ?

this thread is on Kamal Haasan's calling for referendum in Kashmir, why are you derailing the thread dragging in Seeman ? If you are obsessed with Seeman eating tortoise, firing LTTE's small arms etc - open a new thread on him.

The point that doesnt sink into you head is - whatever he said is irrelevant as he has no power/authority hence he is not accountable. This isnt the case with BJP chief rubble rouser's 2014 election promises and tall claims

a) bringing back black money,

Modi promised that every Indian will get Rs 15 lakh in his/her bank account. BJP President admitted that it was just a jumla used while campaigning.

b) aggressive attack on Pakistan , accusing Manmohan Singh of being a PM who lacked the guts to take on Pakistan.

he is not called feku for no reason

It was not me who posted pictures of seeman with kashmiri separatist like you said in a kamal hasan thread...on modis fake promises every one with half a brain in india have no choice but to agree with what you said...which is really sad for many people like me who had high hopes for him...but then we common people dont run this country the top 1% do....modiji is very loyal to them...no amount of chest thumping by anyone is going to change that.
It was not me who posted pictures of seeman with kashmiri separatist like you said in a kamal hasan thread...on modis fake promises every one with half a brain in india have no choice but to agree with what you said...which is really sad for many people like me who had high hopes for him...but then we common people dont run this country the top 1% do....modiji is very loyal to them...no amount of chest thumping by anyone is going to change that.

I posted pictures of Tamil groups that supported Kashmir freedom struggle, but you selectively picked Seeman and not other groups e.g DK, Tamil Vidiyal Katchi, May 17 movement - Tirumuruhan Gandhi (on Kashmir plebiscite - see clip below ) , the most vocal supporters of Kashmiris freedom,

back to Seeman , you are purposely taking his comments out of context

1) eating tortoise was in response to Hindutva beef ban

2) on Sri Lankan navy , he said IF Tamilnadu gets independence ( unlike India impotent navy ), he will built a powerful navy to protect Tamilnadu fishermen from Lankan navy attacks. No Tamil fishermen were attacked when Sea Tigers controlled the Palk Straits
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1) eating tortoise was in response to Hindutva beef ban

Why are you making things up now ? watch in the first video what he says...i think you dont know one bit of tamil so just making stuff up to respond...if you understood what he said in the first video you would not have posted this...what he said is clearly present in the first video itself.

regarding daniel ghandhi the less said about him the better...if these two nobodys supporting division make you sleep better...we are also happy.
Eating tortoise was in response to beef ban ?...how did you even come to that conclusion ? and from your response i think you dont understand tamil one bit...any one who knows tamil will understand what he was saying in the first video i posted...and where did he say that about sri lankan navy ? he said he will single handedly demolish them in the second video watch from the start....thirumurugan gandhi aka daniel gandhi the less said about him the better...both these guys are a true nobody in politics...thankfully...btw seemans real name is simon.

typical sick sanghi mentality , use religion as form of detraction against their foes.
What has religion got to with one's political stand ?

Instead of quoting sanghi source verbatim , proof Thirumurugan is Daniel and Seeman is Simon , thank you.
Instead of quoting sanghi source verbatim , proof Thirumurugan is Daniel and Seeman is Simon , thank you.

I will but first prove me your claim that seeman eat tortoise in response to beef ban in the first video.
I will but first prove me your claim that seeman eat tortoise in response to beef ban.

why is Hindutva obsessed with religion and food ? You made all the allegations, so the onus is upon you and the saffron terror brigade (not me) to provide the proof

are you so naive and ignorant that you dont know tortoise is eaten in SE Asia countries, China etc ? Or does it hurt your religious sentiments that Tamils eat Kurma , the tortoise god ?

viewer discretion is advised

Chinese eat up Zimbabwe’s endangered wildlife
Viewed as prestigious dishes, they would be expensive to serve at banquets back in China. But in Zimbabwe they are relatively cheap

One recent case in Zimbabwe involved the gruesome discovery of meat and skeletal remains of 40 tortoises, during a raid on Chinese workers' homes in Masvingo province. The endangered Bell’s Hinged tortoises had been dropped into boiling water while still alive in order to separate the meat from the shell, police and animal welfare officials said.

why is Hindutva obsessed with religion and food ? You made all the allegations, so the onus is upon you and the saffron terror brigade (not me) to provide the proof

eh! let me quote what you said for you as your are suffering from very short term memory :

back to Seeman , you are purposely taking his comments out of context

1) eating tortoise was in response to Hindutva beef ban "
How could the onus be on me for what you said ? since you are running away from your own post instead of pointing out where exactly seeman said that in the first video i posted and posting irrelevant stuff like chinese eating whatever in zimbabwe...i will take it as your inability to provide the proof in spite of clear cut video proof i posted earlier.
In a shocking incident, days after ghastly Pakistan sponsored Pulwama attack, actor-turned-politician Kamal Haasan has echoed the sentiments of the terrorist state of Pakistan when he sought a ‘referendum’ in Jammu and Kashmir, reported Times Now.

Accusing both India and Pakistan of tampering with the lives of Kashmiris, Makkal Needhi Maiam Chief (MNM) Kamal Haasan attempted to push Pakistan narrative of holding a referendum on the issue of Jammu and Kashmir.

Addressing a gathering at Chennai, Kamal Haasan lashed out Indian government stating that over the years they have acted foolishly in dealing with Pakistan. If we want to prove that we are more responsible, then we must avoid such irresponsible politics over the issue, said Haasan.

“Why are our soldiers losing their lives in Kashmir? I feel very regret when people say that soldiers are going to Kashmir to lay down their lives. The army itself is an old fashioned thing. Similar to how we decided that we will not kill each other, likewise a time will come when we will stop fighting. Has not the civil society learnt that in the past 10 years? Stop fighting with Pakistan. The soldiers who are protecting us should not die,” said Kamal Haasan.

“Why isn’t the Indian government holding a referendum in Kashmir? Who is it they are afraid of? If leaders of both countries behave properly, then there will be no reason for the death of our soldiers, the line of control will be under control” said Kamal Haasan.

Referring Jammu and Kashmir as ‘Azad Kashmir’, the actor-turned-neta said, “The government should talk to the people of Kashmir and ascertain their views by holding a plebiscite. Do they want to divide all the nations? Why do not you ask them again? Will not they do that? Now, this (Kashmir) belongs to India, the same situation remains across the border. In Azad Kashmir, people are using pictures of jihadis in trains to depict them as heroes, it is not a good thing,” said Kamal Haasan.

Kamal Haasan jumped into national politics by launching a political party ‘Makkal Needhi Maiam’ in February 2018. Kamal Haasan has also hinted of contesting the upcoming general elections. When questioned about his decision to contest the Lok Sabha elections, Kamal Haasan said one should fight elections after entering politics.


He realized any war with two neighboring country equipped with nuked and religious bigot will only bring destruction to two country . only peaceful solution must be a referendum about the fate of Kashmir as it is disputed area since 1947.
eh! let me quote what you said for you as your are suffering from very short term memory :

How could the onus be on me for what you said ? since you are running away from your own post instead of pointing out where exactly seeman said that in the first video i posted and posting irrelevant stuff like chinese eating whatever in zimbabwe...i will take it as your inability to provide the proof in spite of clear cut video proof i posted earlier.

let me make it simple, if you accuse someone i.e Daniel and Simon , its your duty to provide the evidence not for the accuse to produce the evidence.. I dont owe you a favour do your homework, and came back with evidence. I dont play by your rules to serve your agenda and bruised ego

The video is on how to prepare tortoise meal in South India, it was meant to educate you, that eating tortoise is not abnormal in south/east of India. Kamal Haasan admitted to eating beef why dont you ask the same from him ? Why the obsession with tortoise eating Seeman , a nobody ? Are you hurt that god Kurma ended up in Seeman's dinner plate ?

For others, Seeman support for Kashmir independence , Plebiscite and atrocities committed in India Occupied Kashmir (in Tamil)

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let me make it simple for the dull head, if you accuse someone of of crime, its your duty to provide the evidence not for the criminal to produce the evidence of the crime. I dont owe you a favour do your homework, and came back with evidence. I dont play by your rules to serve your agenda and bruised ego

this is what you said let me quote you again :

back to Seeman , you are purposely taking his comments out of context

1) eating tortoise was in response to Hindutva beef ban "

Out of context ? I am asking you repeatedly to show me where he said that in the video i posted...instead of answering it you are diverting as you have made it up yourself out of thin air...its you who said that so you who have to prove it... not me...its very simple why is it so hard for you to fathom ?.

BTW did you also purposefully ignore what he said at 3:01...whole tamil nadu laughed at that one...it was pretty famous when it came out.

This the same Mr hassan :

Actor-politician Kamal Haasan has clarified after a controversy over comments apparently questioning why the government did not carry out a plebiscite in Kashmir. He said today that plebiscite is "no longer relevant" and Kashmir is an integral part of India

In Azad Kashmir, they are using Jihadis' pictures in trains to portray them as heroes. That is a foolish thing for India too to think on those lines.


somewhere they posted about kamal with same anti hindu ndtv source earlier so quoted them as a source here also.
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this is what you said let me quote you again :

Out of context ? I am asking you repeatedly to show me where he said that in the video i posted...instead of answering it you are diverting as you have made it up yourself out of thin air...its you who said that so you who have to prove it... not me...its very simple why is it so hard for you to fathom ?.

BTW did you also purposefully ignore what he said at 3:01...whole tamil nadu laughed at that one...it was pretty famous when it came out.

In a discussion if you make an audacious statement to discredit the opponents. Then you need to back it up with evidence.

I specifically asked you to prove Seeman is Simon and Thirumurugan is Daniel , a Hindutva strategy to cause discord using religion. You made the above claim, you need to back it up and not pluck stuff out of thin air.

All my posts were directly or indirectly relevant to Kashmiri struggle in relation to the plebiscite as demanded by Kamal Haasan. I posted pictures (including Seeman with Yasin Malik etc) to show Kashmiri support with Tamils. You tried derail the thread by discrediting them, using Hindutvas strategic agenda - food, religion and claiming they were nobody .

go cry a river, I am not here to satisfy your Hindutva whims and fancies
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I specifically asked you to prove Seeman is Simon and Thirumurugan is Daniel , a Hindutva strategy to cause discord using religion. You made the above claim, you need to back it up and not pluck stuff out of thin air.

you claim some bullshit about what seeman said first,...when i confronted that bullshit...instead of owning up to your lies...you ask me a counter question to divert the lie you told earlier and want me to prove about seeman and daniel gandhi...inspite of that deliberate dodging i accepted i will prove but challenged you to first prove your claim equating seeman eating tortoise meat in response to beef ban...which is not the case as he himself said so in the video...you are not even able to understand what he said as you have zero knowledge of tamil and dont understand one bit of what that clown was blabbering...the proof you want from me has been staring right in your face all along...i just wanted to see whether you are able to recognize it but it was lot of fun watching you parrot the same thing again and again not even realizing its right in front of your face :lol:.
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I have posted your original and amended post ; 11200143 , where you have ommitted Seeman is Simon.

Eating tortoise was in response to beef ban ?...how did you even come to that conclusion ? and from your response i think you dont understand tamil one bit...any one who knows tamil will understand what he was saying in the first video i posted...and where did he say that about sri lankan navy ? he said he will single handedly demolish them in the second video watch from the start....thirumurugan gandhi aka daniel gandhi the less said about him the better...both these guys are a true nobody in politics...thankfully...btw seemans real name is simon.

Why are you making things up now ? watch in the first video what he says...i think you dont know one bit of tamil so just making stuff up to respond...if you understood what he said in the first video you would not have posted this...what he said is clearly present in the first video itself.

regarding daniel ghandhi the less said about him the better...if these two nobodys supporting division make you sleep better...we are also happy.

You tried projecting Thirumurugan Gandhi and Seeman as Christians, to suit your hideous agenda, i.e brand them as minority voices of anti National Tamils, working for NGOs/ Christian Missionaries, the usual ploy of Hindutva to discredit their opponents.

How do you know Seeman is Simon and Thirumurugan Gandhi is Daneils, do you have any evidence to proof your case ?
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