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Kabul bombing: NDS, RAW propaganda defames Pakistan despite ISIS’s claims of responsibility

Holy Quran is mainly about guidance. But there might be hint there as i haven't explored enough on Holy Quran.
So you mean to say that the prime textbook of Islam you have not looked at?!
It seems your methodology is defective.
What the...
Indian card with the hand of Afghanistan
Isis card is playing by both raw and CIA in Afghanistan.
The senator son killed during protest isn't that enough who is playing.
NDS is now acting as a street dog barks against everyone.
they blame russia also blame Pakistan or they blame iran at last they will blame china.
i told this on pdf already the fire of syria or the new syria is about to open in Afghanistan with the thug way of CIA and also raw by bringing ISIS.
But the fkng NDS should stop blaming Pakistan and the NDS had contact with isis.
Nds is playing in the hand of raw but sooner they will be put into pieces by their beloved friend raw and CIA as you all know CIA don't kill his own people but they kill the other agents they used.

Last chance remaining for Afghanistan to stop blaming otherwise isis is rooted in your own NDS and their training camps
US Embassy and indian embassy.

Taliban denied such attacks and the local also know there that such plan is an output of Cia and raw.
Well wtf this mean that after attack indian and us embassy was safe.
Also their personal were safe.
It is a clever plan of raw but wish like at the end of the time every raw agent should be killed in the way the way we will killed the jewish when the trees will talk and say o Muslim come here there is a jew hiding by with my trunk.
So you mean to say that the prime textbook of Islam you have not looked at?!
It seems your methodology is defective.

Holy Quran is mainly about guidance.

For prophecy about End of Times, go to Hadiths.

But you could argue my methodology is weak since my narrative is based on the weak source to begin with. So believe it or not is up to you. :D
kabul hahahahah who take it serious ? a country full of terrorists and extreamists fighting each other since ages blame pakistan ?

Afghanistan is Self-sufficient in only one thing the terrorism
Holy Quran is mainly about guidance.

For prophecy about End of Times, go to Hadiths.

But you could argue my methodology is weak since my narrative is based on the weak source to begin with. So believe it or not is up to you. :D
The Quran explains ALL THINGS including the End of History.

One must start from the Quran and then go to the Ahadith.
The Quran explains ALL THINGS including the End of History.

One must start from the Quran and then go to the Ahadith.

Like for example? Care to list the example of End of Times in Holy Quran?

Even the narrative of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)'s journey on Isra Al Miraj has been covered in the Authentic hadiths.

Both Holy Quran and Authentic hadiths are not competing with each other. Rather, Hadiths is extension of Holy Quran which makes up for the detailed information on the prophecy, End of Times, lifestyle of Sunnah, procedure of prayers/hajj, and not to mention, the commentary that accounts for the context and the background which resulted to the point of every Surahs in Holy Quran.

Don't compare Holy Quran and Authentic Hadiths. Both complete each other as complete Islam.
وَنَزَّلْنَا عَلَيْكَ الْكِتَابَ تِبْيَانًا لِّكُلِّ شَيْءٍ وَهُدًى وَرَحْمَةً وَبُشْرَىٰ لِلْمُسْلِمِينَ...

Surah Al-Nahl Ayah 89.

Here is says that the book explains ALL things.
Does the Quran not talk about Gog and Magog?

Read this book at http://imranhosein.org/books/555-an-introduction-to-methodology-for-study-of-the-quran.html

It will explain correct methodology and how to integrate ahadith.
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