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JY-27A radar spotted in Pakistan

Low frequency radars have amazing range. Would expand the quality and effectiveness of the Pak national command and control system.

I personally feel that Pak already has a few HQ-9s. More would be nice but I would advocate a local alternative to supplement the HQ-9. Even if this local system is based on tech from Nasr, and isn't particularly accurate or effective at shooting down, it would add a whole new dimension for ingressing Indian fighters. Now they would have to meet PAF while having to maneuver away from SAMs simultaneously. That right there would really make the overall Pak IADS more effective.

I heard from some of my clients (car customers) discussing about S400 SAM system and they were of opinion that in congested airspace where more the 50-60 aircraft ingressing and egressing - altitude differentials this equipment will be next to useless. this weapon requires killing zones which will be hard to maintain. then one of them said..but still how do we take it out..other said...there will be always leakers and sneakers... (i sincerely do not know what are that!)

then they said ...now you understand Su-30MKI, S-400 are made with mind set of Russia big area to defend..larges swaths of space needs defending that is where for them they are best solution. but for Indo-Pak Region they became liability..Su-30MKI size became a liability because of need of fuel to operate at ranges required which is non-essential in Indo-Pak Scenario..You must understand congested airspace and highly contested air space..
I heard from some of my clients (car customers) discussing about S400 SAM system and they were of opinion that in congested airspace where more the 50-60 aircraft ingressing and egressing - altitude differentials this equipment will be next to useless. this weapon requires killing zones which will be hard to maintain. then one of them said..but still how do we take it out..other said...there will be always leakers and sneakers... (i sincerely do not know what are that!)

then they said ...now you understand Su-30MKI, S-400 are made with mind set of Russia big area to defend..larges swaths of space needs defending that is where for them they are best solution. but for Indo-Pak Region they became liability..Su-30MKI size became a liability because of need of fuel to operate at ranges required which is non-essential in Indo-Pak Scenario..You must understand congested airspace and highly contested air space..
You havd some very interesting customers kind Sir! I have never heard just a discussion at the dealers where I go to get my car Serviced.
I heard from some of my clients (car customers) discussing about S400 SAM system and they were of opinion that in congested airspace where more the 50-60 aircraft ingressing and egressing - altitude differentials this equipment will be next to useless. this weapon requires killing zones which will be hard to maintain. then one of them said..but still how do we take it out..other said...there will be always leakers and sneakers... (i sincerely do not know what are that!)

then they said ...now you understand Su-30MKI, S-400 are made with mind set of Russia big area to defend..larges swaths of space needs defending that is where for them they are best solution. but for Indo-Pak Region they became liability..Su-30MKI size became a liability because of need of fuel to operate at ranges required which is non-essential in Indo-Pak Scenario..You must understand congested airspace and highly contested air space..

Some very interesting customers.
I heard from some of my clients (car customers) discussing about S400 SAM system and they were of opinion that in congested airspace where more the 50-60 aircraft ingressing and egressing - altitude differentials this equipment will be next to useless. this weapon requires killing zones which will be hard to maintain. then one of them said..but still how do we take it out..other said...there will be always leakers and sneakers... (i sincerely do not know what are that!)

then they said ...now you understand Su-30MKI, S-400 are made with mind set of Russia big area to defend..larges swaths of space needs defending that is where for them they are best solution. but for Indo-Pak Region they became liability..Su-30MKI size became a liability because of need of fuel to operate at ranges required which is non-essential in Indo-Pak Scenario..You must understand congested airspace and highly contested air space..

Brilliant input from the *cough* *cough* automobile customers. The upside of the S-400 is that it is very difficult to jam. What you so kindly shared makes me think of towed decoys - those would be interesting vehicular attachments in this scenario.

The Su-30MKI is an elephant. But even elephants have their uses. In highly contested and congested environments in Pak-India scenario, large formations will be fighting off each other. The era of small formations is slowly ending in this part of the Subcontinent. This means that Su-30MKIs brimming with a large number of LRAAMs (assuming they manage to get meaningful ones), would be a force multiplier for them.

With 270 MKIs fielded, that is a huge barrage of AAMs that PAF will have to face. Their large RCS makes them giant blips and prone to ambush but in a large formation faceoff, they will be like MBRLs.
guys why does PK buy more weapons from China i mean look at Iran she is giving advanced weapons to its allies like for free in mass numbers why China do not do that it serves her interest to limit India by all means? i think Iran should invest in PK military heavily giving you guys anything you need even if its free of charge.
What advance weapon has Iran given to it allies? AK-47 assault rifle , RPG rocket or hezbollah pipe rocket?

Care to share your expert advise?
Their large RCS makes them giant blips and prone to ambush
Not any more or any less than ANY fighter(Non VLO) with external weapons, DTs and pods.
In the visual the Su is huge and that can make things interesting, although.
What advance weapon has Iran given to it allies? AK-47 assault rifle , RPG rocket or hezbollah pipe rocket?

Care to share your expert advise?

What China is doing for Pakistan right now is unparalleled except perhaps for what the US did for Israel.
Yes refer to @gambit @Chogy posts below. Very high quality contributions from the members.
1)External Load RCS …is it that bad? Why?
2)External Load RCS …is it that bad? Why?

Doesn't prove your claim. The only thing article claiming is that the external weapons add to the RCS. However, it will increase the RCS of all the aircrafts. As MKI already have a huge RCS and having alot of external harpoints therefore, a loaded MKI will have much higher RCS than a loaded thunder.

In simple words 2 plus 2 will be 4 it will never be 3.
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