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Kalabagh dam: PML-N’s solution to our energy crisis?

Remember karz utaro mulk sawaro...what did he say back then? khazana khali hai saab log paisa do, foreign currency were frozen, where did the money go we all know it was wired transferred to London, indeed RIP to progress of Pakistan.

The report on the scheme was published by State Bank of Pakistan in mush era, go and read it.
Here is a hint.. if gas can be stolen than it can be released in air too... for last 5 years Zardari released gas from Pakistan gas fields in to air.
Just to make our enemy states happy.


i am not apposed to kalabagh dam but We should focus on an alternative as we have already lost our Crucial 50 years time on kalabagh issue Soan Dam will be the best alternate..

i am not able to post the link because i dont have permission yet. You Can search about it on google. it would be much bigger dam then KBD and it can produce 5000MW Electricity and more. The Name of Researcher of this Dam is Inam-ur-rehman
Another Dam wow! Are dams the only solution to energy crisis? People should use their DAMN mind.

yeah with 54% literacy ratevthey surely can……:rofl:
Those who can not chose a leader you expect them to solve energy crises??:coffee:

I prefer solar energy.

If GOP gives subsity on domestic solar plants then i guess our atleast 50% energy crisic can be solved……
As where a nid class can purchase a UPS then he surely can buy a solar plant if GOP can even assures 30% subsity……
If GOP gives subsity on domestic solar plants then i guess our atleast 50% energy crisic can be solved……
As where a nid class can purchase a UPS then he surely can buy a solar plant if GOP can even assures 30% subsity……

Solar/Wind are not bad option at all, if we think from consumer's aspect. But government level KBD is wonderful project. It can generate upto 3.9 GW, but can also store water, can give more canals/agriculture land and protest lower country from the flood. So many good things from just one project. Also Hydro-power is the cheapest and can give around 3.5 cent per KWh.
This dam would'nt be built with consensus ... Because Sindhis & Pakhtoons will never ever accept the proposal of KBD ... This project can be completed by passing a resolution from assembly with 2/3rd majority ... But MNS doesn't have balls ... If he had then he must have done while he had 2/3rd majority ..

1 more thing that he doesn't have majority in Sindh & Punjab assemblies ... And according to Sartaj Aziz ... Nawaz Sharif do just popular decisions ... And this can't be a popular decision ..............
sadly PAKISTAN NEEDS KALA BAGH DAM! but politicans and ethnic hate will never let us build it! that is why last major Pakistani dam was built in 60s!!!! sadly our politicans are the worse virus for this nation.

I prefer solar energy.

ya and I am sure you think why do people starve they should just have cake! right?
ya and I am sure you think why do people starve they should just have cake! right?

Chill with the sarcasm dude! Save it for the politicians in pakistan not me. I was just talking about providing energy to pakistanis one way or another..
i want this to happen but it dont see it possible ... pathans are already pissed hey have prodcing more electricity then they are using but still 16 hours of load shedding ...
If people of nowshehra, charsada, swabi and mardan consider themselves patriotic then they have to sacrifice their lands for dam, for sake of pakistan , for greater good. Its true that peshawer valley would suffer from water logging and salinity but at the same time kalabagh dam would benefit vast lands of southern KPK.
If people of nowshehra, charsada, swabi and mardan consider themselves patriotic then they have to sacrifice their lands for dam, for sake of pakistan , for greater good. Its true that peshawer valley would suffer from water logging and salinity but at the same time kalabagh dam would benefit vast lands of southern KPK.

How much land we are talking about? The way you are talking about it seem 4 districts will have to evacuate.
solar energy is expensive to set up..we cant afford ..Dams are good options..and coal.
After 2013 election Muslim League N have to Golden Chance Politically to built Kalabagh Dam, they just have to do little work hard to understand the situation of Provinces
We have two major rivers, sindh and Jhelum, and because of two big dam no flood in these rivers, atleast no flood before other rivers falls into these rivers. But others, it's a different story.
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