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Justice Faez Isa: Supreme Court Created a Holy Cow

Why? it's obvious they have a monopoly on the so called judicial system..
Faez Isa plan is to become Chief Justice Pakistan and then give judicial NRO to Nawaz Sharif and rest of the corrupt lot in the name of protecting democracy. This is exactly what Iftikhar Chaudhry did after he got reinstated by Zardari.
Is this worthless, ad hominem reply day?
Where is the money trail for London properties of your favorite judge Faez Isa?
I think you are confusing here Faez Esa also submitted review petition other than the review petition of Serena Esa, the judgement on Faez Esa was announced as 5-5 split.

6-4 decision came against the review petition of Serena Esa in her favour.

Further properties were claimed by Sarena Esa but failed to provide evidences and trail of funds on all three accounts as per FBR report.

1- As per her first claim she was only 50% owner of the properties but refuse to establish that

how the rest of the amount for the purchase of properties were arrange .... ???
And who is the co-owner of the properties .... ???

2- As her second claim she was 100% owner but transfer only half of the amount of required to purchase the properties so again failed to establish how the rest of the funds were arranged.

3- As per case records provided by Serena Esa herself, she accepted the violation of Banking law by sending money for the purchase of property using Pakistani Banking channel when it was not even allowed during that time period. It was a an act of hiding the true purpose of remittance and act of deceiving the banking institutions.

4- It is because of this reason she herself while filling the remittance form wrote the purpose of remittance as Education of her children, for which remittances were form Pakistan allowed.
I believe you are pointing towards FBR report ...the report is not discuss in court of law and those youtuber having record of it is illegal...under income tax ordinance one can't without consent disclose the tax return of a person...
Also supreme court has declared all FBR proceedings null and void..
Faez Isa plan is to become Chief Justice Pakistan and then give judicial NRO to Nawaz Sharif and rest of the corrupt lot on the name of protecting democracy. This is exactly what Iftikhar Chaudhry did after he got reinstated by Zardari.

Last time You said his chances are next to nothing, but now i think it's safe to assume he will be the next chief justice correct?

Also does the GOP have any tools in its arsenal that can challenge these treacherous decisions the prostitute courts are making? surely there must be a mechanism in place for some type of accountability..?
Last time You said his chances are next to nothing, but now i think it's safe to assume his will be the next chief justice correct?

Also does the GOP have any tools in its arsenal that can challenge these treacherous decisions the prostitute courts are making? surely there must be a mechanism in place for some type of accountability..?
Judiciary is independent of the govt and parliament. This is how three pillars of state are modeled in constitution. To fix things up you must change the constitution or better make a new one. According to court reporter Siddique Jan who has been covering court proceedings daily since the Panama Case, there is zero hope for any betterment in the judiciary. Our best chances are to setup up an alternative system.
Judiciary is independent of the govt and parliament. This is how three pillars of state are modeled in constitution. To fix things up you must change the constitution or better make a new one. According to court reporter Siddique Jan who has been covering court proceedings daily since the Panama Case, there is zero hope for any betterment in the judiciary. Our best chances are to setup up an alternative system.

Yes, but the GOP has majority in a joint session, they should at least be able remove any grey areas that would typically be used to favor criminals.. by making it [law] clear as possible.. or is this itself be pointless since it's up to the judges to interpret the laws how they see fit?
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Bahi what was the law ? Where in law it is stated that if a person can not provide proof of income to back his expenses let him go ?

Lolx na mian raseeda kadia na mian de judge ne.. fir v patwari keh re ne will be immediately held by the local authorities.
That's what I am saying ...isn't SC better to evaluate whether a law has been broken or not ?
Breaking news. Nawaz Sharif contacts Faez Isa. Both congratulate each other:
View attachment 738341
It's a mere speculation of one party worker...we will come to know if there is anything official ...
Yes, but the GOP has majority in a joint session, they should be at least be able remove any grey areas that would typically be used to favor criminals.. by making it clear as possible.. or is this itself be pointless since it's up to the judges to interpret the laws how they see fit?
It's not that simple. There is no grey area in NAB law. All corruption cases are to be decided in 30 days. In reality 1200 corruption cases are pending dating back to 2002! Law is not at fault here but entire judicial system. There is a backlog of tens of thousands of cases in each court. Justice delayed is justice denied. When judges are no longer interested in delivering justice, then no new laws can change anything.
Let's us wait ...we need to know what judges have thought about on this case...
3 out of 7 judges who ruled of sending this case to FBR and then to SJC, took a sudden U turn and now made all FBR reports illegal which came into being by SC order! How are they going to justify this U turn? It's like sentencing someone to death and then take a U turn after death sentence has happened 🤣🤣🤣
3 out of 7 judges who ruled of sending this case to FBR and then to SJC, took a sudden U turn and now made all FBR reports illegal which came into being by SC order! How are they going to justify this U turn?
Nothing ..they just rectify previous decision in light of arguments being presented and overlooked before...SC can't order or initiate inquiry when reference was dismissed...that's what hamid khan pointed out ..
SC can't order or initiate inquiry when reference was dismissed...that's what hamid khan pointed out ..
Meaning SC judges took a major U turn on their previous majority judgement. Review of a judgment has a very minor scope. What SC did now set a new precedent that entire judgement can be overturned by the same court and bench in review 🤣🤣🤣
Also supreme court has declared all FBR proceedings null and void..
Same as Hudabia Paper Mill case was dismissed by Faez Esa himself while it was providing complete trail of money laundering of Sharif Family .....
the report is not discuss in court of law and those youtuber having record of it is illegal
Bhai you again confusing report of Chairmain of FBR which was submitted to Supreme Judicial Council, the initial finding of the enquiry which was submitted by Serena Esa herself in her reply is open document and was part of the record of the this case.
under income tax ordinance one can't without consent disclose the tax return of a person
Was it a disclosure of Tax Returns .... ???


Report about the enquiry of difference between the declared income and assets as well the sources of income and assets .... ???

You decide ....

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