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Kabul bombing: NDS, RAW propaganda defames Pakistan despite ISIS’s claims of responsibility

It seems that Afghanistan is moving out of the hands of this puppet government and India. Afghanistan have become such a mess that can not be sorted easily. Sooner or later this puppets will need to sit down with all the stakeholders to sort out this mess.
Steady on the Prophecy. Pakistan ain't exactly pure either.

Pakistan doesn't have to be. If GOD picked Pakistan, then so be it. The moment Muslim nation is supporting anti-Muslim nation against other Muslim nation, then that nation is out of favor as mentioned by Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) in Authentic hadith. Not to mention, GOD promised ITS wrath for that reason alone in Holy Quran.

Pakistan is the last hope for Pakistan and Kashmir. Even for Afghanistan even though Afghanistan doesn't realize it yet.

That being said, Pakistan will be forgiven after the conquest of India. That's why Ghazwa-e-Hind is important in the eyes of Islam. Anyone who partakes in Ghazwa-e-Hind will be forgiven [all their sins]. I am not kidding. :)
Pakistan doesn't have to be. If GOD picked Pakistan, then so be it. The moment Muslim nation is supporting anti-Muslim nation against other Muslim nation, then that nation is out of favor as mentioned by Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) in Authentic hadith. Not to mention, GOD promised ITS wrath for that reason alone in Holy Quran.

Pakistan is the last hope for Pakistan and Kashmir. Even for Afghanistan even though Afghanistan doesn't realize it yet.

That being said, Pakistan will be forgiven after the conquest of India. That's why Ghazwa-e-Hind is important in the eyes of Islam. Anyone who partakes in Ghazwa-e-Hind will be forgiven [all their sins]. I am not kidding. :)
Ok. First thing firsts, what is your methodology? In my limited knowledge of Ahadith, I thought Ghazwa means where the Prophet (PBUH) partakes in a battle? Second how authentic is this hadith? Third, are there other ahadith which talk about the same subject?

Fourthly hasn't Hind already been conquered (as today's Pakistan is the heart land of Hind)? Fifth, has God actually picked Pakistan (given all the corruption and Shirk she is involved in)? If so how does one recognize this?
sympathies to Afghanistan and hope terrorism in all forms is stopped fast.

It is sad to see many Pakistanis blaming India - why is it ok for China to be investing and helping Pakistan but when India helps Afghanistan with roads, buildings and dams, you think it is against Pakistan?

It is insane to read the idiocy on top about gazwa nonsense. This sort of terrorism supporters must be detoxed first
Ok. First thing firsts, what is your methodology? In my limited knowledge of Ahadith, I thought Ghazwa means where the Prophet (PBUH) partakes in a battle? Second how authentic is this hadith? Third, are there other ahadith which talk about the same subject?

Fourthly hasn't Hind already been conquered (as today's Pakistan is the heart land of Hind)? Fifth, has God actually picked Pakistan (given all the corruption and Shirk she is involved in)? If so how does one recognize this?

It is Holy mission at the last age. It is mission of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). That is why anyone who partakes in Ghazwa-e-Hind will be forgiven immediately.

At the same time, any nation supports India against the chosen army of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) will face the wrath of GOD.

Ghazwa-e-Hind and the arrival of Jesus (PBUH) will be almost in the same time frame. So Ghazwa-e-Hind for the last age hasn't been achieved yet despite the history of Muslim ruling over India for centurions. Besides, as long as India still exists, the status for Ghazwa-e-Hind still remain incomplete.
Adamant on defaming Pakistan, the propaganda backed by NDS-RAW nexus has been disseminating rumours that the terrorists who conducted the brutal attack were backed by Pakistan.
Do you have proof of this RAW propaganda, or are you posting this based plainly on your gut feeling?
It is Holy mission at the last age. It is mission of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). That is why anyone who partakes in Ghazwa-e-Hind will be forgiven immediately.

At the same time, any nation supports India against the chosen army of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) will face the wrath of GOD.

Ghazwa-e-Hind and the arrival of Jesus (PBUH) will be almost in the same time frame. So Ghazwa-e-Hind for the last age hasn't been achieved yet despite the history of Muslim ruling over India for centurions. Besides, as long as India still exists, the status for Ghazwa-e-Hind still remain incomplete.
You did not answer my question of your methodology?
You did not answer my question of your methodology?

It is combination factors of Hadith [weak source], Naimatullah Shah (R.A), Authentic hadith [time frame], dream of Gandhi [final war between Pakistan and India], and current geopolitical situation.
It is combination factors of Hadith [weak source], Naimatullah Shah (R.A), Authentic hadith [time frame], dream of Gandhi [final war between Pakistan and India], and current geopolitical situation.
What about the Quran?

So which of them do you go to first? What do you do if there are contradictions?
India plans of reversing the islamic conquest of Afghanistan...

They will become Hindu and Buddhist again

post was sponsored by infowars
What about the Quran?

So which of them do you go to first? What do you do if there are contradictions?

Holy Quran is mainly about guidance. But there might be hint there as i haven't explored enough on Holy Quran.
Pakistan should show afghanistan the real daddy, every time I go outside I see afghanis running around living in peace and happy here and that makes me upset. On internet these afghanis say that Pakistan is behind everything. I say it is the time Pakistan should throw those afghanis back from where they come and keep doing strike on afghani soil to tell them they cant hide behind indian arse for ever.....
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