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Justice Faez Isa: Supreme Court Created a Holy Cow

No, if it's true then Nawaz Sharif and Shabaz's son did massive money laundering through TT, and non of them arrest. So, it shows there is no law to scrutinized if someone park ill-gotten money in these countries..

First of all TT allegations are usually leveled against Shebaz Sharif... Nawaz Sharif is convicted for not declaring salary from the company of his son, which he claim he never received.

While TT allegations are that Shebaz Sharif received money in Pakistan sent from abroad, which is not a crime in west to send money to some one. However Pakistan may choose to make legislation where remitter need to show proof of funds source.

You are also welcome to test western laws by opening an account and than transferring funds in that account.
Any way it's funny to imagine that money laundering is not controlled in west but in Pakistan... ironically Pakistan state under rule of IK is accused by international bodies of laundering money, yet you want us to believe your words and ignore the facts.
First of all TT allegations are usually leveled against Shebaz Sharif... Nawaz Sharif is convicted for not declaring salary from the company of his son, which he claim he never received.

While TT allegations are that Shebaz Sharif received money in Pakistan sent from abroad, which is not a crime in west to send money to some one. However Pakistan may choose to make legislation where remitter need to show proof of funds source.

You are also welcome to test western laws by opening an account and than transferring funds in that account.
Any way it's funny to imagine that money laundering is not controlled in west but in Pakistan... ironically Pakistan state under rule of IK is accused by international bodies of laundering money, yet you want us to believe your words and ignore the facts.
Mian day naray wajan ge. Jag bhai jag teri pug nu lag gaya dagh.
Breaking news. Nawaz Sharif contacts Faez Isa. Both congratulate each other:

Posting a must read thread on the shocking disregard for the rule of law by Supreme Court. They clearly are complicit and deliberately failed to prosecute a corrupt judge. Because it would've opened a can of worms for all of them. This is a dark day in the judicial history of Pakistan when sectional interests won, the nation lost.

View attachment 738232

‏آج سپریم کورٹ کی کاروائی
رسیدیں کہاں ہے فائز عیسی اور سرینا عیسی: سپریم کورٹ
پہلے اپنی رسیدیں نکالو پھر ہم دیں گے: سرینا عیسی
آپکو باعزت بری کیا جاتا ہے: سپریم کورٹ کا فیصلہ‏
قاضی فائز عیسی پر جب ریفرنس دائر ہوا تھا۔تب اعتزاز احسن نے کاشف عباسی کےپروگرام میں کہا تھاکہ یہ سپریم کورٹ کبھی نہیں چاہئے گی کہ جسٹس فائز کا احتساب ہو کیوں کہ اگر یہ روایت چل پڑی تو پھر سب ججوں کا کچا چھٹا عوام کے سامنے آئے گا۔‏اور دیکھ لیں آج قاضی عیسی کے خلاف مقدمہ ختم ہو گیا۔
‏‎نہ منی ٹریل دی نہ کوئی حساب کتاب دیا۔۔صرف زبانی جمع خرچ سنایا۔جو ایف بی آر کمشنر کی رپورٹ تھی اسے بھی کیس کا حصہ نہیں بنایا! جس میں منی ٹریل موجود نہیں تھی۔۔وہ بھی معاف کردیا۔بیوی کے دو مختلف ناموں سے اکاونٹ ہیں! وہ بھی جائز قرار دیئے گئے۔۔
بیوی اپنے بیان بدلتی رہی۔ پہلے کہتی جائداد کی 50 فیصد پیسے دیے پھر کہا 100 فیصد دیے!
دنیا کا انوکھا فیصلہ۔۔۔ثبوت سارے ملزم کے خلاف تھے لیکن ملزم پھر بھی سرخرو ہوگیا۔۔👇😏🤚🙄😡👇🥺
This is a historic judgment. This will give a carte blanch to Govt Servants to employ Wife as school teacher and get properties purchased by her in her children's name.
After listening to Sadiq Jan's confrontation, Qazi's arrogant behavior shows a lot. But this judiciary is a pack of corrupts. All scot-free without giving their financial resources.

It is fact, Qazi challenges sitting judges who were hearing his case. It seems Qazi has some videos of the Supreme judge panels lol... A panel of 10 judges should volunteer and submit their financial records.
جو کتوں والی سرینا عیسی نے ججوں کے ساتھ کی ہے اگر کوئی وزیراعظم یا صرد بھی کرتا تو آج جیل میں پڑا ہوتا
So , SC majority judges are unable to interpret the law and our PDF members have better understanding of law...or may be we don't like the decision so interpret it in different way....the same court would have been held in high esteem had the decision being reversed ...
All judges gave NRO to each other very simple this judgment shows not him but others also have offshore properties and accounts
If Pakistan was a proper functioning country, these judges would be rotting in jail, how can You expect these b4stards to vet themselves.. this whole system our beloved establishment forged with their unholy spawn is rotten to the core.. there needs to a complete overhaul either by stick or a grass roots movement to force change in the judicial system, which in its current state exists solely to protect the wealthy criminals..
Its an open challenge to all those who support this judgement to produce a SINGLE CLAUSE OF LAW or CONSTITUTION of Pakistan, which exempt SC judge or his family from producing money trail of the suspected assets .....

Secondly IF people remember Head of the bench Omar Atta Bandiyal asked 3 question from Qazi Faez Issa which he refused to answer in fact on record ADMITTED HIMSELF that If he answer these question it will open reference against him in Supreme Judicial Council

Those same questions were forwarded to government lawyer after Faez Issa refusal but he was not even given chance to respond those question ..... and rather to continue the proceedings they just announce the decision in the middle of the proceedings.

Records could be checked for this.

Justice Qazi Faez Isa's Remarks about Siddique Jaan

Y S Gill
Y S Gill
1 day ago
Excellent! Siddique is just wonderful young man, a journalist who is objective, ethical and in-depth. He should be a role model for journalists, young and old. By the way your three-some team is doing great work. Youtuber journalist across the world and India should learn from your 'new media journalism' with a difference.

Younas Chaudhry
Younas Chaudhry
1 day ago
“ Long Live Judicially “ Nawaz Sharif was kicked out of “ Money Trail “ They rescued their “ Brother Judge “ Majority of “ Brothers “ fall in same category They played not only “ Qazi Sahib “but “ Saved “ themselves because indeed they “ One and only One “ God help Pakistan

Javaid Ishaq
Javaid Ishaq
1 day ago
اسلام علیکم صدیق جان صاحب اللّٰہ تعالیٰ آپ کو اس کرپٹ ( شیطان نما ) انسان کے شر سے محفوظ رکھے آمین ثم آمین
Ruling clergy has a history of accusing people without evidence, where they eventually suffer humiliation in each of the case, it will not be wrong to state that they have proved them selves as humiliation proof.

Fact is, every day rise with new scandal involving corruption of ruling clergy. While, complicit and beneficiaries, fail to mention about loss of $billions Pakistan suffer on monthly basis, because of the criminal incompetence of ruling clergy, to say the least.

As per stats. current regime has hurt Pakistan most.... economically, socially, and as well hurt it's international perception.

As far Faiz Isa case is concerned, isn't he the same judge who issued verdict back in time, against the presently ruling party? From beginning, it appeared a usual case of vindication, which is characteristic of illegal ruling clergy.

What was the name of that IB chief, and what was the name of that FIA director who blew whistles on ruling clergy's role in using interior ministry in fabrication cases against critiques and honest civil servants.
What was that case of heroin transportation by Rana Sanaulla and public swearing of interior minister, back than!

Long list of evidence against regime can be prepared, but can any one tell, who was sent behind bars, for abducting election commission officials in recent by elections of Daska? Have no doubt, all world have seen that and every embassy have documented it and don't be surprised when Pakistan slip further down on some international index, in next role out.
Rest assure, it's just matter of time, when all these open and shut cases will be heard by courts.
I cant stop laughing at how dumb you arguements are..

Faiz Isa has properties upon asking the source of revenue each time he dodged the questions.. no proofs of income money trail were provided.. victimisation? Sure it is..

And we all know who hired ex FIA and IB cheifs and who their localities lie with.. as for Rana bacha bacha Punjab me janta he k he has his hands dirty in all illagal things from drugs to killings..

Laslty Daska incident happened same way as 2013 Haria incident but no one knows about that because in that PMLN was caught in this they were able to stir the pot and blame establishment..
Ruling clergy has a history of accusing people without evidence, where they eventually suffer humiliation in each of the case, it will not be wrong to state that they have proved them selves as humiliation proof.

Fact is, every day rise with new scandal involving corruption of ruling clergy. While, complicit and beneficiaries, fail to mention about loss of $billions Pakistan suffer on monthly basis, because of the criminal incompetence of ruling clergy, to say the least.

As per stats. current regime has hurt Pakistan most.... economically, socially, and as well hurt it's international perception.

As far Faiz Isa case is concerned, isn't he the same judge who issued verdict back in time, against the presently ruling party? From beginning, it appeared a usual case of vindication, which is characteristic of illegal ruling clergy.

What was the name of that IB chief, and what was the name of that FIA director who blew whistles on ruling clergy's role in using interior ministry in fabrication cases against critiques and honest civil servants.
What was that case of heroin transportation by Rana Sanaulla and public swearing of interior minister, back than!

Long list of evidence against regime can be prepared, but can any one tell, who was sent behind bars, for abducting election commission officials in recent by elections of Daska? Have no doubt, all world have seen that and every embassy have documented it and don't be surprised when Pakistan slip further down on some international index, in next role out.
Rest assure, it's just matter of time, when all these open and shut cases will be heard by courts.
Btw would you defend Faiz Isa for his irresponsible behaviour towards Siddique Jan in Court room ?
So , SC majority judges are unable to interpret the law and our PDF members have better understanding of law...or may be we don't like the decision so interpret it in different way....the same court would have been held in high esteem had the decision being reversed ...
Bahi what was the law ? Where in law it is stated that if a person can not provide proof of income to back his expenses let him go ?
Any one with western nationality found guilty of money laundering, will be immediately held by the local authorities.

However just for sake of argument... if it has not happened and Pakistan's ruling clergy has evidence of it, they shall take the case to western courts.
Lolx na mian raseeda kadia na mian de judge ne.. fir v patwari keh re ne will be immediately held by the local authorities.
Chalo Asim Bajwa karlo.
What about him ? Why not ask your lifafe to actually provide proof of corruption instead of assuming that his rise in army was the reason behind Bajco which has 56+ investors (making it not a family business)

I am sure Noorani wouldn't be able to stir such sh*t himself which is why he was given scholarship to US journalistic studies (apparently violating the rules of age) he was there with an indian finance journalist and when he comes back that drama happens and before that Gobar Arya does a video regarding this..

For 1 second lets believe Asim Bajwa owned Bajco where are the proofs linking his success and the Bajco success ? As far as I know its managed by his brothers not him and he has no direct shares only his wife had 16% shares either in whole company or one of sub companies...

And Bajco ki success is not even that big 20 years and 150 pizza shops ? 🤔

Shoukat Dahani made 1100 in 50 years... compare both of em yourself..
Breaking news. Nawaz Sharif contacts Faez Isa. Both congratulate each other:
View attachment 738341

By the looks of it we're probably heading down for martial law at best by post mid 2023 that's if the country doesn't disintegrate first into a civil war, Pakistan cannot sustain itself if these b4stards return to power.. its barely functioning now albeit huge sacrifices on national interests most prominently being Kashmir, nicely played Bajwa et al.. next will be forced to give up our nukes for the next bail out/ avoid being indiscriminately sanctioned, else be condemned to eat grass.. as we must continue to entertain the lifestyles of our establishments laadleh.. treacherous pr1cks
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Posting a must read thread on the shocking disregard for the rule of law by Supreme Court. They clearly are complicit and deliberately failed to prosecute a corrupt judge. Because it would've opened a can of worms for all of them. This is a dark day in the judicial history of Pakistan when sectional interests won, the nation lost.

View attachment 738232

ISI's media cell working here to defame an honourable judge but the truth has come out.

Horus, keep spouting lies in Ramadhan. 👍
honourable judge
What's honor in not answering 3 money trail related questions asked in SC?
By the looks of it we're probably heading for a martial law at best by post mid 2023 that's if the country doesn't disintegrate first into a civil war, Pakistan cannot sustain itself if these b4stards return to power.. its barely functioning now albeit huge sacrifices on national interests most prominently being Kashmir, nicely played Bajwa et al.. next will be forced to give up our nukes for the next bail out/ avoid being indiscriminately sanctioned, else be condemned to eat grass.. as we must continue to entertain the lifestyles of our establishments laadleh.. treacherous pr1cks
Faez Isa is not interested in becoming chief justice. He wants to become Iftikhar Chaudhry 2.0
Grasping at straws? We all know there was no merit for the case to begin with?
There was no merit for the case against your donkey Nawaz Sharif as well. Panama Leaks was grand conspiracy hatched by establishment.
Where is the money trail for your daddy papa johns and rest of the corrupt army?
Exactly. Where is the money trail for your favorite corrupt judge Faez Isa who closed your donkey leader Nawaz Sharifs Hudaibiya Paper Mills corruption case.
What's honor in not answering 3 money trail related questions asked in SC?

Faez Isa is not interested in becoming chief justice. He wants to become Iftikhar Chaudhry 2.0

Why? it's obvious they have a monopoly on the so called judicial system..
There was no merit for the case against your donkey Nawaz Sharif as well. Panama Leaks was grand conspiracy hatched by establishment.

Exactly. Where is the money trail for your favorite corrupt judge Faez Isa who closed your donkey leader Nawaz Sharifs Hudaibiya Paper Mills corruption case.
Is this worthless, ad hominem reply day?

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