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Kalabagh dam: PML-N’s solution to our energy crisis?

Another Dam wow! Are dams the only solution to energy crisis? People should use their DAMN mind.
Yes my friend, in past few years and still today Pakistan is suffering from flood which then hits our agriculture and our economy.
The power generation is a plus benefit
How much land we are talking about? The way you are talking about it seem 4 districts will have to evacuate.

Water logging and salinity would affect entire peshawer division which are fertile and agricultural lands.....while parts of nowshera would drown so only people of nowshera have to evacuate. With kalabagh dam you are actually making vast lands of peshawer valley useless for agriculture, adversely affecting the lives of more than 9 million people of Peshawar division (Peshawer, mardan, charsada, swabi and nowshera). ANP strongholds are in this region hence so much against dam.
Some people are so desperate for a ride that they will even saddle a dead horse: So is the case of the never-to-be Kalabagh Dam.

The arguments given by the pro-Kalabagh Dam lobby are many but the reason, it seems, is just one: To provide irrigation water for the hundreds of thousands of arid land in Punjab owned by some very, very powerful people.

Recently, a petition has been filed in the Lahore High Court to urge the government to build the dam.. The petitioner in his petition submitted that there is extreme shortage of electricity in the country and the power generated from this dam would greatly help overcome the shortage which has become a life and death issue for the country. Also, the water reserved in Kalabagh dam would also irrigate about 800,000 acres of arid land in DI Khan.

But there is no mention in the news report as to what specific objections have been raised. Let me give a short background of how the tussle started over the Kalabagh dam.
The proposal was there in the files of Wapda much before ZA Bhutto initiated the process of planning for the construction of the dam. However, it was during General Zia ul Haq's regime that Wapda authorities started the demarcation of the dam area.

One fine morning some residents living in their homes in Nowshera city by the banks of River Kabul found Wapda staff chalking lines on their walls. The chalk marks went higher than the top level of the windows of their homes. The Wapda staff informed the people of Nowshera that these lines marked the water level of the proposed Kalabagh dam. They, however, also told the people that houses built at lower level would be drowned completely by the dam water.

The people of Nowshera did not need to be engineers to get the message that their city will be underwater if the dam were built. Then governor Lt. General Fazle Haq the province was also a very close friend of the then ruler General Zia. He called the Wapda people. They confirmed what the people of Nowshera had reported. He refused to allow the construction of the dam. As such it is wrong to say that the objections over the dam were first made by ANP.

It is now a matter of record that the provincial assemblies of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Sindh and Balochistan have passed resolutions against the construction of the dam, each for its own reasons.

People in KP believe that if the dam is built most of the fertile land of Peshawar valley will go under water during floods and will almost certainly be plagued by water logging and salinity. The area of Peshawar valley includes, Swabi, Charsadda, Mardan Nowshera and Peshawar. It was clear from the design of the dam that water table would rise sharply and most of the land, agricultural and residential, would become uninhabitable marshland if the dam is built
The Wapda people lowered the level of the lines by fifteen feet but the harm was done. Still the lowering of the level did not address the problem of water logging and salinity. The people of Peshawar were still struggling with the duel problems of water logging and salinity. Wapda already had two hundreds of million rupees projects to solve the duel problems. The names of the projects were Peshawar Scarp and Mardan Scarp. Also, Wapda was unable to convince the people of the back lash of water in River Kabul during flood season in case the dam was built. To understand the concern of the people, we have to remember that even without the dam, water level is just a foot or so below the land at places where it passes Nowshera city. If the dam is built, the backlash of floodwater in the river could be as high as the ferocity of the flood. But in all flood scenarios, vast areas will be underwater.

The people of Sindh object that there is not enough water system for the dam. They also fear that in some future time the dam will not be used just for generating electricity but a canal will be constructed to irrigate land in Punjab province. This will create further shortage of water for Sindh farmers. Sindh also has another issue with the dam. Since water is stored in dams during floods, there is not much water in the rivers when they fall in the sea. The space left by paucity of sweet river water, is taken by the salty seawater. In this way salinity is overtaking tens of acres of agricultural land daily. Some villages and cities are in danger of being overtaken by this menace during the course of time.

Forget that the proposed dam's design is faulty and that one dam with such a design has failed in China; and forget that the dam will be only able to produce sizeable quantity of electricity for a few months of the year; also, forget that the paucity of sweat water falling in the sea is killing many kinds of marine life; nevertheless, the objections of the people of Sindh and Khyber Pakhtunkhwa have to be removed before anybody can even drive a spade in the ground for the purpose of constructing the dam.

Kalabagh dam: Saddling a dead horse [MENTION=136877]

@chamk banu, @Armstrong[/MENTION], shamsul mulk is not patriotic, he is attention seeking fraud.
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@Pak-one - Take it up with the ADB - Who proposed the Kalabagh Dam not Punjab ! :kiss3:
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Bhai, if indeed KBD causes such catastrophe, then I would be against it. But it seems to me that most of these fears are exaggerated. But in any case this is for specialists to consider. Since I am an engineer, I can tell that most of what is written in the article shared by you is inaccurate. Consider the following:

1. KBD's height is not enough to cause inundation in Nowshera. The fears of Nowshera drowning are baseless. Two years ago, Nowshera was inundated by flood. Obviously it had nothing to do with KBD. Indus waters can reach Nowshera, with or without KBD, simply because the Attock gorge restricts the flow of water, causing the water to rise in case of a flood. Whenever both Indus and Kabul rivers are in high flood, Nowshera suffers. The reason is Attock gorge, not a non-existent KBD.

2. Punjab does not gain anything from the dam as far as the claim of Punjabis wanting this dam to irrigate arid lands is concerned. By Water Sharing Accord, Sindh (& adjoining parts of Baluchistan) has the right to Indus' water, not Punjab. The most Punjab can do is to draw water in time of flood, when there is more water than Sindh's requirements. Many years ago, Punjab offered to change the design so that no canal carries the water from KBD to Punjab for irrigation.

3. Punjab also offered to mediate with Sindh on behalf of NWFP (as it was called then) to share water to irrigate lands in NWFP. Such a deal would compensate for loss of any productive land that would be inundated by the reservoir. Looking at a map of the area dispels any fears of loss of agricultural lands in the proposed lake.

4. For Salinity to occur, there has to be water-logging first. Water logging occurs when introduction of water into a land exceeds its capacity to get rid of it. Such a situation could occur only if KBD reservoir extends beyond Attock. Knowing that the dam height is not enough to cause any worry in this regard, it is pointless to worry about water-logging of land. Pakistan has successfully dealt with Water-logging of agricultural land. The SCARP project officially ended a few years ago, having achieved its objectives. One does not find water-logged land anywhere now. So, any fears of water-logging (and hence salinity) are irrational. Frankly, for salinity Kabul river could be more of a headache than KBD ever could. How can a dam a hundred kilometers or more cause salinity uphill?

If ever there were to be a problem of water-logging & salinity, we have the capacity and capability to deal with it.

5. ANP popularized an environment of fear and victim-hood because it stood to gain Pashtun votes by this strategy. It seemed to work. It does not matter if consequently KBD was made controversial. A few decades ago ANP did not bother with national politics. Today the situation is different, but the damage has been done.

6. If ever KBD, once in existence, caused problems as the article mentions, they can be solved simply by maintaining a water level that causes no problem to Districts upstream of Attock. It is a no-brainer really. Why would we want loss of productive agricultural lands in heart of Pashtun areas? As I said, it is an irrational fear.

7. A simple narrative of fear and doubt keeps us from looking at the obvious benefits of KBD. A) Flood control in Sindh, Baluchistan, & Southern Punjab. B) Cheap Electricity generation C) Protection of ecology downstream by maintaining required water flow in excess of requirements for agriculture. D) Cultivation of arid land in KPK. E) Economic boost for the whole country with attendant rise in manufacturing, trade, services, & development of infrastructure.

I am glad that ANP has been dropping guarded hints about a change of stance about KBD. They used to threaten bombing KBD, then they questioned its technicalities. Nowadays, Asfandyar Wali calls is 'Insani Masala'. The softening of rhetoric is perhaps not appreciated yet. But I think there is hope. Pashtuns are very tough negotiators.

@Armstrong - Your thoughts?
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@Chak Bamu - Sir I've heard enough of Shamsul Mulk to know what the facts are & how much those with vested interests are BSh*tting to oppose it !

I say - Construct it ! When the People of KPK, Sindh & Baluchistan start benefiting from the Dam the propaganda would fall in its face ! :)

Mulk eik Dam seiii nahin toooot jataaa aur agar wakiii mein hiiii toooot saktaa haii then maybe we need to ask ourselves why are we engaged in such an unhappy & fragile marriage to begin with !
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@Chak Bamu - Sir I've heard enough of Shamsul Mulk to know what the facts are & how much those with vested interests are BSh*tting to oppose it !

I say - Construct it ! When the People of KPK, Sindh & Baluchistan start benefiting from the Dam the propaganda would fall in its face ! :)

Mulk eik Dam seiii nahin toooot jataaa aur agar wakiii mein hiiii toooot saktaa haii then maybe we need to ask ourselves why are we engaged in such an unhappy & fragile marriage to begin with !

Bhai, problem is not with Pashtun brothers. As I noted, they are tough negotiators. The problem is with our Sindhi brothers, who question KBD because they think it impacts them in more ways than one. Sindhi opposition is emotional tinged with anxiety about survival of their economy and culture.

In 1978 (I think) A recently retired Army General forcibly opened Chashma Canal so that his lands would be irrigated. It was totally against the Water Accord and was equal to theft of water from Sindh's share. Nobody did anything about it. Sindhis are paranoid about water and they never fail to bring up this instance. They have no qualms about calling Punjabis names. They do not trust anyone with Indus' water.

A year or two after Musharraf came to power, there was a dispute about water resources. Telemetry system was installed on all the important locations and a inter-provincial committee was responsible for its operation. Water sharing was found to be according to Accord and nothing came of it afterwards. It has been a while since I have come across any allegations about misappropriation of water resources.

If anyone tries to force the issue on KBD, then there would be violence. So, we have to decide if KBD is more important than Pakistan. A sensible plan might be as follows:

1. Punjab never gives up the case for KBD, but does not force it either. Attempts at reassurance are made whenever the issue is addressed.

2. Punjab improves utilization of its share of water so that it never needs to look around. With raising of Mangla dam, we have done a good bit of work. Now we need to improve water courses, and water distribution. This shall indicate to Sindh that we do not need water from Indus.

3. Whenever we have a lean year. We should point out the necessity of improving water storage.

4. As Pakistan progresses as a country, the constituent units will gel together. I can tell that compared to 80s, there is definitely more improvement on this count. If we are able to allay their fears and reassure them, we should be able to get them to agree.

5. Unless PML-N has significant representation in Sindh and KPK, we will not see a case made for KBD. Conversely, if PTI is able to win seats in Sindh, it can contribute towards KBD. As far as PPP is concerned, they might feel that Sindh card is important weapon for them and abuse it.

In any case, I do not see even a beginning of making a case for KBD in the next 5 years. It may happen after 15 years. But it will happen. No doubt about it. It is a very important project whose benefit can not be ignored. Remember Pakistan has become a water scarce country which is most liable to be affected by Global Warming. In a few decades, our rivers would carry less glacier melt water, and have more erratic precipitation-dependent flow. Large dams would be inevitable. One day Sindh would ask for water reservoirs to be made.
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